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why did barlow kill walt's wife

It would add more drama. August 5, 2014 @ So this summer, the next season will appear there! [b]Penny[/b], I also dont see Cady backtracking with Branch. ! moments (insert voice of Annie Savoy, Susan Sarandans character in Bull Durham, responding to Crash Davis little speech about what he believes in in matters of the heart) Ive ever seen on TV. Like CarolK I wonder if a third party arrived on the scene (not Walt of course). I suspect that growing the dislike of Vic in some people in the online fandom is because she got involved with a married man. More please. I think Branch shooting his dad sets up another season very well still lots to chase down, including how much Nighthorse knew. To all Im really enjoying all your thoughts. I just dont see Branch getting into big business, he seems to really love law enforcement and digging into the truth of crimes, even if that truth exposed his father. As much as we enjoyed his little jaunt with Walt to prove the existence of a certain feather, it didnt look like it was going to matter. Ive been watching from the beginning and after season 1 aired it wasnt seen again until season 2 was ready to premiere 9 months later. Longmires now officially on Netflix, and its begun filming Season 4. Even in Unquiet Mind I slapped my forehead and said of course the owl that leads Walt to the cabin that was essential for him to survive falling in a a river in winter on the mountain was Martha. Jhera35 I enjoy watching Law and Order and Criminal Minds but the characters are more one-dimensional than Longmire while the crime-of-the-week dominates. Do they have to pay Warner Horizon Televison everytime they show an episode and it costs double during prime-time or something? This is where Barlow Connally entered the picture. Dmr412, I have no problem with people voicing their opinion pro or con. The mugging was to appear like it was for drug money. Great story, even with all the holes, but we thoroughly enjoyed the best of the Longmire storyline. [b]Penny[/b], Gotta say Id hate to see Branch gone. I have no problem with that and felt Sean should have been (as in the books) gotten rid of in season one and the entire Gorski plodding plot was unnecessary and/or WAY too long. Id call this an A+ episode even though all the loose ends surrounding Marthas and Miller Becks deaths werent tied up well enough. Great show. Of course, but not all different opinions are negative, some criticisms are constructive. Why is it still functional in s3.10? For six seasons, Nighthorse has been Longmire's usual suspect, accused of everything from helping murder Walt's wife to killing deputy Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) to using the casino he. Then in the Red Pony Henry says to Vic I think you are spending too much time with Walt you are picking up his speech patterns. I wish I knew more about the contractual relationship between Warner/Horizon and A&E. I still feel like viewers arent being shown the entire picture, which is standard for mysteries but frustrating at the same time. How many times was it that hank nearly got killed or could've ended up being on a wheelchair possibly for his entire life bcz of Walt. It is only natural, that these two with similar personalities and needs would eventually be drawn together. She is a far better deputy than Branch or Ferg. Cady clearly saw more than the wound. Teens Break-in to House to Bake Marijuana Brownies. Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. Walt, however, was convinced that either Malachi Strand or Jacob Nighthorse had his wife killed and became increasingly antagonistic . Branch will make a comeback in one form or another, and I do not believe this show will be cancelled, moved to another network perhaps, but A&E needs this show. Barlow saw an opportunity and had him killed by Ridges. They also are weak in their other programming and it seems generally incompatible with the Longmire viewer type so they are unlikely to stumble upon it. Or how about Walt finally appreciating that other blond woman who likes him? Her reason for that was incredibly heartbreaking. Ive enjoyed reading everyones comments and you all have given me a lot to think about going forward to season 4. Walt then kills Barlow, avenging Branch and Martha, but is taken into court as Barlow had intended for his death to be used to get Walt accused of murdering him. When Branch asks what he has to do to earn his way back in, Longmire replies he doesnt know. Daddy Barlow was revealed to be full-on, evil crazy. Communi-Fan Very moody and evocative musical selections on this program. If Barlow is dead, he is going to need Walt more than ever. What was in the jar was Walts dead wife ashes! I have to say the Baldwin/Coveny written episodes are my favorites. August 6, 2014 @ That seems to be who the character is to me and I feel like he is lost without it. Ridges also then killed Beck for the same ass-covering reasons. But, yes, that family seems to have a serious case of the crazies. I think TNT should pick it up, put it on Monday at 10pm eastern after Major Crimes and match the number of episodes with Major Crimes. Available on Kindle. 4:50 pm. The finale had fewer viewers than the season premiere. Ratings are a fact of life. We found Longmire during season 2 and fell in love with this program. I thought maybe Bridges stole it just long enough to get to his horse. In 2015, Branch's body was found down by the river by Walt Longmire, Vic Moretti, and The Ferg. Thats a little flip about mental illness so no offense to anyone. Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Monday to take control of municipal services and development for the special zone encompassing Walt Disney . The Most Evil Things Walter White Ever Did. Remember when Walt told Barlow that he thought the shooter was getting back at Barlow through Branch? August 5, 2014 @ But praying to the Corporate Gods cant hurt! I cant see that person living in the half finished cabin or driving that Casi-NO bumper-stickered car. In the books, he is The Bear and I dont think that any of this seasons troubles would have happened to him! I feel like there is too much unresolved with Malachi and Nighthorse and more for us to discover there but I dont think Nighthorse intended for Walts wife to be murdered. Im sad to read sometimes that there are Longmire viewers who really dislike Vic, I LOVE her character, flaws and all. And how do Baldwin/Coveney, the producers, fit into the picture in terms of ownership and clout? Vic too for that matter if the punch in the face was the best thing that happened to her all week. In case you dont know already the people behind The Closer are the mostly the same people behind Longmire. 2:11 am. Without a doubt. note(s) (requests) in it. Heres hoping. Ive had enough of Branch the crazy rogue this season. Cant wait for Season 4!!!! 3:35 am, I believe that was how hector would get hisjobs. Shareen Quite a artistic creation. August 5, 2014 @ With that finale I am really looking forward to the next season. Besides, I would not want to give up that amazing scene in The Election where he just says what the hell, goes back in, throws off the hat and jacket, sweeps the table clear and proceeds to ravish Lizzie right there on it. Walt then kills Barlow, avenging Branch and Martha. Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California and Hawaii has been preaching and inspiring others to become closer to God for decades. The official moment he was free and the plan worked was beyond emotional. [b]PerilPress[/b], Ive always liked Gerald McRaney going way back to Simon & Simon and Im kinda hoping hes not mortally wounded and sticks around a little more to add spice to these exceptional storylines. [b]emsA2[/b], incessant wind of the high plains and the loneliness. Thats a thought-provoking tidbit that Ive never heard. Lucian is eccentric crazy, a lot of fun, love the character but I worry a bit when he is carrying a gun. We are dying here for better programming. Not at this point. Im also new to posting comments but have been reading/enjoying for a while. leave the good ones alone. Maybe the writers will take you up on that! Its shame Longmire has no help from a lead in show. Please A&E, renew quickly with a lot more episodes. 3:37 am. In case one breaks) Henrys joyous head through the open window ride . August 5, 2014 @ If the show gets another season and the writers are going to put them together, they need to ease them into a relationship without any more over the top obstacles. Deeply appreciated. Normally we have to wait for weddings for this type of, Remember last week when I praised House of the Dragon for not holding our hands while it zoomed through the story? Im sure I dont remember all the times we see in owl in Longmire episodes. What father doesnt know his adult sons coffee preference (they really are strangers to each other). There did not seem time for this without Branch taking some kind of action. We just let them rant. August 5, 2014 @ And it feels like during season 2 we got all of this episodes reveals about Branchs father. I did LIKE the Lizzie story-arc, what it revealed about Walt and Vic, how it was part of his healing process and then how after Cadys accident it was used to display one of Longmires most virtuous flaws: that overdeveloped sense of responsibility for everything that in this instance leads him to think giving in to Lizzies seduction led to Cady being in a coma. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Let us know in the comments below. Its the most important barometer a network uses to indicate popularity. He managed to reload his shotgun (or pull a concealed pistol), triggered the trap as a distraction, and turned to fire on Branch. For me it was also one of best Oh my! Did you get that figure from the Longmire Posse group? They rant against those with a well thought out objection, not only against those who just state they hate Vic. Interesting take on Barlow and Walt and one that I hadnt really considered. It follows the adventures of Walt Longmire, a Wyoming sheriff attempting to keep the peace in his county while recovering from the loss of his recently-deceased wife. Its been a lot of fun reviewing the show each week and meeting so many other fans of the show. I think Craig Johnson believes in the death symbolism because of a story he tells about seeing an owl before he heard that Tony Hillerman had died. The Season 1 DVD didnt come out until a year after season 1 aired and when asked about Blu-Ray version, nothing. He has spent most of his time jumping to conclusions, excessively whining about doing his job, politicking, and getting into unnecessary conflicts with Walt. I cannot imagine Cady ever getting romantically involved with Branch again. This season has really kept my interest and the cliffhanger of who survives the Branch/Barlow shootout has me waiting for next season even more than the who shot JR one on the original Dallas!. She was never that into him in the first place. Katee tweeted something about S4 already but my guess is they told her to reserve her before officially announcing A&E wouldnt end another show with a main character in mortal danger would Glades Matt seems to have landed OK though on USA Network. One of only a handful of truly great drama and intelligent writing for adults. Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. I felt like he was at Hectors wall to honor him but then it seemed like more than just that when he took the jar. Free through late August. The Glades and Longmire were both on Sunday night for season 1 of Longmire. But there is clearly a strong strain of it in the Connally family. The writers are doing a slow build-up and Im comfortable with that direction. Is Branch dead? Walt Longmire's fictional biography. Very slim possibility I know but I dont see the Branch/Barlow relationship ending this way. Walt, who is finally starting to understand the truth, realizes that not only was Ridges involved, but Nighthorse was also involved.He believes that these are the only 2 to be involved. I have enjoyed reading the posts on this site this year, and thank you for providing an outlet for comments and opinions. Another indication of people not liking storyline or direction ( not necessarily regarding Walt/Vic) is the decline in viewership. I was glad that the writers added some realism and had Walt suspend Branch although no doubt he will be back. better be.) A&E needs to promote it more and show it at an earlier time so that MORE people can watch. He feels responsible for Hectors death, prelude to Henry storyline for season 4. emsA2 I wanted a like button fro your comments. Outside the office, Longmire bars Branch from going in. I am still against Vic and Walt getting romantically involved. Later, when Longmire and Henry lug Miller Becks coffin back to where David Ridgess body is being kept, they find out from Ferg that someone picked the lock and made off with Ridges. I dont like the idea of Branch in any other job but with the sheriffs department. Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. As the scene closes with Branch getting ready to take in his corrupt father, maybe hoping to earn his way back into the department or just because hes realized that hes not like his dad, Branchs father says hes sorry he failed him, but its not too late to have another son. Its too darn good and too popular. Watched the first two seasons on Netflix one episode after the other one weekend. Why do we have until next year for season 4? They have nothing worth watching. If the jar that Henry took was new requests for Hectors help, I wonder how he will handle them dont see him beating people up and pulling teeth. The scene of Vic, Ruby, and Ferg staring out the window at displaced, disturbed Deputy Branch is one of my all time favorite images for this show. Hopefully, it wont take too long! Nothing really happened between Vic and Walt. The official moment he was free and the plan worked was beyond emotional. 3:54 pm, We truly enjoy this episode and think this show has the best cast on tv. The first time we see the owl is in the pilot. Another scene that had me chuckling out loud was when Longmire and Henry head off to Colorado to dig up Miller Beck's bodylooking for a warrior's feather lodged in the throat of Martha Longmires killerand they get caught by the local law. The producers and writers know that the anti groups on any subject are more vocal than the pro side. I hope that Branch got the better of his father and didnt get killed. That is what drew me to the series: incredible writing and beautifully crafted, works-of-art level episodes that still haunt me like Dog Soldier. If either he or Walt had killed Beck, the body would never have been found. I did like the comment about it being the best thing that happened. 11:08 pm. By the way, the horned owl(s) they have used are really beautiful birds, dont look onimous to me and I have always been struck by how soulful the eyes are and how they look as if they are personally connecting to Walt. Walt asks her why she thinks he never gave up being sheriff and, like most characters, she assumes that he loves his job too much. It was moving to see Walt's body language, as if he were still reaching out for Martha as the remains sifted through his fingers. son, not created in his fathers image.. I will say that the very reason that you want to keep Branch is exactly why he should be killed off or sent away. What was Barlow talking to Jacob about on those survalience tapes? Following the miscarriage she suffered in episode 4, she went on a drive and came close to killing herself she had the bullet locked and ready to go, but she emptied it out when she realized that she couldn't go through with it. Anyone else, would have been perfect. Why would he help Branch unless as some form of twisted parental support. I assume that came from ridges war paint. Keep it going!!!!!! I dont think Hector would have kept old notes around. Has the owl brought a message of peace for Walt from Marthaor has someone died? 7:20 pm. I do hope Longmire is renewed for another season. I truly hope Branch is not dead since he did almost die once already. Ive been singing the praises of Katee Sackhoff and Bailey Chase but, arguably, Taylor had the most powerful, emotional walloping of a scene in all of season three. Grade: A-. Then, it was Branch of all people who finally uncovered the truth. What happened to Jacob Nighthorse at the end of Longmire? Im not a fan of the omminous grand story arc format. Unless they did pitch to TNT and were rejected. Best episode yet! Who knows what A&E will do? Skyler nearly killed herself for walt's actions too. . 3:26 am. He pulled a gun on Walt who was forced to shoot him down. I think the jar of notes were NEW requests since Hector passed. August 7, 2014 @ Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. [FAQ] What happened to branch on longmire? Criticisms are constructive say that the anti groups on any subject are more one-dimensional than Longmire while the dominates! The times we see the owl brought a message of peace for Walt & # x27 s. Version, nothing time for this without Branch taking some kind of action lead in show i wanted like... Entire picture, which is standard for mysteries but frustrating at the same people Longmire! 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