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my wife doesn't care when i'm sick

Ive had back and chest pain on and off becoming more frequent. Then I'd best not be an inconvenience complaining about it, and chores and errands still need doing (note that in either case, there's no tender care to aid recuperation). He even broke the kitchen sink to where it only puts out hot water. Love. Tell her what you would like to see her do or say, what would help you to feel more supported. If that's something that you can't handle, it's best to call it off. I offered to set it up on his phone but of course he won't relinquish his phone, which is another story, and the primary basis of my divorce request. Anyway, I got way off track here. He was so sick he couldn't even think well enough to do his homework. I take and I take, and then I take some more. But know that people can take a while to be retrained to react differently. That is when he finally paid attention to me and accepted that I was sick. I don't trust him now, and I have good reason not to. And I can tell you one thing without a doubt or question in my mind? NOTHING HELPED. Submitted by notgonnalosemyself (not verified) on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 10:15, Basic human feelings that have to be forced, coerced or always one-sided is deflating and fatiguing. If you insist on waiting it out-then just be ready to take care of yourself. How many people have you slept with in your life?? Someone who can be inspirational, and help me or others see their own potential by being inspiring in themselves. It doesn't have to be a hierarchy, but, if it is, your life partner should be #1, then the kids. I really do want out of the marriage but don't have the guts at my age. If the ADHD'er is unwilling to get help then really it's not fair for the other person to be the only one to want to actively work at it. I love sex.while I am in the act of doing it..but don't work toward a relationship or grateful remembering the the connection". I hear you, I cant count the number of times my husband made it very clear that myillness was a hughinconvenience for him there was no thought to how it made me feel. Even worse when these DisneyDaddys, lol are looking for a life partner, the first thing that they rub on your face is the: my kids come first b.s. They will always be more important than you. My wife was raised wrapped in bubble wrap and her mom would freak out at even the remote possibility of injury or illness. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My husband never realized what was happening right under his nose. This has been a transformation in more ways than one. My husband is friendly and nice until I am sick. I do this sometimes. Haha I'm quite relieved to know even a couple who've been together for long have had to get through situations like this. Born with a congenital heart condition, she survived two open heart surgeries before age 4. I used to do the same thing. If that had been me standing there coming to see me after all of that? Best of Luck to you all and I look forward to reading your story. (he can't) He pinches pennies, in trying to fix something that he's usually broken himself, but then it ends up costing us double or triple in do-overs. Of course, he doesn't understand why I can't go run errands with him because it's not a big deal that I've got a slight fever. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. And those saying they've stayed for their kids don't bs you don't give a **** about them or you would leave and show them how a normal healthy relationship is. You are not on bed rest recovering from surgery, you have a common stomach bug. Run!!! You don't want to marry a man with kids, trust me. All this crap about his kids "coming first" is just thatcrap. When you marry, the two BTW, when ourkids are sick he is mean and heartless. We have no savings, no retirement, and if we sell our house, (which is only 12 years old) it's going to need a ton of work/money to get it sellable. I think that men get used to a female (their mother) taking care of them while they are children, and subconsciously they maintain this view as they get to adulthood. Can totally relate to your post. You only get 1 life and your life matters, period. I did it again. I didn't nag on him, or hate him, or unkind. Sometimes, I've wondered if some of this is not only the ADHD, its also, in some, (like my husband) the result of his emotionally cold and distant mother,who had mental issues that kept her from showing love, closeness and tenderness to her children. He is scared about his health lately. I like the don't be upset if I pull a you on you comment. Set up a way for it to not be inconsistent. I have an illness. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This becomes a real problem for me in one area especially. But then I noticed that when he's around other people he's never sick until he walks in the house. Oops! But it only works if it's recent. We've never broached this subject before and I'm worried about it ending up in a fight. We want to hear your story. And we would just keep saying hurtful things to each other. Life goes on, until Im better. Then there's talking, just plain having a conversation, without it being a type of lecture or loud daydream with tons of plans for the "next project" that will either never get done, or get half done, never to be finished. I wanted to change to snow tires the week before but he always "needed" the truck for something. but I am trying to get past the resentment so now it simply feels like a friendship and some days like room mates but my goal is to remain pleasant and loving, as I would treat a friend. And, when I'm not 100%, then he's not being cared for. Submitted by copingSAH on Mon, 09/29/2014 - 09:42. When I had the flu really bad my kids did too and I still had to take care of everybody. I never get any sympathy from him, but my children hug me, draw me upside down rainbows because I am in pain and can't smile, and try to help me. 2023 ZIFF DAVIS CANADA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Submitted by ppester1 on Thu, 03/02/2017 - 14:44. I agree with Melissa's comment that it is good to be independent and emotionally detached, but that can become hollow. Being in a constantly defensive state (as are the chronic blamers of the world) means ADHD adults can become really good at detachingand awful at attaching. It wont solvefor the dishonesty (and just found a new credit card). So, I left him for the very same thing, he used to protect himself from having someoneleave him. You may want to reflect on your needs when you are sick as an adult. Then he could fix all this stuff on his own, on his own timing, but it didn't happen. My husband would blame me for ruining his life. But still had to call SO to bring me a pair of shorts because the doctor was afraid my pants wouldn't be able to come off around the knee-high wrappings; SO was impatient on the phone, frustrated and impatient at the clinic, and upset about having their evening ruined after a long day. If I'm expectedto accept him as he is, then he has to also accept that I will no longer give in just to keep peace. Learning to separate "the behaviour" from "the person", and understanding how those two are and are not connected, is crucial for avoiding bitterness and resentment. He came home from work at 9pm and I said I was throwing up and had terrible stomach cramps etc. When the youngest was very ill, diagnosed with multiple strains of Lyme disease, other tick borne infections like Erlichia, I was really afraid. If I'm sick or hurt (e.g. Now I'm going to get sick! This is daunting to say the least. She says take medicine or go to doctor. I started treatment and with the antibiotics and things you get sicker before you start healing. And that I was stuck in their recliner for near a week to keep my foot elevated - should have been longer but I moved my business back into my office to keep the agitation down. It was my truck. Her father was an alcoholic, who was always shit-faced, and died suddenly after getting sick. She may be tired of dealing with a sick husband who wont see a doctor on top what she already has to deal with. I am a loving, patient, kind person who wants a partner to weather the storms of life with. Please share ~ the relief is amazing! Yeap. When my husband found out he was angry and said " I can't justify spending that kind of money. I know your relationship is more complex than what I'm reading here in your postand it's not my business but he sounds selfish and self-centered. I think many spouses with ADD are extremely selfish and will never realize that a healthy relationship requires compromise, compassion, and patience. I pretend I am single and take care of me and my home for me. 50K views, 259 likes, 10 loves, 511 comments, 68 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dr. Phil: He Eats a Raw Animal Meat Diet #rawmeat #DrPhil #talkshow Yes, the victim mentality and what you said is so true. Follow this journey on Living Without Limits. Being Married to Someone Who Doesn't Care. She offered to take a day off to take care of me but I was already feeling better so I just said no. The former provides you both with a structure that can work (does for many couples.) But you dont care. He refused to tend to me as I was going into shock. It always boils down to me getting sick on purpose! I just got back from a trip and most likely caught a cold from someone on the plane ride home. Im the one who stays home all day while you go to work for 40or more hours a week and then still find the energy to come home and take care of me and the house. Then we must note that he attempts, albeit it is poor and generic advice, to advise you on your illness. I do believe he loves me. I have taken you for granted. Wanting to CONNECT? He is loved by many, not evil. When he had resistant sinus infections that were painful I let him sleep and rest, I forced him to take his antibiotics that were still in the cupboard when they came back and he seemed to be dying on the couch, I forced him to go back to the ENT and demanded he book surgery to get his nose cleaned out, as he had resistant sinus infections that were really dangerous- Klebsiella and Serratia marceneses. All part of marriage, I guess. WebI love my wife. Submitted by vabeachgal on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 18:15. Otherwise I think you need to stop acting like a child when sick. Submitted by peach on Tue, 12/13/2016 - 16:07. It was miserable. She can't fix it if she doesn't know. WHYDID YOU ASK ME TO MARRY YOU, and tell me you loved me and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together? But, with him, its more fun to ridicule and get angry at others because he's been inconvenienced in some way, and then he can get out his disapproval of having to be made to wait, instead of doing what HE wanted to do, right THEN. The next morning I woke up with chills and a fever of over 100. What is often harder for me is the hundreds of other things small and large that have made our lives SO MUCH more difficult than it ever had to be. His ADHD sounds poorly enough managed that it is likely that he won't EVER notice your disconnection (he's doing his own thing.) I helped him in his business, to help ease some of the burden he said he was under. he gets very angry. Because, recently he told me, he was "never IN LOVE with me", which changes this whole scenario for me TOTALLY. The codependent wife moved back without his help and then he said he wasn't going back to therapy after one session. And, yes, I am 100% sure it's not all ADHD. My opinion only, but having to force connection, attention and time and be the driving force for a marital connection that is so basic. well, that seems hollow to me also. My cough doesnt produce anything other than an exsmokers clean up. She is mad about something(unless you have sick kids in which case she is just holding it together). I gotvery sick from what I ate. not good. Then, why the * are they looking for a life partner in the first place?. Especially since most the time its as simple as "you didn't ask me a question in your text to make me contact you back" I lost track of time" I was busy" so I will not take anything personal even though I am very empathetic and mushy, I don't want to beg anymore for something that won't happen for whatever reason. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. We've been married 17 years. I do attribute it to a personality disorder though, and not the ADHD, I see him as cold and heartless. Anyway. I had to pay out of pocket to see a naturopathic doctor trained by ILADS(it is the best training for Lyme disease and tick borne infections treatment.) Fortunately, we were able to figure things out and this wasn't a problem for long. Third possible explanation: your wife doesn't want to get sick and thus avoids you? You are right. I know some have stated this, others have said the opposite. When someone is sick or injured.I'm first respondentjust so you know? He hates the snow. Submitted by vabeachgal on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 08:25. God, family/friends, my job, my health and then him. I was recovering from major surgery ~ he saw it that I had 6 weeks off from work! Some men are selfish creatures. I can not tell you how much I can relate to you and everyone else that has posted. He appears not to care youre pregnant and youre feeling unsupported. He is generous to others but asks me when I can pay him back. It appears you entered an invalid email. I, too, have moved onto taking care of myself and am putting my energy into friendships and relationships that are mutually rewarding. It seemed only logical, Im the identified patient right? His sister died from alcoholism about 8 years ago, she was only 51. The denying, the refusal to get help and then knowing you are not the husband/personyou should be and then going right back to repeating the behaviors because on your "good" days you overcompensate for your low-self esteem and think you are the most amazing person ever. But there is something that hurts me so desperately, he acts like he doesnt care when Im sick. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Run!!! I am the best thing he has ever had. I had started a new job so I could not take him to get his surgery, but I did leave work early, come home and take care of him, make chicken soup, the whole deal. Kathy woke-up startled to hear her phone ring so at 5 am. So I had been barfing all day long.almost going to the hostpital and was sicker than I had ever been before or after except with Appendicitis as an adult. Gosh, feel better! I am not an illness. Or, the replacement part is put in upside down, backwards, inside-out, or having something broken on it, or in it. 9. So, does he want me around because he's afraid he's dying? Not a very nice thing to do to someone you say you "love". Blank. I, ME, MINE!! Need help with your relationship? The one hoarding in the place you are trying to sell? If you ever became terminal, he would run for the hills. (pleasantly though, I LOVE MY DAUGHTER, and am glad she was born) My example is though, that people really DON'T want long term consequences for their actions, and in today's world, excuses and denials are what so many folks use to get "out of" having to live with the results of their own actions. She has previously worked as Foster Family Agency Social Worker with foster children and in private practice. One of the post said that when she is sick or hurt and can't "take care" of her H, then basically his world falls apart. ever heard of obsessive compulsive personality disorder? My H, and many others, expect love, support, attention and all the good stuff without being self aware enough to understand that they are not giving it in return and become very angry when it's not provided. My wife wants to be left alone, and I mean ALONE. "The unexpected" threatens their sense of fragile balance. He loves, smoking, drinking, games, cars, machines, jokes and flirting. Recently I was knocked down by a I'm not talking about a " girlish, prince on a white horse, rescuer kind of thing) I think everyone knows what I'm trying to say. She even acts like I am somehow putting her out by not being 100%. It dramatically affected my relationship for the worse. 1) Shes never on your side. He sees the painted parts and not the unpainted parts, because to him this is a lot of work. I finally was able to keep the water and pills down but my fever only went down to something like 101 if I remember it? So a few months ago I rang him to say my asthma was bad and I needed to get to WebYES, YOU CAN! Afraid to love again, after such severe betrayal of trust and severe consequences from crazy making behaviors. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. You know nothing about my medication, my doctors information, my diagnoses. If I wasn't able to mock her and call her out in the moment, it might've developed into some nasty resentment. Love, to me, is caring about the welfare of something and wanting to put in the effort and time and attention for it to grow and survive. Also, "he does not have time to deal with the insurance company or taking me to get a rental car the next day, so I will have to find my own ride to the car rental company". I was shaking so badly, but I didmake it down the hill, and didn't speak to him the rest of that day. Maybe he's dated someone like that. When you're feeling a little better just tell her how it makes you feel when she ignores you when you don't feel well or are injured. I'm tired . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Some people have zero bedside manner. Even though we were engaged and had a date set, I still shouldn't have gotten pregnant, and THAT action left me with something that I would have to deal with the rest of my life. Get out now and look for greener pastured. Yes mothers do this for children, because children need help with these tasks, but you are not a child. But I truly think my husband is being a pussy sometimes. But I do know some women that like to take care of their men, to the point of coddling them. There was no safe way to drive the manual transmission with one foot, so I had to use the broken foot on the clutch. Okay, WE?? You can find even more stories on our Home page. Maybe she doesnt even realize shes doing it. He said he can never be good enough and then turned the tv on and left me alone, the whole night sobbing. I was sick this past weekend into Monday with Bronchitis and my husband, who doesn't work during the week, left me alone on Monday when I called off from work. Like, my sympathy well was pretty shallow when I had 2 sick kids and a sick husband. You really aren't getting the kind of love and support that you deserve from him. I know when I'm sick, I freak out about being a burden & not pulling my weight. There's a few things that are scaring him, and he is right to be concerned. Now not now and love. Imagine that. (Dirt, dust, cob webs, grease, filth, trash, broken stuff, computer junk, all over) Then there is the paperwork all over the place and our finances to get through. Lack of empathy is an ADHD trait, and needs careful consideration and support from the non-ADHD partner as well. I went out of my way for "my friend" and thought he cared but he used me and made me feel insane since one moment he is texting me at 3AM and the next wouldn't talk to me for a week saying we needed to cool it. He wrote me a letter saying how he fell in love in college, and she left him, and he didn't want to feel "that hurt" again, so he basically shut "that part" of himself down, so that he wouldn't FEEL that. Ask for forgiveness. So pick your battles my friends and learn about yourself in the process. Even children recognize when other kids don't "like them", and don't want to play with them, causing hurt feelings and feelings of inadequacy. (Statements I've heard dozens of times, and heard again this week). Was she sick recently and you didn't pay attention? This is a never ending cycle that doesn't ever stop. You are doing a good job of differentiating yourself from your partner and I applaud that - best to be able to stand on your own two feet whether or not your partner is paying attention to you. Sign #9: He treats you like everyone else. Your spouse or partner carries on as if nothing is happening while your inner world has changed mentally and physically. You know, a "special" love. Obviously. On this basis, there must have been a time when she did care for you, but since it has happened so many times, she has no more 'empathy' to give in these situations. Messes everywhere in EVERY room, stuff everywhere, junk everywhere, broken things everywhere. Ya, it sucks being sick but it's a stomach bug. Now I take the time that he is away physically or emotionally to realize that I am in peace and not around his negative, tantrummytoxic behavior. Its your life not theres. OMG. My husband has a 'man cold' right now. My job is a blessing to me though. Yes it was my plan all along to get sick in order to make you sick and miserable! Don't misunderstand me - I get it. Although Melissa's suggestions have some merit for a couple where there is active treatment adherence, I don't have much hope of change in my relationship with someone who never gives a thought to anyone else but himself. Don't walk around hurt from a Global sickness presently called, "entitlement". You're not the victim the kids are. He made me pay that year for leaving. WebA female reader, aunt honesty +, writes (19 November 2011): It doesn't mean that he doesn't care. He thinks about "whatever", in the moment he's in. We parted ways. A well spouses support and encouragement can help a partner stay on track, but this new role can also trigger frustration on both sides. It is not only me he has no sympathy for, it is his children as well. It is obvious that ADD people rarely change for any measurable amount of time. I think that it's true. If it's me first? And I take. I thought it was me who was being unreasonable but after reading all these posts I am beginning to believe that those with ADHD who chose to do nothing about it should not be allowed to enter into relationships. I could barely limp about and it was rapidly getting worse. The Empathy/Systemising Quotient deals with the degree of emotional engagement vs systemising - an analytical deconstruction of inputs and outputs. Sometimes, he can be vindictive in a passive way, like after I left him for that one month. Female here sick and tired of whiny twats like you. Like come on "ladies" use your brain stop asking stupid questions if you're unhappy and it's bothering you to the point you have to ask then it's time to move on to something better. Should also consider the stress my wife is dealing with at work. I emotionally detached from my husband, hated him for being in the way and making this emotional affair uncomfortable. There are a lot of comments here about how this isn't an ADHD trait, and should be seen as a selfish or abusive behaviour. registered trademarks of Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without That's not even in my nature. His answer was absolutely not. After recovering from several hospitalizations, she went on to get a B.A. Some otc antacids helped. (I'm not sure if he came over on the Friday night from 9 pm to 8 am.). I agree his kids should come first. The grass wasn't greener on the other side but my grass would probably never be any better so there needed to be changes on my side. Do you think being obnoxious made him FOND of me? This means you may think it's obvious when you need a hug or some connection, but they may not 'see' it. Privacy You never waver. I think the explanation for her behavior lies in a few traits from her background: Latina with history of macho men in her past. Even if you have the flu, it's up to your partner how close they want to get to you. They were on their lunch break at the time, and went back to work - taking the automatic transmission car and leaving me with the manual. But, that wouldn't have lasted either, after she got to KNOW him, because she too would have wanted some love "in return". God forbid that I ever get anything serious. I occasionally get teary about it, my feelings were so hurt. And I have failed you, but in finding your voice you have helped me find mine and now I see. And for this, I am truly, deeply sorry. 2 months ago I had a Hysterectomy. His kids are always going to come before you. I see we are out of aspirin and ask him if he knows of any in the house. (Sadly, he was not compliant enough with the whole thing and it didn't work). (maybe?). I have battle wounds and each one has made me who I am today and much wiser if in the future I should ever be single again. I left work early and took them to hospital, tended them there, brought them home and generally took care of as much as I could to keep them comfortable and on the way to mending throughout. He didn't sleep well last night because he was stuffed up, coughing, etc. Erlichia can kill people, it is in the same class as Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. It was like neither of us care that we were damaging our marriage. Unfortunately, many divorced dads want to be their kids friends and a DisneyDad to them rather than a father. I'm taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, making meals. The only family Im in contact with is my 91-year-old mother who lives an hour away. The reception was held at a house, in he back yard. I am learning to put myself first so I will show him where the meds are and head off to work. ADHD adults also can have trouble reading the emotional cues of others, according to research. Getting mad or saying nasty things when someone is sick or injured suggests the same disorders. I am better than begging and I am tired of it. I hope your foot heals soon and that you're getting approriate sympathy and empathy elsewhere. When he is at home, he behavior is that of a spoiled 3yr old who has tantrums. Now I see, and now I can and will be your Captain Marvel. I'm glad that's 'not in your nature'except that it is. A therapist can help you evaluate the factors that have led you to this step and then offer advice about how to best proceed. That's absurd. I recorded it and ran to my room in tears and he knew I was crying since the 3rd person, a teenager, begged him to get help and to console me. When I got to the ER and they did a CAT scan, they said it was about to burst. And, to feel loved in return, you need to be sexual with each other. Pulling my weight first place? around hurt from a Global sickness presently called, `` entitlement '',... He 's dying battles my friends and a sick husband dozens of times, and now I,... He loves, smoking, drinking, games, cars, machines, jokes and flirting would. Cough doesnt produce anything other than an exsmokers clean up everyone else who lives an hour away,! Throwing up and had terrible stomach cramps etc there is something that hurts me so desperately he! My sympathy well was pretty shallow when I can relate to you fix it if she does care! 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bts reaction to them wanting attention