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what happens to miss lambe in sanditon

What did I just invest my time in? What did TOM do to rectify the situation he put himself in? In Sanditon season 2, Miss Heywood swore she wouldn't be beholden to a man again and she decided she wouldn't marry anyone now that Sidney is gone. Will Arthur win Miss Lambes hand, or did his final speech imply he was gay? In both I find excellent casting/acting, authentic to the period, and a true Austen interpretation. With Charlottes friendship with Susan I can see the prince regent investing in Sanditon, thus its prosperity, negating the necessity of Sidney sacrificing love. Please tell us there will be another season to somehow redeem this nonsense, Vic. Yes what Sherry said! I wish Sanditon had been marketed to us as a mini soap opera version of a Jane Austen classic romance rather than a continuation of an unfinished novel. I feel weary even thinking about a second season because you know that Sydney and Charlotte wont be able to get together until the very end of the season. :). Oh wait, I am mistaken, that is not a good mini series, that is the best! Hated the ending but also dont want to plod through another season of this trash! Once I let myself go in terms of recapping the Sanditon episodes, I had fun making sport with the more improbable situations. My plea to the powers that be is to think of your audience and order up at least one more episode to tie up loose ends and provide Charlotte with the logical ending she deserves. Jane Austen characters are supposed to learn from each other and grow, so that by the end of the story the heroine and hero are made better by each other. I find the Outlander series vastly superior: why? I was as heartbroken as anyone and frankly am still grieving (I had PBS Passport and watched it all a few weeks ago) but I really enjoyed it. Ill be back in a week.. Austen is rolling over in her grave exactly what I told my mom while watching this episode. THATS IT?! His marriage to Lady C, if it occurs, will be unhappy and he will regret it and let Charlotte know. "Lady Denham requests your attendance at a luncheon party and pineapple tasting in honour of Miss Lambe." That sounds very grand indeed. I too watched last night and thought, Thats it?! Notes and references You know its strange, I have not yet been able to let Sanditon go. That would have mentally prepared me for the drama and lack of era-appropriate dialogue and situations. Once Sidney/Charlotte was credibly ended, so was my interest. Oh well, for that matter, everyone else was allowed in there too. The dancing continues, with Lord Babb and Esther, Arthur and Georgiana, and the rest of the assembled guests having great fun. Its wrenching to see a story end in the middle. Sanditon Season 3 opens with Charlotte Heywood returning to Sanditon for her best friend Georgiana Lambe's (Crystal Clarke) 21st birthday. My favorite part of this is Dont send him at all!!!!!!!!!!! As for my feelings about the final episode: Boooo, Andrew Davies!! Thank you for your review, Christina. Sanditon season 2 ended on a major - not to mention heartbreaking - cliffhanger for fans following its run on BritBox and PBS Masterpiece, so the third season of the Regency-era period drama can't come soon enough.. I loved loved loved this seriesbut I am mortified with the ending. Thanks for mentioning it. The first in a painting class to demonstrate her rebelliousness, and the other in a scene with Sidney to show her contrition for bad behavior. The camera pans to Sanditon House. The worst part was the rushed changes in the last two episodes. It really does feel that way and I am glad to read that so many other people were so sad about it too. Why, why would you do that to your audience? Please find Mr Stringer someone nice he is quite unsuitable for Charlotte so I imagine Sidneys wife will die a gruesome death leaving him all her vast wealth, and then we can be left in limbo again, wondering whether he and Charlotte will marry in Series 3, which I will definitely not buy. Die-hard Jane Austen fan, always go out of my way to watch any and every film/tv adaptation humanity makes of her work. I think: *WTDFJH? They would have enjoyed one another, treated each other kindly while she had her forbidden lover on the side and he did too. Across the ball room, Charlotte and Sidney exchange glances of frustration, but she cant refuse Stringer, for she was not engaged to dance with another gentleman. And I actually found him more interesting this season . Tidy up all those loose ends? And quite uncharacteristic of Lady Denham. The viewers instantly know why Sidney needs to see her when he says, Tell me you dont think badly of me. Vic, a few descriptive words and statements and phrases such as: brash, exuberant, rough round the edges, a good laugh, I fell about in stitches at some of the dialogue, I enjoyed it. I watched 8 hours for this ending? They really botched this one with no real ending. My other question is why give Lord and Lady Babbingtons story more focus than the main characters themselves? And remember, in the first episode, Charlotte actually said, I dont want to marry. Why should she? Miss Lambe is a seventeen-year-old girl brought to Sanditon by Mrs. Griffiths, along with two Miss Beauforts. I forgot about deux ex machina, a literary device used to derail the reader or viewer, and that is discouraged by professors who teach Writing Romance Novels 101. Thats it? But I WILL read the eleven chapters that Jane Austen wrote. I dint like the poorly designed set for the town of Sanditon. Lets hope that the powers that be listen to their faithful and erudite fans. Now all he has to do is tell his Da. Reaching episode 8 I was in shock that Davies switched the DNA of what we know to be a Jane Austen novel with traditional endings based on the character development presented. But I contradict myself when I add that Sidney is sadly unique as portrayed by Davies. Her complexion glows. Austen is rolling over in her grave. Charlotte visits James Stringer. Where is the circulating library, which Austen mentions in her manuscript? And so, Sidney says, What a brute I was., Charlotte, who, once upon a time was a feisty opinionated woman, says, I deserved it.. And for your lovely salutation. Still, I had a rollicking good time and hope to see at least one new episode. The horses gallop along a beautiful stretch of beach. Following which, Sidney breaks upon Charlotte that he has plans to honour his word and has to get married to Eliza Campion. All your thoughts about the series make sense. Sir, I shout at the screen, You are no gentleman!, Charlotte meekly steps inside the carriage and Sidney watches until it disappears over the horizon. Charlotte and Sidney clash over Miss Lambe's illicit meeting with Otis. Read the full article in The Sunday Times. Sidney and Charlotte should be together. Once I realised that, I sat back and enjoyed it, though, as someone else said, the comments here were far more entertaining.. The scene segues to Georgianas bedroom. I wonder what she's up to. Hes handsome enough, and goodness knows Theo James, the actor, tried his best, but hes no Mr. Darcy. It was obvious well before the first episode finished that this series had nothing to do with Jane Austen. He does not deserve being all right. While there is not a definite comparison between the two characters , I am seeing a transformative experience for Sydney Parker in Sanditon. Why was this disaster HIS full burden to bear? I did love all the long walks on the beach, cliffs and hillsvery Austen. Spoiler Alert: Weve invested many hours in Davies Sanditon on PBS Masterpiece and where did it get us? In life this ending seems to me just what might happen. As i am firmly Team Stringer, i dont really mind that Sidney Parker is henceforth unavailablealways excepting an early widowhood, possibly his wife will die in childbed and he will make haste to provide his infant daughter with a kindly stepmother and his feckless elder brother with a fortune to squander. In Janes stories all the heroines get a good ending. Our main protagonists and characters are assembled, beautifully dressed and ready to party, except for Georgiana, who confronts Sidney. She also was, at 22, facing spinsterhood. generalgtony Miss Lamb? Love your analysis that wine must have been good. She's come with her farmer. Play me something jolly.. If you arent sending Sidney after the carriage to announce that hes shed Mrs. Campion & only wants Charlotte for his bride, DONT SEND HIM AT ALL!! In some instances, links will be removed from comments as well. Stringer would not have been invited to the ball, and even if he were, it was not true to his character that he would go. Informed minds want to know. Click on image. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a tertiary character left alone with a lighted candle must inevitably burn down the building. Charlotte and Sidney soldier on, exchanging polite conversation. The ending by another lady is lovely. Andrew Davies was bragging on the PBS show about his reading so much Austen that it is with ease that he writes Austen (my paraphrase). This is not an ending, this is not Jane, this is STUPID! Inquiring readers: This is a long recap. . I love rich, huggy-bear types who adore their headstrong women. Sanditon is believed to feature Jane Austen's only black character in Miss Lambe, an heiress from the West Indies, even though she's never explicitly described as such in the novel. The only storyline that gave me any satisfaction was the marriage of Lord Babbington and Esther. Sanditon has been some kind of a revelation for me, I havent figured it all out yet. If we were able to see Sidney take a step back and truly suffer through this decision perhaps coming to terms with his life-long self-inflicted agonies and habit of denying himself happiness and/or chasing the wrong things and/or always being the responsible one in the family, etc. Three minutes 26 seconds!" Posted in Jane Austen Sequels, Jane Austen's World, PBS Movie Adaptation, Sanditon | Tagged Epi;sode 8: sanditon, Poll | 136 Comments. Really. Well know soon enough. I thought that they were strongly hinting that Arthur is homosexual, and that he was also confessing that to his sister when he said know nothing about ladies not for me lifelong bachelor. Of course, it could be interpreted eithe way. Will Mrs. Campion conveniently kick the bucket or will Charlotte warm up to poor James Stringer? If that had not happened would Lady D have even had a reason to survive to the next episode? I expect the second season (if there is one) will spotlight Young Springer as the worthy love she deserves, a man who seeks success through work, study, and architectural vision rather than financial flimflam like Sidney Parkers brother. Preparing a series 1 with only the *hopes* of there being money available to pay for a season 2 is much like the Parkers building a seaside town without any insurance or visitors. Good points all. I absolutely LOVED Sanditon and it rivals Persuasion as my favorite work of Jane Austen. Unfortunately, a dance in formation can take up a considerable amount of time and Sidney will have to bide his time before he can talk to his sweet Charlotte. But almost anyone can know her intentions when she took up the pen. Lord Babb had more personality in his little finger than James, king of the friend zone. Then Charlotte drops a bombshell - "Sidney is a wonderful man. Georgiana Lambe's (Crystal Clarke) sugar boycott in Sanditon season 2 is based on a real event that happened in the 19th century. You expressed yourself beautifully and I like your take on this series. The neglected tombstone found in an overgrown burial ground. After reading through the comments, I realize that, while there are plenty of plot strands which could be developed for a second season, none of them draws my interest as much as the Sidney/Charlotte one and that one has, failing another DEM, is DOA. S1 E6 - 47m 34s Charlotte and Sidney must reconcile enough in order to search for a missing Sanditon resident. I *loved* that Arthur stepped up to offer his inheritance. Cant live with it. Not sure what fate Sidney deserves. Sanditon fans got the kind of very good news that once seemed like it was never coming earlier this year: not only is the period drama returning for a long-awaited second season, but received an . I was left speechless after the conclusion, with one question running through my head: What did I just watch? Lastly, we can't forget Miss Lambe, an heiress, who is also Austen's first African American character. Charlotte and Sidney started a typical enemies to lovers situation that eventually imploded after Sanditon burned down; because Tom neglected to get insurance, Sidney was forced to marry his wealthy widowed ex to save the day. Yes, yes yes! Idiot. We cannot leave things as they are. Thank you, Mr. Stringer. Charlotte obviously has no desire to flirt with James or embark on a relationship with him. STAGE-COACH AND MAIL IN DAYS OF YORE: A PICTURESQUE HISTORY In your comments you write independentcourted by men which is fully understood by women of the 21st Century. Eight episodes of a mini-series deserve a thorough discussion of the finale. So now Sidney has to win Charlotte back. My sense is that cost and ratings will both play a huge part in the decision. And making her nice! Demand that final episode everyone. (Gasp!) I inferred that they were both childish in spirit and had fun together. For me, the perfect ending for her would have been to remain single and independent by choice. Im just saying. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blogs author and/or owners is strictly prohibited. Ill imagine your ending instead! Will Tom Parker ever stop being a fool? I am more concerned with the Miss Lambe storyline. Do read Austens original manuscript. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This is NOT Jane Austen! Jane Austen smacking Davies about the headnow that would be worth watching! Does anyone recall a scene from Becoming Jane where she turns to her sister, Cassandra, and mentions that she will give all her heroines a happy ending in her honor (paraphrase). Perhaps another visit to Sanditon would awaken tender feelings for Mr. Stringer? I had taped the series and I think I must have watched the damn show about 200 times because I couldnt actually believe what was happening to me. My idea of a good mini series is the dialogue of clever, well informed characters, who have a great deal of good conversation, true to original writings. Emmy and Bafta-winning writer Andrew Davies brings Jane Austen's unfinished last novel vividly to life. Lady D swoops down upon the hapless brothers and sister, saying she wants her investment back or else theyll all be put in the poor house. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Charlotte and Sidney continue to clash, resulting in Miss Lambe being placed in terrible danger. Thank you so much for your sterling Sanditon reviews And especially for this final one! That is not so. Shes not half the woman you areif he doesnt see that he doesnt deserve you.. I even have a Madame Alexander Pride & Prejudice doll. Her role was more as an observer. Having been born on Janes birthday it could be understood that I have empathy for her fate since at 72 I find myself a spinster, in dependent (and loving it). Lord Babb talks to Sidney as they eye the dancers. Thank you for your subversive nature. So, for my part I rewatched Episode 8 for a third time through and the BBC version (which is not clipped) and I loved it. Esther is honest. I agree. Ha! I found it odd that with all the Parkers money troubles no one thought, even for a minute, of Miss Lambes 100,000, considering that she was under Sidneys control. If you market a series as Austen then you know in advance how it is supposed end. I felt so betrayed by this final episode and turned right to you for commiseration. We all see the right wayand even Lady Georgianawhy was she even in the plot if not to have her give money on the promise that she can marry her true love, too? The two are forming a friendship based on mutual respect and Sidney goes so far as to ask Charlotte to look after his ward and her friend, Miss Lambe (Crystal Clarke) while he is away. I like the combination of Georgiana and Otis, there could be a lot more to come there, but of course with her considerable wealth do you want her to let a prolific gambler get his hands on her money without some serious vetting and real communication. Just let it drift over the horizon, and be done with it. Shes so delighted with the newsso pleased for himso gushingthat he must be disappointed with that overenthusiastic reaction. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jane Austen's World with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Lady Campion, all noxious graciousness, insinuates herself into the conversation. (?). I agree with much that you wrote. This is not how Jane would have ended things. I plan to follow up this mini-series with this book. Bleh. Miss Georgiana Lambe: "The wealthy heiress Georgiana Lambe who came to Sanditon she was Sidney's ward. I splutter. Austen fans are likely quite familiar with Sense and Sensibility, Emma and Pride and Prejudice, but many may not. Like Matthew Crawley's (Dan Stevens) death in Downton Abbey, Sanditon killing off Sidney is also a smart move because of all of the story possibilities that spawn from it. James revealed the news Friday on social . But Charlotte was no Lizzie Bennet she wasnt even Marianne Dashwood. And poor Charlotte. Sanditon is back for season 2! I hope I am not completely alone in championing Andrew Davies, he is a skilled and prolific writer and I quite like what he has done with expanding the brilliant first 11 chapters that Ms. Austen put to paper 203 years ago. I believe we all saw what Sydney was forced to rescue her from. And personally, I was rooting for Charlotte to chose James Stringer, and thought after Sulky Sid threw her over that she would. Charlotte should end up with Stringer. It wasnt his fault that the plot went nowhere and the characters were untrue to Austen. A general critique of the whole series is they dont trust us for a moment not to be bored. *Yeah, whatev,* I think. Everything has changed. Take your pick. Even Willoughby, selfish rake that he is, gives us charm and wit before his fall from the proverbial pedestal. (Yes, we are fallible. In fact, she anticipates a happy future with her Lord, who unleashed emotions in her and feelings of pleasure that Sir Ed would never have liberated. Let's watch the announcement of the series Sanditon Season 2 Episode 5. They were the best characters because their story involved actually learning about themselves and each other and experiencing personal growth. Well done you, Lord Babb. I do love all her work but it is the depth of her characters here that are vibrant and compelling. Hah! Most galling, to me, was the final scene. Yuck-patooey. Thanks so much. This time a stagecoach takes center stage to deliver passengers and the mail. A chance accident brings Charlotte Heywood to Sanditon, a seaside resort on the cusp of dramatic change. I liked the series but loved the last two episodes. I didnt edit very well either! Tensions surround Miss Lambe's arrival in Sanditon. She ripostes, But much improved. Really, Charlotte, really? Ugh, when it ended I was left staring at the tv searching for the TV guide. Miss Lambe gave him a conspiratorial smile. The next thing we know, someone yells, Fire! Poor Mr. Stringer is toast. PBS fans saved the canceled adaptation of Jane Austen's final unfinished novel. Her disdain for him is understandable as she is young and does not yet comprehend what she so narrowly escaped and anyone in her situation would resent being so far from home with no-one she can relate to and with the ever present reality of systemic racism and the real threat of slavery. Help! In many cases if you married for love you were quite destined to be poor for all your life. Died off Prome, the 7th October 1852, while in command of the Naval Expedition on the river Irrawady against the Burmese Forces, aged 73 years.. Disclaimer: Our team makes no profit from this blog. He leaves his friend as soon as he sees Lady D and Esther enter the ball room, fashionably late as great ladies were wont to do. I reach for more wine and learn to my surprise that one can gulp 3 ounces in one fell swoop. June 27, 2021. If you thought that ending would make viewers happy, you deserve a smack in the head from Jane Austen. Before we rush to the comment section to share our opinions, lets analyze the final show. Charlotte writes a letter to her sister saying that its been weeks since Sidney left in an attempt to save Sanditonand so the plot goes on. His stupidity and naivet are revealed when Sidney uncovers his true crimenot investing in insurance to save a few quid. I am thinking of Persuasion now, and though this is a reverse situation, where the man chooses to marry for money (for whatever reason) instead of for the love of his life there arises an opportunity for a do over. That is a plausible ending if there is another episode for Sanditon. We could emotionally chalk it up as a summer romance. The next thing we know, someone yells, Fire for this final episode Boooo! 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