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mass conversion to hinduism

India - Using extremely anti-minority rhetoric, a Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader in India on Wednesday tweeted his support for mass 're-conversion' programs pushing Indian Christians and Muslims to convert to Hinduism. More portentous was the grand ghar wapsi (homecoming, or mass-reconversion) programme announced by the Dharam Jagran Samiti (loosely translated into Hindi-Religious Awakening Front) in the neighbouring town of Aligarh, where Christmas was to be celebrated by bringing 4,000 Christians and 1,000 Muslims back into the folds of Hinduism. It is exclusively associated with the predatory behavior of Abrahamic religions (Islam and . [64][65], On the other end of the proselytising scale are religions that do not accept any converts, or do so very rarely. These laws are invoked and enforced only when a group of people, not individuals, seek to move out of Hinduism. The rise of the BJP to power at the national level in 1998 spurred a spate of anti-conversion legislation. [19], Following baptism, Latter Day Saints receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands of a Melchizedek Priesthood holder.[19]. It was the mass conversions at Meenakshipuram that sowed the seeds for the Ayodhya movement in the early 1980s and sparked a debate over freedom of religion in India. Buddhism [ edit] Mumbai (AsiaNews) - In Andhra Pradesh a group of Hindu nationalists belonging to the BJP ruling party (Bharatiya Janata Party) has carried out mass conversions to Dalit and Christian tribal. In order to equate Hinduism to a culture, we need to define the culture. Not so for the small community of Christians in Agra, a town in the northern Indian province of Uttar Pradesh. Evangelization sharing the Gospel message or "Good News" in deed and word, is an expectation of Christians.[8]. [13] The theology thus rejects infant baptism. In fact, donations to Christian missions in India . Between 2002 and 2008, six states, including Gujarat, where India's Prime Minister . A Jehovah's Witness, Minos Kokkinakis, won the equivalent of $14,400 in damages from the Greek state after being arrested for trying to preach his faith from door to door. Missions of the 19th century spread against a background of North Atlantic revivalism with its emotionalism and mass-meeting crowd psychological behaviours. [57] Lofland summarised his findings in 1964 in a doctoral thesis entitled "The World Savers: A Field Study of Cult Processes", and in 1966 in book form (published by Prentice-Hall) as Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization, and Maintenance of Faith. [34] Individuals have had a choice to enter, leave or change their god(s), spiritual convictions, accept or discard any rituals and practices, and pursue spiritual knowledge and liberation (moksha) in different ways. For example, in the 11th century in Burma, king Anoratha converted his entire country to Theravada Buddhism. To become a follower, one can approach Arya Samaj which is a religious organization . "Psychological Explanations of. All Indian religions usually practice mutual religious syncretism among each other. [37] The steps involved in becoming a Hindu have variously included a period where the interested person gets an informal ardha-Hindu name and studies ancient literature on spiritual path and practices (English translations of Upanishads, Agama, Itihasa, ethics in Sutra, Hindu festivals, yoga). [citation needed], Greece has a long history of conflict, mostly with Jehovah's Witnesses, but also with some Pentecostals, over its laws on proselytism. Kafiristan, now called Nuristan, is in NE Afghanistan. Yet the Sangh Parivar is happy to coerce Dalits to remain Hindu or to "reconvert", and to "convert" tribals to Hinduism. The Dharama Jagran Samanvay Vibhag, an offshoot of the RSS, is reportedly going into the bounty-hunting business. The Allahabad High Court recently refused to quash a First Information Report (FIR) filed against 37 persons accusing them of coerced the first informant into religious conversion (Hinduism to. He poisoned the water supply and thereby rendered the Raj. Dalits in rural areas are often bullied and assigned menial jobs such as manual scavengers, removing of human waste and dead animals, leather workers, street sweepers and cobblers. Mass Conversions to Hinduism: The Ghar Wapsi Movement With the BJP taking over control following the 2014 general elections, it has been commonly accepted that the Hindutva ideology now not only wields socio-religious control but also access to political power as well. I think Hinduism's influence is weaker than one god religions. People convert to a different religion for various reasons, including active conversion by free choice due to a change in beliefs,[3] secondary conversion, deathbed conversion, conversion for convenience, marital conversion, and forced conversion. [35][36] However, various schools of Hinduism do have some core common beliefs, such as the belief that all living beings have Atman (soul), a belief in karma theory, spirituality, ahimsa (non-violence) as the greatest dharma or virtue, and others. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Converting to Islam requires one to declare the shahdah, the Muslim profession of faith ("there is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"). Khusro then a. When these turn of events created a furore in parliament, the Narendra Modi-led central government instructed the local administration to thwart the Samitis grandiose plans, and Christmas day went peacefully. According to the report, the converts said they were neither lured nor coerced into Hinduism. [31][32][33] In its diffuse and open structure, numerous schools and sects of Hinduism have developed and spun off in India with help from its ascetic scholars, since the Vedic age. BJP is true party work for nation. What is God? Mr Murthy says he long ago dropped his caste name - Kondru - but this has not stop people sensing for signals to his origins. There are plans for a Buddhist temple and money set aside to hire a Buddhist priest - probably the first in the area for 1,500 years - to conduct prayers as well as marriage and death rites. Frankish armies spread Roman Catholicism eastwards in the Middle Ages. Brahmanism?? Both these religions liberate them, or at least hold out the promise of unshackling them from the pernicious burden of the caste-system which is so deeply entrenched in Hinduism. The consensus in Spiritism is that God, the Great Creator, is above everything, including all human things such as rituals, dogmas, denominations or any other thing. [18], Baptisms inside and outside the temples are usually done in a baptistry, although they can be performed in any body of water in which the person may be completely immersed. When I tell them my caste they stop asking questions. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: While the BJP, in its election manifesto, has promised an Uttar Pradesh model law against forceful religious conversion and love jihad in Kerala to woo Hindu and Christian voters, the data sourced by TNIE from the government gazettes paint an altogether different picture. It has been distributing pamphlets in and around Aligarh seeking donations from the public to help fund a reconversion ghar wapsi (homecoming) ceremony that the saffron outfit is planning to hold on Christmas Day and during which it will seek to bring Muslims and Christians back into the Hindu fold from which they have allegedly strayed. The bench of Justice Manju Rani Chauhan was dealing with the anticipatory bail application filed for anticipatory bail in a case registered under Sections 153-A, 506, 420, 467, 468, 471 IPC and 3 & 5(1) U.P. With the demonstrated Indian genius of turning all schemes involving money into scams, Coalgate and Spectrumgate might soon yield headlines to Conversiongate. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. 241 of the 506 people who reported their change of religion with the government were Christians or Muslims who converted to Hinduism. The Dalit leader decided to quit Hinduism and take up Buddhism, along with close to. Besides being overtly anti-Christian, the proposed anti-conversion law would negate the constitutions secular values. More than 550 Hindu temples in the Portuguese territories were razed to the ground. Gavin Flood, Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Editor: Knut Jacobsen (2010), Volume II, Brill. Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior, Vol 15(4), NovDec 1978, 1522. University of California Press, 2000. p.114. Archived Link: Bhavasar and Kiem, Spirituality and Health, in Hindu Spirituality, Editor: Ewert Cousins (1989). Some people convert under the influence of other social conditions. 72% of the new converts to Hinduism were Dalit Christians, mostly Christian Cheramars, Christian Sambavas and Christian Pulayas. Whatdomormonsbelieve. " Cardinal protests against forced conversions to Hinduism". Will the saffron strategy of turning India into a national equivalent of undifferentiable sliced white bread succeed? Mormon baptism does not purport to remit any sins other than personal ones, as adherents do not believe in original sin. which appears on Wednesdays. Anti-cult evangelicals protest that 'aggressiveness and proselytizing are basic to authentic Christianity,' and that Jews for Jesus and Campus Crusade for Christ are not to be labeled as cults. During the election campaign, an age-old discussion over caste discrimination has been rekindled by the threat of losing Dalits to another faith, and that too a public commitment to renouncing Hinduism. [21] In Islam, circumcision is considered a sunnah custom and is never mentioned in the Quran. 22.; emphasis added), Some countries distinguish voluntary, motivated conversion from organized proselytism, attempting to restrict the latter. 17 Thiyya community members including 11 females converted to Islam. First, there has been increasing campaign against Muslims as a result of which these. Fringes have been stopped, they have been given the message. [12] Latter Day Saints baptisms also occur only after an "age of accountability" which is defined as the age of eight years. Latter Day Saints hold that one may be baptized after death through the vicarious act of a living individual, and holders of the Melchezidek Priesthood practice baptism for the dead as a missionary ritual. May1: 500. [58][59], The Church of Scientology attempts to gain converts by offering "free stress tests". Morris, Harold C., and Lin M. Morris. But we need to be judicious while moderating your comments. 100 percent correct. It is considered[by whom?] Some people say that missionaries are forcefully converting them. [63], Research in the United States and in the Netherlands has shown a positive correlation between areas lacking mainstream churches and the percentage of people who are members of a new religious movement. "There is no caste system here." [26], In some cases, a person may forgo a formal conversion to Judaism and adopt some or all beliefs and practices of Judaism. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, n.d. These mass conversion movements, and resulting narratives questioning converts' sincerity and agency, set the stage for three central challenges undermining the human right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion in India today: Legislation limiting "forcible" and "induced" conversions Colonial missions since the 19th century have attracted people to an implied nexus of material well-being, civilisation, and European-style religion. Esther Dhanraj converted to Christianity and then reverted back to Sanatana Dharma. Religious police in (for example) Iran and Saudi Arabia answer for the correct religious expression of those in their purview. Evangelization. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. Details of the incident are unclear but it was reported that between 50 and 100 Christians from some of the poorest communities in India were welcomed back to Hinduism in a homecoming ceremony in a remote area in the eastern state of West Bengal on Wednesday. For example, groups like the International Society for Krishna Consciousness accept those who have a desire to follow their sects of Hinduism and have their own religious conversion procedure. Throughout the timeline of Buddhism, conversions of entire countries and regions to Buddhism were frequent, as Buddhism spread throughout Asia. The message has been conveyed in the party leaderships own style, Bedi said at the weekend. Like tens of thousands of other untouchables - or dalits - across India today, Mr Cherlaguda will be ritually converted to Buddhism to escape his low-caste status. Messianism may prepare groups for the coming of a Messiah or of a saviour. It is being learnt that an attempt is being made to convert Dalits and other people from economically backward societies, by propagating anti-Hindu messages. Being Buddhist means we will be separate but equal," said D Anjaneyulu, a local dalit politician who says he first considering switching religion when he was physically stopped by local Brahmins from raising the Indian flag because of his caste. Moinuddin Chisti facilitated the coming of the Islamic Jihad to India by mediating the union of Jai Chand and Mohammed Ghori. Some religious traditions, rather than stressing emotion in the conversion process, emphasise the importance of philosophical thought as a pathway to adopting a new religion. However, people who converted to Buddhism said they faced caste. Now, my family and I want to become Hindu again, Baskey said. The Parsis, a Zoroastrianism group based in India, classically does not accept converts, but this issue became controversial in the 20th century due to a rapid decline in membership. [I say] why wait?". [24] A formal conversion is also sometimes undertaken by individuals whose Jewish ancestry is questioned, even if they were raised Jewish, but may not actually be considered Jews according to traditional Jewish law. But, the solution a national legislation to ban and criminalise conversions assertively advocated by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which commands an absolute majority in parliament, and despite repeated disavowals, remains rooted in essentially a chauvinistic, right-wing Hindu ideology, is far more disconcerting, and if implemented, would deal a grievous blow to the constitutional ideal of secularism. Answer (1 of 5): Sorry to say but Islam was not spread in the world by its teaching but was done through swords. [38][39][40] Some sects of Hindus, particularly of the Bhakti schools began seeking or accepting converts in early to mid 20th century. Richadiana Kartakusama (2006), Archaeology: Indonesian Perspective (Editors: Truman Simanjuntak et al. Stark, Rodney and Roger Finke. Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism, page 183, Mattias Gardell, 2003, Param Vir: Our Heroes in Battle, p.21, Major General Ian Cardozo, 2003, List of converts to Hinduism from Christianity, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, List of converts to Hinduism from Buddhism, List of converts to Christianity from Hinduism, List of converts to Sikhism from Hinduism, List of converts to Buddhism from Hinduism,,,, Ram Dass the official interactive Satsang site for author (Be Here Now) and spiritual teacher Ram Dass, Dona Catherina: the last empress of Lanka, "A brief History of Tamil People (by Prof. A. Velupillai)", "Theosophy: Building of the Cosmos by Annie Besant", "John Dobson: Amateur Astronomy's Revolutionary", "How I Became A Hindu - Chapter 1 - From Arya Samaj to Mahatma Gandhi", "Former Ronald McDonald Turns Vegetarian Activist", " - Online Payday Loans - Same Day Payout", Kelli Williams Quotes and Trivia at MovieTome, "Recently, I got to know about Sanatan Dharma", So all tribals and SCs converted to Christians here. "India investigates reports of mass 'reconversion' of Christians". Abstain from posting comments that are obscene, defamatory or inflammatory, and do not indulge in personal attacks. In most countries conversion is a simple matter of filling out a card stating a declaration of belief. {{{short}}} Place Nagpur, Maharashtra, the city where the Headquarter of Rastriya Swayamsewak Sangh is situated. We are not committing any sin by bringing back our people to our own religion. His blog takes a contrarian view of topical and timeless issues, political, social, economic and speculative. [Galatians 3:28] Islam allegedly spread in North Africa through just administration, and in the Balkans by integrating new believers with improved tax conditions and social prestige. control of land. Converts to Islam are due to marriage/love issues. At one stage Kerala Anglo Indian nurses were very well respected in other states also but with the passage of time the conversion to Islam picked up the race and see now they are in majority. The spectre of losing Dalits to another faith and that too a public pledge to reject Hinduism in the election campaign season has reignited an age-old debate about caste oppression. The third attribute of semetic tradition that of creating a bond of one people is sought to be achieved by replacing the turbulent river of history, with its diverse tributaries and distributaries, with a mainstream mythological narrative based on the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. I was told I have committed sin by converting to Christianity. The exact requirements vary between different churches and denominations. When performing a Baptism, Latter Day Saints say the following prayer before performing the ordinance: Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. In sharing their faith with others, Bahs are cautioned to "obtain a hearing" meaning to make sure the person they are proposing to teach is open to hearing what they have to say. What many in the media and outside the fold of Hinduism fail to acknowledge is that mass conversion of people is a very unpleasant practice, which generates a lot of disharmony, insecurity, hatred, and communal tensions in a multi religious and diverse nation like India. your password Some 3000 Muslims were massacred. [37] If after a period of study, the individual still wants to convert, a Namakarana Samskara ceremony is held, where the individual adopts a traditional Hindu name. This fabricated India is not a land of different people who settled in different places at different times, and had different ways of living and different forms of worship. ", Learn how and when to remove this template message, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization, and Maintenance of Faith, United Nations Commission on Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Forced conversion of minority girls in Pakistan, Safavid conversion of Iran from Sunnism to Shiism,,,, "Guide to the Scriptures: Baptism, Baptize: Proper authority", "Abraham's Test: Islamic Male Circumcision as Anti/Ante-Covenantal Practice", Symposium Series (Society of Biblical Literature), "Islamic Law and the Issue of Male and Female Circumcision", "So You Want to Convert to Judaism? 2014-12-30. Advertise With Us | Exceptions to encouraging conversion may occur in some Buddhist movements. Converts from undetermined former religion, Religious Conversion: Contemporary Practices and Controversies, page 3, Christopher Lamb, M. Darroll Bryant, Kan Sastri, A History of South India, p382-383. But its record in adjudicating the evidently unsecular anti-conversion statutes is dubious. 06/24/2021 India (International Christian Concern) - Using extremely anti-minority rhetoric, a Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader in India on Wednesday tweeted his support for mass 're-conversion' programs pushing Indian Christians and Muslims to convert to Hinduism. The Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) government in the western state of Gujarat controversially amended an anti-conversion law to classify Buddhism and Jainism as branches of the Hindu religion, denying them status as unique religions. Retrieved May 5, 2015. Baptism is traditionally seen as a sacrament of admission to Christianity. This Samiti, a not-so-small wing of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, a militant Hindu organisation, contended that far from propagating religious intolerance, it was only righting historical wrongs and injustice perpetrated by Christian missionaries and Muslim clerics who, in order to bolster the numbers of their respective faiths, had lured and coerced Hindus to stray from their original religion. If there are any mistakes, or if any part of the person being baptized is not fully immersed, the baptism must be redone. "The whole world knows that most of the ancestors of India's Christians and Muslims are Hindus," Surendra Jain, the VHP's Joint General-Secretary, said [] Mass conversions of areas and communities to Buddhism occur up to the present day, for example, in the Dalit Buddhist movement in India there have been organized mass conversions . Despite this UN-declared human right, some groups forbid or restrict religious conversion (see below). The following is a list of converts to Hinduism from other religions or a non-religious background. Most Hindu sub-schools and sects do not actively seek converts. Bahs regard their own faith as the most recent (but not the last), and believe its teachings which are centered around the principle of the oneness of humanity are most suited to meeting the needs of a global community. "Conversion" is a very charged word for Hindus. 22 December 2014. They include never worshipping Hindu gods and goddesses, never inviting a Brahmin for rituals and never drinking alcohol. Following the conversion of Rinchan, his commander-in-chief and many other Hindus converted to Islam. There were 111 conversions from Hindu to Islam. Also, 32 people left Islam to join Hinduism. A team of Buddhist monks from across the country is being formed to lead the mission, with an all-India "mega event" set to take . The Making of a Moonie: Choice or Brainwashing? 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