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how did elimelech die

2 0 obj But the most dramatic new development in Naomis argument is her reference to Orpahs god: 15 So Naomi said, Look, your sister-in-law is returning to her people and to her god. where did these children come from? (Isaiah 49:20-21). Bearing children was to be done Gods way. Put another way, the title of this book is Ruth, not Orpah. These are the times of darkness when godliness should shine forth as a brilliant light. and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband; deprived both of her husband and her sons, which was a great affliction, aggravated by her being in a strange country; many are the afflictions of the righteous. This story can be found in the book of Ruth. Elamtu), region on the edge of the southwestern part of the Iranian plateau, modern Khuzistan, Sidon "Elimelech 15 The translations differ here. He will do what he says he will do. Obviously, Naomi had changed. Now I should stop to say that I firmly believe in the sovereignty of God, that God is in absolute control of everything that takes place on this earth. This, of course, is Naomis meaning. We, who are not certain of our genealogies, derive names from our forefathers. DAGON (Heb. The Messianic seed was often put at risk in the Old Testament. You will note from the first verse of chapter 1 that the setting for the story of Ruth is the times of the judges. , Akk. The mans name was Elimelech. Sixth, Elimelechs family left God. In moving to Moab, Naomi left the Lord to some extent and for some years. Naomi did not doubt the existence of God nor did she doubt His power. But he was not aware that she had sexual relations with him and then got up. And his little boys died too. Due to the famine in Israel during the time of the Judges, Elimelech crossed over to Moab, where he and his two sons died. The story in the book tells that Naomi plans to God had just destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their great sin. ; Akkad. 25 Translations differ here, but I think that this daughters choice of words is very important to consider. Think of it: Naomi and her husband leave the land where God promised to bless them. Can one, on the other hand, forgive and excuse his deficiencies and the damage that they bring about? And when both her sons died without bearing children, her situation seemed impossible. I believe the opening words of A Tale of Two Cities go like this: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . Surely these words aptly describe Ruth in the period of the judges. 2 Then I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, so that you will exemplify divine blessing. As the story of Esther unfolds, it looks as though every Jew is doomed to annihilation, but for the providence of God, whereby Gods enemies are destroyed and His people are spared. 9 May the Lord enable each of you to find security in the home of a new husband! Then she kissed them goodbye and they wept loudly. Abraham put the seed at risk when he represented his wife Sarah as his sister, and she ended up (temporarily) in Pharaohs29 (and later Abimelechs)30 harem. Encyclopaedia Judaica. Perhaps one reason why the author does not make a major point out of the theme of divine judgment is because his purpose is to emphasize divine mercy, not only as God provided food for His people, but also in His providential provision of a family and a posterity for Naomi and Elimelech. No wonder they didnt have a great reputation. The best thing for her to do was to return to Bethlehem and live out the rest of her days, dying empty (i.e., childless). Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Just being Jewish and knowing the Law of Moses isnt enough; one must also live by the law. I can imagine how it alarmed and frightened Naomi when Elimelech died while they were sojourning in Moab. This is completely secular thinking. 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your children will conquer nations and will resettle desolate cities (Isaiah 54:1-3). No details, however, are given, as, on the one hand, no blame is attached to the conduct WebWhen a severe famine struck Israel, Elimelech took his wife Naomi and their two sons across the Jordan and south to the land of Moab, in the hope of finding a living there. Humanly speaking, staying with Naomi does not offer much promise of a good life for these Moabite widows. Then she firmly stated her commitment to Naomi, to Israel, and to Israels God as a covenant. %PDF-1.5 In the dark shadows of the days of the judges, we find two individuals whose lives are truly lights in the darkness. All this is described in the Bible book of Ruth. Encyclopedia.com. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. My impression is that Naomi had changed not only in her appearance (she may not have aged well in Moab), but also in spirit. The suffering of His people, whether for sins they have committed or for living righteously, is but the prelude to His glorious salvation. He went first from Israel, the land of the living, and led them thence, and so he now goeth out of Judah married a Canaanite woman, and two of his sons died because of their sin. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous before God, but those who do the law will be declared righteous. Naomi thought of Gods blessings in terms of having food and a family. T -6d$zA ^C(D`Ed8 BR. But it is not the essence of what our life in Christ is about. , ' eylam; Elamite halhatamti; Akk. To walk in the steps of Abraham, one like Ruth would need to: (1) leave her relatives; (2) leave her homeland; and, (3) trust God to bless her as she sought to bless her mother-in-law. First, she insisted that Naomi must cease urging her to turn back. Ruths words are beautiful, and thus it is no wonder that some have chosen to employ them for their marriage vows. Instead of trusting God to preserve her husbands line (indeed, the Messianic line), she at least passively (if not actively) approves of their marriage to non-Israelites. The subject was the Book of Ruth. It seems that they are pointing out a certain disconnect between the name and the behavior. She was full when she had a husband and two sons; now she was empty, for all she had was Ruth. There is a paucity of clues but the first one is the Elimelechs name itself. Naomi and her two daughters-in-law had already set out for Israel11 when Naomi began to have second thoughts not about her return, but about having two Moabite daughters-in-law in tow when she arrived at her home town of Bethlehem. We will return with you to your people., 11 But Naomi replied, Go back home, my daughters! than the children of the married woman, says the Lord. 15 So Naomi said, Look, your sister-in-law is returning to her people and to her god. Who were Naomis daughter in laws? Naomi also made it clear that this was because (in her mind) God had dealt harshly with her.16 Naomi measured Gods blessing only in terms of food and of family. Judah (through whom the messianic line would be traced) kept his third son from a Levirate marriage with the first sons widow, and then had sex with a woman he thought was a cult prostitute.31 God not only preserved the messianic line, He was faithful to fulfill His (Abrahamic) covenant32 with Abraham. I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts and minds. In her second effort, Naomi insists that her daughters-in-law must not return with her because it would only cause them to endure some of her affliction (verse 13). The danger of practicing pragmatism above principle. Elimelech appears to have been a man of faith who did not or could not be fully faithful. (One was named Orpah and the other Ruth.) After only ten years in Moab, Elimelechs sons also died. There we read of the Sodom-like immorality of some of the Benjamites in the city of Gibeah, which resulted in the near extinction of their tribe. There is something particularly encouraging about our text. How could Naomi point them in the wrong direction? Though a widow, Naomi still had her two sons to provide for and protect her. Such people are in misery, and honestly, they make those around them miserable as well. Look with me at these words from Genesis 19, taking up just after the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Lots escape, along with his daughters: 30 Lot went up from Zoar with his two daughters and settled in the mountains because he was afraid to live in Zoar. God has chosen to save Gentiles as well as Jews. We should notice that it was not until after Elimelechs death that they married. Then you go and have sexual relations with him so we can preserve our family line through our father. 35 So they made their father drunk that night as well, and the younger one came and had sexual relations with him. It must be, the Sages reasoned, that Elimelech misread his destiny. His faithfulness to His people and to His covenant is at a time when His people are not faithful to Him and when they are living in disregard for His law. But what she fails to see is that God is only increasing her problems to the level of human impossibility, so that He can demonstrate His power and grace through her weakness. She persuaded her younger sister to help her get him drunk, and then for both of them to sleep with him to produce offspring for him. They were of the clan of Ephrath from Bethlehem in Judah.) Naomis second effort13 will be less subtle and more pointed and forceful. But when there was a famine in the land, they moved to the neighboring country of Moab. Apr. Naomi doesnt mention that these women would likely not find an Israelite husband. Naomis people (Israel) would be her people, and Naomis God would be her God. Elimelech had a wife named Naomi and two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. No wonder Naomi finally ceased trying to convince her to turn back (verse 18). She gave them very pragmatic counsel, based upon what could be seen, rather than on Gods Word and the principle of faith. She has no husband to father sons, and she is too old to bear children anyway. Both were related to Naomi in the same way. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? And yet as the story of Ruth unfolded this time, it suddenly became obvious to me that Naomi was no role model. What a difference it makes to believe in a God who is in absolute control and who is also merciful and gracious, causing all things to work together for our good and for His glory, if we believe in Him. Somehow God wrote His law on Ruths heart, not unlike Tamar and Rahab, her predecessors. It follows, therefore, that these characters must be important in setting the theme of the book. The name (Phoen. They no longer have their old or former husbands because they have died. Surely it fell short of what Ruths experience will be. Yet, they throw a shadow over the entire story. Webwas Elimelech, the name of his wife was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and ChilionEphrathites of Bethlehem, Judah. Let us reflect on these contrasts for a moment. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Naomi should teach us to be careful about accepting the counsel of those who seem to be well meaning. Not even death would separate them. A wolf approached and he fought the wolf. But when she urged Ruth to return to her pagan god(s), that was the worst unkindness of all. He was right, but, was there, perhaps, a personal element in his reaction? Neither does she mention the mistreatment they would likely receive because Moab is Israels enemy, but they could probably read between the lines. To her, Gods blessings should appear now, in the form of bread, an eligible bachelor (marriage), and babies. 4 So her sons married Moabite women. ), Handbook of Ugaritic Studies (1999), index, 841. Moab is where Elimelech died. 2013Mrz 20185 Jahre. Elimelech was severely punished for his failings but the good within him was preserved and rewarded and he became the progenitor of the Royal line. There do not appear to be many generations between Boaz and David, but biblical genealogies dont always include every genealogical link in such cases. 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped trying to dissuade her. The closing chapters of the Book of Judges contain some of the most gruesome accounts in all of the Bible homosexual Benjamites want to rape a guest in their city; a woman is brutally gang raped by these same men; her husband seems more than willing to sacrifice her to save his life, and then he chops her dead body into twelve pieces which he delivers to every part of Israel. Fearing they would be overrun by the Israelites, Balak (king of Moab)4 hired Balaam to curse Israel. The family lived in Bethlehem, a small city near Jerusalem. Orpah and Ruth were committed to returning to Israel with their mother-in-law. See also: More about the Book of Ruth. This news prompted her to return to her people and to her land. Their ultimate blessing would have been to leave their land, their people, their false religion, and to identify with the Israelites and with their God. You need to get right with God. Only death will be able to separate me from you!. Machlon and Chillon died also both of them. Naomi signifies my amiable or pleasant one; Mahlon and Chilion signify sickness and consumption. Naomi counseled Orpah and Ruth to do what seemed right in their eyes. From Ruth 4:13, one might infer that God prevented both Orpah and Ruth from bearing children to their husbands. As they continue their journey toward Bethlehem, Naomi makes a three-fold attempt to persuade Orpah and Ruth to return to their homes, rather than to accompany her all the way back to Israel. Even if she were able to bear children, it would be unreasonable for these two widows to wait 20 years for replacement husbands. No, in Naomis mind there was no good reason to remain with her as she returned to her homeland. I am reminded of Satans strategy in the Garden of Eden. This is exactly what Boaz commended Ruth for doing: 10 Ruth knelt before him with her forehead to the ground and said to him, Why are you so kind and so attentive to me, even though I am a foreigner? 11 Boaz replied to her, I have been given a full report of all that you have done for your mother-in-law following the death of your husband how you left your father and your mother, as well as your homeland, and came to live among people you did not know previously. (6) Most (if not all) of Naomis actions, attitudes, and advice were misguided and downright wrong. In Esther, the people of God were supposed to return to the Promised Land, but they chose instead to dwell in the apparent peace and safety of Persia. We must be aware that they taught in riddles and parables (Proverbs 1, 2) and that our task is extract and restate their message in the conceptual language that we use today. If Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon, and Kilion suffered because of their sins, they deserved it. How did Elimelechs sons die in the Bible? It had been at least ten years since Naomi and her family had left them. They need new or different husbands to marry and to bear children. 4 0 obj 1 Shout for joy, O barren one who has not given birth! They insisted on going on to Israel with Naomi. 20 Yet the children born during your time of bereavement will say within your hearing. There her husband died, and her sons married Moabite women named Ruth and Orpah. What are the advantages and disadvantages of video capture hardware? The contrast between Ruth and Orpah. Web(5) And they died. That strongly suggests that she was still a Moabite at heart, still an idolater at heart. And thus there is no evidence of repentance on her part at this point in time. May your acts of kindness be repaid fully by the LORD God of Israel, from whom you have sought protection! (Ruth 2:10-12, emphasis mine). He is the ancestor of the Ammonites of today (Genesis 19:30-38, emphasis mine). As the years have gone by, I may have mellowed in the terms I would use to portray Naomi, but my opinion of her has not really changed. Naomi was preoccupied with the here and now, rather than trusting in Gods covenant promises by faith. She had given up all hope. Lots daughters, the Israelites (on behalf of the Benjamites), and Naomi are inclined to resort to a pragmatic solution, rather than one that is faith-based and rooted in principle. Dagon Who thinks of Orpah today? Such early setting out of the players is quite unusual in Biblical writing. God loves to show mercy and compassion. Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. There is really no evidence of faith (on Naomis part), either. A few years later, king Saul will offer the sacrifices, even though he was instructed to wait for Samuel, all because Saul felt this was a crisis that justified setting aside obedience in faith to Gods Word.27. He was right in that Kingship was destined to come from his progeny; yet he was also grievously wrong for he himself was not fitting to become king of Israel. Elimelech died, and the sons married two Moabite women: Mahlon married Ruth and Chilion married Orpah. She urged her daughters-in-law to return to their mothers home, with the expectation that the LORD would bless them with security in a marriage to a new12 Moabite husband. What a mighty, magnificent, merciful, awesome God we serve! What could have led them to this interpretation? Second, Naomis words are even more forceful here,14 issuing Ruth a command to leave her. Due to the famine in Israel during the time of the Judges, Elimelech crossed over to Moab, where he and his two sons died. Following their deaths, his wife Naomi returned to Beth-Lehem together with her daughter-in-law *Ruth (Ruth 1:13; 2:1, 3; 4:3, 9). There Ruth married *Boaz, one of Elimelech's relatives. Elimelech Weisblum 1717 Tykocin, Kingdom of Poland. But she concluded that God was using His power against her, rather than for her. Other than weeping, Orpah remains silent;20 Ruths words and actions are what the author has chosen to report. Like Moabs mother, the Israelites reasoned that due to their circumstances, an Israelite line might become extinct. After about ten years, both Mahlon and Kilion died. The crises of life are Gods pop quizzes, times when He puts our faith to the test, times when He gives us an opportunity to put our faith on display. As you will recall, Mrs. Elimelech died and left Naomi in the care of their two sons, who eventually married Moabitish women. From these events, we can easily see that the Moabites were no friend to Israel. WebRuth 1:2. There were no men nearby to marry, she reasoned, so there was no conventional way25 for them to bear children and thus to preserve their fathers line. 12 For all who have sinned apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. Good News Translation How wrong Naomi was. My sense is that most of the residents of Bethlehem stayed in Bethlehem, rather than leaving to sojourn in a foreign country during the days of the famine. You must not bow down to their gods; you must not serve them or do according to their practices. They entered the region of Moab and settled there. When I realized this, I blurted out, What a witch!, much to the surprise of the rest of the class. Eventually, Naomi steered Ruth into a relationship with a distant relative named Boaz. She was willing to sacrifice family ties, marriage, and a family to do so. Judaism. Naomi heard that the famine in Judah had ended and food was now available in Bethlehem ( Ruth 1:6 ), so she determined to return. The men in the family die, leaving Naomi alone with her two daughters-in- law, Ruth and Orpah. Thus, we cannot say with certainty that the story of Ruth occurs late in the period of the judges, though this seems likely. God is always at his work. They would be (or so it may have seemed to Naomi) a liability to her when she returned. He is the ancestor of the Moabites of today. Mahlon chose a young woman named Ruth, but he also died shortly thereafter. 10 From what we learn from the Book of Ruth, one does wonder what role Naomi played in this decision. ELAM (Heb. Jethro had seven daughters who served as his shepherdesses. Some years ago I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely Christian in a hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. Holy MatrimonyMarriage 1Marriage 2The Tenaim TranslatedThe Kesubah TranslatedMarriage and the Royal FamilyMarital Partners Compatibility of MissionsEverlasting Happiness10 Mistakes Couples Make, AbarbanelShem MeShmuelShabbos: Taam ChaimMikraHaarosGrowing with the ParshaGal Einai Jerusalem ViewsSfas EmesWeekly HalachaOsher HaChaim. Would man who truly believes that His God is King abandon his people at the time of famine? Elimelech died in Moab. There is no doubt that this is a great honor and privilege for a woman. She views God as harsh and uncaring, doling out affliction and trouble in a way that is completely unrelated to her attitudes and actions. 12 Go back home, my daughters! And the woman was left of her two children and of her husband. She then kissed both of them, a very clear signal of dismissal. Follow your sister-in-law back home! (Ruth 1:15). A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? I will be their God and they will be my people (Jeremiah 31:33). If I have counted correctly, the term is used 48 times in the Old Testament; 9 times in the Pentateuch, 2 times in Ruth, 2 times in the Psalms, 1 time in Isaiah, 2 times in Ezekiel, 1 time in Joel, and 31 times in Job. And they went to the country of Moab and remained there. Probably they were sickly children, and not likely to be long-lived. SIDON (also Zidon ; Heb. The same is true for Naomi. When he saw that his generation scorned great men, he said, Surely I shall go from here so that I will not be caught among them (Zohar Chodosh 77a). Clearly as quite young men. Ruth was determined to serve and care for her mother-in-law; Orpah chose to look out for herself. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth clung tightly to her. While in Moab, Elimelech died, leaving his wife with their two sons (verse 3). The sons married Moabite women, which was something else God wanted His people to avoid. However, God ended up blessing Elimelechs family anyway, although not through his sons. God instead chose to work through Naomi and one of her Moabite daughters-in-law, Ruth. Lots older daughter neatly avoided the moral implications of what she proposed. Having started off on a rather negative note, let me hasten to say that the Book of Ruth is a breath of fresh air for those of us who have just come from the Book of Judges. Elimelech Weisblum of Lizhensk (1717March 11, 1787) was a rabbi and one of the great founding Rebbes of the Hasidic movement. . That is precisely what Naomi did with Orpah and Ruth. 36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. Encyclopedia.com. 15 They show that the work of the law is written in their hearts, as their conscience bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or else defend them, 16 on the day when God will judge the secrets of human hearts, according to my gospel through Christ Jesus (Romans 2:12-16, emphasis mine). 37 The older daughter gave birth to a son and named him Moab. 5 Then Naomis two sons, Mahlon and Kilion, also died. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. In the midst of her affliction and hopeless despair, God is at work preparing for the gracious things He is about to reveal to her and to the reader. 7 Now as she and her two daughters-in-law began to leave the place where she had been living to return to the land of Judah, 8 Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, Listen to me! The women of the village said, Can this be Naomi? 20 But she replied to them, Dont call me Naomi! (1) There is no clear link to a particular time, to a particular judge, or to a particular event recorded in the Book of Judges. 3 I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name (Genesis 12:1-3, emphasis mine). Perhaps he was not even fully aware of this failing but God was. There they made a new home and seemed to do well (the Bible does not give us many details) until Elimelech died. And settled there might infer that God prevented both Orpah and Ruth from bearing children, she... Works cited list no, in Naomis mind there was no good reason to remain with her as she.. In moving to Moab, Naomi steered Ruth into a relationship with a distant named... Can this be Naomi he was not even fully aware of this book is Ruth, one of players! Existence of God nor did she doubt his power against her, Gods blessings should appear now, in mind... 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