what determines the direction a pwc will travel?

brandon smith alt market bio

Its all about controlling the world with just a few and keep them in check and in control with fear thru technology. Furthermore, oil and energy prices are being kept down because of Chinas suspiciously bizarre Zero Covid policy, which is slowing their economy to a crawl and reducing oil usage to a minimum. I prefer your take than that of Tom Luongo who is convinced that the Fed is the white hat fighting to save us from Davos. The dust bowl contributes a great deal to what people think happened, compared to what did happen. The model would require cooperation from leaders at the state level, though, along with a number of business interests that focus on necessities. It is called food production. China has yet to fully retaliate against the latest increase in US tariffs. The rise of the populists in Europe and the US at the exact same time that central banks are withdrawing liquidity and at the exact same time that fundamentals are plummeting is yet another unlikely coincidence. This event coupled with the trade war would fulfill the globalist narrative that the Trump Administration and the conservatives that support him are a menace to global stability. That doesnt mean they wont go back to lockdowns later, but this is going to happen. I suggest buying a Sun Oven, a manual flour mill and a half dozen buckets of hard white winter wheatman does not live by bread alone, but it certainly makes life better. Another explanation is simply fallen men all over scheming and doing what fallen men do. The difference this time is that the central bank does not have the option to flood the economy with more fiat, at least not without immediately triggering a larger stagflationary spiral. His website, Alt-Market.us , and he is focused on analysis of mainstream disinformation, economic instability, as well as practical solutions and preparedness in the face of large-scale crisis events. Then perhaps the next logical question is what is a good strategy?. In the early 2000s the Fed had been engaged in artificially low interest rates which inflated the housing and derivatives bubble. Stay away from the survival meals, they are 5x more expensive and arent as healthy. https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/third-all-jobs-will-disappear-2030-how-safe-your-job. And you need this NOW. Not necessarily because the banks are out to screw everyone which is a popular belief. I have bags of flour inside plastic bags in my freezer. But more importantly, we warned that anyone investing in the market should . When you read this piece by Paul Craig Roberts, you cant help but come to the conclusion that Putin is in on the game. Sure, there will be moments when the markets rally based on nothing more than a word or two from a Fed official planting false hopes, but this will become rare. From a person who didnt own a single firearm prior to Mr. Obama.I now fill an undisclosed number of safes, can hit a target at 800 yards, reload at least 8 calibers. Agree with all of the authors post , except one item. Pundits like Brandon Smith (below) recognize that mankind is suffering from a cancer but refuse to identify it. So, were testing the waters. If everyone is buying diamonds and all the talk is about diamonds then dont buy diamonds but if you have diamonds sell them. Since the crash of 2008, the US has been suffering a slow grinding decline in fundamentals (the collapse of an empire often takes time). You also want to make sure that your physical cash is safe. Every time someone takes a loan out to buy a new fancy truck, that increases M2. JBH, you say (below) you have been watching since the 70s. Let us hope and pray that Trump is not just speed bump for the globalists. The 1% excise tax added on top of a 5% Fed funds rate creates a 6% millstone on any money borrowed to finance future buybacks. The two party system is yet another distraction from the globalists, neither side care about you or Liberty. Watching the global pushback taking place, time is running out for the globalists. A loaf of bread American-style bread is about 7 dollars. The goal posts will forever move away from them. His survivalist novel Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse, is a modern classic that reached #3 on the New York Times bestsellers list. The intention of the Trump Administration is NOT to fight back against Chinese exploitation of US markets, this kind of rhetoric is pure theater. This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group. Sure that can happen by random but think about how often this or a similar dead end game would be dealt. Nobody will dispute that. How could one conclude from this that they are trying to push a financial collapse? So do not this believe this man . Perhaps you dont even have a play plan and you just play the cards as they pop up. By the February meeting of 2023 the Fed will be at or very near 5% interest rates, which I believe will help trigger a considerable plunge in markets and mass layoffs. The usual advise is to simply abandon the stock. I knew damn well there had to be funny money involved in it somewhere. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. By 2007/2008 the nation witnessed an exponential implosion of credit, setting off the biggest money printing bonanza in US history in order to save the banking sector, at least for a time. Again, dont do this so well that you appear a little to prosperous but rather make an effort to appear as needy as everyone else is. The world's only show about Forensic Soul Analysis. If you know jewelry then buy jewelry, again knowing that it wont appreciate until after the recovery. Well, the only way you can do it is to stack the deck. If that were the case then Biden wouldnt be dumping all the oil from the strategic reserves onto the market. How did they do that? After CV-19, Ukraine war: Cyber Polygon or another global event triggered or engineered in 2023? He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . Bottom line,God has the plan. Meaning, stock markets will also stop, and drop. Banning gun accessories, loves Red Flag laws, hasnt done anything he claimed he would during the election, started wars he said he wouldnt get into and made fun of that hag Clinton for wanting to get into, is talking about illegally banning suppressors like he illegally did with bump stocks, and is going to illegally and unilaterally give more money to the tyrannical Saudi Arabia (queers, pedophiles, satan worshipers, and child murderers Yemen). Too long a case to make he but I am heavily influenced by Pat Buchanans work Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War. And I give it 50/50 that FDR allowed Pearl Harbor. c/o P.O. The EU has publicly stated that there will be NO renegotiations of the Brexit deal after May leaves. Murdering. I also bought six months of freeze dried food from My Patriot Supply. Brandon Smith of Alt-markets.com looks at current developments and concludes that globalists are closer than ever to developing and implementing tools of financial mass destruction. What appears as paralyzing cognitive dissonance may be intentional disinformation. Most of the time your best strategy is to play close attention, kinda like counting cards where you are really in the game and aware that the deck is stacked and you are constantly on the lookout for an advantage. . Sounds like several good reasons to stock up on gold and silver! If the financial elites pulled the plug and the entire world economy collapsed, those financial elites would lose an enormous part of their wealth and control. Some people just arent happy unless they live with anger, angst and doubt about the future. Nor is it Trumps intention to undermine globalist structures or agreements in order to bring back American manufacturing (a carrot that has been flaunted in front of American faces for a long time to lure them into supporting destructive policies such as dollar devaluation). It will add to the inflationary pressures they are moving towards Gold like the rest of BRICS and thats one reason why the delay occurred. In that second phase everyone will be trying to save themselves. These 3 years: 2021,2022,2023 appeared in the Economists 2022 special edition(The World ahead 2022). And the Financial House-of-Cards will stumble along until one day when The (Old) Fake Conjured Money no longer has any purchasing power left. I started canning meats then. the BIS. They want control. Some of Brandons articles that he discusses on todays interview include: Is The Pussification Of Americas Youth Scientifically Engineered? You cannot eat a gold watch so if you dont have the cash to buy it and still support yourself for ten years while you wait for it to appreciate then dont do it. 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: The 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed much more than just a presidential winner, it exposed how the Marxist MAINSTREAM MEDIA mob -- and the LEFT-WING PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL followers of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM that politically control the media, attempted to sway the election in favor of Clinton because she . Survive and pay attention. This was not seen in 2008-2009; it is unprecedented! Then it got an option to set the skill level. The globalists will fail albeit not before there is a lot of blood spilt. I aint buying it. Where do you think I made most of my money? Same for flour. This is the "Conspiracy." It is the result of the entropy of the game and the active participation of the players who are constantly changing things (i.e. You name it. A One-Time Donation (You choose the amount): A $5 Dollar bill, a 5 Euro bill, a few Pre-1965 silver dimes, or a booklet of Forever U.S. postage stamps sent in the mail also works! Its shocking, really, how blas are the locals, how utterly unconcerned they are about their own situation which includes periodic times when the heat isnt on and ridiculously priced food. Still quite the newbie, but not as green as back then; communications is a specialty of mine, as well as medical. Cheating. There, This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group As the Federal Reserve continues its, By Brandon Smith In the past I have often tried to take a big picture approach to the issues facing, By Brandon Smith In recent weeks Ive been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when. With that in mind, take a look at this 10-minute compilation of mainstream media and entertainment figures dismissing the possibility of the China Virus coming from a bio lab as a right-wing "conspiracy theory.". But the only way to make sense of the trend, namely the collaspe of modern civilization, IHMO, is in terms of a battle between good and evil, a spiritual war, Lucifer verses God. I like what Scripture tells us about prophets. Any war with a Iran will be based entirely on a false flag attack, its extremely obvious and predictable too, they arent even trying to do a good job anymore, they sure didnt for 9/11. Any financial crash at that point would undoubtedly be blamed on Trump as well as his supporters. High energy prices and supply chain disruptions will mean ongoing inflated prices in goods and services well into 2023, even with a contraction in jobs markets and stock markets. If you know nothing about stocks then dont buy stocks. Minimize debt, strive for maximum possible self-reliance, accept that not much is really in your control, get your spiritual house in order and let the so-called puppetmasters pull each others strings instead of yours. The bottom line is that China will ultimately dictate global trade terms as they possess the largest manufacturing base, they decide what currency they will accept, and whose debt they will prop up. We are now a net exporter of petroleum, thanks to Trumps policies to dismantle 8 years of demonrat treason. Is the deck stacked against you? [8] At the time of the senator's remarks, the Curiosity rover had last reported a high of 17C (1F), low 80C (112F). Ive been doing that this whole year and continue doing so, not only because of potential shortages but also because of inflation. Das jhrliche Durchschnittseinkommen eines Haushalts betrug 31.600 USD, das Durchschnittseinkommen einer Familie betrug 37.791 USD. What Can We Learn From The Biggest Lies People Believed About Covid? In fact, I am off to my local Aldis later today to stock up on more stuff. Melbourne Storm utility Brandon Smith plays rugby league in a way which inspires multiple nicknames. When this happens nobody knows. More people and vehicles on the road after being shut in with nowhere to go after economy re-opens and there is less consumption? Bread and circuses . Brandon Smith is founder of the Alternative Market Project (www.alt-market.com) as well as the head writer and co-founder of Neithercorp Press. Rates in 2004 were at 1% and by 2006 they rose to over 5%. Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! He wouldnt need to. What you need now (well actually just before now would be best) is a different strategy. But its a good thing that no one knows that fact. No way out of that. Would be bad for the economic puppet show. 2023 will likely be remembered as the year that the whole financial house of cards came crashing down and CBCDs were installed. There is no one way it is stacked and even those ways are changed constantly. The Fed is not the only one to blame for the 2008 debacle. The vast majority are in Smiths camp. From financial crashes! Nothing could be further from the truth. Looks like [January 2001] They are moved to action by exactly what Smith is describing. They wanted and needed Hilary. The strategy: Assume the deck is stacked against you. Of course your focus is on the usa, but your clear view refers to the entire world, so you will also know whats going on here. As is the case, historically, any time a fiat currency system has collapsed gold and PMs have always served as a refuge because they are a store of value. It is cutthroat, dangerous, chaotic, nonsensical, crazy, no rules, the wrong rules, etc. There is a limit in size, scope and length of time before things unravel. Surely the Financial Faux gods Among Us know that day is coming. Not Cadillacs or diamonds but things which you can hold onto for an undetermined amount of time with little risk. July 14, 2022 By Brandon Smith The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a "conspiracy theory" within the mainstream and the establishment media. Top marginal tax rates from 1940 to 1963 approached and exceeded 90%. Chia reopening comes after US abandons regime change. No empire ever stands forever. Das Medianalter betrug 38 Jahre. Raising interest rates is proof of that. Be ready!! The United States has an ace-in-the hole. 2) French citizens have been encouraged to turn in their guns to public authorities. Brandon Smith is a 15year veteran of the liberty movement and the founder of the Alternative Market Project. Understand and accept that and you are miles ahead of the average person. Because when people get desperate and cant feed their families, thats when they get violent and unpredictable. Yes, the dust bowl was very bad for Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and for Kansas, which relocated a lot of people elsewhere. The Alternative Market Project was initially launched in 2010-2011 after he wrote for 4-5 years at Neithercorp.us. Just live biblically and dont be cowards. Smith and his wife Laurel have five children. Thats simple enough but now the klinker in the game. Not sure what to think here. This is the big game now. I have come to regard Mr. Smith as a purveyor of doom porn, IDK, maybe it helps sell more of his books. You can contact Brandon Smith at: brandon@alt-market.com You can also follow me at - Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltMarket1 Gettr: @Altmarket1 Post Views: 9,548 41 Comments Like Brandon Smith All posts Previous Article Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Drones - How Big Of A Threat Are they? Input your search keywords and press Enter. You can follow Alt-Market here: https://twitter.com/AltMarket1. I honestly am dumbfounded that people still support Trump, especially after screwing the American people time after time with his ridiculously bad policies. Two of his other novels have also been best New York Times bestsellers. Am very curious about Chinas motives with Zero Covid. In the weeks and months leading up to the crash you want to reduce/eliminate debt, get out of most equity investments convert to a mostly cash position. Another rich elitist who convinced the common man that he was going to soak the rich. The game (life, the economy, etc.) Born in Hazard, Smith is a 1991 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a B.A. There are a few jewels in the rough, but they really dont have any power (Rand Paul, Justin Amash, and Massie). 2021 was the year that cryptos had their moonshot moment, Thats only $0.10/day for some of the finest Survival/Prepping content around! It is too good a weapon against We the People. Unfortunately, thats not how economics works. By Brandon Smith It should be clear to anyone paying attention during this current stage of instability in our modern, Issue #90 of The Wild Bunch Dispatch, Alt-Markets exclusive newsletter covering concepts and tactics for defeating globalism, is set to, By Brandon Smith From the very beginning of the Ukraine conflict I have been following developments on both sides. The panic felt in 2008 will return and hit the EU and the UK hard, and the Brexit movement will get the blame while central banks escape any culpability. Supply and demand, debt and deficit, money velocity and inflation; these things cannot be ignored. They have to if they want to manufacture etc. Globalists Only Need One More Major Event to Finish Sabotaging the Economy, by Brandon Smith SurvivalBlog Contributor June 8, 2019 This article first appeared at the highly-recommended Alt-Market blog. He is a Republican . My pantry is full. The WEF globalists have been trying to remove the opposition to replace it with their utopia. So what is the strategy? I could continue and walk back further and further in history. You dont know when the game, the roller coaster ride, ends and thus making decisions/plays with short term planning will inevitably result in a loss. Lastly, as to those still clinging to Trump, I have found their minds shut to reality and critical thinking. And plenty of health professionals nearbynone of whom can defend themselves. Brandon Smith is the Founder of Alt-Market. With everyone in the world acting in their own best interest it seems like their is a conspiracy and if you believe that you will then think you see the co-conspirators meeting and conspiring. You try and tell people this and they look at you as if youre a nutter but this is the reality. Brandon has always tried to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. Europe is about to face the worst winter in decades with natural gas supplies severely limited and the cost of power for manufacturing no longer tenable. Everybody I know is driving, or at least trying to drive less. #1 Trusted Gravity Water Purification System! Preparedness Notes for Saturday June 8, 2019, Trump Trade Wars A Perfect Smokescreen For A Market Crash, The Trade War Distraction: Huawei And Linchpin Theory, America Will Lose The Trade War Because That Is What Globalists Want To Happen, predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote in 2016. As gold increases in value silvers rises 3 times as fast. Our current President has done more to help this country than any other in the last 2 centuries. Thats the ticket. One lesser known issue is the new 1% excise tax on stock buybacks planted within Bidens Inflation Reduction Act. Be sober minded, like the Men Of Issachar who understand the times. Makes no sense. Looks like Elon Musk is sticking to his promises to make the platform more free and removing the leftist authoritarian moderators. Rock solid history that makes a pretty good spy novel. I dont think it is the Bank of International Settlements we should fear more the FED with interminable QE, negative interest rates, and the inexorable advance of militaristic China. 2 more things about Europe and Switzerland where I live: A reopening by early next year is on the way, with a number of controls still in place of course. This is because you may not and probably wont know when or if there is about to be a crash. 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