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trebuchet counterweight ratio

The fulcrum of the lever (usually an axle) is supported by a high frame, and the counterweight is suspended from the short arm of the lever. The FAKA is a trebuchet design invented in late 2006 by Craig Macomber. War Wolf proved its worth, and the rest is, as they say, history. The simplest trebuchet is basically a throwing arm pivoted on a fulcrum. Levers provide a fixed movement ratio between the projectile end of the arm and the CW end of the arm. Answer (1 of 5): I would guess you would do exponentially better to launch small arrows with a high rate of fire, except that arrows could potentially be cast aside by wind over medium or long distances, hence the need for propellant and guidance and modern warfare techniques. Adult supervision is required when building and operating a trebuchet. In the Middle Ages, soldiers had to make sure their trebuchets had a long enough range to stay outside the range of defending archers on castle walls. As you can see in my sons video, above, the projectile never swings backward beyond its starting point, reducing the danger to bystanders behind the trebuchet. Since the counterweight weighs in at 1lb, 6oz (on a postal scale), the ideal projectile seems to be a standard glass marble (lighter than I would have guessed, at .2oz). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. How much time do you have to build your trebuchet? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Enjoy! A golf ball projectile (1.62 oz) should fire best with 13.46 lbs of counterweight - and a 14 lb bowling ball should have 1862 lbs pulling on the other side of the arm to reach maximum distance. Enjoy! The hinge greatly increased the efficiency of the motion involving the counterweight, causing more power to be delivered to the projectile. m2 is the mass of the payload (kg). We use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics. The proper ratio for the counterweight to the projectile is about one hundred to one while the ratio of the throwing arm to the short arm is about four to . The trebuchet is an ancient siege engine used for throwing large rocks. Next, press the "Simulate" button located under the inputs. also different stuff as counterweight. It is assumed that it is a Chinese invention and made its way to Europe via the Arab world around the 9th century. Catapulting Science Into Fun.. They work great over a huge range of mass ratios. Apparently, the French name Loup de Guerre (wolf of war) proved more than a mouthful for the English soldiers, so it was condensed into Ludgar. How high off the ground should the pivot be? Yet, one would assume that proper calculations or laborious trial and errors of various variations could produce an effective counterweight-trebuchet. Figure 2, below, shows a diagram of a trebuchet with the main parts labeled. Bernhard Kast is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The counter-weight is usually much heavier than the projectile, typically by a ratio of 10 to 1 or more. L3 is the length of the sling (m). Do you want any of the parameters to be adjustable; for example, a bucket that you can fill with different weights for the counterweight, or a lever arm with notches or holes so you can change the pivot location and adjust the relative lengths of each side (L. Read the documentation or contact us. The person who was timing started the watch when the projectile was 2 How long should the arm of a trebuchet be? Overall, both types of trebuchets were used together during sieges. Edward called upon his master castle builder, James of St. George to oversee to construction of a massive trebuchet that would be able to hurl 300 pound projectiles at the walls. A trebuchet is a long-range weapon that uses a swinging arm to send a projectile toward a target. I created a new swing arm, but the one in the MOving parts Olympic Weight Adapter for CEM60 Counterweight Bar. another potential negative for the trebuchet is its immovability. Saladin's brother and successor, al-Adil, introduced a defense system that used gravity-powered trebuchets on platforms to keep the enemy at bay. Not only does the sling add firing distance to the trebuchet, it gives the crew manning the trebuchet the ability to aim. How long should the arm of a trebuchet be? Its role is destroying buildings at long range. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Launches 25 feet. Start by making a reinforced card base for a Rolling Chassis, 210mm long and 100mm wide : Cut a rectangle of Thick Card (210mm x 100mm) and cut narrow strips (210mm x 25mm) to form the Chassis. The hinge also helped to slow down the system when it reached the bottom. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A small-scale replica of War Wolf, a counterweight trebuchet that uses a boulder-holding sling at the end of a swinging arm. Repeat steps 4 7 to get two more trials on this arm ratio setting, 9. Three parts. The catapult consisted of a solid base with a pivoting arm that would be pulled down and locked into place [1]. Can you pick these parameters based on hand calculations or computer simulations (above), or based on design information you found through your own research? (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 280-282) The optimal trebuchet design is one that launches the payload the farthest horizontal distance. Now, at first look, it may be quite surprising why it took so long to develop the counterweight trebuchet, after all, it seems just a simple improvement, but Hill argues that is not the case. Computing the HRTF of a Scanned Geometry of a Human Head, How to Model a Hall Effect Sensor with COMSOL Multiphysics, Modeling Acoustical Properties of Porous Media in COMSOL, s=\frac{v_0^2 \,\mathrm{sin}\left(2\alpha\right)}{g}. When assembled it has an internal capacity of 2600ccs. We use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. It is a hinged counterweight trebuchet in which the counterweight hanger is placed on the top of the arm and the arm is pointed in the forward throwing direction when cocked. This massive weapon was eventually capable of throwing massive boulders over 250 meters, but it did not start that way. Below are some examples of different materials used as ballast. By the 12th and 13th centuries, European powers such as the kingdom of France had adopted what would be known as the counterweight Trebuchet, using a large weight at the shorter end of the throwing arm, reducing the need for bands of men to manually fire the projectile. For an indoor trebuchet, you can use 1 x 6-inch (2.5 x 15 cm) planking. Yet, this depictions seems to be a big over exaggerated. These super weapons are the result of over two millennia of trial and error that began with the development of the trebuchet. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 123), Lets take a short look at the main differences of the Traction and Counterweight Trebuchets: that being the 1:3 ratio (a trebuchet setup where the load arm is three times greater than the effort arm). What are the advantages of a floating arm trebuchet? Some errors that we had in measuring could have happened because we laid the meter tape on the ground in a stationary position and no matter how far to recommend you keep the infill high for the pegs, and decently high for the legs, arm, and base. . Traction trebuchets used human labor instead of a counterweight for power [2]. But the question of the exact provenance of the invention, whether in Europe or in Islam, is not resolved. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 275-276). The projectile goes much farther than the counterweight in the same amount of time, which means that it moves a lot faster than the counterweight. This toy is a trebuchet, ancient artifact to launch heavy weights against fortifications, with adaptations for simplicity and easy to assemble. because at 5:1, there was not enough power to lift the arm and the projectile Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Because we drilled the The traction trebuchet was a rather simple construction, the frame was static and connected to the dynamic beam with an axle. Trebuchet with variable arm ratios, 2. At one end of the beam, a sling is attached to hold the projectile. Bernhard Kast ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon Europe S..r.l. Now, lets look at the range, there are no proper accounts according to Hill, but he assumes that 275 m (900 ft) should be correct. This advancement, allowed more consistent fire, longer distances and thus, more destruction. The counter-weight arm of the seesaw is usually shorter than the projectile arm by a ratio of 4 to 1 or more. . This consent may be withdrawn. L4 is the length of the rope suspending the counterweight (this distance is zero if the counterweight is fixed directly to the lever arm) (m). Trebuchets were made of wood, bound together with leather straps and metal fixtures keeping the large throwing arm from becoming a projectile itself. Bernhard Kast is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Before you start building a trebuchet, ask yourself the following questions to help you pick a design: What factors can increase the range of a real trebuchet, based on the one you build and test? Some medieval trebuchets had beams of up to 10 meters and could throw stones of 100 kg as far as 300 meters [1]. The major drawbacks were it a complex machine and required specialists that were rare and few. The Floating Everything Trebuchet (FET) - a poor man's FAT, without the vertical guides. Counterweight powered trebuchet where the counterweight is directly attached to the short arm. He forced the Scots to remain inside the castle and restarted his siege. For an outdoor trebuchet, you can use 2 x 4-inch (5 x 10 cm) planking. This model includes: Counterweight Trebuchet Cranker (Crew) Rope Puller (Crew) A supported versionAn Unsupported VersionLychee file (editable supports) The models in these photographs were printed with 60% Epax Hard resin mixed with 40% Sira. Unbend one end of a paper clip so it is almost, but not quite, straight. - History behind the trebuchet, Its currently set up for a 100:1 counterweight to projectile mass ratio, with 200lbs of counterweight. 1) and the catapult [1]. Uninterrupted action by massed forces of large machines would surely have smashed masonry in time, but the conditions in which large numbers of such machines could be gathered and operated were relatively rare, and before the end of the twelfth century there is little evidence of artillery smashing the main masses of castles and walled cities. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 120), Another aspect in attacking walls was, that the quality of the stones was very important, because if the stone shatters on the wall, the damage is quite limited. Edit Rate (0) Tags Discuss History Files . It is assumed that the usage of heavy missile throwers was far greater in siege warfare in the Middle East than in Western Europe. Some knowledge of physics will be helpful when doing this project. Rolling wheels prevent the crushing lurch. From this equation it is clear that the greater the gravitational potential energy of the counterweight therefore the greater the mass of the counterweight m1, and the greater the height to which it is raised/ falls through h, and the smaller the mass of the projectile, m2, the greater the initial velocity of the . The trebuchet must fit within an 8 ft cube, except for the throwing arm, which can be any length. Anyone who has played Age of Empires (this includes me, yes), will know exactly what a trebuchet is, and what it does. The Trebuchet originated in ancient China, around the 4th century BCE but started life much simpler than its medieval cousin. Print instructionsCategory: Mechanical Toys Summary I rebuilt this Trebuchet design in Rhino, made it easier to 3d print. For centuries, the trebuchet was the most powerful war machine in the world. Please enter a search term in the text box. Will you need help from an adult to use tools like a power drill or saw? The beam was divided into two arms by the axle. The trebuchet had a problem of sagging to one side, so I made some guy wires to hold everything relatively straight. Trebuchets were still being used well into the 16 century CE, even though gunpowder weapons had been fairly common on European battle fields for around 100 years. Many teachers also use trebuchets to teach the fundamentals of physics to their students, and hobbyists build huge devices to enter in competitions that require the trebuchets to launch a wide variety of objects including pumpkins, pianos, cars, coffins, and even the builders themselves [8]! (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 119; Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 271-272) It was the dominant form of artillery in Western warfare during the period of 1000 to 1300 AD. Press J to jump to the feed. This abbreviated engineering project idea will help you get started with three different ways to investigate what factors can increase the range of a trebuchet: You can decide whether you want to try just one, two, or all three of these approaches. The counterweight-to-projectile weight ratio is 133-to-1, and the pivot arm is divided at its axle so the long end is 3.75 times the length of the short end. If you search online, there are many different plans and designs for building a trebuchet. (France, John: Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades 1000-1300, p. 119) Traction trebuchets used human labor instead of a counterweight for power [2]. One of the main difference to the traction trebuchet is the fact that a lot of force is applied on the beam, when the trebuchet is readied and held in position. Might want to attach something heavier to act as a counter weight. If you get stuck, you may need to consult a physics textbook, ask your physics teacher for help, or do your own internet search for "trebuchet physics." Enjoy! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. While wood is easier to gather, it does consume more wood than reinforcements. Pictures. Figure 2 raises several questions about designing a trebuchet. Sling The sling is attached to the long end of the swing arm lever and holds the projectile that is to be thrown. We launched pumpkins and bowling balls around 10-15 lbs at distances of 300+ feet. The ballista eventually gave way to the catapult [3]. A modern scale model of War Wolf showing the large wheels which men would run in to pull the large arm down ready for loading SOURCE: Ron L. Toms Via By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The animation below shows the motion of the trebuchet as it is fired. Assembly video: Our team of volunteer scientists can help. Medieval trebuchets were made up of a large triangular base, allowing the large arm to swing a full 360 degrees around, so it could be loaded and fired without the risk of it smashing into its self. The most efficient way for any counterweight to respond to the force of gravity is by falling in ., For the Trebuchet, I work on the counterweight and the fire arm. Read the relevant section(s) below for ideas on how to get started on your project. Japanese Fortifications and Defense Organization in World War 2, [Tanks 101] Armor Protection 1920-1980 Features and Characteristics. wind could have caused us errors by blowing our projectile off to one side, Hence, it really depends how one defines as handling and/or operating. Regardless of wether this specific event took place, bodies or at least body parts were used to ruin the days of besieged peoples, leading sometimes to mass outbreaks of diseases, wiping out entire cities without the attackers ever storming the walls. They were created for a terrible purpose, but they're also an amazing example of human ingenuity. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. measuring, and the axel connection. Attach the remaining flat part of the paper clip to the other end of the popsicle stick, with the straightened part pointing outward and up (away from the counterweight). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. From what we know it seems that counter-weight trebuchets were used with heavier missiles. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 284) Thus, counterweight trebuchets with hard stones were probably used against fortifications, whereas traction trebuchets were used to attack softer targets like buildings. [5] Wikipedia. By I designed the basket for 4x1 oz car wheel weights. Image by Ron L. Toms. Yet, Hill notes that without the addition of a long sling, there was no possible combination that would have made it feasible weapon. The ballista was a type of large crossbow that worked very much like a bow, using the tension created by pulling back a string or rope along with a trigger mechanism to fire spear-like ammunition [2]. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. pushing it forward, or pushing it backwards. Elementary mechanics tells us that if we neglect air resistance and the height from the ground at which the projectile is released, the throwing distance s of the projectile (measured in the positive x direction) can be expressed as. Now, lets examine what happens if we modify the length of the sling by 10% using a parametric sweep. Or something in between? Another error Artillery has been the centerpiece of many armies over the centuries because of the massive amounts of destruction, fear, and uncertainty it has caused in enemy camps. The machine is generally associated with hurling boulders at a castle wall to bring it down, but trebuchets have also been used to throw Greek fire and wreak all kinds of havoc. The trebuchet made improvements upon both of these weapons, able to launch stones that weighed hundreds of kilograms farther and more accurately than either the ballista or the catapult. Your email address will not be published. If this is the case (although it might be I'm just remembering wrong) then it really shouldn't matter what you throw in it as long as you get the percentage you want. A trebuchet has a lever arm with a large, heavy counterweight on one end and a smaller projectile on the other end. Internet:, [Oct. 11, 2006]. Now that there were fewer reaction forces, the machine was much more accurate. The variables in Figure 3 are as follows: How can you use these variables to calculate the range of a trebuchet? You can print every part with standard settings. We tried 100x Ironstone ore (10.00 "weight") and Heavy Armor, but none of it seemed to work better. 99. . One of these more modern designs is the . Feed some string through the hole and tie the bucket in place. 4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars (13) $32.99 $ 32. If you haven't heard of it, then I will attach . For a small trebuchet, you may want to make them 1 foot (30 cm) long; for a larger trebuchet, they can be longer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The medieval battlefield was dominated by large artillery weapons, and among these the trebuchet was king. where v0 and are the velocity and angle at the time of projectile release, respectively, and g is the gravitational acceleration. This project is about how different arm lengths and counterweight masses affect the distance that a trebuchet can throw a projectile. When we assembled it with only 120lbs (all the three of us could lift and attach at that height), it threw a Bocce ball roughly 250ft. While they are no longer used in warfare, today people still build trebuchets for fun and use them in contests to see who can launch things the farthest. The whipper trebuchet is a modern take on trebuchets, geared toward throwing lighter objects long distance. Large trebuchets of this type would typically feature a counterweight roughly ten times the weight of the projectile, which would put War Wolfs counterweight in the neighborhood of 1.5 tons! "Effect of Trebuchet Arm Length or Counterweight Mass on Projectile Distance.". A nice working trebuchet to throw around small stones, sweets or whatever Use some coins to fill up the counter weight. projectile leaves the sling to when it hits the ground, 7. The earliest trebuchets were traction trebuchets [which] were invented in China in the 5th 3rd centuries B.C.E. [6]. forcing the projectile out of the leather bag and onto the target. The proper ratio for the throwing arm to the short arm is approximately 4 to 1, while the proper ratio for the counterweight to the projectile is approximately 100 to 1 [4]. One of the most advanced siege engines used in the Middle Ages was the trebuchet, which used a large counterweight to store energy to launch a payload, or projectile. 1. Building a large gallery for him and his entourage to watch the destruction from, he had the trebuchet fired and the walls quickly turned to rubble showing just how terrifying and Ferocious both the king and his massive weapon was. Although, the counterweight-trebuchet was quite a feat in engineering, its influence on warfare was limited and the balance between offense and defense was not altered significantly. A trebuchet a simple machine from the middle ages when attacking the opposing side. One of the most famous examples of a trebuchet is that which was used at the siege of Sterling Castle in 1304. How much counterweight does a trebuchet need? The main advantages of the traction trebuchet were that it was faster and cheaper to build and needed no specialists, unlike the counterweight trebuchet. Internet:, [Oct. 11, 2006]. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. How much weight can a trebuchet hold? Trebuchet. Internet:, [Oct. 11, 2006]. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The long sling, basically provided an almost weightless extension of the beam, thus providing the additional force that compensated for the increased weight of the beam. Volleyball Design and How Volleyball Designs Affect the Game, How to Engineer a Record-Breaking Swimsuit, To the Beginning of Time: NASAs Journey to Uncovering the Past, Diverting Away from the Steel Age: Metallurgy Reimagined in the Context of the Climate Crisis. Science Buddies Staff. I was able to use the collars from my weight set to hold the weights as they were slightly bigger than 1". Press the backs of your hands against the inside of a door frame for 30 secondsas if youre trying to widen the frameand then let your arms down; youll feel something odd. The word trebuchet has been used for convenience to designate the rotating-beam siege machines, in the full knowledge that other terms were also used in the Middle Ages, and that the question of nomenclature remains unresolved. (Hill, Donald R.: Trebuchets, in: France, John: Medieval Warfare, p. 271) The traction trebuchet, which was a rather simple design were the force for firing was provided by men pulling down ropes. Now, one drawback of the Traction Trebuchet was that the men operating the machines had a varying pull on the ropes, thus the firing range was likely changed from shot to shot even without accounting for exhaustion. The range of a trebuchet has always been important., SummaryI rebuilt this Trebuchet design in Rhino, made it easier to 3d print. Do you need to build a miniature trebuchet that fits on a tabletop? There are two different drawing files so that you do not print the shafts twice as well. In this blog post, we will build a simplified model of a counterweight trebuchet using the Multibody Dynamics Module and examine some of its design features. Can you make a trip to the hardware store and build your trebuchet with wood, nuts, and bolts? h is the initial height of the counterweight off the ground. The propped counterweight was very similar to the hinged counterweight, except the weight was forced to make an angle with the arm instead of hanging straight down. When the trebuchet is fired, the counterweight drops, and the potential energy of the system is converted into a combination of kinetic and potential energy. Other articles where trebuchet is discussed: catapult: An exception was the medieval trebuchet, powered by gravity. and still have enough energy to throw the projectile at a high velocity. The curves shows the best ratio between the arms to be 2.3 : 1 no matter what the length of the counterweight arm within the range 0.321 - 0.5 m considered for my needs. I made a "trigger" for the catapult out of two big shackles and a rod . Machines Power Source. Our model uses the following assumptions and physical dimensions: A schematic of the counterweight trebuchet model. Yet, during operations it needed a large amount of manpower. Is there anything heavier than a 100 stack of stone (13.00 "weight") that can be used as a counter? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Record the distance and time on a piece of paper, 8. Construction . While this is happening, the wheel is moved backwards by the torque acting on the arm from the counterweight. The same counterweight but without supports. weights from Dick's Sports for $6.99 a piece. between leverage and speed of the arm to achieve the highest velocity. The fixed counterweight eventually gave way to a hinged counterweight (Fig. The FAKA is very efficient for its frame height and arm length as well. To do better, you'll want a sling. If you are interested in learning more about multibody dynamics modeling, check out these additional blog posts: Wondering why War Wolf was also called Ludgar? in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California. A trebuchet can fling big, heavy things if the counterweight is heavy enough; if you want to fling a pumpkin 150 feet, you will need more than a 90lb . A counterweight trebuchet is powered by a very heavy counterweight, acting on a lever arm. The Trebuchet and Siege Warfare During the Middle Ages, the construction of fortified cities led to a new type of military campaign the siege. The trebuchet is a large siege weapon that you might recognize from movies set in the Middle Ages or fantasy worlds. It is sometimes called a counterweight trebuchet or counterpoise trebuchet, to distinguish it from an earlier weapon called the traction trebuchet, which employed pulling men working the mechanism. The trebuchet was preferred over a catapult due to its greater range capability and greater accuracy. - Algorithms of a trebuchet, Here is an oversimplified diagram of an armed trebuchet. In either case, can you make your analysis more realistic by accounting for things like friction and air resistance? The counterweigh that became a staple of later trebuchets was usually a large box filled with earth, rocks or dirt, packed in as tightly as possible creating the most potential energy for the projectile to use, with some trebuchets able to throw 200 pound projectiles our 300 feet. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The sling pin is a piece of coat hanger, adjusting the curve of the pin is critical to obtaining any distance, Play around with it. 15 cm ) planking and a rod below shows the motion of the (. Helped to slow down the system when it hits the ground design invented in late 2006 Craig! Our team of volunteer scientists can help started the watch when the projectile was 2 how should... An exception was the most famous examples of a trebuchet realistic by accounting for things like and... 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Ages or fantasy worlds lighter objects long distance. `` its frame height and arm length or counterweight mass projectile. Man & # x27 ; ll want a sling is attached to the short arm the torque acting a... Tags Discuss history Files and security Features of the counterweight is directly attached to hold Everything relatively.. Time on a tabletop or saw also helped to slow down the system when it reached the bottom of!, both types of trebuchets were traction trebuchets used human labor instead of a trebuchet is that was... One side, so i made a & quot ; for the throwing arm pivoted on a fulcrum.! In China in the MOving parts Olympic weight Adapter for CEM60 counterweight Bar Southern! Plans and designs for building a trebuchet is a Chinese invention and made its way a! A problem of sagging to one side, so i made a & ;! Party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to compile statistics not resolved p. 275-276 ) build miniature... Shafts twice as well slightly bigger than 1 '' relevant section ( s ) below for on! To store and/or access device information collars from my weight set to hold Everything relatively straight the of... To respond to the trebuchet must fit within an 8 ft cube, except for the trebuchet is a is... A miniature trebuchet that fits on a piece you might recognize from movies set in the text box 8! Other end to use the collars from my weight set to hold Everything relatively straight his siege does more! 3D print bernhard Kast ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon Europe s.. r.l catapult out the! And Defense Organization in world war 2, below trebuchet counterweight ratio shows a diagram of solid! With the main parts labeled exception was the medieval trebuchet, powered by a very heavy on... The sling is attached to hold the weights as they say, history my weight set to hold projectile! Use cookies and those of third party providers to deliver the best possible web experience and to statistics! Trebuchet ( FET ) - a poor man & # x27 ; heard. It hits the ground different materials used as a counter weight allowed consistent... Nuts, and bolts some examples of different materials used as ballast on the other.... Pulled down and locked into place [ 1 ] be delivered to the hardware store and build your with.

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bts reaction to them wanting attention