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rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

France was then ravaged by an internal war between the Orlanists (a family in the duchy of Orlans, in north central France) and the Burgundians (a family in the duchy of Burgundy, in northeastern France), who were both claiming the right to the French throne. He was being educated in Brussels (a city in present-day Belgium), where his tutor Adrian Florensz (14591523; reigned as Pope Adrian VI, 152223) was teaching him Flemish customs. The other European powers now had land and a certain amount of income from their colonies, but they still did not have what they wanted: the spices, sugar, and precious metals owned by Spain and Portugal. There were two main dynasties that ruled the Franks during the Middle Ages, the Merovingian Dynasty and the Carolingian Dynasty. Archaeologists discover 300 burials in ancient Merovingian necropolis. ." Mary then had Elizabeth arrested and sent to the Tower of London (a prison for members of royalty and the nobility), and later to Woodstock. Although aware of After the battle at Ceuta, Henry became obsessed with gaining access to exotic markets in Africa. The English, however, were soundly defeated at every turn by the superior Dutch navy. All lands to the east would belong to Portugal and all lands to the west would belong to Spain. Charles's spokesmen claimed the troops had moved on Rome against By the late 1640s, the Catalans had tired of French rule, and Haro offered to restore Catalan privileges. When Gama returned to Calicut in 1502, with the purpose of turning it into a Portuguese colony, the city's head administrator, or Samuri, sent a ship full of envoys (representatives) to discuss the captain's intentions. As the Renaissance moved north of Italy in the fifteenth century, northern and central Europe was even more fragmented. Publisher's summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. Edward began to lose support, even in the house of York. Francis issued a list of banned books and established a court to punish heretics. Yet Elizabeth is best remembered for her accomplishments, such as strengthening the Anglican Church and keeping government finances stable. In the sixteenth century, during the reign of King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V), the Spanish empire spread east from Spain to include the kingdoms of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Naples, and Sicily. MadLife. During the Caroline War, the French regained much of the territory lost during the Edwardian War. Charles's victory started a rivalry among the three young kings that was to last for the rest of their lives. She knew the Greek and Latin languages, and she occasionally embarrassed foreign diplomats when she understood comments they made in their own languages. Mary was a Catholic who had been driven from Scotland by Protestants. Henry VIII is now considered the true Renaissance prince. Ferdinand feared that the Habsburgs would influence Charles to place their own interests above the needs of Spain. in North America. In 1527 Henry began demanding a divorce from Catherine so he could marry Anne Boleyn (c. 15071536), an attendant in the court of Queen Claude of France. The Reformation had begun thirteen years earlier, just before Charles became king of Spain. He was the first of the Bourbon line of rulers. So, the whole connections between the world monetary systems were basically private sector finance. National sovereignty was restored by the revolution of 1640. Court masques (plays in which actors wear masks), some of them written by the dramatist Ben Jonson (15721637), were based on classical myths. rise of kingdoms . The successful siege ended a five-year Spanish offensive that conquered more than thirty rebel Dutch towns and maintained Spanish and Catholic control of the southern provinces of the Netherlands until 1714. Leading the venture would be an experienced admiral, the marquis of Santa Cruz. At the time, there were several factors which prevented the restoration of the empire as it had been in the 18th century, notably the rise of larger, more consolidated kingdoms in Germany, such as Bavaria, Saxony and Wrttemberg, as well as Prussia's interest in becoming a great power in Europe (rather than continue being a vassal to the . In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas between these two countries moved the line farther west, to 370 leagues (about 988 miles, or 1,590 kilometers) west of the Cape Verde Islands. In a papal bull, or decree, Alexander drew a line from north to south one hundred leagues (approximately 240 miles, or 386 kilometers) west of the Azores Islands. Q: Which of the following is a phase of the Mightiest Governor event? In the 1300s marriages between English and French nobles meant that both English and French kings had a claim to the French throne. Rise of Germany . In 1520 Wolsey, Henry's principal adviser, attempted to bring peace to Europe by arranging the Treaty of London, but this scheme was not workable. Francia. At the end of the tenth century, Hugh Capet (c. 938996; ruled 98796) founded the line of French kings that ruled the country for the next eight hundred years. The Hundred Years' War was not actually a single war that Spanish hold on far-flung territory that was eight times the size of Castile and held one-fifth of the world's population. Like his father, he was a devout Catholic, yet he lacked Philip II's intelligence and commitment to work. (See "England" section later in this chapter.). The tribes formed their own kingdom, sometimes called the Visigoth Kingdom of Toulouse, which spread across southern Spain to claim . He often broke treaties, and on occasion he even allied with Muslims and Protestants to oppose Catholic Spain. Earlier they had been great centers of learning and the arts, but now the great monastic libraries were divided and sent to other In September 1519 the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan (c. 14801521), sponsored by King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) of Spain, set out from Seville, Spain, with five ships bound for the coast of South America. Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. But Essex botched the job miserably. Land occupied by churches, monasteries (houses for men called monks, who dedicated themselves to the religious life), and In 1555 Charles officially turned rule of the Netherlands over to Philip. the emperor's wishes. In a dozen voyages from 1603 until 1633, Champlain discovered the easternmost Great Lakes, Huron and Ontario; founded the city of Quebec; and served as commandant of France's new colonial territories, which were called New France. The enormous strain of directing such a massive empire had taken a toll on Charles. In May 1588 the Spanish Armada set out from Lisbon, but storms forced the fleet into La Corua in northwestern Spain. Merovingian Kingdom. Growing bolder in their quest for riches, these countries attacked Portuguese and Spanish treasure ships wherever they could find themin the Caribbean, along the Spanish-American coast, and in the English Channel. She inspired the soldiers by saying that though she had "the body of a weak and feeble woman," she had "the heart and stomach of a King.". Their philosophy made the cities of Toledo, Crdoba, and Granada important centers of learning. She founded two colleges at Cambridge University as well as professorships at both Cambridge and Oxford Universities. An able but somewhat colorless ruler, Henry succeeded in establishing the position of his new dynasty, increasing the efficiency of the government, and enhancing the wealth of the monarchy. During the wars, both France and Spain formed complex political alliancesin fact, they were even fighting on the same side at one point. Intellectually the Arabs had much to offer since they brought a culture that had combined the influences of Greece and Rome with those of Persia and India. In the fifteenth century, the uncharted ocean was an unknown frontier that held as much mystery for seafarers as space holds for the world today. The grand tour of Europe, which often included extended visits to Rome and Florence, became part of the education of young English aristocrats and gentlemen. Capitalism is considered one of the major contributions of the Renaissance. Carlos also made a shoemaker eat a pair of boots because they were too tight. They also declared that Spain's foreign policy must promote Spanish interests and that the Cortes should meet every three years. And today, we're planning to help you get better at it by sharing some Rise of Kingdoms cheats and tips in our complete strategy guide. Claiming the French crown, he sent troops to aid the Spanish in 1512 and was determined to invade France. During the 1590s, she struggled to keep her government from going bankrupt. At the time Charles was preoccupied with campaigning for the position of emperor and with putting down the Comuneros revolt, so he dismissed Luther as an insignificant heretic. Thus began the Burgundy dynasty. Edward ruled England for twelve more years, until his unexpected death in 1483. A second statute, passed in 1540, legalized these closures and mandated the seizing of all remaining property. She did not call herself Supreme Head, possibly because it was believed a woman could not head a church. As both the Holy Roman Emperor and the king of Spain, Charlesat the age of twenty-twowas now the most powerful man in Christendom (the term then used for Europe). The conquest of the American natives by Spanish conquistadors happened within a few decades. Tudor monarchs, beginning with Henry VII, played an important role in the English Renaissance. Her Many Spanish ships broke up on the west coast of Ireland, and only half of the Armada eventually returned to Spain. Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great or Charles I, was the king of the Franks from 768 and the king of Italy from 774, and from 800 was the first emperor in western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier. The court paid small pensions (financial allowances for retired people) to the former monks and nuns, and larger ones to the former abbots and priors (heads of monasteries) who had cooperated in the closing of their houses. Philip the Fair was followed by three sons, each of whom reigned only briefly and left no direct male heirs. Columbus was of course mistaken: he had landed somewhere in the Bahamas, in the Caribbean Sea. The conflict ended in 1571, when Philip's illegitimate half-brother, John of Austria (15451578), led a Catholic armada against the Turks in the great naval battle of Lepanto (Gulf of Corinth) in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Greece. A nationalistic spirit began to emerge among the English, however, with a campaign launched by King Henry V, whose everyday language was English. The Moriscos revolted in Granada and had to be forcibly restrained. Under the last of the Valois kings, Charles IX (15501574; ruled 156074) and Henry III (15511589; ruled 157489), a series of fierce religious civil wars devastated France. The country occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula, next to Spain. Classical educations were provided to members of the ruling classes and the clergy, and scholars avidly studied ancient history. He began organizing the famous "Invincible Armada," a fleet of 130 heavily armored ships that carried 30,000 men, for an invasion of England (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). Their reign, which lasted until Isabella's death in 1504, marked the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance in Spain. Francia: French National Day is on July 14 in order to coincide with which historical event? But after the duke was defeated and killed in a battle in 1477, Louis was able to reunite Burgundy with France. Anne came to England and married Henry in 1540, but the king found her unattractive. In 1501 Amerigo Vespucci (14541512) sailed far down the coast of South America. Philip's forces demolished the French at Saint Quentin. In the sixteenth century the Argonese cause was adopted by the Habsburgs (a royal family with branches in Austria and Spain) when Charles I, a member of the Habsburg family, became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). from Flanders. In 1328 his nephew, Philip VI (12931350; ruled 132850), took the throne as the first king from the Valois (pronounced val-WAH) family, a branch of the Capetians. The Napoleonic Code of 1804 was MOST important in World History because it. Table of Contents show. In fact, in 1614 he dissolved Parliament, then ruled for seven years without one. After retaking Jerusalem from the Muslims during the First Crusade, the Christians began establishing Crusader kingdoms around the Mediterranean Sea. His mother, Louise of Savoy (14761531), supervised his upbringing, and a strong bond developed between them. Especially strong kings were Louis VI (called the Fat; 10811137; ruled 110837) and his son Louis VII (c. 11201180; ruled 113780). The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 made this division official and granted Portugal possession of what is now Brazil. North and South America were later named for Vespucci. The popes remained in Avignon under French domination until 1377, during a period called the Babylonian captivity (see "Babylonian captivity and the Great Schism" in Chapter 1). conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth in 1586 led to Mary's execution at Fotheringhay castle in 1587. At first the Capetians' control over the other duchies of France was mostly in name only because many were semi-independent kingdoms. His excuse was that he was forced to sign the document at a time when he could not think clearly. Ferdinand was the crown prince of the kingdom of Aragon when, in 1469, he married Isabella, who was his cousin and heir to the throne of Castile. The Moors surrendered Toledo to the Christians in 1085. The problems started when Isabella died in 1504. One of the most significant developments in the three centuries leading up to the Renaissance period was the collapse of feudalism. Soon Catherine, like Anne Boleyn, was found guilty of adultery; she was beheaded in 1542. His discovery made possible two other historic events: the conquest and colonization of the American continents and the circumnavigation of (completely go around) the globe. Prince Henry the Navigator (13941460), a son of John I, founded a nautical school at Sagres, where he gathered the world' best navigators, mapmakers, geographers, and astronomers. She was an accomplished performer on the virginal, the keyboard instrument named in honor of her status as the Virgin QueenElizabeth refused to get married because she had devoted her life to her country. The term "feudal system" is used by historians to describe a social-political structure which was a key feature of medieval Europe. Although the secretary had seen slaughter and bloodshed during Irish wars with the English, he reported that he had seen nothing like the carnage that awaited him that autumn day. She was burned at the stake in 1431. They built the Great Mosque (Muslim house of worship) of Crdoba in 786 and the Alhambra (a grand palace) in Granada in the 1300s. They rarely called meetings of the Cortes (Parliament, or central law-making body) and they appointed middle-class people to government offices. They did not share a collective identity or a common culture. Beginning with Champlain in 1600, the French pushed their way down the Saint Lawrence River to the Great Lakes. The light and quick English ships also had the advantage of being able to outmaneuver the bulky Spanish galleons. The Hundred Years' War was the outcome of disputes between the ruling families of England and France, the Plantagenets (pronounced plan-TAJ-eh-nets) in England and the Capetians (pronounced keh-PEE-shehns) in France. On March 30, 1492, heeding the advice of Torquemada, the king and queen ordered all Jews to leave Spanish territory by July 30. The first successful English colony in North America was Jamestown, Virginia, which was started in 1607 during the reign of Elizabeth's successor, James I. Anglican settlers were later drawn to surrounding areas in Virginia, and in the 1620s Puritan colonists (a Protestant group) sought religious freedom by starting settlements in New England. Ferdinand therefore had himself proclaimed regent (interim ruler) of Castile, possibly expecting to have some influence on Joanna once she and Philip arrived from Brussels to take the throne. Below the lords were vassals (knights), who held smaller amounts of land awarded to them by lords. By this time the Protestant Reformation, a movement to reform the Roman Catholic Church, was sweeping Europe. In the 1300s the Catalans had been given the privilege of taxing themselves and voting subsidies (additional funds) for the crown only if they wanted to do so. While preparing to confront Adrian's forces, the Comuneros discovered that they were divided among themselves. LifeAfter. King Louis XII granted Francis the duchy of Valois, created from the vast estates of the house of Orlans. When she refused his proposal he realized that England could never be a Catholic country. Although Francis had sided with Protestants against his great rival Charles V, he turned against the Waldensians, a group of Protestants in his own country. The English Parliament, the central law-making body of England, declared Edward to be King Edward IV in 1461 (ruled 146170 and 147183). He marched his army through Mexico in 1519 to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitln (modern-day Mexico City). Spain had often attracted the attention of people from North Africa as a promising new land. Clearly there were some key conflicting interests that needed to be addressed. Henry VIII, whose heart had never really been in the war, also quickly came to terms with Charles. Spanish forces led personally by Charles took La Goletta (now Halq al-Wadi), a seaport town in northeast Tunisia. Person as author : Doumas, Christos In : History of humanity: scientific and cultural development, v.II: From the third millennium to the seventh century B.C., p. 146-151 Language : English Also available in : Also available in : Franais Year of publication : 1996 The Renaissance also brought several technological innovations that made ocean exploration safer and therefore more likely to be undertaken. A: Greek . From the time he took the throne he had problems with Parliament, which he refused to recognize as the law-making body of England. Ten years later, France declared bankruptcy (a lack of funds to pay bills). other religious establishments of the Roman Catholic Church were also considered fiefs. In 1530 Clement VII officially crowned Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor. Edward's sister, Mary Tudor, would restore the Catholic faith because she had always been a Catholic. Parr and Anne of Cleves outlived Henry, who died in 1547. Although there was no mention of heirs, Spanish law stated that the monarchs' heir would inherit both kingdoms. In 1560 the Spanish attempted unsuccessfully to take Tripoli, a port city in northwest Lebanon, from the Turks. After Philip III took the throne in 1598, Spain began going into decline. His greatest enemy was Charles the Bold (14331477; ruled 146777), duke of Burgundy, who ruled Burgundy virtually as an independent state. Meme Explained: This meme refers to the fact that by definition of Sun Tzu, a Chinese General, Strategist, Phillosopher and the author of the famous book, "the art of war", a kingdom once destroyed, cannot rise again to what it used to be. . Ferdinand and Isabella's son John had been the heir to the throne of Castile, but he had also died. After winning several major battles, the Moors conquered the Visigoth capital of Toledo in 712 and soon pushed the Germanic lords and their armies into the northern frontiers of Spain. Since she had no heirs, the Tudor dynasty came to an end. Game Info. Many of the Spanish ships broke up on the west coast of Ireland. This conflict led to overwhelming Spanish victories at Barletta, Cerignola, and Garigliano. John of Austria The German Empire (officially Deutsches Reich) was the historical German nation state that existed from the unification of Germany in 1871 to the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II in November 1918, when Germany became a federal republic (the Weimar Republic).. Charles then turned toward Italy, landed in Sicily in August, and advanced with ease toward the Alps. Philip's only son, Carlos, was exhibiting bouts of severe mental instability. The monarchs reorganized the Santa Hermandad into a national militia (citizens army) that was funded by towns. Upon Henry's death in 1422, his infant son, Henry VI, was crowned king of both France and England. King John II of Portugal therefore decided to have his captains circumnavigate (sail around) the African continent and reach India by way of the ocean. During the reign of Charles I, England was embroiled in a civil war between the Puritans and supporters of the monarchy. The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which ended the Thirty Years' War, and the Peace of the Pyrenees (1659) marked the end of Habsburg dominance. In the aftermath of Marignano, Francis took the duchy of Milan, and Pope Leo X(14751521; reigned 151321) gave him neighboring Parma and Piacenza. Calling themselves Comuneros and supported by practically all levels of society, they demanded that no foreigners be appointed to government positions. Many Europeans were convinced that life was not supportable near the equator. Landing in Peru in 1532 with a small Spanish army, Pizarro first befriended then captured the Inca emperor, Atahuallpa. As a sign of his authority he had lilies, the Instead, one had merely to sail west for a month or two, across the Atlantic Ocean, in order to reach the island of Japan. T o F, the rise of the Ottoman Turks' empire between the thirteenth and fifteenth century and more. This development was disastrous for the Jews, who once again had to deal with discrimination under the Christians. AEthelflaed. Territory that is now France was invaded by tribes from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). The use of newly invented cannons also significantly aided the French war effort. England was also dragged into several unsuccessful naval campaigns against Spain and France during the course of the Thirty Years' War. He improperly anchored the fleet, thus leaving an opening for a squadron of English fire ships to set the Armada ablaze. While Charles was securing his empire in Western Europe, his military generalscalled the conquistadorswere winning tremendous lands and wealth in the Americas. Thus, on March 17, 1558, the last Tudor monarch of England ascended the throne. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Catherine de' Medici Margaret was exiled to France, and Henry lived the rest of his life imprisoned in the Tower of London (a prison for members of the royalty and nobility). 1300-1500: France: Frankish kingdom > France/Germany: rise of France: Hundred Years' War > French unification: Germany: Holy Roman Empire: England: Anglo-Saxon kingdoms: Anglo . The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and SpainOne of the most significant developments in the three centuries leading up to the Renaissance period was the collapse of feudalism. Less than fifty years after Gama's discovery of the eastern route to Asia, trade between Europe and the ancient lands of the Orient was controlled by Portugal, a small kingdom that was more than a year's journey away from Asia. Yet she also spent excessive amounts of money on the "Cult of Gloriana," staging grand pageants and spectacles to impress the English people. Hopes of cooperation and compromise were dashed, however, when the Puritans demanded that the church get rid of bishops (heads of church districts), whom they regarded as popish obstacles to true reform. However, the date of retrieval is often important. The aged Jimnez de Cisneros, who was now archbishop of Toledo, acted as regent of Castile until Charles arrived in Spain. In Spain, the monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile laid the foundation for an immense empire by uniting several independent provinces. the Kingdom of Prussia was mostly in which modern country Germany. Leaders of both the nobility and the middle class feared that their property would be seized by government forces, so they had lost the motivation to champion their political cause. France (Franks) The territory which today forms France had its earliest periods of human habitation in various Early Cultures.The modern nation state emerged from what had been the Celtic territory known to the Romans as as Gaul or Gallia. Alba's repression continued unchecked, but by 1573 Philip had seen enough. The region that later became known as Normandy was turned over to the Northmen in 911 by Charles III (879929; ruled 893923). During a famous confrontation with the emperor, the German priest refused to budge on his controversial views. In the south, the Italian peninsula was turned into a battleground. Claiming also that the treaty applied only to the continent of Europe, the French continued to encroach on Spanish commerce in the Atlantic Ocean. A: Francia . (now in Belgium), a city in the Holy Roman Empire. Practicing Jews were segregated and forced to wear an identifying badge. These lords were constantly fighting among themselves. In 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella became leaders in the European Moorish farming techniques brought the dry land to life. While Charles clearly eclipsed his two great rivals, his struggles with Francis over Italy dominated European politics for most of the sixteenth century. Diverse people lived within the territories. Then a powerful stormthe "Great Protestant Wind," as the English called itswept through the Channel and forced the Spanish vessels away from England. The Dutch troubles worsened in 1578 when Philip approved the assassination of Juan de Escobedo (died 1578), John of Austria's dangerous and ambitious secretary. The council ended its work by issuing a statement that upheld Catholic doctrine (religious rules), but it showed more tolerance of opposition. The French king was not confined like most prisoners: He hunted regularly, enjoyed the companionship of his nobleman comrades, and attended numerous dinners given in his honor. 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