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what is exogamy marriage

Murdock, George Peter, and Douglas R. White. Biological exogamy is marriage of nonblood-related beings, regulated by forms of incest law. 2003. Exogamy is a social rule that requires marriage to be between individuals who are not closely related by blood or ancestry. As to why this might be, they point to two possible psychological factors. According to this theory, groups that engaged in exogamy would flourish, while those that did not would all die, either literally or because they lacked sufficient ties for cultural and economic exchange, leaving them at a disadvantage. Caste exogamy is when individuals marry outside of their own caste. It is likely that originally exogamy evolved as a way to reduce competition among members of the same social group for mates and ensured that individuals had a larger pool of potential mates to choose from. A type of polyandry where a womans husbands are all considered to be her childrens fathers, contribute to their wellbeing, and live with their wife. The reasoning is that marriages are often arranged with other communities that are potential enemies, so parents may opt to delay marriage for their sons until after his active period of warrior involvement. Polyandry has two variations: formal and informal. "One marriage out of twenty is wonderful, four are good, ten are tolerable, and five are . More socially complex societies, such as those with large communities and more political hierarchy, are more likely to permit first cousin marriage (M. Ember 1975). An exogamous marital arrangement is one where individuals marry outside of their own social group. Polygynous societies, particularly those with nonsororal polygyny, tend to be found in societies practicing patrilocal residence (Whiting 1964; White and Burton 1988) and also those having male-biased inheritance (Hartung 1982; Cowlishaw and Mace 1996). Thus, exogamy meaning is defined as intentionally marrying outside one's group, clan, or social unit. Adultery is one mechanism of producing offspring if a couple cannot have children. The religion of Islam insists that daughters must inherit in addition to sons (although daughters receive only half the amount as sons). Because of the complexity of that literature we will not discuss it here, but there are some general trends we can point to in the minority of societies that allow cousin marriage: In societies that allow cousin marriage, the vast majority only allow cross-cousin marriage; parallel cousin marriage is relatively rare (Korotayev 2000). In both cases, not only did male and female sexual partners live separately with their maternal families, but they did not have regular economic cooperation nor other regular obligations with their sexual partners. In fact, there are relatively few societies that do not allow divorce for any reason (Betzig 1989; Minturn, Grosse, and Haider 1969). The presence of extended families may also affect the marital relationship. Similar to dowry except that the goods or money originate from the grooms kin and they are either passed to the bride directly or passed indirectly via her family. Even though there are many people within each totem and many different individual family groups due to the different tribes within each totem, it is required that members of each totem marry from the other totem. While the two most common reasons for divorceadultery and the inability to have children do not necessarily occur in the same societies, some research suggests that they are related in some way. The hypothesis is not only strongly predictive, but also predicts well in both agricultural and non-agricultural societies. What predicts variation in family household form? If societies with more complex marriage celebrations are more invested in marriage, it stands to reason that they may be more likely to incorporate economic transactions into the union. my ek-sg--m plural exogamies 1 : marriage outside of a specific group especially as required by custom or law 2 : sexual reproduction between individuals (as of a particular species) that are not closely related exogamous ek-sg--ms adjective or exogamic ek-s-gam-ik More from Merriam-Webster on exogamy While in Western cultures monogamy (marriage to only one spouse at any time) is generally the norm, this is not the case throughout the world. Exogamy is the social norm of marrying outside one's social group. Greater social involvement in the marriage (Frayser 1985). Exogamy is usually defined through kinship rather than ethnicity, religion, or class. Polygyny provides a man with more opportunities to have a large number of childrengenerally, the more wives, the more children. Exogamy is the social norm of marrying outside one's social group. The Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS) is a sample of 185 societies. Strengthening of the genetic pool, thus reducing birth defects. exogamy, also called out-marriage, custom enjoining marriage outside one's own group. Using this line of reasoning, Boserup explains why societies with long-fallow agriculture, which involves rotating through relatively large tracts of land, is associated with polygyny compared with societies practicing plow agriculture on permanent plots of land. marriage Rainfall variability is likely to produce uneven productivity between communities and exogamy provides more opportunities for movement to even out resources. Learn the definition and meaning of exogamy, identify the various types of exogamous marriage, and see examples. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Why? Frayser suggests that the ceremony is one factor that contributes to a society encouraging the institution of marriage. One economic theory focuses on how much women contribute to subsistence. Some studies have not found support for the sex ratio theory, but measures of polygyny were different (Hooper 2006; Quinlan and Quinlan 2007) or variable was imputed (Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019).. Bride price or substantial transactions of wealth accompanying the marriage (Frayser 1985; Rosenblatt and Unangst 1974). Finally, the last day consists of a ceremonial washing of the bride and groom to signify the washing away of all remaining traces of youth. The washing is followed by the couples hair being tied into a single knot (Geertz and Lomatuway 1987). Why? Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) is an internationally recognized organization in the field of cultural anthropology. In such societies, marrying a first cousin combined with marrying within the community predicts lower divorce rates even more strongly. Apostolou points out that many societies with arranged marriage also more closely chaperone their children and maintain separation of the sexes, reducing contact between younger men and women before marriage. A high male mortality in warfare may be the main cause of a sex-ratio favoring females. In addition, if women have very low status (and men have high status), adult women may have few alternatives to marriage. In gift exchange, the kin groups of the bride and groom give each other gifts of about equal value. Here are some other ways that exogamy and endogamy compare: It is clear to see that exogamy and endogamy are opposites in almost every way. Additionally, as humans began to rely more on hunting, baby-tending and subsistence became increasingly incompatible. In other words, a marriage outside the lineage group is . Sometimes this is an arrangement between two brother-sister pairs where the brothers each marry the others sister. in societies that both lack polygyny and have high levels of social stratification (Gaulin and Boster 1990). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Related findings are that a combination of patrilocality and patrilineality predicts more compensation to the brides family or the bride (Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011b) and that bride price is more likely in patrilineal societies (Goody 1973). The Inuit are North American indigenous peoples living in a moiety composed of totem (defined by animal names) groups that are made up of many smaller tribes. The first is the relative absence of the father which, as discussed earlier, may enhance aggressive and dominant behaviors on the part of males. The children of siblings of the same gender (i.e., the children of a woman and her sister or of a man and his brother are parallel cousins to each other). There are a wide variety of theories that have been offered to explain polygyny. A second economic argument, somewhat related to the first, is the degree to which land is available. As discussed in the sexuality and adolescence modules, research suggests that in these situations there is a greater likelihood that boys will have conflict about their gender identity and hence will exhibit more defensive masculine behavior as they grow up. These groups live in paired kinship groups called moiety (two relatively even groups of people that marry each other). At no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission, which helps us run this blog and keep our in-depth content free of charge for all our readers. If cousin marriage is allowed, what predicts the type of cousins allowed or preferred? Compromise: Marriage requires compromise . Ember, Carol R., Melvin Ember, and Peter N. Peregrine. Given the importance of culture to human survival, it is not surprising that all societies have some form of family, minimally composed of a parent (or guardian) and at least one child. 1990. Pathogen stress is the only predictor of nonsororal polygyny in state societies. In endogamous, marriages with the same families are prohibited. exogamy, also called out-marriage, custom enjoining marriage outside one's own group. Research has found that. An example is the recessive alpha-thalessemia allele which helps individuals escape the more serious effects of malaria. Why? Interracial marriage: a marriage between two people of different races. Their findings suggest that both factors are associated with nonsororal polygyny. In most patrilocal, patrilineal societies, daughters would normally move away from their familys land. And even on your fathers side, your patrilateral cross-cousinsyour fathers sisters children will not be in your kin group, since although the father and his sister are in the same kin group, membership is not passed through females. Extended families often include people from 3 or 4 generations. 2019. According to a survey 83% people practice exogamy in these tribes. The following findings are consistent with these theories: Brides and their parents generally have a greater net gain in resources at the time of marriage than grooms and their parents (Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011a, 2011b). After speaking to the girl, the boy goes to her parents, not needing permission from his own parents. If their society has extended family households (composed of two or more family units linked by at least one blood tie), a married couple will typically move into a household already in existence. Exogamy, the practice of marrying outside the group, is found in societies in which kinship relations are the most complex, thus barring from marriage large groups who may trace their lineage to a common ancestor. Respect: Partners should respect each other's boundaries, opinions, and decisions. Although some research supports the idea that societies with matrilocal residence are more tolerant of divorce (Minturn, Grosse, and Haider 1969), other research does not find the relationship particularly strong when other factors are controlled (Ackerman 1963; Pearson and Hendrix 1979). There are skin names within these large communities, and marriages are made between skin names. low emphasis on love as a basis for marriage (Hull 1989). mile Durkheim[9] derives exogamy from totemism. Regions with high incidence of endemic pathogen stress are more likely to have cousin marriage (Hoben, Buunk, and Fisher 2016). This social group can be defined in a number of ways, including by race, ethnicity, religion, caste, clan, or family. It is more likely to be the glue that holds a marriage together when economic production moves out of the household. In such ceremonies, males are often asked to demonstrate their masculinity by showing little pain during genital surgeries or in special tests of fortitude. What is exogamy? medieval 1962. Moreover, the person who controls fewer assets in the marriage is more likely to have their participation predicated on arrangement (Hull 1989). The first, double tomb AY80 is an impressive stone cist containing a male with a copper halberd and a dagger, who was buried after a female. Alternatively, indirect dowry can be thought of as a combination of bride price paid first and then dowry. In some cases, this cultural friction is neutralized by the understanding that the one given to the marriage (often a bride given to another tribe) is to accept the culture of the one whose tribe the first entered (often the groom's tribe). Jankowiak, Sudakov, and Wilreker (2005) find that in about 90% of the societies with co-wives, ethnographers report sexual and emotional conflict and they conclude that conflict is more-or-less a universal in polygynous societies. in complex societies that have social stratification and intensive agriculture (Schlegel and Eloul 1988; Evascu 1975), although such societies are also likely to lack substantial transactions at marriage (Evascu 1975). Jankowiak, William, Monika Sudakov, and Benjamin C. Wilreker. Exogamy Our next governing rule of marriage is exogamy. This set of cousins are called patrilateral (fathers side) parallel cousins. Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, is a socially accepted arrangement for marriage outside of a social group. dowry But recognition does not necessarily mean an elaborate ceremony. Quinlan and Quinlan (2007) suggest that If the presence of both a husband and a wife is not critical for raising a child, staying in an unwanted marriage is not as necessary for successful child-rearing. Children from a marriage are symbolized by a downward line from the marriage. When you use one ofthese affiliate links,the company compensates us. However, Fraysers research does not attempt to explain the double standard for extramarital relationships between men and women. 2) Subsiding of romantic love. Schaden, Egon, and Lars-Peter Lewinsohn. Some societies frown on cousin marriage so much that even distant cousins are forbidden. Families are essential for human development. (iii) Village Exogamy: Among many Indian tribes there is the practice to marry outside the village. Gaulin, Steven J. C., and James S. Boster. Historically, royal families have practiced a form of endogamy for the sake of maintaining ''royal bloodlines'' while many indigenous peoples of both North America and Australia are well known for their practices of strict exogamous marriages to build strong genetic lines and strengthen bonds among all the peoples of an area. Cultural differences b/w the spouses may lead to maladjustment and dissatisfaction. The most important distinction made in many societies is between cross-cousins and parallel cousins. Informal polyandry is where two or more men are recognized as fathers and provide some help to the same woman and her children. Exogamy is a social rule that requires marriage to be between individuals who are not closely related by blood or ancestry. While there is considerable research on the type of marriage and the conditions associated with it, aside from some research on aloofness/intimacy there is relatively little known about the quality of the marital relationship. 1960. 2007. 2004. If one person has a faulty gene, breeding outside his group increases the chances that his partner will have another functional type gene and their child may not suffer the defect. An analysis of hunting-gathering societies using language history not only supports this conclusion but suggests that arranged marriage may go back further to the early migration of humans out of Africa (Walker et al. Exogamy implies the practice of marrying outside of one's own group. In other words, exogamy helps to keep the gene pool fresh. By having sons marry a fathers brothers daughter, who is in the same kin group, any inheritance of property by the wife would stay within the control of the patrilineal kin group. Exogamy is the practice of marrying someone from outside one's own community. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Community exogamy refers to marriage with a spouse from another community; endogamy refers to marriage within the community. However, in the modern world, people are increasingly mobile and interconnected. Hunter-gatherers in recent times overwhelmingly have arranged marriage (Apostolou 2007), strongly suggesting that it was probably the ancestral pattern in human history (Apostolou 2014). document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Ancient Maya On the other hand, bride price. Some men will be unmarried, some men will only have one wife, and some will be currently monogamous but marry polygynously later. Cultural exogamy is the custom of marrying outside a specified group of people to which a person belongs. Korotayev and Bondarenko (2000; also Bondarenko and Korotayev 2004) find that polygynous societies and those with large extended families are less likely to have democratic norms in both community and supracommunity leadership. In the past, individuals were largely limited to marrying someone from their immediate community. We don't care how many ads you see or how many pages you view. Silas (1926) explains that, Marriage is accompanied by hardly any public ceremony or riteapart from the placing of the stones and an exchange of gifts between the husband and the relatives of the bride, there is no formal ceremony; the wife simply joins the man, and they set up house together (1926, 150), Cross-cultural researchers have examined the predictors of the degree of marriage ceremony complexity. 485 lessons. However, they found that the complexity of a society introduced a qualification, namely that, High mortality rate predicts nonsororal polygyny in non-state societies, but not in state societies. Females, by having multiple male partners, may buffer themselves against resource scarcity especially if close kin are not nearby. (Matrilocal residence can more readily accommodate polygyny if it is sororal because sisters grow up in the same household.). Walker, Robert S., Kim Hill, Mark V. Flinn, and Ryan M. Ellsworth. However, in modern times it has become more common for people of different religions to marry one another. Only 31% of societies have full individual choice.2. 1972. Symmetrical cross-cousin marriage is somewhat more likely when economic transactions at marriage (such as bride price or dowry) are absent. One exception from the past is the Nayar of the 19th century. It's often practiced as a custom, though it can also be dictated by law or happen by circumstance. Similar to sexual restrictions on women, societies with a greater interest in the institution of marriage may be more likely to classify womens extramarital relationships as grounds for terminating the marriage. Little non-human primate babies can cling to a mothers fur as she moves about to eat, but for human primates bipedalism and the loss of hair made this difficult. There are very few societies that transfer labor or goods to the grooms family from the brides family, which is something of a puzzle. It is very difficult for a man to have more than one wife living with him unless his wives move to his place of residence. As we noted above, polygynous societies are also more likely to have aloof relationships between husbands and wives and co-wives exhibit considerable jealousy. As pointed out by Pasternak, Ember, and Ember (1976), the problem with this reasoning is that most hunter-gatherer societies have multi-family bands that cooperate with each other, so clearly they can support multiple families. University of Manitoba - Faculty of Arts - Exogamy and Incest Prohibitions. Specifically, your cross-cousins are your mothers brothers children and your fathers sisters children. But more importantly, two women are likely to have twice as many mouths to feed and care for. The diversity of the gene pool results in reduced purity of the bloodline; however exogamous cultures value lineage over the purity of bloodlines, and exogamy supports strong lineage tracking. However, some relatively recent cross-cultural research by Starkweather and Hames (2012) suggests that while polyandry is the norm in only a few societies, there are societies where polyandry sometimes takes place. Finally, another reason for exogamy arose out of a need to access resources that were unavailable within ones own group. First, there is a double standard, with more tolerance of premarital and extramarital sex for men than for women. The severity of enforcement of exogamous restrictions varies greatly across cultures and may range from death to mild disapproval. Nimkoff and Middleton (1960) assume that more stable and abundant food supplies are necessary for the support of extended family households living in one place. I feel like its a lifeline. Lee, Gary R., and Lorene Hemhill Stone. 2016. In contrast, in socially simpler societies, the entire population of able-bodied men may be expected to be warriors.6. 1974. In other words, with dowry there is a downward passage of wealth. Exogamy is the practice of marrying someone from a different social group, class, or tribe. There are many different reasons why people choose to marry someone from a different social group, including cultural, social, and economic factors. Homogamy: conscious or unconscious tendency to select mate with personal characteristics similar to one's own Online searchers typically do not seek out people of a different race The love relationship Coupling of love and marriage not universal U.S. parents and peers expected to help child confine search for a mate to "socially . And, in both cases, males were frequently absent. A more recent example is the Mosuo or Na of Yunnan in southwest China. This practice ensures the strength of the familial bond amongst the entire language group (not allowing any individual skin group to get too strong or too isolated from the others). Unfortunately, they did not measure family in exactly the same way as Nimkoff and Middleton (they termed their variable family complexity and included societies with considerable polygyny in the same category with extended family households. matrilocal Kenya Inbreeding: the practice of breeding between individuals who are closely related. Why? If marriage is a socially-accepted union, societies need a way of recognizing that union. Polyandry, the opposite of polygyny (one woman, multiple husbands) is exceedingly rare, with only a handful of societies having it as an important form of marriage.4 While the specific arrangements vary from culture to culture, a few types of polygyny are usually distinguishedlimited polygyny, general sororal polygyny (co-wives are sisters), and general non-sororal polygyny (co-wives are not sisters).5 As its name suggests, limited polygyny means that it is only occasionally practiced in a society, whereas general polygyny indicates that it is more common. Thus, such marriages are a way of consolidating wealth in societies with strong Islamic traditions. Does this theory suggest any advantage for a woman to marry polygynously? Being able to engage in sex prior to marriage combined with the ability to choose a partner presumably enhances the likelihood that marriage partners will be compatible and ultimately happier together. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Why? economy Human children take a long time to learn not only to be productive adults, but to learn the nuances and complexity of the culture into which they are raised. The theory is that when local opportunities for marriage are scarce due to small size, exogamy would be more adaptive. Disclosure:Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Might this variation help us test theories about the conditions under which marriage is important? These problems relate to the division of labor by gender, a very long infant dependency, and sexual competition, but each of them have logical flaws (C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine 2019). Schaden and Lewinsohn (1962) tells us that, Many men have a companion before marriage. In such circumstances, it is reproductively advantageous to marry someone, rather than no one. There is relatively little research on why societies have rules about marriage within or outside the local community. Long-fallow agriculture is associated with moderately complex societies and thus may account for the finding that polygyny is more prevalent in such societies, but less common in very complex societies. A division of labor by gender is a cultural universal and it is proposed that marriage is a way for females and males to productively share the results of their varied subsistence tasks. It is one of the most common marriage practices in the world, and it has been observed in societies all over the globe, The word exogamy comes from the Greek words exo-, meaning outside, and -gamy, meaning marriage.. 6) Divorce is easier to accomplish STRUCTURAL. For three of these days, the bride is secluded and cannot be exposed to the sun. Why? As discussed in the sexuality module, homosexual behavior, even if common, often coexists with heterosexual marriage practices. some social stratification but generally less than three levels of classes or castes. First, one would think there would be more conflict with limited breeding seasons. The main types of exogamy are: Cultural exogamy can lead to friction within marriage if the two cultures are too distinct or if the partners in the marriage cannot agree on the behaviors within the marriage. 2011a. He takes his companion to the paternal home, where he lives with her for a while and where she cooks together with the boys mother. Extended family households range from small two-unit families, to large families with 3-4 generations of related individuals. And what if a woman has no brother, or what if a family has one brother and three sisters? The reasoning is that, with a shortage of men, polygyny is a way for everyone to get married and have children legitimately. 1988. systems of exchange, Consanguinity The State of being related to someone by descent from a common ancestor, Assimilation How Minority Groups become part of the Dominant Culture. There is enormous cross-cultural variation in the tolerance of marriage to cousins. According to coded data by Frayser (1985) from a subset of the Standard Cross Cultural Sample, approximately 65% of cultures worldwide have a moderate or elaborate celebration of marriage, while the other 35% have either a small ceremony or no ceremony at all. In addition to blood relatives, marriage to members of a specific totem, clan (s) or other group (s) may be forbidden. They should also show appreciation and kindness towards each other. In contrast, a man and woman in a more-or-less stable union not only share one set of children, but have no conflicts regarding other children to support. Given considerable jealousy, some anthropologists find it puzzling that polygyny is so prevalent (e.g., M. Ember (1974)). There are a couple of known exceptions to the claim that marriage is a universal custom. necropolis magic Endogamy and exogamy are the two main rules that condition marital choice. However, there are also logical flaws to this argument. Elizabeth Prine Pauls was Associate Editor, Anthropology and Languages, at Encyclopdia Britannica. residence See theTeaching eHRAF Exercise on Marriage and Family for suggestions. Indeed, as mentioned above, polygyny is also associated with a large discrepancy in age of marriage (M. Ember 1984) and both conditions explain polygyny better than one condition alone. The usual way to test theories is to compare societies with and without a customary trait to see if the variation is predicted by the variation in a presumed causal factor. Divorce rate? Among the societies with more elaborate ceremonies are the Hopi, of the U.S. Southwest, who practice a wedding ceremony that lasts four days. There are some strong advantages to exogamous relationships, which are: There are many types of exogamy, meaning that there are multiple reasons why some choose to practice this form of partner selection for marriage purposes. Why? Given the near-universality of marriage, it is assumed that the custom must be very adaptive for human societies. The rule that requires marriage to a person within ones own group (kin, caste, community). This was in answer to the following question: Can a new mother feed herself and her baby at more-or-less the same time? Regulated by forms of incest law the tolerance of marriage, it is sororal because sisters up! 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+420 773 479 223
bts reaction to them wanting attention