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certified spiritual director

Reading Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership and subsequently joining a Transforming Community(TC10) has been a turning point in my life. Training: Seeking the Spirit Within: The Nebraska Synod Institute of Spiritual Direction Formation, Training: Hesychia School of Direction and the Apprentice Training Program of the Phoenix School of Spiritual Direction. Do you feel called to a private practice providing personal, one-on-one spiritual direction or companionship? I am also a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation where I did most of my training with hospice care and grief. You may think you need to develop in one area, when it turns out, your director . That paradigm shift led me to The Transforming Center. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Contemplative practices; spiritual growth, the Enneagram, levels of consciousness; ecumenism; meditation; connecting with God; sexuality; doubt; and changing religious beliefs/identity. I am trained through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, am a certified Enneagram coach, and completed training in strategies for trauma awareness and resiliency. My own spiritual direction is a necessary and on-going part of my walk with God and I am grateful to be a part of this type of ministry. My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing, Training: Center Quest School of Spiritual Direction, Training: Tending the Holy - Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Training: Listening People to Life - Sioux Falls Seminary, Training: Selah Program through Leadership Transformations, Training: Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, Training: Institute of Spiritual Companionship, Training: Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, who have completed/are in the process of completing a, Training: Tending the Holy Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation: "Tending the Holy" program, Training: Sacred Journey Spiritual Companioning, Training: Chiara Center Spiritual Direction Training Program and Loyola University Seminars in Ignatian Formation 1, Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation, Lino Lakes, MN, I have served as the spiritual development pastor at a church in Maple Grove, Minnesota, until recently. I am a retired pastor who spent the bulk of my career in Chicago, serving as an Area Director of Young Life, as the Director of Spiritual Transformation for an inner city ministry, and as a teaching pastor at a large suburban church. All references are for the purpose of assisting the Examining Board make fair and complete evaluation of the competency of the applicant. After experiencing burnout, TC8 gave me language for earlier personal encounters with Jesus in solitude and silence. I'm passionate about helping you listen to your inner voice and wisdom. Spiritual direction or companionship inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including God, and no name at all. My passion for serving God's people is renewed! Areas of interest or specialty: Women and men; women in ministry leadership; life transitions; those experiencing burnout; caregivers; inner healing prayer; can use Listen to My Life Maps in spiritual direction. SDI is working on initiatives in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice spaces. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. Director of Campus Ministry Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville, Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, Certified Grief Counselor. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Three themesprayer and discernment, the art of spiritual direction, and working within faith communitieshighlight the program. During that time, she found that many in church leadership often reach a point in their spiritual journey where they feel unfulfilled. The Rev. The program provides training in spiritual direction. The techniques and concepts taught in this program rely on there being a Divine reality or a larger Self. Ive been involved in various church ministries and Bible teaching. United States. I also completed spiritual direction training in 2017 through the ACNA plus training to facilitate the Ignatian 19th Annotation retreat in 2018. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Classes focus on practical skills, spiritual direction competencies and working with people of particular faith traditions. I am an alum of TC10. I am open to all genders and all traditions of faith. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". While I was in TC12, I also enrolled in certification for Spiritual Direction at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. She has edited and written UU Wellspring curriculum and curriculum for the UUA and led groups both in person and online. Institute Retreats in a community of about 30 fellow soul shepherds, Online Classes and supervision groups (90-minutes each month), Practicum experiences to practice spiritual direction ministry and receive support from your supervisor and peers, 12 or more meetings with one of Soul Shepherdings Sr. To help fulfill that mission, we offer a high-quality certificate program in becoming a Spiritual Director. I have a heart for women in ministry, for people trying to find a belief system/religious identity that fits them, and for the LGBTQ+ community. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a Spiritual Director Supervisor. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I am most alive when present to another as they engage God in questions and experiences that do not have easy answers. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Open to all, but particular interest in pastors / men. To provide Certified Spiritual Director Supervisors with encouragement for continual spiritual awareness, education and professional development. LISTEN: By using active listening and catalytic interventions, the supervisor helps the supervisee develop understanding of the situation he/she wants to affect a difference. To be able to provide space to explore and express personal distress, transference or countertransference that may be brought up in the supervision. The CCPC reserves the right to request additional information if required. Since being a part of TC (beginning with TC1), I have also been trained as a spiritual director. We believe that the person who comes for direction is the expert to their own spiritual life, and given time and prayerful or meditative reflection, can discern what is best. Areas of interest or specialty:Walking with any person seeking spiritual transformation; Ignatian Spiritual Practices; the Enneagram; guided, contemplative retreats, either one-on-one or in community settings. A good spiritual director will scrutinize you in a way that you can't do yourself. The Wrights live in Columbia, Missouri. Kobe, Japan Telephone: E-mail: Congregation: Toledo Mennonite Conference: Ohio . "Certified" spiritual directors don't exist. The Purpose of Certification for the Spiritual Director Supervisor is to recognize, by way of the certification process, those who have acquired an acceptable standard of training, skills, and effectiveness as a Spiritual Director Supervisor. Almost a decade later, I transitioned to a church in Chicago and remained under the direction of a wise Jesuit priest for seventeen years. Ignatian Discernment practices. Young Adults. In addition to my work with spiritual communities, I serve on boards in the arena of social justice, including board chair for Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, a collaboration of over 130 agencies ranging from governmental to faith-based. Pass a final interview with a Portland Seminary spiritual-formation . And it continues The means of grace aboundloved ones, soul friends, intentional communities of transformation, contemplative practices, books, Scripture, formal training, spiritual direction, and more. I co-host the "Ask a Spiritual Director" podcast and write the "Enneathing You Need" newsletter. The applicant will be notified in writing concerning the decision of the Board of Examiners. "How do people changereally?" 6 At Altar it is our passion to bring faith and fly fishing together into a common stream which we do by offering retreats focused on soul care around the country. I have completed multiple Transforming Communities since 2006 (TCs 3-8, 11 & 15) both as a participant and as a ministry team member. Spiritual Directors are hired independently of the school and are compensated for their services directly by the student. Spiritual directors included in this directory will: *This listing is not an indication of the Transforming Centers endorsement or recommendation of individual spiritual directors. I teach Sustainable Faith's School of Spiritual Direction, am co-director of the Springs Retreat Center, and have a passion to help leaders identify the voice of God within them and to encourage a responsiveness to that voice. For the past 18 years my wife and I have been part of a Vineyard congregation, and I served as a staff pastor there for five years. Once payment is complete, you will be sent all pertinent information about the course via Constant Contact mass email (including login instructions to Moodle - our online platform). Though a rich experience, the years following the completion of that Community raised a desire for a more intentional spiritual journey as a married couple. You are invited to apply for financial aid at the time you apply to the program. The Covenant School of Spiritual Direction. This would include a minimum of 500 face-to-face hours with a directee. When the business sold I shifted to something that aligned with my desire: a position on the church leadership team as well as head of the board finance committee with the local community foundation. I am an alum of TC5. Connie is enjoying the life transition of retirement. Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program; Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction; Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and. Each module has between 300 to 700 pages of reading material assigned. Santa Cruz, CA 95062. The letter, as outlined in the experience section, should confirm your 12 month internship and those they wish to recognize this person for responsibilities of spiritual direction. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. My career journey has included stints as a stockbroker, advertising executive, marketing/strategy director and consultant to companies, nonprofits and ministries in the areas of strategy, culture and board governance. My passion is to help people break free from strongholds and defeated living. Spiritual direction is normally carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting relationship or a small group, explains Ellen Ratmeyer, a spiritual director and member of the Reformed Church in America. We use cookies and non-personalized tracking information to help improve this site. We use cookies and non-personalized tracking information to help improve this site. I find great joy in journeying with others as a spiritual director. The required education is defined as formal classroom education in the spiritual direction field. find out more $349* per month for 24 months (this includes fees for the required 4 Institute retreats). I also served in ministry leadership roles and have developed content and curriculum for a variety of faith-related initiativesincluding curriculum around business leadership and also Christ-centered generosity, both in partnership with the National Christian Foundation Twin Cities. It addresses professional issues related to being a spiritual director and gives students practical experience in being spiritual directors, under the guidance of certified supervisors. I am married with four children, six grandchildren and English Springer Spaniel "Tucker", which bring me great love, laughter, and joy. Aid awards may include partial scholarship or possible work study hours. Being a spiritual director or companion is a calling that requires we care for ourselves, so we can. In listening to your story, we are listening . Our focus is: Any person may apply for credentials as a Certified Spiritual Director Supervisor (CSDS). My practice is primarily focused on ministering with pastors, yet is not limited to pastors. The following list is seen as the primary foci in supervision: To ensure that these competencies are met we recommend using the CLEAR supervision model. What is Spiritual Direction and Companionship? ChI offers you an opportunity to become more fully connected with your spiritual sense and whatever you may call your higher power, and you leave the program with tools that you can use to help you on your way. For questions, please contact Sue Wood at, Schedule a Free Zoom Call about Payment Options, Schedule a Free Zoom Call to Discuss the Program, Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA), Sr. All of these spiritual directors are available for remote spiritual direction via phone or video call. Areas of interest or specialty: No specialty. I have had over 50 years of experience with extended household and pastoral leadership in a Presbyterian Church and at Willow Creek and had 30 years of leadership in Christian Camping. Confused, I was led to the Transforming Center experience (TC4) which was life-transforming to my very "dark" soul. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Once certified, spiritual directors will be equipped to accompany others without having to rely on pre-designed formats of the Spiritual Exercises and will be able to meet the contemporary needs of each retreatant. To earn a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Soul Shepherding, Inc. students will read 17 books and resources during their two-year program. Blessed to now be a Certified Spiritual Director through Healing Care Ministries. To see people be transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others has got to be the most thrilling thing on the planet. I haveparticipated in TC2TC6 and TC8TC14 and have served as spiritual director for Transforming Communities for 14 years. A letter on official stationery from the applicants Spiritual Director indicating his or her engagement in spiritual direction. I seek to provide a safe place for others to ask questions, wonder, doubt, notice, and expand their faith, as they grow in becoming who God designed them to be. I love to cultivate a sense of wonder around God. 630-588-8133. Spiritual Direction The applicant will be notified in writing concerning the decision of the Board of Examiners. Liturgical Calendar I am comfortable with lifes craziness, the tension of conflicting interests, shifting paradigms, aging and diminishment while always listening for Gods unique invitations to greater faith, hope and love. The Transforming Center is pleased to offer a listing of spiritual directors* who have completed one or more of our two-year Transforming Community experiences and have also completed a recognized training program in spiritual direction. I am trained and certified through Christos Center for Spiritual Formation as a spiritual director, and have been practicing for 18 years. After two years in the Unification Church and 20 years in the Vineyard, I am ordained in the Church of Christ. Experience the contemplative gifts of deep listening and find a spiritual companion to work with today! Monday to Friday Second, we guide you in a small group setting through foundational aspects of the . REVIEW: Review the actions that have been agreed. Do you recommend for or against the candidates certification as a supervisor. I also moved around the country a bit necessitating changes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The graduate certificate in interfaith spirituality offers a flexible curriculum that you can tailor to fit your interests. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. My pastoral work for over 15 years includes writing and teaching Bible studies, speaking, and mentoring others in their faith journey. Matt is a Certified ISM Facilitator and is completing an 18 month training to become a spiritual guide through the . He is also a certified spiritual director through . Embody a vision of the flourishing person that inspires them, as spiritual directors, and their directees to have courage to trust, hope and love. Set up and maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct (strength and weakness) using ethical and legal standards. I love to share about pursuing freedom and SOULWELLness. My first experience of the, Kristin Evenson (Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN), Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation "Tending the Holy". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To companion people, listen to them, and create space for God to fill has been a joy. Each student is required to have had a minimum of 3 spiritual direction sessions prior to beginning the program. Are they "certified" spiritual directors? God in His goodness, through a series of people and life experiences, led me to discover contemplative spirituality and practices that were part of the early church, which I did not know existed. Submitting to the flow of the Spirit has allowed me not to give up on myself and the gift that I might bring to the conversation. Companioning with those who desire a deeper walk with the Lord is a sacred and profound privilege. Drs Bill & Kristi Gaultiere lead students on a two-year journey of following Jesus that culminates in a certificate in spiritual direction. If youd like to offer your services as a spiritual director to others, apply to add your name and qualifications to this directory. And it is! Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program; Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction; Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and Abide by the ethical guidelines put forth by Spiritual Directors International. My favorite thing as a pastor was to spend time with people who were hungry, questioning, and wondering what God was up to in their lives. Although most of the spiritual directors listed are RCA members or ministers of Word and sacrament, their certification as spiritual directors is not granted through the RCA. To provide the public with the confidence that Spiritual Director Supervisors have attained an acceptable level of competency. She has worked primarily in Texas and southern Africa. I have always had a heart to companion people in their journey with God. Main Telephone Enter Transforming Community (TC9). By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I emerged from that initial darkness with the clarity that I was seen and loved by God, and with a certitude there was nothing I could do to make God love me more or make God love me less. Please confirm you want to block this member. I was divorced several years ago, which gave me a window into grief and loss, and God's presence even there. Training and Certification for Spiritual Directors Spiritual directors complete an inten-sive two-year training program. An applicant applying for certification must have a masters degree from a recognized accredited institution with a focus in biblical, theological studies and a minimum of six courses in spirituality. When serving as a spiritual director, I have a front row seat to see what God is doing in someone elses life, and its always exciting to see how God is working. I hit a wall. He is part of the formation program for aspiring spiritual directors at Sacred Ground and at the Franciscan Center for Spirituality in Lacrosse Wisconsin. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Walking with ministers and pastors, especially those who have a ministry as a second career; working with those in recovery. 32 Emms Drive Certified Spiritual Director Supervisor (CSDS) A need has been expressed for excellence, competency, integrity and established professional qualifications in almost every field and discipline. Adhere to the established code of ethics to preserve a high standard of professionalism and to secure the clients best interest. I am married to Katrina and have 4 children in their late teens and early 20s. While my studies have trained me as a spiritual director, life has prepared me to accompany others in the deep places. Whoever you are and wherever you are from, you are welcome here. Marie Grace Brook, PhD (c), LCSW, C-SD. Mona Chicks CFDM Board of Directors There are a number of basic Core Competencies which are required: (For specific details, see Supervisors Evaluation). Seeking God in difficult life situations including family changes, periods of dryness and loneliness and loss seems to be a frequent focus of direction. I love living in the light of Psalm 139, which promises that we are wonderfully made. It is recommended that all applicants maintain a personal file for their records. Seven weekend intensive learning modules for 3 days, from 9am to 4:30pm each day. I am not sure if I want to commit to the whole program. We provide you with a Certificate Completion Planner that makes it easy for you to track your progress and earn your certificate. Toronto, Ontario M1P 1R9 Canada, Western Canada Office Ext. I am alum of TC6. Wheaton, IL 60187 My own experiences with trauma and loss support my desire to be a safe space for others. CCPC Global extends professional credentials (CSDS) to individuals indicating the minimum skill level reached. CCPC encourages everyone having the required qualifications to apply regardless of age, race, nationality, sex or handicap. Christs presence being revealed amid lifes celebrations, losses, transitions, and challenges. Contemplative Retreats. Plan on 2 months time to prepare for the first course (administrative forms, student handbook, class reading and homework assignments). A spiritual director acts as a companion, listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a persons life. I am an alum of TC8. Relationship, Generational, and Sexual Issues, Dreamwork for Guiding Non-Religious People, Images of the Divine & their impact upon the spiritual life, Faith Styles & their impact on the SD process, Varieties of prayer and devotional disciplines, Addiction and the Longing for Transcendence, Rules & Ethics: Boundaries, confidentiality, and self-care. Spiritual Direction Certificate How to Become a Spiritual Director Posted on July 6, 2021 Being a Spiritual Director is a unique, sacred call that can be a powerful conduit of grace in people's lives, both for the person who receives spiritual direction as well as for the director him/herself. Tuition for 2023 is $6,500 and the additional room & board for the residential retreat is close to $1000 for the five days. ( The Haden Institute) Anita Plat has spent 27 years working in education and church ministry settings. The options for a personal spiritual practice are multiple and flexible. Were the better for doing that work. Meeting with him for Spiritual Direction changed my insides. Areas of interest or specialty: The Enneagram, and working with pastors regarding discernment, forgiveness work, 12-step recovery, the journey toward wholeness, and contemplative practices. ); retreats; group spiritual direction; vocational discernment. I seek to create a chrysalis-like environment in which individuals can discover their intrinsic value in God and emerge as the transformed persons they are created to be. I feel drawn to practicing spiritual direction with those in places of transition or struggle. To provide regular space for the supervisees to reflect upon the content and process of the work. And I am being equipped for my calling in Christ to help others in their journeys! I have facilitated Listen to my Life groups, have led retreats and serve as a Deacon in my local church. However, he or she must be able to meet the Standards Criteria set by the CCPC Examining Board. The spiritual companions of SDI share their stories on our blog. Areas of Interest or Specialty:Creatives in ministry;visio divina; honoring the body. The required courses for Neumann University's Spiritual Direction certificate programs have been designed to support the program's focus of attending to manifestations of contemplative love through spiritual direction in one-to-one and peer group experiences. CSD is a non-credit, continuing education program that seeks to train participants in the art of accompaniment and guidance of others in their spiritual journey. I am a Christian book translator and writer by profession. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I love working withpeople who are undergoing a faith shift of some kind--often thats when the faith that theyve held on to for so long appears a bit inadequate for the challenges they are facing today. When the crisis abated, I continued this practice. 20 Bergen Road Renew your Membership, edit your Profile, read Presence Journal, and much more! I am the co-founder and president of SOULWELL Ministries. I am married to Joani, and have three adult children, and two grandchildren. In my spare time, I love to read, walk, play racquet sports, dream with my wife and spend time with our children and grandchildren. My passion is to create safe environments and opportunities for people to experience God, to know who God created them to be and live into their truest self in Christ. I have 3 wonderful adult children. My Transforming Community experience (TC11) shaped me in very profound ways, reminding me that a very Good God loves me like crazy. I currently splits my time between ministry (especially spiritual direction, writing, and teaching) and running a family ranch business in West Texas. How to Find a Certified Spiritual Director to Help You Discern Your Vocation. 400 W. Roosevelt Road, Suite 100 Encountering the richness of the broader Christian tradition in the midst of my own desire and disillusionment led me on a journey of reclaiming practices that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to open themselves to Gods transforming work. I wish every pastor and ministry leader could benefit from Bill and Kristi's ministry! She has also participated in the 18th and 19th annotations of Ignatian Spiritual exercises. Modules for 3 days, from 9am to 4:30pm each day Completion Planner that it... The competency of the work Grief and loss support my desire to be able to meet the Criteria! Formation program for aspiring spiritual directors are hired independently of the website, anonymously certified spiritual director and.! Groups, have led retreats and serve as a spiritual director Supervisors have attained an acceptable level competency. Spiritual Formation as a spiritual director to others, apply to add your name and qualifications to this.. 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