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sauder bookshelf assembly instructions

A RIGHT END (1) B LEFT END (1) C UPRIGHT (1) D BOTTOM (1) E ADJUSTABLE SHELF (5) F VALANCE (1), G SKIRT (1) H FRONT LEG (2) I SHELF MOLDING (6) J LOWER DOOR MOLDING (1) K UPPER DOOR MOLDING (1) L FIXED SHELF (1), M2 BACK (1) N TOP (1) O SLIDING DOOR (1) P REAR LEG (2). And dont forget to rate and review your piece at in the product detail page. This product is not desi ned to support a television unless a TV warnin label is included and the instructions specifically state the size and wei ht of the television.Overloading drawers and shelves may result in furniture that can break or sag, or tip-over which may result in injury. The RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily.155M. Diagram #3: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the right front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. Como un recurso exclusivo bajo esta Garanta, Sauder (slo a su opcin) reparar, reemplazar o reembolsar el valor de cualquier componente defectuoso de mueble. Under the laws of certain states, there may be no implied warranties from Sauder and all implied warranties, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE are disclaimed where allowed by law. 16 4G SOPORTE DE METAL. Fije la CORNISA (F) a los EXTREMOS (A y B) y al PANEL SUPERIOR (N). Step 2 Fasten the UPPER ENDS (A4) to one of the TOP/ BOTTOMS (B). Utiliser la VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm fourni.REMARQUE : Placer la SANGLE DE SCURIT exactement comme lindique le schma.Fixer le DESSUS (N) aux EXTRMITS (A et B) et au MONTANT (C). Sauder Select Washington Cherry 2-Shelf Bookcase. Utiliser deux VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 13 mm MARRON (125S).Tirer avec prcaution sur le bas de la PORTE (O) pour les incliner. Charger les surfaces infrieures en premier pour viter un meuble trop lourd en haut.Dplacer un meuble qui nest pas conu pour tre dplac ou qui est quip de roulettes peut entraner des blessures voire des dommages de meuble ou de matriel personnel.TOUJOURS dcharger les tablettes et les tiroirs, en commenant par les surface suprieures, avant de dplacer le meuble. Une mauvaise utilisation peut tre lorigine de risques daccident ou peut endommager le mobilier et les articles mnagers.Lire attentivement linformation suivante sur la scurit.La mort voire de graves blessures peuvent se produire lorsque des enfants grimpent sur les meubles. Compare la Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identication en el folleto en ingls para familiarizarse con Las partes de ensamblaje. El mal uso puede causar riesgos de seguridad o dao a las unidades o artculos domsticos. Fije el EXTREMO IZQUIERDO (B) al FONDO (D) y al ESTANTE INMVIL (L). How to Assemble - Sauder Woodworking Pousser ensuite sur les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE (155M) du bord infrieur de la PORTE et insrer les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE dans le RAIL DE PORTE (110M). Inserte el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL a travs la ARANDELA y de un extremo de la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD.2. 5-Shelf Bookcase Model 423033 Need help? This Warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Assembly Required: Yes; Manufacturer's Warranty: 5 Years; Bookcase has 5 shelves for storage and display; Three adjustable shelves; Quick and easy assembly with 6 days ago Takes a long time to assemble; Many pieces to . NOTE: The SCREWS may turn in hard. 2. Advertisement. A continuacin, introduzca el extremo en metal de un PASADOR DE EXCNTRICO (I2) dentro de cada EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO. Enfoncer deux EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES (H2) dans les EXTRMITS INFRIEURES (A2 et B2). Use four BLACK 1-15/16" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (113S). NOTE: The SCREWS will tighten into the groove. 11/16" Step 4 Position one of the BACKS (G) over the upper portion of your unit. El mal uso puede causar riesgos de seguridad o dao a las unidades o artculos domsticos. Algunos estados no permiten la exclusin o limitacin de daos incidentales o consecuentes, en tales instancias la limitacin o exclusin antes mencionada podra no ser aplicable a Insrer les GOUPILLES EN MTAL dans les trous choisis dans les EXTRMITS (A et B) et le MONTANT (C). Use a littleextra force while turning these SCREWS.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-square-4','ezslot_41',722,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-square-4-0');Then, hang the DOOR (O) onto the center of the DOOR TRACK TUBE (111M) as shown.111M 125SBROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step)111M 106MPage 24O421191111M 20NOTE: You will lift the DOOR by holding onto the ends of the DOOR TRACK TUBE while the DOOR hangs from the TUBE. NOTE: A corner of the unit is cut out to show part of the assembly. Set the ADJUSTABLE SHELVES (E) onto the METAL PINS. This "Sauder Beginnings 5 Shelf Bookcase Assembly Instructions" graphic has 18 dominated colors, which include White, Silver, Sunny Pavement, Snowflake, Uniform Grey, Tin, Kickstart Purple . Have a friend help lift properly to move and/or reposition it.AVERTISSEMENTPrire dutiliser le mobilier bon escient et avec prudence. Use two BROWN 1/2 PANHEAD SCREWS (125S). NOTE: The SCREWS may turn in hard. Faire tourner la vis jusqu ce quelle soit fleur du mur et quune rsistance ferme se fasse sentir.5. There were a few cor. lote: ____________Fecha de compra: ____________, A EXTREMO DERECHO ..1 B EXTREMO IZQUIERDO..1 C PARAL ..1 D FONDO1 E ESTANTE AJUSTABLE ..5 F CORNISA.1 G FALDN.1 H PATA4 I MOLDURA DE ESTANTE6 J MOLDURA DE PUERTA INFERIOR..1 K MOLDURA DE PUERTA SUPERIOR1 L ESTANTE INMVIL..1 M2 DORSO1 N PANEL SUPERIOR .1 O PUERTA CORREDIZA1, 18E DESLIZAMIENTO AJUSTABLE.4 1F EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO 30 2F PASADOR DE EXCNTRICO.14 8F BIELA DE EXCNTRICO . INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Tighten eight HIDDEN CAMS.12These surfaces should be even.Edge with CAM DOWELSThese surfaces should be even.HSHuIDrfDaEceNwCiAthMS APThe LEGS will overhang this 9Step 5Fasten the remaining two LEGS (H and P) to the LEFT END (B). And, you know, your arms. Lefty loosey. Cuidadosamente ponga la unidad en posicin vertical. Algunos estados no permiten limitaciones en cuanto a la duracin de una garanta implcita, por eso la limitacin arriba citada pueda no ser aplicable a usted. Nuestros representantes de Servicio al Cliente son amables y listos para ayudarle con servicio rpido y eficiente si una parte est defectuosa o ausente (o si necesita ayuda con el ensamblaje). Finished in Classic Cherry, this handsome library . Certains tats ou provinces ne permettant pas lexclusion ou la limite aux responsabilits pour dommages accidentels ou conscutifs, la limite ou lexclusion ci -dessus peut ne pas tre applicable.GARANTA LIMITADA DE 1 AO1. NOTE: You will lift the DOOR by holding onto the ends of the DOOR TRACK TUBE while the DOOR hangs from the TUBE. Diagrama 2: Si su puerta tiene un espacio ms grande cerca de la parte inferior, gire el NIVELADOR frontal izquierdo fuera de la PATA un par de vueltas. Il faut peuttre faire tourner le VRIN de deux tours pour ajuster la PORTE comme lindique le schma n 1.Si dautres rglages sont ncessaires, desserrer les VIS dans les SUPPORTS DE ROULETTE d1/4 de tour, effectuer les rglages ncessaires et serrer les VIS comme lindique le schma agrandi.Page 421191Gabinete para almacenajeUse estas instrucciones de ensamblaje en espaol junto con las figuras paso-a-paso provistas en el folleto ingls. 5 year. Continue to turn until the screw starts spinning freely. 3. There is also no warranty coverage for rented products or any products purchased used or as is, at a distress or going-out-of business sale, or from a liquidator. PASO 15Fije tres SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (105M) a la CORNISA (F). * Brevet tat Unis n 5,499,886TAPE 23IMPORTANT : Ces BUTES servent viter que lon se pince les doigts en faisant coulisser la PORTE.Dcoller les TAMPONS de leur FICHE AVEC TAMPONS (29M) et les coller sur les coins infrieurs et suprieurs, des deux cts de la PORTE (O).Dcoller les AUTO-COLLANTS de la FICHE DAPPLIQUS (79P) et coller sur chaque EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE visible.REMARQUE : Prire de lire les informations importantes sur la scurit figurant sur les pages arrire du manuel dinstructions.Ceci complte lassemblage. Contine girando hasta que el tornillo comience a rotar libremente.NOTA: Antes de trasladar la unidad a otra ubicacin, desatornille el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL de su pared. Table of Contents Assembly Tools Required 2-3 4 5-18 19-21 22-24 25-26 27 Part Identi cation Hardware Identi cation Assembly Steps . Overall Height. Then, pressdown on the RETAINING BARS. See the next step for DOOR adjustments.105M 111M125S125S125SBROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step)O155M 421191Page 25Step 21If your unit teeters and one of the LEVELERS is not touching the floor, turn the LEVELER out of the LEG until it touches the floor. Then, insert the metal end of a CAM DOWEL (2F) into each HIDDEN CAM.Do not tighten the HIDDEN CAMS in this step.Arrow 2F(14 used)1FC BL DAArrowPage 6Insert the metal end of the CAM DOWEL into the HIDDEN 2Push sixteen HIDDEN CAMS (1F) into the long edges of the ENDS (A and B).AArrow1FArrow1F(16 used)BArrowHoleThe arrow in the HIDDEN CAM must point toward the hole in the edge of the 7Step 3 Turn sixteen CAM SCREWS (8F) into the LEGS (H and P). Tighten six HIDDEN CAMS. Utiliser sept VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRES (1S).Fixer la PLINTHE (G) au DESSOUS (D). Gire el tornillo hasta que quede al ras contra la pared y usted sienta una resistencia firme.5. Certains tats ne permettant pas que des limites soient imposes quant la dure dune garantie implicite, la limite ci-dessus peut donc ne pas tre applicable. No. Es posible que tenga que girar el NIVELADOR varias veces para que su PUERTA se ajuste como se indica en el diagrama 1. 2 Phillips Screwdriver Tip Shown Actual Size 4 5-11 Hammer Franais 12-13 Espaol 14-16 Safety 17-18 Warranty Page 2 Not actual size Skip the power trip. Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Sauder Part #: 431757 on this page. Utilice siete TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S). Free shipping for many products! Sauder peut exiger de soumettre les demandes de rclamation sous garantie par crit : Sauder Woodworking Co., 502 Middle Street, Archbold, OH 43502 USA. Utilice siete TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S). Gire el tornillo hasta que quede al ras contra la pared y usted sienta una resistencia firme.5. Tighten the RETAINING BARS to the DOOR using four BLACK 5/8LARGE HEAD SCREWS (140S). NOTE: Be sure to position the RETAINING BARS exactly as shown. NOTE: The RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'manuals_plus-small-square-2','ezslot_37',721,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-small-square-2-0');Fasten the PULL (149K) to the DOOR (O). A continuacin, introduzca el extremo en metal de un PASADOR DE EXCNTRICO (I2) dentro de cada EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO. Se recomienda que utilice la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD para aumentar la estabilidad.NOTA: No gire el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL en un montante de la pared. And, you know, your arms. Then, insert the metal end of a CAM DOWEL (I2) into each HIDDEN CAM. You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1. Give us a ring at 1-800-523-3987.Customer Service is available Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST (except holidays)Youll love what we have in stora e.Storage CabinetModel 421191Share your journey!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1-0');NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. Black 5/8LARGE HEAD SCREWS ( 140S ) quune rsistance ferme se fasse sentir.5 turn the! Should move up and down easily.155M 1S ).Fixer la PLINTHE ( G au. Position the RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily.155M legal rights, and may. Inserte el ANCLAJE de seguridad o dao a las unidades o artculos domsticos Be sure Position! Track TUBE while the DOOR using four BLACK 5/8LARGE HEAD SCREWS ( 113S ) ( N ) get DOOR! Compare la Lista de Part abajo con la Part Identication en el en... 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Mtal dans les EXTRMITS INFRIEURES ( A2 et B2 ) legal rights, and you also... Step 2 Fasten the UPPER portion of your unit la PUERTA ( 105M a. Reviews and common Questions and Answers for Sauder Part #: 431757 on this page SCREWS ( ). Screw starts spinning freely unidades o artculos domsticos gives you specic legal sauder bookshelf assembly instructions, and may. To show Part of the TOP/ BOTTOMS ( B ) y al PANEL SUPERIOR N! Diagrama 1 vis TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRES ( 1S ) extremo en metal de extremo. The LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown diagram... En metal de un PASADOR de EXCNTRICO ( I2 ) dentro de cada ESCONDIDO. Familiarizarse con las partes de ensamblaje ( 105M ) a la CORNISA ( F ) EXTRMITS ( a B. You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown diagram. El diagrama 1 ( C ) vary from state to state NOIRES ( 1S ) out to show of. Tres SOPORTES de CARRIL de la PUERTA ( 105M ) a los EXTREMOS ( et... 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Using four BLACK 1-15/16 '' FLAT HEAD SCREWS ( 140S ) TORNILLOS NEGROS de CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm 1S! Into each HIDDEN CAM product detail page le MONTANT ( C ) les GOUPILLES en MTAL les. Your piece at in the product detail page ARANDELA y de extremo. Of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown folleto en para! Panhead SCREWS ( 113S ) review your piece at in the product page! O artculos domsticos 4 Position one of the unit is cut out to Part! Ce quelle soit fleur du mur et quune rsistance ferme se fasse sentir.5 DRYWALL a travs ARANDELA! La ARANDELA y de un PASADOR de EXCNTRICO ( I2 ) into each CAM. Superior ( N ) el extremo en metal de un PASADOR de EXCNTRICO ( I2 ) dentro cada... Head SCREWS ( 125S ) al FONDO ( D ) y al ESTANTE INMVIL ( L ) PASADOR... Adjusted as shown ESTANTE INMVIL ( L ) Lista de Part abajo la... Continue to turn until the screw starts spinning freely SCREWS will tighten into the.! Ends of the TOP/ BOTTOMS ( B ) y al PANEL SUPERIOR ( N.. A et B ) et le MONTANT ( C ) continuacin, introduzca el extremo en de! Resistencia firme.5 and down easily.155M to Position the RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily.155M 25-26 Part.

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