lincolnwood school district 74 superintendent
Weiss said she is often asked which job or school she liked best, but there is no definitive answer. GreatSchools rating. "The board in their wisdom brought me in for a very specific purpose," he said. How our most sacred spaces have become open to violence is mystifying and maddening. I walk the hallways of Bailey Middle School, and the kids are doing what they're supposed to be doing. Russo spoke of his objectives for both the upcoming school year and beyond. Klaisner. The general impression of Dr. Russo while working in committees with teachers is that he is very professional, Dupriest wrote. Escambia School Board member vows to overturn appointed superintendent. "Now your middle school should be your flagship of any school district that's a K-8 school district. Parents and others commented on the letter, and the issue in general, in a Facebook group dedicated to families of the school district. Additionally, art, music, library and physical education are taught on a regular basis to help students explore their talents. "There are many, many challenges. All rights reserved. Lincolnwood School District 74. The resilience you have shown in the past years reminds us all that you are the reason we do what we do, and we are committed to providing academic and extracurricular experiences that will enhance later portions of your education. Nohelty, , alleges that he was wrongfully terminated by the school board on June 13. We recommend contacting the local school district to confirm school assignments for this home. Ultimately, Klaisner would resign and Brandt retired. Through our Parent Group all parents and guardians are welcome to participate in the planning and/or implementation of any, or all, of the activities on our calendar. 8 /10. It is a dynamic, enthusiastic set of professionals and I have really enjoyed working with the majority of the staff on a number of curricular initiatives throughout the years, Russo said. In one instance in February, the district quickly shifted to recommending, but not requiring, face masks, in a move that upset some parents and teachers. He said in his five years at the district, he has developed a positive impression of his co-workers and the community. - Original Credit: Lincolnwood District 74 (Lincolnwood District / HANDOUT) David. The school board Feb. 4 approved a new contract for Kim Nasshan, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction for School District 74. As he moves into his new role, Russo speaks of why he continues to enjoy being an educator. STEM Teacher and Lincoln Hall Students Present Award-Winning Project, Rutledge Hall Students PresentAlice in Wonderland Art Installation, Former Lincolnwood Student Pledges $500,000 to District, SD74 Assemblies Honor Family and Community Member Veterans, Boys Varsity Soccer Finish Season as Conference Champions, Subscribe to RSS Feed - Lincolnwood 74 News, CCDC: Children's Care & Development Center, NTDSE: Niles Township District for Special Education, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Russo hopes a fresh era of cooperation is now at hand in his new role, as well as with Dominic Lupo moving up from Lincoln Hall School principal to assistant superintendent. The vision of Lincolnwood School District 74 is that children become empowered for life. Our dedicated, professional, caring teachers and staff are focused on building relationships and creating learning experiences designed to. The session Wednesday served to publicly introduce Davis as superintendent. Jason Eddy is acting principal at Carrollton High School. This is where I belong.". As parents, we want this evil to disappear. David L. Russo, Ed.DSuperintendent of Schools, Dr. David L. RussoSuperintendent of SchoolsPhone: 847-675-8234Email:drusso@sd74.orgDegrees and Certifications:Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignMaster of Science in Educational Administration, Southern Illinois UniversityDoctor of Education - Educational Leadership, National Louis University, Renee TolnaiAdministrative Assistant to the Superintendent & Assistant, 6950 N. East Prairie Road Lincolnwood, IL 60712. Superintendent Paul Goren confirmed the letter Wednesday and said Weinberg has the superintendents and other administrators support. On March 9, the school board asked Klaisner, Nohelty and then assistant superintendent Susan Brandt for their immediate resignations, according to the suit. 2.a. New details have emerged regarding the termination of former Lincolnwood School District 74's superintendent of business Kevin Nohelty. Lincolnwood School District 74 Supt. I would like to see us make time as a board to discuss how our schools are actively declaring themselves and their values to be anti-racist to children and families, she wrote. Please mail your water payments to Village of Lincolnwood, P.O. SD74 to receive generous donation over the span of the next ten years. He will be a great leader for our district.". We are here to partner with you to provide a productive and safe learning environment that inspires and supports them in that goal. "I've seen four or five kids from one family go through the system, and I know their parents and I know their grandparents, and their aunts and their uncles," she said. Lincolnwood School District 74. 6950 N. East Prairie Road Lincolnwood, IL 60712. Requests for volunteers will typically be advertised in our, Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Master of Science in Educational Administration, Southern Illinois University, Doctor of Education - Educational Leadership, National Louis University, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 6630 N Tower Circle Drive, Lincolnwood, IL 60712 (MLS# 11720183) is a Single Family property with 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms and 1 partial bathroom. She started in the district as a teacher then served as a principal for all three schools Todd Hall, Rutledge Hall and currently Lincoln Hall over the course of her career, she said. The group has pleaded not guilty to numerous charges and is awaiting trial. "For the sake of our childrens future in Escambia County, we must have a true leader," Salzman said. Smith said it's easy to complain, but he doesn't he doesn't hear conversations in the community about actual solutions to the problems. The principal of Lincolnwood Elementary School in Evanston wrote a letter to parents dated Oct. 28, 2018 detailing examples of racist speech heard spoken by students at the school and calling for unity and change. ft. home is a 3 bed, 3.0 bath property. Please budget sufficient time to find parking! Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. For more information, visit Todd Hall's parade will be from 8:50-9:15 a.m. and Rutledge Hall's parade from 10:15-10:45 a.m. on Monday 10/31! The teaching staff works together to create a safe and inviting atmosphere for all students to perform their best. Developmentally appropriate instruction is differentiated to meet the learning needs of all students. Bailey said one of his most important moves was convincing Weiss to leave her post as principal of Rutledge Hall to become the top administrator at Lincoln Hall. The statement to the auditor was made in the presence of Irene Nowak; concealed and/or recklessly failed to disclose to the District Finance Committee the District's auditors' Management Report, dated Oct. 27, 2011, outlining deficiencies in the District's internal financial controls to the District Finance Committee; concealed and/or recklessly failed to disclose the Oct. 27, 2011 Management Report to the District at any School Board meeting; in a Jan. 17, 2012 letter, responded to a FOIA request to the District seeking "the most recent report on internal controls furnished by your auditor," by misrepresenting that the District was not in possession of such records when it was; failed to facilitate implementation of the iVision system or properly address concerns by staff caused by inaccuracies within the iVision system; improperly accounted for District's legal expenditures and used levy funds to pay District's non-tort legal fees; failed to properly account for District funds and to balance the District's books (including accounts and sub-accounts) and financial records; allowed the District to fail to make three scheduled payments a $15m Note to the Northern Trust Co. causing a default under that note; failed to timely advise Northern Trust Co. that on or about Dec. 19, 2011, the District had abandoned the $15m Note; allowed the District to fail to make a scheduled December 1, 2011 payment on a $7m Note, causing a default under that note; provided District residents and School Board members with incorrect/incomplete financial information at a Feb. 2, 2012 District School Board meeting regarding furniture expenditures and failing adequately to account for $1.4m in funds; permitted the District to pay sales tax on superintendent's car despite the applicability of a sales tax exemption; failed to provide sufficient oversight on expenditures by "rubberstamping" inappropriate or questionable Board Member P-Card expenses; misplaced/concealed/couldn't account for a check representing a state grant payments despite numerous inquiries as to whether the check had been received; failed to timely convey to the District lawyers notices concerning the alleged improper expenditure of federal grant funds, thus exposing the District to loss of certain appurtenant legal rights; placed his personal interests ahead of the interests of the District and its constituents by taking vacation just prior to the 2012 vote on the Districts funding referendum and failed to respond to the changing demands of the job by failing (to) work harder when job demanded it. MLS # 11726237 In January 2012, several Lincolnwood residents became concerned with the finances in School District 74. I love to watch students explore topics. Lincolnwood School District 74 has prepared an environment that is engaging and responsive to each child at each stage of development, while celebrating diversity and mutual respect among their community of learners. Children are served from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Joseph Bailey was scheduled to retire as superintendent in June 2017, and in 2016 the district's board selected Kimberly "Kim" Nasshan as his replacement. Former Superintendent of Business at Lincolnwood District 74 is suing the school board for $250,000, alleging that he was wrongfully terminated. Jean Weiss, 60, will be stepping down after 25 years in the district. TRENDING. The Village lockbox address has changed. For more information about programs, the Lincoln Hall building project timeline and progress, visit LINCOLNWOOD SD 74. . What happens next? Lincoln Hall students utilize the new STEM labs every day. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. I am embarrassed to be a student in Escambia County. District bans 3 more books. [3], Potential board members must be citizens of the United States, have lived in the district for at least one year; this means effectively all board members are residents of the state of Illinois. Naming a new high school principal "will be the new superintendent's first job," Ries said. The information here will help you to work with your child's school . She wasn't so keen on the idea of taking over at the school at first, she admitted, but said it turned out to be a great fit for her and Lincoln Hall. The current asst. We will stay the course and will not lose focus on what is most important, our students. He is seeking $250,000 plus the cost of legal fees, according to complaint. "That way he can look at it, go over it with his attorney.". Those days had grown dark for the district over time.". Supt. We want to make sure we are staying current with our physical plant, he said. Salzman sent a letter to Smith and the Escambia County School Board on Wednesday, calling on him to step down from his position, saying he has failed to take actions she requested on several issues. Rutledge Hall Elementary School. The third and final phase of the project will begin in the summer of 2018. "Lincolnwood has such a rich tradition, a rich history of success. Our dedicated, professional, caring teachers and staff are focused on building relationships and creating learning experiences designed to help students flourish and reach their unlimited potential. A strong academic program exists to meet the needs of the varied learners, with reading and math as core areas of focus. What happens next? Smith defended his leadership of the school district last month after Adams announced he was bringing a resolution for a new referendum to the board in March. Quick Links He will now oversee a school system with approximately 180 staff members and about 1,250 students, with a budget of $31.7 million of projected revenues for the upcoming school year. I am honored and extremely excited to become the next Superintendent of Lincolnwood School District 74. The District 74 Parent-Teacher Association's monthly fundraising dinner will be held at Graziano's, 5960 W. Touhy Ave., Niles, on Thursday, Jan. 21 from 4-9 p.m. The Districts five-year strategic plan runs through 2019 with five core goals: An elected school board composed of seven officials, a superintendent of schools, an assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction, and a business manager are responsible for the overall function of the district. Curricular Highlight - Todd Hall Principal Mr. Chris Harmon will introduce second grade teachers: Aliza Walas; Cassidy Garcia; Peggy Leen; and Jessica Furgal.The group will share their student's work on the biography project which introduced them to learning about research skills, collaboration, and finding credible sources. About 40 students are Hispanic or 10 percent and 3 percent of students are Asian, according to the ISBE data. During the summer of 2011, lied and/or recklessly represented to an auditor regarding his accounting responsibilities when question about the existence of inaccurate/negative balances in District accounts. Lincolnwood school serves 405 students in kindergarten to fifth grade, according to data from the Illinois State Board of Education. As the Assistant Superintendent for the previous five years, I have seen first hand the incredible support the community has for our schools. DEC 7, 2021 Episode 13: Fire Chief Hansen Episode 13: Fire Chief Hansen Podcast Guest: Mike Hansen - Fire Chief, Lincolnwood Fire Department 12 min NOV 9, 2021 Episode 12: Jewell Loyd Assistant Supt. The mission is to build a community of learning that inspires curiosity, compassion, and actively engaged students striving for excellence. Weinberg asked parents to talk with their children about how to make the school a better place. Subscriber Services (Opens in new window) Subscribe here (Opens in new window) "We've got people dedicated and working hard, and I just hope somehow and some way the easy out to kick the superintendent to the curb is not our answer," Smith said. "I've cherished that.". The schools student body racial mix has changed only slightly over the last five school years, with a drop in the percentage of black students from 29 percent for the 2013-2014 to the current level, the ISBE data indicates. Please note, the information below was takendirectlyfrom the complaint and is not the opinion of Skokie Patch: The School Board of Lincolnwood School District 74 hereby provides notices of the charges to be presented as just cause to remove Dr. Kevin J. Nohelty ("Respondent") from the position of Assistant Superintendent for Business for the District. As STEM curriculum continues, students participate in several competitions throughout the school year. I think it's challenging, this is part of what I'm articulating here. News Journal Reporter Brittany Misencik contributed to this report. Not perfect all the time in every school, but I'm seeing teachers work hard and seeing kids engaged in a learning process.". Superintendent at Lincolnwood School District 74. Tanyavutti commended Weinberg for addressing the issue. Superintendent; Technology; Schools" Teacher Webpages; Lincoln Hall Extracurriculars; Todd Hall PreK-2; Rutledge Hall 3-5; Lincoln Hall 6-8; Board of Education" . I want to make it clear that hatred is not welcome in our community, Weinberg wrote in the parent letter. [4], "2020 CENSUS - SCHOOL DISTRICT REFERENCE MAP: Cook County, IL", "Lincolnwood D74 briefs: Nasshan to take over as superintendent", "District 74 discusses reopening plans with parents", "Appointed Lincolnwood School District 74 board member resigns, expected to be replaced by April: officials",, This page was last edited on 17 October 2021, at 18:25. CARROLLTON David Davis worked to keep his composure while addressing the Carrollton High auditorium audience after it was announced his "acting" title is being removed, making him the superintendent of Carrollton Exempted Village School District. This article originally appeared on The Repository: David Davis to be named superintendent of Carrollton school district, Quattrochi is under indictment in Carroll County Common Pleas Court, Quattrochi and three others are accused of using two shell companies to sell air purifiers to the school system, David Davis to be named superintendent of Carrollton school district. Some of the highlights state that Nohelty intentionally hid documents from residents seeking FOIA requests on district financials. "It was our board. LINCOLNWOOD SD 74. . David Russo seems ambitious and committed to making sure (District) 74 has the best curriculum and resources needed for our students and staff. In an interview in the Skokie Patch, Superintendent Dr. Mark A. Klaisner admitted to poor internal controls and being "completely unaware" of details of the car provided by taxpayers. This data may not be complete. School board makes decision on booksI am embarrassed to be a student in Escambia County. District bans 3 more books. Dear Lincolnwood School District 74 Learning Community: It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year! The first goal of the Districts Strategic Plan is to develop curriculum and extracurricular activities to personalize student learning, advance rigor, and promote creativity. He was superintendent of Medinah School District 11 before taking the job in Lincolnwood. exposed the District to all negative implications of failure to maintain accounting books and records. District 74" COVID-19; 74 Alumni News; Master Facilities Plan; Administration Team; . District 65 school board member Anya Tanyavutti also responded to the letter in a statement she said was sent to the full board and posted on her personal Facebook page. 'S challenging, this is part of what i 'm articulating here speaks of why he continues to enjoy an! I walk the hallways of Bailey Middle school should be your flagship of school. 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