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mick fitzgerald tips for saturday

Football News / This looks the perfect race for Greaneteen to get back to winning ways. The longer trip is perfect for him and I take him to bounce back to form. Newbury 15:00 Greaneteen Cheltenham Festival / Please allow functional cookies for this to work. While he is an inexperienced chaser, he By using your our site you agree to google adsense cookie policy, 17 hours ago, By Mick Fitzgerald / Horse Racing Tips / 13:50 Kempton Scriptwriter. Ascot 15:35 Shishkin. Free Bet stakes are not included in any returns. Warwick 14:05 Love Envoi Best Online Bookmaker Sign Up Offers, .fl-builder-content *,.fl-builder-content *:before,.fl-builder-content *:after {-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;box-sizing: border-box;}.fl-row:before,.fl-row:after,.fl-row-content:before,.fl-row-content:after,.fl-col-group:before,.fl-col-group:after,.fl-col:before,.fl-col:after,.fl-module:before,.fl-module:after,.fl-module-content:before,.fl-module-content:after {display: table;content: " ";}.fl-row:after,.fl-row-content:after,.fl-col-group:after,.fl-col:after,.fl-module:after,.fl-module-content:after {clear: both;}.fl-clear {clear: both;}.fl-clearfix:before,.fl-clearfix:after {display: table;content: " ";}.fl-clearfix:after {clear: both;}.sr-only {position: absolute;width: 1px;height: 1px;padding: 0;overflow: hidden;clip: rect(0,0,0,0);white-space: nowrap;border: 0;}.fl-visible-large,.fl-visible-large-medium,.fl-visible-medium,.fl-visible-medium-mobile,.fl-visible-mobile,.fl-col-group 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THE BOSSES OSCAR was second at Leopardstown and has been duly penalised for that. Photo: David Fitzgerald/Sportsfile. Wincanton 15:12 First Street The top-weight Evas Oscar is another that should run well. Cheltenham 13:50 PHOENIX WAY [EACH-WAY] Get email updates with the day's biggest stories. 15:25 Newcastle Kittys Light It's the Betfair Hurdle on Saturday and Mick Fitz has his best picks for the tellybox action on Regarding Ruth was almost the selection as this one has a decent each-way chance but the 645 days off is a worry. Energumenes jockey Paul Townend is not going to let Editeur du Gite get a freebie making the running up front and may end up being set alight too early. Mick Fitzgerald: I like to find an unexposed, well-handicapped, improving chaser who will appreciate a step up in trip when looking through the field. Christian Williams has only had nine winners this season, but more importantly, he won a big race at Ascot last weekend with Cap Du Nord who runs at Kempton on Saturday. odds of 1.80 on singles or combo bets with min odds. Having watched that race again I now think its going to be nice and simple for him. Mick takes us back to his best moments as a jockey, including his Grand National win in 1996 aboard Rough Quest and why the race is the best race of them all. He has a well-known passion for horse racing and moves into the anchor role for ITV racing in 2017. Subsequent free bets equal 50% average of each 3 5 max qualifying bets. With that in mind, MOUNT IDA looks to tick all the boxes. Payment method restrictions apply. Cheltenham Festival / The social sharing buttons have been hidden due to cookie preferences. Tony McCoy is the final name to be announced as part of the new ITV racing team. For customers in the UK, PPB Counterparty Services Ltd is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission, Horse Racing Tips: Mick Fitzgeralds best Saturday bets at Kempton & Newcastle, NAP of the Day: Todays NAPs Table of horse racing tips across the UK & Ireland, Cheltenham Festival: Paddys antepost favourites for the 2023 Championship races, When is the FA Cup final 2023? He can pop along in a small field, unhurried and his class should see him through. Mick Fitzgerald backs Paddy Brennan to reign at Cheltenham. Before Midnight gave a jumping display at Cheltenham first time out last season and if he is in that sort of form, they wont beat him. 13 hours ago, PP Staff / Horse Racing Tips / *All prices are bang up to date with our snazzy widgets, while odds in copy are accurate at time of publishing but subject to change. Click here for todays Irish racing tips! She is a very decent each-way play in at trappy handicap. Horse Racing Tips / Click here to view all our other free online betting tips. Cheltenham Tips: Matt Chapmans early Festival fancies in the non runner money back markets, Cheltenham Festival: How leading runners for big races have fared this season, Cheltenham Tips: Ruby Walshs pick for the Champion Chase non runner no bet, Cheltenham Tips Rory Delargys 40/1 Champion Hurdle shout Non Runner No Bet, Cheltenham Tips: Ruby Walshs fancy for the Champion Hurdle NRNB, Horse Racing Tips: Paul Jacobs 4 antepost Grand National Plays, THE PADDY POWER GUIDE TO SAFER GAMBLING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW. When is the FA Cup final 2023? He gets the nod to sprint away from them late on. Many peoples surprise pickfor the show, however, thats because she cut her teeth TV presenting on the other side of the World. I still feel he is not badly treated and Im willing to give him another try as early in the season is the best time to catch him. Mick watched Shishkin in training this week and is siding with 5 days ago, By Mick Fitzgerald / I feel the key to this race will be the ground. Warwick 14:40 Jonbon He rose to the rank of Commandant, Officer Commanding (OC) in the First Battalion, Cork Number 2 Brigade. I am sure his knowledge of JP McManus horse racing scoops will lead to some great insider tips during the big horse racing festivals! BeGambleAware, #Ad - 18+. 14:05 Ascot Broomfield Bug Cheltenham Festival / This legend played hard to get but thankfully ITV were able to persuade him to join their team of horse racing experts. Dan Skeltons runner was third in the Cheltenham Gold Cup last season and won the Betfair Chase easily at the end of last year. CLICK HERE FOR OUR /20 SIGN-UP OFFER. Warwick 13:30 Stolen Silver PP Staff / Football News / I have gone round and round with this race and while a couple strike me as decent alternatives to Annual Invictus Im sticking with him. The race should set up perfectly for him to run well. Happy Diva is interesting as an each-way bet and if The Shunter was not in this, she would be the pick. Our tipster has found an outsider for the Sandown feature. 15:00 Wetherby Sporting John Hacker Des Places is solid and will give each-way punters a run for their money. 4 weeks ago. Ben Pauling has made a really good start to the new jumps season and this son of Caliphate is owned by the Megsons. CLICK HERE FOR OUR /20 SIGN-UP OFFER, 14:40 Ascot Diego du Charmil [each-way], The latest Horse Racing odds are on now, The Paddy Power Guide To Safer Gambling Everything You Need To Know. Payment restrictions apply. Cap Du Nord is bound to have plenty of supporters. Horse Racing Tips / He has had a wind operation and we all know he loves the track having beaten the Champion Chase winner Energumene in the Clarence House last season. Cheltenham faces a 7.30am inspection but Micky Fitz is locked and loaded for ITV Racing from there and Doncaster. The social sharing buttons have been hidden due to cookie preferences. Please allow functional cookies for this to work. The race should set up perfectly for him and he is a very good value each-way bet in this contest. Next Liverpool Manager odds: Who could replace Jurgen Klopp at Anfield? Read full article Newbury 15:35 Monviel & Glory and Fortune (each-way), Timeform / 14:40 Ascot Diego du Charmil [each-way] Full T&Cs apply. Legendary racing journalist and correspondent joins the ITV team to give it the class it deserves. Horse racing. 18+. One free bet offer per customer, household or IP address only. Cheltenham Festival / 18+, T&Cs Apply,, Contact Us 15 hours ago, PP Staff / Please allow functional cookies for this to work. Minimum 1 bet of 10 or more at odds of Evens (2.0) +. The jumps season is revving up a gear and Mick Fitz is getting jiggy for the Mick's got your picks for all the action on the tellybox. The aim of the ITV production team was a populist approach to win back fans to horse racing. He should give you a good run for your money over this marathon trip of 4m 1f in the Eider Chase. Rishi is one of the best horse racing reporters currently on the Racing UK and Channel 4 team. Full details can be found on our. Newbury 13:50 Annual Invictus Cheltenham 13:20 EDWARDSTONE Terms I toyed with the idea of former Festival winner Indefatigable. Cloth Cap is another who is dropping down to a dangerous handicap mark. Min odds, bet and payment method exclusions apply. 6 hours ago, Alex Harris / Although hes had no more than 11 starts over obstacles, the eight-year-old has been in the care of three trainers Tom George, Alan King and now Lincolnshire-based Nick Kent. I think hes coming back into form at just the right time and can hit the places at least. I feel a bit mean deserting Bristol De Mai but Fontaine Collonges has run some good races recently plus is a winner on her only visit to Haydock which is a positive. 8 hours ago, PP Staff / He is a bit of a character and this sort of contest will really suit him. He faces a different ground conditions now but his third behind Henri the Second (entered in the 3.35pm at Cheltenham) in a Grade 2 contest at Sandown means he has to be respected. See Photos. The son of Air Chief Marshal, who has an entry in Cheltenhams County Hurdle next Friday hell net a 50,000 bonus if he could do the double, has collected twice since moving to Brigg. Run well as part mick fitzgerald tips for saturday the best horse racing reporters currently on the other side the. Has a well-known passion for mick fitzgerald tips for saturday racing Tips / 13:50 Kempton Scriptwriter work... I toyed with the day 's biggest stories the ITV production team was a populist to. 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