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forge of empires optimal great building levels

Assuming only 20 town houses (probably in LMA or later), a maxed St Marks will be boosting your income by 34,000 coins per day (and more in the Colonial era, or if you upgrade to better houses). Thoughts? It provides two very important bonuses: Forge Points and Attack Bonus. I suspect that the Statue cant really achieve that real value level, so its mostly a decorative / vanity addition to your city, and helpful to those who really enjoy the PvP battles, or want to use those battles to improve their overall game score. (For peaceful types, it may also ward off some attacks and plunders, since the attacker knows that you may be able to retaliate quite effectively). It does not take into effect the rising income of new age buildings making the costs relative. Forge of Empires Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Virgo I'd say isn't worth building.. It can sometimes make an unsinkable fight suddenly winnable. You will level military buildings higher eventually. Don't make this a priority, but it's still a nice building to have. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Plunder Goods My strategy is to get teh dyna tower before i am out of the LMA. In return, you getnothing. This is nice, but pretty weak compared to the supply boost benefit of the Lighthouse, or even to the goods production GBs output. Gives you a number of unattached military units every 24 hours from the military buildings existing in your city (whether or not they are finished construction or connected). Lighthouse of Alexandria: Excellent (for peaceful/traders). I do see some people with the Arc and I want to use the same strategy to get that, but as you said I want to go for the dyna tower first. Or optimal level? 2.1 Average Results for Specific Levels 3 Special Goods 4 Contribution Rewards 5 Other Great Buildings Levels Random Rewards Every current age good Average Results for Specific Levels This table lists the average total Diplomatic Gifts after all tries from a harvest of the carrier are used up. Several GBs were rebalanced or nerfed in happiness, medals and goods production. I literally deleted my Oracle after I got back into playing the game, as it is now just wasting 9 spaces for baby-sized happiness and raw supplies. Then the winner is the one with the most military boost. Already built Virgo. Critical Hit So even maxed, the Colosseum is woefully a waste of space. Seems like a logistics curve that is still on the upward trend at level 80. Double Plunder You may only contribute to another player's Great Building(s) after you have researched Architecture in the Iron Age. Provides an amount of goods from the player's previous era every 24 hours. I will also tell you what percentage of people on my server owns that Great Building. Replace your LoA or add and it is not bad. You must log in or register to reply here. It will probably even out toward a limit of 25% at very high levels.) This would be good to have. Wondering if anyone has a list of targeted levels of each great building?? The supplies boost is very good (more than 27,000 supplies per day, when you have some farms), and actually exceeds the benefits of the Goods side. The goods it gives are handy. Unlike conventional buildings which require only coins / supplies, Great Buildings have requirements of goods and a full set of blueprints which must be collected before the Great Building can be constructed. The most important function of Great Buildings is the powerful bonuses that increase with the building's level. I saw a lvl 82 CC the other day giving its lucky owner 82 Fps every day. For example, a Bronze age GB costs 150 bronze age goods, which cost 3000 cash and 3000 supplies to produce. Some of these are random numbers without any reasoning. In case you don't know what's all the hype about The Arc, it provides goods for your Guild and it gives you contribution bonus. At 6400 Happiness, a maxed Hagia Sophia makes the Colosseum look puny. Some of them I am not familiar nor ever set up. Actually, more than two flaws. Details of the bonuses of each Great Building can be found in the topic of each building. The Lighthouse is also an easy 44 building, boosts your supplies output, and provides goods. Feel free to disagree with me or get in touch in game (Fel Drangyr on the International English server en6) or by email (dskies at gmail). This Great Building is truly great, as it supports your guild AND yourself. Read all you can on GBs. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. EVER. Zeus, Aachen and CdM are a lot cheaper to level from 61 to 63 than TA from 59-61. The Castle del Monte is the greatest Great Building in the whole of Forge of Empires, and it is even better than the Alcatraz. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I don't think it's a good idea to waste 9 spaces just to have a chance of repel the plunderers, but if you have the time, this should be a good pickup. Not worth it. A community to discuss all things Forge of Empires! You are using an out of date browser. Many ways to skin a cat, that being said. PvP players are going to want to get a full set of this GB, the Statue, and the Cathedral of Aachen. HC (and a few others) have hard breaks where the benefit of continuing only helps if you push it up like 20-odd more levels. The Temple of Relics provides only one bonus - the chance to find a relic after a successful encounter in Guild Expeditions. As you see in my Castel del onte analysis, I actually would say that the Alcatraz is slightly worse than the Castel del Monte, though not by much. Great Building List. NEVER. Great Buildings are one of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires. To get the same population (for military or goods buildings etc), the Cathedral owner would also need to build houses (and happiness buildings), for another 40+ squares. The Lighthouse, for example, produces 12% less goods than St Marks. Maybe keep this for looks, but otherwise, don't dump your Forge Points here, it's not a way to live. It provides supplies, FLAT and BARE supplies, which is already antiquated by the time the High Middle Ages comes around. Better have shrines of knowledge. Leave alone for now. What everyone is interested in is the Quest Reward Boost, which is quite unique as I believe that no other building, and I do mean ANY building in Forge of Empires has this bonus. 2 Building a Great Building 2.1 Blueprints 2.2 Goods 3 Leveling Great Buildings Bottom line: strongly recommended, and 50% better than the Colosseum, if you have a choice. There are two flaws in this analysis. TA-10 a good initial stopping point, and then once it gets out of auto for levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. Blue Galaxy Double Collection. Supply Boost However, in saying you dont understand why players max out their fp producing GBs, you are ignoring the fp exchange aspect of the game. The Player will not receive any compensation for deleting the Great Building - neither goods nor blueprints nor invested forge points nor diamonds will be paid back. A fully maxed Colosseum provides 4000 happiness and 32 medals per day (big increase in update 0.26). Jump to: navigation, search. An amount of medals every 24 hours. Deal Castle is huge (77=49 squares), providing a defence boost, and medals. I guareentee you, build it, and you can crush Barkas' Empire faster than you can say his name. Back when I wrote this in August 2020, I kept it around, but nowI realized that it's just awful in the Postmodern Era, which I just entered. No queston these three buildings (Alcatraz, Dyna and Arc) WHEN USED PROPERLY change the game. Most other GBs have a "golden level" between level 60 and 70. The Arc at 80, Traz high enough for your game style; my Traz is at 92 in my 1st world, much lower in my new one but aiming for a high Traz there as well. When a unit attacks another unit from the same age, it has a chance of dealing 1.5 times the expected damage. You don't need medals other than expansions, and if you waste 42 squares to get medals, it proves that you have a brain made out of cheese. If you're half-half like me, you can build it later, but definitely build it by the Modern Era and upgrade it to Level 10 by the Contemporary Era. It means that if you contribute in a Great Building, you get EXTRA Forge Points. GBs that give goods are v helpful. Won't go outdated either like all the goods production Great Buildings, so yeah, mid-table. lancewa. Algorithmic Core I'm still observing it's effects and how it helps the Guild, but from what I can see, it's a must-have for all loyal guild members, and an essential Great Building to have for every player if they are in a smaller guild. Build it. This gives new attack bonus only on odd levels, and 63 is about where it leaves "auto" on levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. I would say this is another one of those Great Buildings that is great for dumping Forge Points. Provides one good of the same age as the building that you plunder, for the first number of buildings plundered. Would plan to delete at some point. Just dont rely on them at the expense of a good GB or two. Once you have more resources than you can use (youll probably only reach this point around Tomorrow Era), then it become smus less useful. Appreciate it! Coin Boost For pure psycho fighters who like terrorising their neighbourhoods only. Build the Lighthouse of Alexandria or the Castel del Monte first if possible, as I believe that both of them are more worth it to build than the Cathedral of Aachen. At the other end, Alcatraz won hands down, with CdM a distant second. Buh bye coliseum at least I wont make future coliseums. E and F Tier GBs are the ones that I would just throw it in the trash. DEAL Bad way too big and the defence bonus it gives is not worth the investment and space. better than that of the Lighthouse, while needing twice as much space, and having a greater initial goods cost. CASTEL DEL MONTE. Since you say you're just working on arc to 80, my advice will keep that in mind and give you some lower breakpoints: CF: 5, 10, or 58+ post-Arc. FoElite and Raino both show charts and spreadsheets covering what you're after. This can make up for the rapidly escalating cost of more levels. ), which makes sense given that many were at least partially bought with diamonds, and/or require a LOT of investment to complete. Remember when I said that there are Great Buildings that are good at being places to be venting out Forge Points? Even if you only fight like 20% of the time, you still want to build it, as the bonus is just really darn useful. Nice graph but terrible evaluations of GBs by the author. This is about the same happiness as the Colosseum, for a lot smaller footprint. To put this into perspective, a Goat Farm will produce almost 1000 resources overnight, providing that your population is enthuastic as well, which is a lot for the Iron Age. DONT, repeat, DONT make this mistake. GAIA STATUE ok/good good happiness, not too bad medals. I just don't see the benefit of taking it higher, the increments it gives for the rather paltry GE rewards aren't worth the FP spend. (Similar. This GB is so great and so common, it's owned by almost half of my server, including myself. Provides the players guild with a support boost for Guild vs. Guild (GvG). The daily medal benefit is MUCH better than that provided by the Colosseum, by a factor of 3 (94 vs 32 medals per day). NOTRE DAME Useless doesnt give you enough of either supplies or happiness and no high level players would build one now. The only real use for the Babel is for a diamond production town, where you can reap a crap ton of diamonds from a server, and use it on another server. (Its also more happiness than four premium Printers, for the same space, i.e. Spoils of War So almost all the info eventually became outdated. The Castel is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing an attack boost, and forge points. This is just my personal opinion, and you can feel free to disagree. You may now donate Forge Points, and also view which reward you will receive (if any) for your current donations. If faced with a choice, you should normally build the highest level GB for which you can afford the space and goods construction costs. Observatory (Level 3),Castel del Monte (Level 10), Alcatraz (Level 9), Cape Canaveral (Level 4), Royal Albert Hall (Level 2), The Arc (Level 5), (Note: All statstics are as of June 28th, 2021, update incoming). Diamonds can buy FPs and goods. Early on youre going to need gold and supplies, but dont build a GB to get them EXCEPT the Lighthouse that you can build. I assume I will need to be on the buying end of that for the TE goods necessary to construct the dyna tower after I get the blueprints since it would take forever to trade up to TE goods from CA goods for them. This is basically a better LoA. However, if that same space (23) were used by Clapboard houses, you would have the equivalent of 720 coins produced per day. Emberguard Well-Known Member Mar 20, 2022 #2 Depends, are you intending to stick to current age and below? Goods (Previous Era) If you want to be a good guildmate, build the Observatory and Atomium to give goods to your guild treasury. Then through aiding high level players I get (even at only level 2) about 20 arctic future goods per day. The goods production is just gravy. This is very helpful to higher level players, both to avoid having resources plundered, but also to help avoid losses in PvP tournaments, for medals and improving scores. Quite delicious already, and if you upgrade it to say Level 80 (which is where most people stop upgrading their Arcs), and then do the same thingyou get 209 Forge Points and 5189 Medals. RAINFOREST ok If this GB was available at a much earlier age it would be really useful. The next level to stop at is on the wiki but 58 is good. Research-wise, you simply end up being held up by unlock costs of technologies. Your email address will not be published. Otherwise, go for other GBs first. Even if you have collected all the required Blueprints, it can still take a long amount of time until you have produced all the required goods. The Fauenkirche is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing happiness, and goods. The Lighthouse is a clear winner small(ish), and very productive although a bit of a phallic symbol. (You may soon run out of expansion spaces, unfortunately). The % scales well up til level 10 as well though so taking it to 10 before you're ready to do post-10 levels is fine. I hate the clicking so I'll prob stay at 60 for now. With all those supplies, youll be able to upgrade your houses fairly easily. Bottom line: strongly recommended, and 50% better than the Colosseum, if you have a choice. An amount of coins every 24 hours. HAGIA SOFIA Very Good Its too big. Firstly once youve built a GB you wont want to delete it. CdM level 71-73 costs 1256 forge points (you get 87 back from levelling). If you don't contribute whatsoever however, please don't build this. Forge of Empires Great Buildings Values Analysisby davidb3. An amount of Forge Points every 24 hours. The other penalty of the Tower of Babel is that it makes you poor and unhappy. For the first number of times you are plundered, there is a certain chance the plunder attempt will be repelled and the attacker will gain nothing. Like, Arc is 80, we all know that. I will not touch babel and colo. Lighthouse and st Marks are both the priority along with military for me. Probably not worth it if youre pushed for space. I compared it to my Tribal square which is slightly smaller (43) and gives 5 goods (when motivated!) If you have to choose between the Colosseum and the Notre Dame GBs, the latter is an obvious winner, despite the larger initial goods cost. If points are exchanged equally, each person is trying to level up 4 buildings. Zeus, though it only gives one bonus, is a MUST for a fighter, as it gives 30% increase of fight power. The dyna does eventually become Obsolete when you reach the tomorrow age, but until then it is clearly number one. Youll want to have 10 supply production buildings, collected 4 times per day, or some similar arrangement. Forge Points / Happiness / Goods / Attack & Defense Power / Medals are the pillars of success in FoE. Required fields are marked *. It's not like that I should not have built Cape Canaveral; it's that this Great Building is best for venting out all your forge points when you have too many. Again, it will soon be obsolete. I have a 29% attack boost, yet it makes less of an adjustment to the units stats than the 24% (attacking unit) defense? And it received agreement as well from a Big Guild I managed to join. Cathedral + 4 Gambrel houses + happiness bldgs => around 65 squares, provides 19120 coins/day at level 10. If you cant afford enough space in your city to have two large GBs, I still slightly prefer the Notre Dame or Hagia Sophia happiness GBs over the Colosseum, but if you get a full set of Colosseum blueprints first, then build it for sure. The Deal Castle medals work out to more than what you can get from all the PvP competitions each week, or about 2820 medals per month, or about one expansion every month or two, depending on how many victory expansions you have already taken. I can literally build any GB i want. Bottom line: build this one for the happiness benefit alone. Rock-bottom and I feel absolutely no regrets. Should also be the last one levelled to 50+, and should probably stay at least 10 levels behind the others because it's much more expensive to level. It might look weak, but is by far the cheapest % military boost per FP. It would be nice to know if it is worth the investment to level up certain GBs. Gives an increased chance of gaining blueprints while aiding. I'll explain which Great Buildings are good for venting out your excess Forge Points later. A close second for worthless is Nortre Dame. You are using an out of date browser. Zeus level 75-77 costs 1192 forge points. You don't get 11 goods from a completion until level 8. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Id really rather have both GBs if I could, as a peaceful player. The Cathedral is effectively providing the same income as about 12 Apartment houses, while using the same space as 4.5 (or 6 really, plus the military bonus as a freebie). All three have a cut off point there. Great Buildings are definitely better and more interesting than regular buildings. Because the benefits you will gain from this Great Building islet's just say not great. I passed on the opportunity to add GBs of any kind up until the PE. If you are in the Colonial era, you will likely already have many victory expansions, and the Colosseum medals will not be worthwhile the Deal Castle may be better instead. If you flip 20000+ FP per day with the two threads then your profit will make up the difference in spent FP in about 5 months and then it will be just profit. Its not as good in earlier ages though, and is of dubious value in the Iron Age or earlier. In that case most of them are bad investments. To understand this better, let's take the quest "The Fall of the Tsar", which rewards you with 40 diamonds. (A Colonial era Circus only gives 2500 happiness for 500 diamonds and the same space 55.) your Foe life will foreve be better after arcis up to 80. Yes, I have a curious question about what blueprints for Great Building drop when motivating building/decorations/etc. In theory it is accessible very early, and can have a long period of usefulness. JavaScript is disabled. Further complications are that each GB has different combinations of benefits, and some benefits are worth more in different ages (or when boosting better buildings). You can put points into your Great Buildings as much and as often as you like. So although the space needed is really large, its worthwhile it will save you a lot of space and construction costs for other happiness buildings over time. The Hagia Sophia is also large (76=42 squares), providing happiness and forge points. Picking the right GBs for your style of play is very important. Assuming you are early in the game and not a regular PvP player, the medals will pay back the cost of space needed within less than 6 months. Doesnt worth to have it. The daily Goods output of the Lighthouse is similar to, but slightly better than that of the Tower, or about 6080 (coins +supplies) equivalent every day (in LMA). Probably not). Is there a list anywhere that shows optimal level to take GBs to? WILL DEFINITELY TAKE MONTHS TO FINISH. Notre Dame . That being said, in my older world, I had many of my gb's especially fighting ones at 60 minimum, before feeling better prepared. However I was already at Modern Era when Tomorrow (and the Tower) were released so couldnt benefit. However, I often see level Traz to 70 or Zeus/CDM to 61 . CF-60 or 80. Gives you a boost on most quest rewards. Zeus: Level 10 or enough that you're happy until post-arc, then 50+ stopping at an odd level, Cathedral of Aachen: Level 10 or enough that you're happy until post-arc, then 50+ stopping at an odd level. The Colosseum is large (67=42 squares), but provides happiness and some medals. For the space it takes, Collosseum takes up too much space and costs too many forge points for too little benefit. The colour of the icon indicates . So the Lighthouse is better for its size but the coin boost of St Marks is so huge that it makes up for the larger size. If player like trading and supporting guildies then goods producers help, but are ultimately not needed as a players gets so many goods good luck all and enjoy :). Plunder Repel In both cases the boost only applies to a fixed number of collections. Also, the goods required to build it are mostly useless to me at this stage. Wait, what? Why? I know that Notre Dame almost got burnt to the ground two years ago, but that doesn't excuse the fact that the Forge of Empires' version of Notre Dame is one of the worst Great Buildings on the game. Don't build this, it's a waste of space and time. But still, it is dependent on which type of guild did you join: Join a big one like me, and you probably don't need it; create one or join a small guild, then this is more important than the Castel del Monte. This is better than Notre Dame (same size), and compares favourably with the Hagia Sophia (much larger). single. This "Great Building" wastes you 42 squares, that's 4 entire expansions. ALCATRAZ Very Good/VITAL. D Tier GBs are pretty darn awful, and I definitely wouldn't recommend, but if you already did, then keep it. Provides an amount of special goods from the players current or previous eras or medals (before reaching Arctic Future). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If you, like most players, don't care about city defence, then you get the same bonus from two levels on the other three buildings. Babel well yes and no. EDIT: Here's a link to a well done . I built the Castel del Monte during the Modern Era, and hands down, this is the best Great Building in the game. I thought Galata Tower is an event building! You can acquire the 9 blueprints in the following ways: Note: The Great Building blueprint that is received from a building that was recently polished, motivated or plundered will be from the same age as that building. CDM-60, maybe 65. More useless gold, INNOVATION TOWER good/very good Fps are always useful! St Marks is large (66), provides a better daily Goods output than the Lighthouse, and boosts coin production. The Zeus, C of A, CDM, Basils, and Deal are all necessary, just to protect yourself and fight when needed. Most other changes were not really significant in these valuations, although they may be painful to people who went after specific GBs and then saw that the new output levels were lower. I hope InnoGames can make the Colosseum give out units instead of medals, or just give them an attack bonus, because until then, literally, and I repeat it: LITERALLY. If you dare to build a Great Building just for some pocket change and happiness, all the while wasting 4000 Forge Points and 30 spaces, then I can assume that you have about as much IQ as a cow. Dont bother. Personally, I recommend the Lighthouse and the Hagia Sophia as two of the best GBs in the game (so far, at least). Cape Canaveral: Wouldn't have built until after Arc. Forge points are the most valuable resource in the game. do not build Colusseum, Cathedral of Aachon to ten for all players as soon as practical. While I do recommend building this Great Building, as the 30% attack bonus is just too hard to ignore, I wouldn't put this as my top priority to build if I start another new city on a new server. So as you all know, there are over 40 Great Buildings in Forge of Empires. DYNAMIC TOWER ok Tough one this one useful when it gets levelled up a higher AND you aid lots of people every day. Proper functionality of our platform eventually become Obsolete when you reach the tomorrow age, it 's by! Provides two very important bonuses: Forge Points ( much larger ) while needing as! New age Buildings making the costs relative large ( 67=42 squares ), providing a defence boost and. Buildings making the costs relative LoA or add and it received agreement as well from a big Guild I to! 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