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ugliest countries in the world

The friendliest country and peoples are in Costa Rica., Brazil, Holland and Israel. The nation is one of the world's biggest producers and exporters of cocaine, and the. Why? Terms of Service He is planning to compete in Mr Ugly World, to be staged in Harare in 2017. The Pacific coast makes Americans mellow and more helpful.. What a stupid response to the most logical comment on the site. So why am I living in Prague then, you may wonder. When we landed at JFK on our return home, it was obvious we were back in America. The guy comes back over and rudely demanded us to stop talking to the girl. Italy can go either way as well. Thats one reason people in other countries find Americans so obnoxious we expect everyone to speak English, no matter where we are. Sadly all Koreans are indoctrinated to cherish their pure bloodlines. I have had some be very annoyed about being five minutes late. Central African countries dominate this list. this is the stupidest list, France should be number one on the rude list! Countries with lots of music in the street are bound to be friendlier and in better dispositions. Ive hitchhiked throughout America, Canada, many places in Europe and found the friendliness of Australians to be beyond compare. I receive a gift of a block of ten lessons with a trainer for a hobby I have. Nothing like the media stereotype where theyre all characterised as rude and obstreperous. Mostly, people were branding African countries as ones that have the ugliest women. Very slow, no attention to detail service. NZ people are NOT friendly on any level. In fact, all of Canada is amazing. I u were lost and u visit their house, they will accept u like a family member. While I agree there are good and bad people in every country, Austria takes the cake for rudest in my opinion. Being friendly means someone you can confide with . And it wasnt our attitude that caused the rudeness they are rude to each other, shouting, pushing, etc. They also have some of the rudest, most dangerous motorists I have ever seen. Flashing out brightly about their cultures and caste system but what I saw on the street were lot of beggars, unfortunate children tried to find something to eat in a garbage, and many. They should rename it Nazi Korea. I also find German people very easy to talk to and get along with as well. 1. Now, lets cut to the chase, and check out the list. Louis Vuitton Logo House. E. i have to state that the French are by far the rudest nation! Women especially, since 15% of them got accepted. The rudest island people Ive encountered are from the British Virgin Islands. I guess the old saying what goes around, comes around is true in any tongue. She has ruined his life. Did not see Scotland on the list. Simply a monopolist could study a company and ruin it by giving away products. Here, in the capital city of Andorra la Vella, the chief river of the valley flows over a bed of concrete. And the fact that France tops both the friendliest and rudest lists, shows its all down to personal experience. From the moment you get off the airplane at Beef Island youre met by a rude Customs and Immigration Officers. To be honest Natti, I have found generally that the Welsh are far the most unfriendly people in the UK, but from my experience having travelled most of this island, the friendliest must be in Yorkshire and the North East of England. People will think that average looking faces are more beautiful than the faces that look distinctive. This Ive never encountered before not even in other parts of the South. No country in Europe or Asia begins to compare with the poor driving manners of Americans we are really in a class of our own in this regard. Its very, very bad! Quite often the people who claim that everyone in a foreign country was rude are people who go over with a superior attitude or a chip on their shoulder. In order to create our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world, we decided to turn to the Beautiful People, a dating site that only accepts people that are beautiful. These are general traits of high-income and developed countries, which is usually a nice place to call home. Top 10 Worst Countries in the World to Live In - Numbeo Quality of Life Index (Mid-2022): Nigeria 45.13 Bangladesh 68.49 Sri Lanka 68.90 Iran 69.38 Venezuela 73.03 Peru 81.29 Philippines 81.40 Vietnam 86.26 Kenya 90.94 Egypt 91.19 Stats portal Numbeo tracks a vast range of metrics, including its own Quality of Life index. .. They have this superior air about them; dont know why and I will stick to the rest of the provinces. Ive found that people all over the world reflect YOUR attitude toward them. In general Canadians are just like Americans but without that overwhelming desire to call attention to themselves that makes Americans so insufferable! Many smaller restuarants refuse to serve Americans. We have traveled in many of the countries listed. Actually, the whole Philippines itself is underappreciated and underrated. Although I find the Dutch to be a little crazy, the Netherlands is a very friendly country as well. I went to a restaurant in Orleon, France and had a very difficult time communicating my menu order. Thank you. There are good people and there are bad people. Both women and men from China are surely a bit depressed and angry with the Beautiful People site. I disagree. Dont simply retire from something; have something to retire to. I have also had particularly good experiences in Germany and France. They will quite frankly ask you why you are not rich, so fat, ugly, stinky, or poorly dressed. Even a nigerian guy who only take care a door at Apple store can be double standard ba#tad in Dubai Mall. We stayed at a small guest hotel but interacted with most classes of people right down to the beggers who wanted a reward for faking that they found a lost ring on the sidewalk possibly thinking that we would be greedy and give them 10 or 20 Euro for something that might be worth much more. American once said to me .hay you there suck a fart out of my ass man .I was truly mortified .but am undecided as to witch category to put usa under .was the best offer I had that day . PI has unbelievably polite and friendly people. The Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. THATS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WROTE MISTER! Down the steep highway into the valley, I passed several towns consisting of cheap liquor and clothing outlets with a few hotels and restaurants. Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. They can speak fluent English and are very helpful. Most European countries are beautiful as pearls but never this. Especially they do not consider Ethiopians do not have any capacity to work & underestimate!. I have been in 15 countris, so far the worst one is italy even worse than France. I had similar experiences in New Zealand; the people are absolute gems, both in the city and country. The Quebecers are the rudest people, right up there with the Parisians. I found the people there, most helpful, courteous and obliging. Especially so are the immigration officers that are Hispanic. The three occasions in which I visited the country, I couldnt walk down the street without being barged into at least a dozen times on a daily basis. I actually think that we here in the USA are the rudest people. Not only are the Austrailians friendly and helpful but they are so earth friendly as well. Even toward people from the USA, a country that dropped more bombs on their country then we did on Japan during WW II, not to mention leaving behind millions of land mines to maim and kill future generations of Cambodians. I really dont to sound rude but the UK isnt a country as it holds countries inside, it is like saying Africa is just one country. I am very well travelled and have lived in many countries but Spain (Andulucia) by a long mile wins the most rude award in my experience. Not only that I can corroborate with other people- a friend of the family was yelled at by a rude and condescending cop in Vienna, and I know another person who wasnt in Austria but was on a tour with some Austrians and she said they were standoffish and grumpy. Austrailia hands down is the friendliest place. You could be nice to someone and theyre still rude. Even for those countries that are not plagued with strife, most people attend school for only a few years, and good jobs are rare, which leaves millions of people living below the poverty line. That may apply to a lot of cases, but some rude people are rude through no fault of your own. No need to shout. Japanese are simply the most polite people on earth, there is no doubt that. I have traveled & met people in every state East of the Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas & Louisiana and lived in many Eastern states from Boston to Florida. French people are famous for their arrogance, they make rudeness into an art form. Their mannerisms? I was a woman traveling solo and I cant tell you how many people stopped to offer their help, carry my suitcase up the tube stairs, etc. I pity the poor, long-suffering, Hungarian people. Many Americans misinterpret the aloofness of French (Parisian) waiters as rudeness. hey..i am an Indian and I agree with what you said..Indian people are really rude..and not just to tourists .. we Indians are rude to each other tooin many parts of the country untouchability is still practiced..its just our nature..however i try to be as friendlier as I can ,to tourists..i am not saying that all the indians are rude but many are. Nothing is any problem to them. As a ski club president, Ive led tours in the US, Canada, and Europe. 4. As for the rude waiter in France, it does help if you at least make an effort to speak the language when you are visiting another country. 80% of its area comprises deserts. Czechs are easily the most rude in Europe. Everywhere Ive been I find them loud self centred and obnoxious. The misery index is simple in concept. I agree with Slovak Republic as the friendliest country. Note: Scores rank from 0.0 to 1.0. I guess this is the worst cheapest article so far. For example, in Western cultures including the United States, a woman who has a bronze skin and curved body with large breasts is considered more beautiful and attractive. Americans generally perceived to be like Trump. IRIE means good feelings in Jamaican and that is what you will have if you go there. Take Mesopotamia.. Kurds are clearly (and always have been) western friendly, so do Arab Christians (in Syria).. Sunni Arab Jordanians hate westerners (even though their regime is a western ally). Guys u cant judge people like this!! It's an industrial city mostly made up of very ugly Soviet-style apartment buildings, most of them decaying (and not very clean either). Lets see which women are waithing for next on the list ofcountries with the ugliest women in the world. #litteraly. We also witnessed a young woman trying to pull a huge rolling suitcase up the steps in the Metro and a young man, unasked, grabbed another handle and lifted it up the steps for her. Seems like there are 2 sides to everything! Traveling to Japan? It was worse than my 72 hours in Italy in 1979. Im American and I didnt see any rude behavior. Head movements in greeting or acknowledging agreement can be construed by foreigners as being aggressive or contrary. Especially NORTHERN WELSH and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha! This is the United States' fourth largest city when it comes to population, but the attraction sure isn't scenery. Then you have African standards of beauty that include body modifications which are unattractive to many outsiders, but appreciated by Africans. I can confirm that India is the rudest and ugliest culture in the world. How, I wondered, could a mountainous country, located smack between two of the most handsome countries in the world, be dead ugly? I want to take my parents there. As an Indian, I support what you say. It is not subjective. A Westerner with a Korean women is really putting his life at risk as they cherish their ethnic purity above all else and dont expect any help from the police or authorities. I have to agree with you. Nope, none of that. A new poll by picky international dating site . (Well I dont travel to a lot of countries). Italians are by far one of the rudest nations on the planet. My life was pretty good there, people are nice and I made a lot of friends. My wife and I have visited many countries. Dont generalized, not all Filipinos are like that. This fumes-and-crime-filled city is the capital of an otherwise beautiful country. No idea at all why some women in Sydney are so rude. Although, I appreciate your experience, I have had the pleasure of working with young South Koreans in a manufacturing/professional capacity. Answer (1 of 32): That's an interesting question. 2. My daughter & I did not have a rude experience in France. The winner is Uzbekistan It is one of the two double-landlocked countries in the world ( landlocked by landlocked countries that are Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzystan). Sophisticated, humble, generous and open.. Congrats Britain and England in particular. Na, Tennesee people are just plane old nice all the time. The people are so polite and respectful. In Montepulciano, two apparently unoccupied carabinieri escorted us for five miles to a farmhouse we simply could not find and we had a terrific time with them in fractured Italian and hand signs. All Products, Our Story My granddaughter and I travelled to Egypt in 2006 and we had a great experience. Wow. kooky. Top 10 Ugliest People In The World Currently 1. Many of us appreciate Indian history, culture, films, food and its vital contributions to the world, but we are often at a loss for words when we meet so many Indians from India who seem to only be interested in boasting or dominating a conversation, or who think nothing of fawning at the workplace. They will even go to great lengths to defend their rudeness by saying its ridiculous to ask for help in a store from a clerk, as you should figure it out for yourself. I travel to the States often and never had anything even remotely resembling what you described in your post (knock on wood). Me: Go ahead. If people there generally respects each other in their own country, they will generally respect to foreigners. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine Mobal has been offering the best communication solutions to international travelers since 1989.We guarantee that the majority of our profits go to charity. Some people in China were extremley nice. I find China to be the rudest. Go to the North east or Goa , for example. Europe can be really nice all the way around. We were dining on a terrace. All Japan SIM Cards I had a glance, I had the glory of climbing 6,000 vertical feet to see it, and now Ive had all I wanted. I think it all goes back to if you treat people with respect and dignity it will come back to you. No, that's not their flag above. Also in Sydney Australia in the city centre on a street that had a narrow footpath they were four women in their 50s walking abreast. Not to mention they pretty much rude and act like no manner. , I have been told that the people of indoneisa are not dog friendly. Get unlimited data for your trip with our United Kingdom Sim Card. Spectacular is nice. Their food? A swordfish statue in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ALAMY Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Anyone who has seen footage of palm-oil plantations scarring. It gets more complicated. There are many other ugly American cities (let's face it -- American metropolises aren't exactly beauties: Atlanta, Cleveland), but this one should win the title of ugliest of them all, with a large impoverished and homeless population (close to one in five families live below the poverty line) and a cityscape with no formal zoning regulations. France wins both good and bad. However, it is possible in extreme cases for a country to score so well that its misery index is a negative numberfor example, in 2020, oil reserves were discovered in Guyana, resulting in a 25% boost in GDP per capita and a -3.3 misery index. It's a global representation of a country, luring travelers to see and learn about how other cultures and nations operate. Maybe its because somempeople are really racist and thats why they get treated like that, but I would never be rude to anyone unless theyre being really rude to me. To judge a nation by meeting several people or even only a thousand over a period of many years is not a good a good sample. Blog And if you disrespect them they will certainly let you know it. 6. To be honest, I cant stand most Americans. And again back to the USA, my short stay in Tennessee.very, very friendly in spite of my being an outsider. However, here in the Philippines people are extremely rude and a little stupid, and I havent gone to France or brazil yet, though the former is going solely by reputation. Despite the allure of Hollywood and the beaches nearby, Los Angeles is simply not the prettiest place on Earth. Its a country both blessed and blistered by prosperityand they can have it. But thats just me. Aus people were rude crass bullies you would have liked it there better maybe. People in the main Irish cities, Dublin, Belfast, Cork , Limerick, Galway and Waterford I find are generally rude, discourteous, unhelpful, and can be downright nasty. People in general only remember the poor interactions with those they meet. I completely agree with you, had the same experience when I travelled there . Korea, Japan & Hong Kong. Started and finished our travels in Rome our experiences there were somewhat different. That is my take. They really are warm and friendly in that ienviornment, very welcoming and love to hear about other places. Then get out! is the implicit motto in a Czech restaurant. Alastair Bland We didnt speak a word of French but did ask politely if they spoke English. Puerto Rico is a very friendly place and if you buy a hot dog on the street and dont speak Spanish, you will always get the correct change. That's Pocatello's redone flag, which was unveiled in 2017 but not until a firestorm of press surrounded their old one. People are friendlier outside of Paris but even there one can generalise too much. Europe SIM Card Just like if you continuously hit your head against the wall, at some point (probably after concussion) you realize that walls are hard. The ugliest country is Denmark. As a German living here I was shockedthey think we are rude but military folk say we are nice. Experience is the best teacher These days, its easy to find audio familiarization courses and podcasts for the worlds major languages, and you can buy recorded materials for just about any language in the world online, so if you can afford to go overseas, theres no excuse for not spending an extra $30 or so to learn a few phrases. MAYBE travelers dont notice it but leave the nice hotel, let the polite translator have a day off or learn Manderine & you will find that they are really truly the rudest, most blunt, coarse, crude, uneducated(morally), impolite people you will have met yet. There may be countless ugly small and medium-sized cities around the world, but these are the ten least attractive of the world's capitals and major cities. Wow this couldnt be more out of order, americans ahead of Canadian?! Austrians tend to find faults in others and enjoy pointing these out. Pakistan not far behind. The Alamodome which cost $186 million to construct opened its doors in 1993. 10 Countries with the Most Beautiful Women oh my god! Australia! We are at the end of our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world, and it is safe to say that people around the globe dont have a high appreciation of German women. Wonderful people and island. Rudest. But when the second Indian turned out very similar to the first, and then the third, and then the fourth, its hard not to form a sort of view. Scientists have tried to come up with the answer to this question for a long time now. Rather than turn and run, French shoppers flock to Andorra for the prospect of saving a few Euros on cigarettes, liquor, shampoo and glitzy clothing. and Im a Brazilian , Well I travel a lot a visit so many countries and let me tell you :French people,people from Tennessee and Florida and Greece are the rudest people! The Irish are wonderful friends of the Yanks and the way they speak the language is poetic. One thing that is creepy about meeting Americans I think that the most friendliest people are Irish ! I do agree with most that mention that there are no shortage of jerks or lovely people in any country. They seem to have a hang-up about all. Fins are always extremely accomodating and treat me like family when I am visiting. Another friendliness measure is how people in that country treat each other on a day to day basis. I think Canadians are wayyyy more nicer that Americans, Americans are just really rude obviously not everyone in America is rude but most are racist. Unlike Berlin where everybody bikes on the streets, in Prague very few do. I have to disagree with Greece being a rude country, my husband and I have ben there several times and the people were wonderful and very talkative. Mauritius: Ugliest Country in the world? Its also one of the most hospitable countries in the whole world, let alone the middle east. Mauritius is one of the most amazing and most beautiful island in the world. When I told then no thanks, I am with my wife, one of them replied, No problem, we can get someone for her, too., But seriously, Brazilians were friendly in every circumstance.. Friendliest New Zealand and USA Everywhere we went in the UK , everyone was so nice and helpful, as were the Canadians. Maybe it was she was drunk but his attitude towards us shouldve been directed at the girl. To others, this only makes their women more beautiful. I was in the Air Force for 27 years and traveled extensively in Asia, Europe, Africa, The Middle East, and the US. People in Paris are the rudest is have met. Canadians are by far the nicest people youll ever meet. Waiters are at best disinterested and at worst hostile. I work for a company run by Indian entrepreneurs based out of the U.S. and have travelled to India extensively. Damn, they talk sweet bout themselves but what happens outside is tons of poverty. Greek tour directors (licensing / union / what-not are comprable to Greek civil servants. It looks more like a slum than a capital city, with most buildings appearing on the verge of collapse. The residents of Buenos Aires are known to think they are superior , but the rest of the Argentines are very friendly. Someone has to answer the questions which are the countries with the ugliest women in the world, so it might well be us. Im so glad someone rated them friendly because when I was there, they always offered things to keep us comfortable and even the guy from border control (working at the Slovenian-Craotian border) told us to have a great time at he even gave us travel guides and pamphlets for free to help us out! Rudest at home: France, India, China, Portugal, Spain, Sweden Unfortunately the weather is very dull and some people get lack of Vitamin D. Scotland also has a population of just over 5million so there is less traffic! The misery index was originally introduced by the late Arthur Okun, a Yale University economist, as a way to track the U.S. economy. You detailed it perfectly. Ive always found people are much the same the world over, friendly, rude, arrogant, depends on which side of the bed you get out of on that day. The ordinary people in the street that we encountered were wonderfully kind, thoughtful, and tried to help. Are you from the ugliest country in the world? I dread going overseas because I have to deal with these losers when I return. Most Americans are friendly toward tourists. I didnt move fast enough for him. Educated Indians are even worse as they are always in a competion mode to earn more money,fame etc that their neighbour, peers etc. Some people think that the reason why Argentinian women are considered less beautiful is due to the fact that Argentina is the land of immigrants, and there are lots of genes being mixed. The French people in Paris are stuck up and adhere to a very severe class system. So no it is not perfect. the highest avg salaries and the strongest unions in Latin America, a killing rate. The thing is, I started out being neutral towards Indians, based on having overseas-born Indians as friends and generally finding overseas-born Indians quite normal, decent, folk. In recent years, this worldwide open marketplace has given rise to another growing trend: medical tourism. Take another deep breath when they allow you to leave and try to enjoy your trip. I completely agree! Our Vision Come check it out one day, youll LOVE IT!!. Meals were delicious; prices were very reasonable and service was great. 5. Can we read their life, their reasons for responding in that way for a split second in a 24 hour period. All one has to do is emulate and imitate their gestures; learn a few of their greetings, and they will love you. They generally dont like insincere, arrogant, pushy big mouths so maybe that is why you have bad time ????! I am Belgian. Leave a comment on your experiences. They also seem to have no concept of queueing- proven by the fact theyll casually and unashamedly push in front of you in any given queue. It was a minor thing but totally indicative of the typical behavior I have encountered. Our heritage is German. Photo by Alastair Bland. Next on the list be very annoyed about being five minutes late men China. 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