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identify the true and false statements about authorities

Which of the following causative agents is the most common cause of foodborne -institutional racism. True Statement(s) Identify the true and false statements about the "norm of reciprocity.". the middle score if all the numbers in a group were placed in numeric order A white man places a rental property that he owns on Craigslist to rent it out for the next year. Anonymity eliminates informative social influence, and by doing so, drastically reduces conformity. misrepresented the results due to lack of training. Alessandra agrees to clean her room because her mom asks her when she is in a good mood. True Statement (s) Drag appropriate answer (s) here Gardner's intelligences can be assessed using standardized tests. In his 2017 book ________ Richard Rothstein shows how, in the 1930s, the Federal Housing Authority refused to insure mortgages for _____ borrowers. . beneficence, It is more likely to occur when we feel well-grounded in the facts. \text{Depreciation Expense-Building}&\text{\underline{\hspace{17pt}2,600}}&\text{\underline{\hspace{40pt}}}\\ Unanimous groups exert more pressure to conform than those with a dissenter. False: used a sensational title rather than one that truly represents the findings If you have a small sample, it is unlikely that individual differences will be higher in one group compared to another. After someone wakes up from hypnosis, he or she may have involuntary reactions to a stimulus but not remember why. autonomy, She measures participants' feelings of aggression after they play the games, and she finds that the violent game made participants feel more aggressive compared to the nonviolent game. Once people are motivated to resist compliance, which of the following factors tend to increase their ability to resist and which do not? PART 3: MCQ from Number 101 - 150 Answer key: included. This was because they would strive to follow . When Milgram staged an argument among the experimental team that the participant witnessed, it resulted in reduced participant obedience. Ahmed is studying someone who developed a unique memory problem after a car accident. A teacher has noticed that two boys in her fifth-grade class are bullying other students. Even if a research study finds an effect the majority of the time, there is no guarantee it will happen to you. Use of the LIFO method reduced the amount of taxes that GM had to pay for the year compared with the amount that would have been paid if GM had used FIFO. According to Claude Fischer, how do cities create opportunities for close, rewarding friendships and social ties? 38 percent of students do not get enough sleep. Skyler did not study for her English exam because she did well on the last one without studying. justice. Used to measure ability to identify whether statements of facts, principles, generalizations, relationships, or evaluative statements are correct; Can be factual or can be a thought question that requires . People with . - Race and ethnicity are interchangeable terms. studied only a small portion of the general population Jews are a group that share a religious and cultural background but are dispersed in many parts of the world. 8.3. \end{array} The given statements are False.. James Madison believed in one government for everyone.The federal and State governments are in fact different agents and trustees of the people, constituted with different powers, and designed for different purposes. case study, Maya believes that reading comprehension is the basis for intelligence because most knowledge starts with reading. Unreliable Source(s) \text{Accounts Payable}&&\text{40,700}\\ Differences in governmental programs. \text{Interest Expense}&\text{2,000}\\ . Identify the true and false statements about the impact of anonymity on social influence. Meredith is conducting a study on the effects of intoxication on decision making in order to expand the body of research on how those who are drunk can make dangerous decisions. (b) and (d) can both be true so option 2 falls off. Racial and ethnic differences are a necessary part of society. Sasha drinks alcohol because he believes all other students are drinking alcohol. Hilda is studying the effects of a major earthquake on people living nearby. The April 30 finished goods inventory is 108 units. false Qualifiers such as some, few, often, many, Participants read one of three stories to see if they result in emotional changes. According to population projections, the rate of urbanization in the global south is expected to increase over time. Women tend to conform more in stereotypically male domains (such as football). Identify the true and false statements about gender and conformity. Correct:- FHA- Federal Aid Highway Act Ice cream sales are positively correlated with crime. The greater the expertise and status of the group members, the greater their influence; however, expertise primarily affects informational social influence, while status mainly affects normative social influence. False: making an initial small request with which nearly everyone complies, followed by a larger request involving the real behavior of interest Reactance theory is the idea that when people believe their freedoms are threatened, they experience an unpleasant state of arousal that leads them to reassert their right to resist compliance. Identify the statements that accurately characterize emotional labor. She reads each participant a full description of the study and has them sign a form to indicate their consent. \text{Retained Earnings}&&\text{32,000}\\ LO 1.2 Identify the following as true or false: A. delayed marriage, high rates of divorce reliability problem, The Ninety-five Theses or Dispute on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences is a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther, professor of moral theology at the University of Wittenberg, Germany, at the time controlled by the Electorate of Saxony.At the time, he was considered the youngest member of the theological faculty at the university which was still . Humans are just as confident in other people's ideas as they are in their own. Q. Identify the true and false statements about global cities. Screen Shot . When anonymity is not possible, people sometimes publicly conform while privately dissenting. Students also studied. Typically, federal tax legislation is introduced in the Senate Finance Committee. encourage water, land, and energy conservation for download from the companion website at \text{Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment}&&\text{6,800}\\ \text{Salaries Expense}&\text{16,200}\\ {\textbf{Account Title}}&\textbf{Debit\hspace{6pt}}&\textbf{Credit\hspace{4pt}}\\ Milgram's experiments do not cause others to empathize with the participants who delivered the shocks and consider that we might also behave in the same way. The adjusted trial balance of Bradley Irrigation System at December 31, 2018, follows: BRADLEYIRRIGATIONSYSTEMAdjustedTrialBalanceDecember31,2018\begin{array}{c} information from your uncle Bob who was once a participant in a psychology study Meta-analyses do not need to go through the peer-review process. \textbf{December 31, 2018} caloric intake. Match each statement to the term or terms to which it applies. She recently moved to Dearborn, Michigan where there is a large population of Arab Americans and she has now begun taking pride in her ethnic heritage. Identify the true and false statements about the influence of culture on conformity. the idea that research should find alternatives to using animals. In behavioral research, results explain a high proportion of possible cases, but they are not expected to explain all cases all the time. . -The Color of Law, However, they have no intentions of hiding their heritage from anyone. True Statement(s) Identify the true and false statements about external validity. college students. What is intellgence? Identify the true and false statements about the trends of college enrollment by income level from 1970 to 2017. Identify the true and false statements related to race, ethnicity, and the criminal justice system. Identify the true and false statements about income in the United States over the past five decades. This policy, known as "______" (referring to the way neighborhoods were designated on federal maps), continues to this day and so does the segregation it produced. When she gets home, Sana looks up research on dark chocolate and ignores the studies showing that dark chocolate should be consumed only in moderation because of its calorie content. JaTonya comes across a questionable news report stating that horns are growing on young people's skulls. She is engaging in (blank), being swayed by a good story, Journalize the closing entries for Bradley Irrigation System. Identify the true and false statements about race. A comparison group allows experimenters to show that a treatment is effective. Identify the statements as true/false. In societies that elevate autonomy and uniqueness, "conformity" can be looked upon negatively. Which of the following were some of the forces that compelled them to want to terminate the experiment and which were not? whether the results generalize to the population of interest. -black People tend to find its implications disturbing, particularly when compared to the implications of informational social influence. . The graph shows the percentage of College Enrollment between 1970 and 2018. Following the study, she reads each participant a full debriefing. . True Statement (s) The stronger an effect size is, the more likely it is to be statistically significant. \text{Dividends}&\text{3,200}\\ Participants attempted to counter Milgram's efforts to make them more aware of the learner's suffering by literally turning away from him. A variable, or. Light green short- India the idea that procedures should use the smallest possible number of animal subjects Later, Lethabo begins experiencing stomach pain and thinks he may have a stomach ulcer. However, if the researcher wants to conduct a study with animals, the study must be approved by the ____. Lethabo believes he is objective and finds his girlfriend's point to be reasonable, so without doing any research, he avoids spicy food in an attempt to help his stomach pain. A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or limitations. a scientific study reported by NBC They prepare students to work in bureaucracies that require deference to authority. Its outputs are complex, but its work is astonishingly rapid: In a matter of seconds, it can produce answers that coherently explain a high-level topic. Kiko agrees to buy a new car after the salesman gives him free coffee and lets him take it for a test drive. e Page (s) 314-317 Identify the true and false statements about Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Identify the true and false statements related to race, ethnicity, and the criminal justice system. \text{Total}&\underline{\underline{\$\hspace{2pt}\text{202,100}}}&\underline{\underline{\$\hspace{2pt}\text{202,100}}}\\ The negative state relief hypothesis is related to --based methods of seeking compliance. A cluster is the occurrence of more cases of a particular disease than expected for a given place and time. Sociologists accept the notion that race has an objective or scientific meaning but also seek to understand why race continues to play such a critical role in society. Population grows very slowly or, in some cases, declines in this stage. Match the arguments to either David Harvey's theory of urban restructuring or Manuel Castells's theory of collective consumption. True B. Identify the true and false statements about reading empirical journal articles. Prepare the company's income statement for the year ended December 31, 2018. (true) True B. Following is the list of practice exam test questions in this brand new series: MCQ in Professional Education. Does Not Violate \text{Accounts Receivable}\hspace{10pt}&\text{51,000}\\ Q. Norm-based approaches appeal to people's tendency to look to others for guidance on how to behave. experimental, Despite being made more aware of the learner's suffering and finding it more difficult to continue, the participants' actual obedience rate did not change. (false) sometimes authorities present only their side of an argument. They continue to participate in traditional Ecuadorian cultural activities at home (food, dress, language, etc.) Finally, scientists collect ____ to see if their ideas are supported. OR(||) operator considers 0,(empty string) and false as falsy values. This primarily occurs through informational social influence and occurs especially when the minority expresses views consistently. He receives two very promising applications from individuals who both are college educated and hold well-paying jobs. Participants also reported that the violent game was more frightening than the nonviolent game. - In loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court strikes down antimiscegenation laws. False Statement (s) Small effect sizes are never statistically significant. Both classes have children who report that they do not like math. Place the parts of a study in the order in which they should happen to maintain an ethical study, from first to last. Not likely: E Tax authorities and government regulatory agencies are external users of financial . Multiple replications of the same study provide strong support for a theory. [2] [3] It has 193 member states and 12 associate members, [4] as well as partners in the non . The wings can be sold at the split-off point for $0.35\$ 0.35$0.35 per pound, or they can be processed further by cooking them in barbecue sauce and selling them as buffalo wings for $0.46\$ 0.46$0.46 per pound. - The median income for whites is higher than the median income for Asian Americans. 1. She calculates that the correlation between the two variables is represented by r = -.32. true: True Statement (s): -A higher percentage of women than men eventually get married. Let's say we roll a fair die twice, then how many different samples are there? False: Tanya conducted an experiment on aggression but did not randomly assign participants to conditions. True Statement(s) The teacher using the new book has more teaching experience. Identify the true and false statements about what happened in Milgram's follow-up studies to his original obedience experiment when he "tuned out" the experimenter. median, Violates Identify the true and false statements about the differences between scientific research and personal experience. As an example of why the convention 'false implies true is true' is useful, consider the sentence "if a given number is smaller than $10$ then it is also smaller than $100$". The elementary schools were of different qualities. Ramona is electronically tracking which library books are checked out over the course of a semester. True statements: The effects of poverty consistently correlate with higher incidences of depression and other mental health problems. What type of faulty thinking is Lethabo displaying? . Incorrect Answer(s) - It is more common in male-dominated jobs. The students in the longer program read more books. A survey tries to understand whether social network use is associated with sleep. True Statement(s) Activating. internal validity, also called the reciprocal concessions technique True Statement (s) Drag appropriate answer (s) here If someone is afraid of being hypnotized, the hypnosis will probably not work. List of Government Exams Articles; Kids Learning. early childhood, failing rates of cohabitation. encourage contraceptive use to lower fertility \textbf{BRADLEY IRRIGATION SYSTEM}\\ A college student works hard to change her accent, style of dress, and even purchases a "miracle skin-whitening cream" in attempt to disguise her ethnic origin. Unlike correlational studies, carefully planned experiments can eliminate almost all alternative explanations. For instance, the statement "The trains are always . Pink- Cairo. Researchers use an established set of propositions, known as a(n) ____, to make a specific prediction, known as a(n) ____. Luther is conducting a study on whether a new expensive allergy vaccine that was developed to combat grass allergies caused by certain types of sod used on farms has any potentially dangerous long-term side effects. Place the publication of three major books on race in chronological order, from earliest to most recent. Not Confound(s) develop alternative energy sources For example, in - , fully half of its national population is under fifteen years old. If an effect size is not statistically significant, the hypothesis should be abandoned. ChatGPT's answers, statements and observations appear without an explanation of where they came from and without an identifiable author. Identify the statements as true/false. dentify the true and false statements about how negative moods affect compliance requests. False: Managerial . True Statement(s) correlational, The cooking process can accommodate 1,300 pounds of wings at a time and costs $90\$ 90$90 for sauce, cooking time, and labor. Flaw(s) of News Article Demographers often refer to the changes in the ratio of births to deaths in the industrialized countries from the nineteenth century onward as the demographic transition. True Statement(s) It is the idea that people engage in certain actionssuch as - a requestin order to relieve feelings such as - or sadness and to feel better about themselves. Incorrect:- Federal Community Revitalization Act- Federal Reserve. Which of the following criteria for proving causation can a correlational study satisfy? Meta-analyses have less accurate results than empirical journal articles. Assuming that the company sells 75,000 units during the current year, compute the margin of safety sales volume (dollars). Manny has conducted the same experiment multiple times but each time he gets a different result. A teenager acknowledges her Irish heritage by wearing green, participating in a parade, and eating corned beef and cabbage only on St. Patrick's Day. Conformity is a key aspect of research conducted by Michele Gelfand and colleagues about the "tightness" and "looseness" of various cultures. 3. Identify the statement that describes a society during stage 3 of the demographic transition. Identify the true and false statements about capitalism. False. Variable mode, True of emotional labor: - It is work that involves workers managing their emotions. A clinician is working closely with a study participant that has dissociative identity disorder. population of interest She wants to be a critical consumer of research and carefully considers what elements of the report might be due to flaws of the original scholarly article and what might be due to flaws of the news report. The participants in Milgram's original obedience experiment were caught in a conflict between two sets of compelling forces. In this example, r = -.32 is referred to as what? Decide whether the proportion is true or false. False Statement (s): -By their early 30s modern men and women experience almost the same rates of marriage. A woman's grandparents were immigrants from Syria to the United States. Automatic mimicry is the tendency to reflexively mimic the actions of those around us, such as their posture and mannerisms. This proportion is expected to rise to 68 percent by 2050, with China, India, and Nigeria accounting for more than a third of the projected growth of the world's urban population.Place the following cities on the correct bars for total population (in millions) in 2018 (solid graphics) and projected population in 2035 (shadow graphics). It is generally used to explain the behavior of the participants in Asch's well-known conformity experiment. \text{Insurance Expense}&\text{1,200}\\ At year-end, the balance of the GM retained earnings account was$15,340 million. Flightless birds have more barbules than flying birds. On Tuesday January 18, The World Economic Forum is hosting a panel discussion on Renewing a Global Social Contract. Using multiple groups allows researchers to isolate potential confounds. Correct label: False Statement(s) BRADLEYIRRIGATIONSYSTEMAdjustedTrialBalanceDecember31,2018, AccountTitleDebitCreditCash$12,000AccountsReceivable51,000OfficeSupplies28,300PrepaidInsurance4,700Building57,300AccumulatedDepreciation-Building$25,300Equipment21,000AccumulatedDepreciation-Equipment6,800AccountsPayable40,700InterestPayable2,000SalariesPayable3,500UnearnedRevenue1,800NotesPayable(long-term)21,000CommonStock13,000RetainedEarnings32,000Dividends3,200ServiceRevenue56,000InsuranceExpense1,200SalariesExpense16,200SuppliesExpense1,400InterestExpense2,000DepreciationExpense-Equipment1,200DepreciationExpense-Building2,600Total$202,100$202,100\begin{array}{lrr} Observational measure, Evolutionary psychologists and anthropologists have argued that a tendency to conform is generally beneficial. Place the steps of the theory-data cycle in the order in which they usually take place, from first to last. Tags. True B. Flaw(s) of Scholarly Article Match each description to the correct study method. Examples of such words are never, none, always, all, every, only. The larger the size, the greater the group's influence, but only up to about four people. false: True Statement(s) Identify the true and false statements about the Milgram experiments (original obedience, tuning in, and tuning out) and how people feel they would have acted in the experiments as participants. When the experimenter issued orders by telephone, rather than in person, it resulted in reduced participant obedience. Fertility- the average number of births per 1,000 women of childbearing age Likely to Increase Ability to Resist: \text{Interest Payable}&&\text{2,000}\\ A. What is one major hurdle faced by efforts to address environmental degradation caused by consumption? B. True Statement(s) The income gap between the top 5 percent and the top 20 percent of households remained relatively stable between 2000 and 2016. The teacher suspects that Kim is obeying Simon's authority and that he doesn't really want to hurt the other kids. Place the trends related to the development of the United States in chronological order. True: -Black men make up a larger percentage of the state and federal prison population than white men. Confound(s) observational, autonomy. An annual report for General Motors Corporation included the following note: Inventories are stated generally at cost, which is not in excess of market. Each months ending inventory of finished units should be 60% of the next months sales. An institutionally designated authority, other than the investigator, should determine that proposed studies are exempt from regulatory requirements. d. environment has maximal influence on viruses transmitted via aerosole droplets. Tall green building- Tokyo True Statement(s) Not Recommendations: \text{Office Supplies}&\text{28,300}\\ Characteristics of True-False Questions. Why can't Hilda conclude that the earthquake caused the depression and stress-related symptoms? They engaged in blind obedience. A(n) ____ measure records behaviors or traces of behaviors. Bryan feels guilty about playing golf when he promised to clean out the garage, so he agrees when his wife asks him to pick up groceries on the way home. Expected for a given place and time each time he gets a different.... The differences between scientific research and personal experience do not like math be! Virginia, the Statement & quot ; the trains are always cases, declines in this.. Their ideas are supported use is associated with sleep, should determine that studies! Correlational studies, carefully planned experiments can eliminate almost all alternative explanations ending inventory finished. 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