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may his favor be upon you scripture

Also, check out my other Elevation Worship reviews. For less than $5/mo. He doesnt suffer from memory lapses. I am sorry to hear about your tragedy. However, if you say something about it, they will just say you are being judgmental and YET It does not matter what other people say because only what God says is what truly matters. Since God is so generous with His enemies, then we should be as well. The above quoted scriptures would say a resounding, YES!!! May the hand of God be with you. It is a gift. Why did you copyright a song that inspiration was giving to you from the word God and his spirit it was freely given to you and you freely admit most of it comes from numbers Do you have the right to Copyright it as your own inspiration? I dont think of it as much for the New Testament Christian, though it is entirely applicable. Interesting technical review. He is for you unaccompanied by anything else suggests that God is pleased with unrepentant sinners as they are, who neither know, love, nor follow him there is no hint in this song that people need to turn to this God and change their ways, in order to experience his full blessing. However, unbelievers will probably get the wrong idea, thinking God approves of their sinful lifestyle. Is Remember Just in the Mind? But Pauls actual instruction is to be speaking to on another in psalmsand make music from your heart to the Lord. So not just singing to God, but also to each other. Great to acknowledge context, but the Lord extends this blessing to us, it is unending. (NLT) Other Benedictions in the Bible In the Old Testament, benedictions were ceremonial pronouncements of God's favor or blessing on the congregation administered during worship gatherings. But we dont do that we naturally gravitate toward adoration in our song writing and corporate singing, without direct biblical instruction to do so. Happy birthday to you! I am not normally in favor of gross repetition in worship songs, but in this case it absolutely works. What would happen to their livelihood if people stole their work and sold it as their own? Jim Bomar: I agree with Stephan Briton, I have teach children & youth for 40 year and have always believed that the message God spoke to Jerusalem in Isaiah 28 means there is some lessons about him that can only be learned through the patient prodding of repetition. It has perfect corners and will always look as tight and flat as the day it was made. Take a look at Exodus 32:11-18. I urge you, during the repeats, to change it to first person. Amen, amen, amen Amen, amen, amen. So, how does God love His enemies? This takes you further away & not nearer to God! Dont be shy or have a cow! I pray that God in the later days will give people discernment to know the difference between what is right and almost right! Music is just the initiation process. The Blessing was one of several songs which have become part of my personal healing. We need it because we forget too quickly and go back to fear. People think that these songs are so supportive when they go through a depression or tough time Nothing like the word of God and prayer without any sounds in that period of time and if you really want a song during that time just go to a hymnal book and pick a song that speaks to your mind not emotions. I added it and gave you credit. 26 May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.' Numbers 6:24-26 The New King James Version (NKJV) 24 "The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; 26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." ' Numbers 6:24-26 New Century Version (NCV) Be careful not to desire their idols/gods, as that will corrupt the Israelite people, and turn them from the Lord. In the morning, in the evening. This song is beautiful, I cant lie. [22] But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.. Thank you for using your hobby to bless others a congratulations on breaking through! Youve probably heard of YouTube, Pandora, and Spotify. Thank you for your comment! As for repetition, Messiah, by Handel, is one of the most repetitious songs in history. I appreciate reading from your perspective about repetition. I know from personal experience how trials bring about blessing. Im reminded of two Bible verses Proverbs 25:16 Hast thou found honey? Blessings are given as God sees fit, through grace so no person can boast. There is a tendency for Christian to look at people outside the Church, with an attitude tainted with contempt. I am still not at ease with having our congregation sing this song, not because it is not biblical, but because the reference versus are out of context. Vince I think your response is very well said. Repetition is bad. Coming up is the anniversary of the death of our son six years ago. LOOK, FOR ARGUMENTS SAKE, LET US TOTALLY ACCEPT THERE IS NOTHING REALY WRONG WITH THE WORDS OR EVEN REPITITION OF THIS SONG BUT .. Hi Varya, The Blessing is a song that compiles Gods promises in the bible, we repeat it back to Him in a form of prayer to remind Him of His promises for us. But God makes it clear that we, as His people, are to continue to cry out to Him with prayer and petition, with praise and thanksgiving. I didnt read all the comments, so I apologize if Im repeating what someone else already said. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! There are plenty of other spaces for such deliberation. 12 Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? 11 And Moses besought the LORD his God, and said, LORD, why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty hand? Again, I guess this applies only to those in Christ who has fulfilled the requirements of the law on their behalf and thus brought Gods blessing to them. Regarding specifically the question of this song being used in corporate worship is the command to worship God through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs exclusively meant for adoration? If we embrace the blessings of Moses-era Israel, we can expect to miss out on the blessings of Christjoining Him in His suffering. By webster definition, thats called mantra, and Jesus specifically warned against that. People today need to be blessed, from the rising of the sun till the time it goes down. God makes no distinction between the evil and the righteous in this instanceHe gives good gifts to both of them. In short, this song, while well intended, is out of context for the Church. Lyrical examination seemed like a good fit to use my talents, especially since there are very few websites dedicated to it. As a pastor of a traditional denomination I seemed to end up with very dysfunctional congregation. Your perception and replies are so mature and absolutely Christlike. I ask b/c Vince has actually outlined his criteria here: His promises never fail. Proverbs 3:1-4 - My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: (Read More.) I reached your page here after searching for a while for the Biblical references of this song The Blessing. Regardless of the farmers disposition toward God, God gives sunshine and rain to all the farmers in equal portion. One such verse is Psalm 30:5 (ESV): "For his anger lasts but for a moment, and his favor for a lifetime. NO,EAT HEALTHY! 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; The shining of God's face upon the people of Israel celebrates God's saving power and deliverance in times of trouble. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at 2020 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, Capitol CMG Paragon / Writers Roof Publishing, Worship Together Music / Kari Jobe Carnes Music He sees all and knows all. (Deut 7:6-8) God chose the Israelites to be holy, set apart for Him. And your family and your children Those that just want to get through the song may not get what its trying to say to us. Thank you Lord for the musicians and the gifts you give them to speak to us through music. As are just about any Christian song. We are so very blessed to receive the favor of the Most High God, but that means we are also tasked with responsibilities just as far-reaching. If we take Paul too literally, beyond what he intended, wed be singing for the destruction of all those who persecute Christians. I was very touched though the last half was painful. The same can be said about Scripture, that people twist it for their own gain. Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? [sarcasm sound familiar] Ridiculously puffed up we all are, too often not for our own good. 26 May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.' Read full chapter Numbers 5 Numbers 7 New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Third, it says in several places in Scripture that God is against unbelievers: -Those who are not with Christ are against Him (Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23). 6 Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old. On the surface this song appears to be quoting scripture but it leaves out a very important part and therefore is dangerously deceptive. Numbers 6:24-26 - NLT The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. That is the government we live in. At my church we divide Christian songs into 4 categories. its also impossible to know precisely what it will be like for me when I get there; However, I understand that you referenced Revelation 4:8 with your commentary, that the four living creatures and elders state the same statement, over and over again, day and night. Absolutely NOT!!! Intense feelings about the words are great, but theres a danger of overdoing it. At the end of the year, I expect it to be the most covered of any in a long time, maybe ever. Sometimes I think in our desire to be sensitive to what God wants from us we over complicate things and neglect the truth of the Holy Spirits role to will and to work in you for his good pleasure. Concern over man-centered song worship has its place, but song worship is only a snippet of whole worship, or as Paul calls it, true and proper worship offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Admittedly, Ive had a lot of complaints about this section, especially that it seems to discourage unbelievers from understanding the artists intent (which may lead to studying Scripture). I equally feel its mostly about man & very little about God, other than being God is good assurance & a Deity succumbing to our desires & needs.Obviously we all will agree God is good, but God is vengeful & jealous as well. God is the one to enjoy our praise for it is unto Him, not, we get it wrong often that we need to enjoy a song but in truth, we are to put God first. But even when younger, and more so now, I find that when phrases get repeated a lot, as in this song, especially when done in an intense way, they it can work really well for a while, but sometimes they start to lose their meaning, and if that happens, then the band is probably still really giving it some, and some of the people round you are still really into it, and youre left standing there with all that going on, thinking it was initially great, but now its just banal. The Lord turn His. Second, in my review, I worded However, they will also be lead astray, thinking that God is with, within, and for them without repentance or faith. poorly. This is my reaction too it brings me to tears. Since its a blessing, and blessings are given at the end of the service, my thought is that a church service could potentially end with this song. Perhaps Im missing what you are trying to say, but it seems like either Shan YES. Pastors should pay more attention to instilling the fear of God again, within a world that only seeks to want the nice, gentle & good side of God such as this song ! But God is concerned if our hearts are whole. He prays for the knowledge and sensible experience of God's good providence. I normally wont concentrate on lyrics when im listening to any other secular music. I completely agree with you. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children, and their children May His presence go before you And behind you, and beside you All around you, and within you He is with you, He is with you In the morning, in the evening In your coming, and your going In your weeping, and rejoicing I hope its supporting you well for your time and if not Im sure God will fix the tab on the other side . If we are to sing holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come for all eternity- doesnt that say something about the standard to which a worship song should be held to? We deserve Gods wrath, and it is only by the blood of Jesus we dont have it. you. Face toward you Wow, what an interesting discussion about the lyrics of a song. With such vague universal lyrics, have a Hindu or Muslim sing it & it equally can be about their false gods which also can be referred to as lords or gods & even satan can be the lord of someone & indeed directly or indirectly actually is with many of these false movements.0/10. And in Psalm 106:4, the Psalmist begs, Remember me, Lord, when you show favor to your people, come to my aid when you save them. Hes asking for rescue, not just kind thoughts. Its our individuality and willingness to be ourselves, as God made us, that creates the mosaic of the corporate church. I just feel wary of painting God as this benefactor when people could be setting their faces again God with their unrepentant sin. The Bible speaks extensively on finances and financial breakthroughs, teaching us foundational principles to ensure financial breakthroughs in our lives. He is absolutely against our sins based on all the scriptures that you referenced. But you & I both know that people from that audience, a large majority though; is not living right & this forms part of the emergent stuff He has done tremendous work in exposing false worship & this video as well as many more on his youtube channel, is well worth some of everybodys time People will also do well to look up the kundalini spirit & repetitive style there-off. Overall my humble opinion is that it is far too vague taken as solely a Christian song & doctrinally not as sound as one would prefer. It stays and lives with you forever. For believers who are under a new, better covenant brought about by a greater, better Prophet, fulfilled by a final, best Lamb, why sing about blessings that God promised to a people under a different covenant as though they apply to us? Isnt this reminiscent of what Biblical meditation is? I believe the comment in the conclusion saying Despite its overreliance on as nauseum refrains is unfair and a detriment to the beauty of this song and as such should be removed from the analysis and besides, it seems that most people love the repetition. Gods favor and blessings go beyond us, far exceeding our wildest imaginations! The Bible expounds on three Hananiahs in particular, one before the Babylonian exile, one during the exile, and one when the Jews returned to Jerusalem from their captivity in Babylon. Examining artist theology is important to discuss and there are websites that talk about the terrible theology that comes out of churches such as Bethel, Hillsong, and Jesus Culture; However, it exists outside the purpose of this website. Waddya think? 5 Keys to Receiving Favor. So, I caved. I believe this song is totally word of faith movement preaching inspired & 3/10 is adequate. I agree in a meeting, where this fits is important, as you suggested at the end is a good place. See, just recently I started on this journey of Faith & wow, I can already hear God speaking so clearly to me & feel Him working through me as His vessel. Ive been wrestling with this song because I dont know if it should be classed as a worship song. Apology, I neglegted to add the following within my previous comment. May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. Day and night THEY NEVER stop saying: Holy, holy, holy 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. And yet have absolutely no saving grace accompanying it, but rather a well veiled self adolatery one sided mine,mine,mine entitlement approach.This equally plays towards the next criteria method. Psalm 136 His love endures forever, repeats at the end of each verse, twenty-six verses, twenty-six times. This one isnt my fav. Jews are not THE chosen people; they are A chosen people, the first of several monotheistic religions. I also leave it playing on the TV when away as a cleansing of the house. The Context doesnt lend itself to that sort of interpretation. Insofar as I am aware, the people who pay for the tickets are not just looking for a spiritual experience. G#m. I had become known as something of a healing pastor. The problem, then, lies with not with the lyrics. Worship songs have God as the intended target; this song is clearly a blessing upon the congregation, which is fine, but its not directed at God. If we take our cue from the psalms, the answer would be a resounding no. While I cannot relate to your loss, may you be encouraged to consider that the Spirit of God working within you will bring, and likely has brought, Gods blessing and truth into the lives of those you have come in contact. May his favor be upon you and a thousand generations Bible Verse Prints, Poster and Canvas Christian Wall Art, Baptism, Scripture, Ready to Hang (Wrapped Canvas, 16x20) Brand: Generic Currently unavailable. As a believer, if you read the Bible every day, you never know when you'll find a verse that makes you take notice. It appears to be an encouraging word set to music. Christian music is as much a business as anything else. Watch on. I agree wholeheartedly. In praying through this song, I had a deep experience of blessing in the sense of well-being. Obedience, faithfulness, perseverance, persecution when necessary. - Numbers 6:24-26. God has promised you favor. This article at has a good answer in my opinion ( However, if they just heard this song without any context to it, will some think its about them and be led astray? Repeating the refrains, the verses is for emphasis, to reinforce the message. I pray for my generation and those generations to come to be safe, happy and healthy; to accept Christ as their Savior and for the salvation of their spouses-to-be whomever they shall be. And then we read in 1 Chron 7:14, what is expected of the people who are called by His name. We are each responsible to God for ourselves, not others. I love this song and agree with most of your review of it but I dont believe it first brings glory to God when sung in a worship service. We read too much of our 21st century western ideas into it, and make it mean something different than the original word. May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children, and their children "May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. It has been used continuously in Jewish and Christian worship for over 3300 years as a blessing for Gods people. As a father of two, I cannot (I feel) ask God enough for protection, blessing, and mercy for my children. All around you, and within you EDIT: Removed first sentence, which replied to a comment now deleted. I understand your point. Proverbs 13:11 says, "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. Bryan, Don, Randall . As I have asked before on other topics, if the Holy Spirit, when writing Psalm 23 through David, did not see fit to explain the blessings, love, and care that God has, is it fair to hold the songwriter to a higher standard? If they had couched this song in the appropriate context with the responsibility that is laid out for those receiving the blessing, I would feel really differently about it all, but alas it made just made me sad. Here are the 50 most uplifting Bible scriptures on favor. To me, this is a Jewish song more thats anything especially given the trials, persecution and struggles that many Jews face even today, simply as a result of their Jewish faith. May it continue to grow and provide you with God pleasing conversation and connections as well as a good reason to keep on searching scripture. 04/20/2021 After prayerfully considering Dons comments, I decided to update section 3 based on his direction. O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me! May His favor be upon you And a thousand generations Your family and your children And their children, and their children. Ha ha! Repeating it. The song is a Blessing to all that hear it . I like your helpful analysis, particularly your explanation of how The Blessing links to scripture. It was for Israel to keep their end of the Mosaic Covenant. I appreciate your support! 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Perhaps its because we arent trying to sell them as our own work? And you know what, He loves us all more than we know! by Andr van Belkum. I am not a skilled songwriter or gifted musician, but I heard this worship song for the first time as I was driving across the state to a wedding shower for my eldest sons fianc. We delight in him. We had a patient who had a cross addiction of TRANCE MUSIC which relies on repetition. Its good in your work and training to help you build muscle memory, but vain repetition of words is definitely bad. It is the government that grants these protections known as copyright law to artists, translators, and other individuals. Elevation Worships blessing inspired by Exodus 20:6, Deuteronomy 7:9, and Psalm 103:17-18. I have watched several versions and my favorite is the one from New Zealand/Aotearoa, which really fills me with God spirit and with a great homesickness for New Zealand, which is one of three countries that I call home. I fill the love (aroha) and the caring (manaakitanga) of all those singing the Blessing. If so, is my focus on God, or is it on what He gives me? And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes. In your coming, and your going. God loves you more than you can fathom. Im not saying we shouldnt be sensitive to unbelievers in the context of 1 Thessalonians 5:22, Im just suggesting that 1 Thessalonians 5:22 doesnt apply in this case because all scripture is the holy word of God and cannot be withheld or moderated to avoid misunderstanding in outsiders. Add to cart I agree with your assessment and love this song. Now you Christian roaring down the road, full blast blaring the song the Blessing because hey, everybody should hear the gospel & here you are doing God a favour, stopping next to little miss drew & charley; Hey mister thats a cool song, who is it & with chest swelling with job well done pride, you puffed up declare Kari Jobe from Elevation worship check them out ! Numbers 6:25: The LORD make His face to shine upon you. It technically repeats, but its not nearly annoying as, say, an entire phrase on repeat four or more times. May you revel in His amazing love on your birthday. I have really really struggled with this song. He can bless them with good health, happiness, safety, opportunities to witness, care for others. Jon I had the similar thoughts as you; that this is very much like taking Jer 29:11, and thinking that it is meant for us individually. I havent always been fond of repetition either but I suggest there might be good reason we are living in a world that gets its information and much of its interaction through 30 second sound bites Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. It took everything that I read in the Bible about Gods love for me and wrapped it into the biggest blessing God can give us. There were those that ministered to the house of God (the people) and there were the wonderful sons of Zadok, who were permitted to minister to God to Him, not to them or us. I believe it was written for this time, to cut through the noise of today. Great news! As we all know Songs are one of the easiest way to memorize something, it helps me a lot in memorizing the word of god. Should not the entire worship service be a time of bringing blessing to all the people. And your family and your children. Shan Nope & Ill stick to being overly cautious [not saying always outright wrong] with the mystical influences [kundalini similarity] of repetition. Rather, it seems like a secret agenda of hoping Hell give us what we want (hindering on the prosperity gospel here). And be gracious to you Cody Carnes & Kari Jobe) - The Blessing, Rend Collective Build Your Kingdom Here, Hillsong Young & Free (Feat. He is for you, He is for you. I agree this is a beautiful song and brings me to tears every time I listen to it. Michael thats an interesting breakdown. A balance between the two is something for which we must strive. pon you. Many Christians take Holy Communion, consuming bread and wine as symbols of Jesus body and blood, which they are to do in remembrance of me (Luke 22:19). Judy loadsman. Ministry ( these songs are focused on building us up songs that use the pronoun I usually fall here and songs that dont fall into the other three categories). Almost all translations of the Bible (if not all translations) are copyrighted. I am not claiming to be correct, this is just my reasoning, if anyone could help me resolve this whether for the validation or invalidation of the songs glorifying-of-God qualities. By the blood of Jesus we dont have it, beyond what gives. Other secular music first person Lord make His face to shine upon you let thine keep! The original word ( if not all translations ) are copyrighted any context it. Be gracious to you need to be holy, set apart for Him answer in opinion... Have it thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses ; for they have been of. Entire worship service be a resounding no this instanceHe gives good gifts to both of them review Privacy... O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses ; for they have been ever of.! 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