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can you love someone again after hating them

What I need is for my husband to make the necessary changes and prove he means them rather than begging and pleading with me for me to love him. I cheated and had sex with several men. It shocked me to the core and 6 months of thinking I dont love him anymore, has made me not want to be with him anymore. For both of us. I may not know what youre going through but Im sure Ive had the same thoughts and feelings as you have I hope things will get better for you as well. She said she just needed to time for her to figure out what she wanted. He is impatient and rude with me, says hurtful things. he said that he wants to break up and no communication at all. I seen a counselor Tuesday and explained how im almost 6months pregnant, ive been with my bf 14months and I feel very little support. I never cheated. i have broken it all . He said he would. The main focus of our life became our mutual outrage; it was all we talked about eventually. This is not a real relationship; this is someone taking advantage of you. Second of all, your wife is thinking of her own pain and rightfully so but there is also the possibility of healing together, growing through this, and coming out stronger as an individual and as a couple. Just because of the way he doubts me. My husband and I have been together for 11 years. what should i do. saying it was nothing, they meant nothing, but this ripped my heart out. About 3 months ago my wife told me that she loves me but is no longer in love with me. I dont like that. Berit Brogaard, D.M.Sci., Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy and the Director of the Brogaard Lab for Multisensory Research at the University of Miami. i think i just wanted attention, after i was out of my home and lonely. How can I put the hurt aside and go back to loving him like I use to? So I looked for an outlet which was going into little dating sites just fooling around at first but then got to the point where things got a little too serious did I feel bad? We also went on vacations with both our families and just in all we were very very close. Hi Dr Deb. That is exactly what young people do. I keep trying to tell him that honestly that was not my true self and I can show him the true Maria. Then texts 20mins later saying she is confused and doesnt know what she wants. Is my husband going to marry this co worker and their going to b live happily ever after. In 2013 I went to a funeral with him I got a chance to be introduced to his family member all went well. I never said that. She didnt call to let me know he was ok and she didnt care to. i love him please help me to show him that i can change and respect him and speak ona normal volume and recreate the relationship with his family. We now live in 2 different states, we chat online, skype and spend at least once a week on the phone for about 3-4 hours. I wanted it all the time and he rarely ever did. I do really love him, and I more than want it to work, but I am still haunted by his old betrayal. The next day I went over to his house when we were not official, we had intimacy and we ended it for good. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. Well, these past several months nothing I say or do seems to make him notice or want to notice that its become a problem. We talked at length about how hurt I was, and how I said one thing and him doing something else without even asking (I probably would have consented had he asked before he did it) made me feel like he had disrespected me. She said my ex would be back if I gave her time but idk if I believe that. It really hurt me so bad too. All these people are people who he has worked with for 15-20 years. When we met, I laid my terms if he wanted to be serious. For some reason he could never let her go. Was he just no longer interested in the marriage? (2017). We hit it off instantly. We started dating after she got out of a 3 year relationship in which the guy cheated on her. However, I thought I should take a break from her in December 2013. Hate wins when you choose not to make things. Since im not coming back if he doesnt. Furthermore, you have not gotten to the root of her behavior or your own. He has stopped drinking and will continue to. He did in the past have a affair with someone who worked for him. Could I have your opinion on the whole situation, thanks. Right before she told me of her lack of feelings, I began taking an active approach in things like my career and relationship, after all, my life is in my control, but it was too little too late. I no longer appreciate little improvements, all of the things that would have meant so little to me years ago are now major issues. Several months ago I started falling out of love with him. I met my boyfriend about 11months ago on social media. (BTW this guy is just as guilty because he knew she was not single). He wants to be with me but he thinks he will cheat on me again and again. And he will want to share that with you of his own accord, not just when you ask. We had a one night stand and he got me pregnant on purpose!! We have been broken up for 2 years but still sleep together from time to time and I know he wants to be back together with me which makes it hard for me to move on I feel guilty like I need to keep my family together. Due to the meds, the sparse intimacy has now turned non existent. My husband and I married very young, he was immature and after the birth of my son I was still over weight and exhausted and didnt take care of myself. Feelings count! Our relationship when we got back together two years ago was amazing. He slowly opened back up to me and after 4 months I got a I love you from him, which frankly shocked me into speechlessness. Yes, it is normal for people who were hurt way too much as children to have developed numbness of one sort or another as a protective device. I dont know what to do but I need advice I cant move on cause my heart belongs to her. Ive tried to tell him this but he doesnt seem to get it, he just replied Dont say that! It has been two months and I am depressed. They had sex twice. should i go to his place to ask for any apology? but i really dont want to loose him dr. i would do anything to make him smile. What should i do I need help from anyone at this point Need advise. And he kept saying that. What do I have to acknowledge in order for me to understand how she expects me to say or do or act. If you do not know what to wear when getting some help from friends or family is quite alright as they can give their opinion on what looks good on you over what does not. Respect and trust will allow you to open up, little by little. He works out of state and back in my town when he is off for three weeks every six weeks. So, Dr. Deb can you please help and give me advice please. What makes for feeling in love? My hunch is that it would not be good at all. And yet he wont talk about the future except to say he hopes we can get back what we had. Now, just suppose the two of you want to maintain the marriage. No one.. One thing I noticed is that you seem to know you are wrong. I fell back into the same hole as 3 years ago. get him on ( m). Dont get back Once a cheat will always b a cheat. You put sex or career over love. He came into my life when I least expected it and he brought back a part of me that I lost during all the bad times. I understand that if it can be fixed then there is no point in forcing it. You can choose your house. I have begun to change my routines, I am trying to bring the romance back, I am trying to change the way I think, and I have my first counseling session set up for this Friday. After I hurt him too many times, he put up a wall. I was distraught and when confronted, they both lied, until eventually i got the truth, which was that he had been sleeping with us both for around 3 weeks. In a weird way I am hoping this will bring is closer. I never felt anything like it. We instantly clicked and were dating and involved romantically within a short amount of time. I was insensitive to his struggles and feelings. Or should I even try? I doubt that I shall ever learn to trust or respect this man again. We met online as friends 5 years ago and fell in love. I dont know what to do anymore. We had made promises to each other the first day we met physically; both of us vowed to get in shape and improve ourselves. I said ok. She came but stayed in her car, called me to come out. So I took him back and we began working towards a proper committed relationship, however, it has been almost 3 months since I found out about them and things are so bad. Then I would take that information and have a heart to heart talk about your sex life with your husband and where you want to go. When I talked to him, he revealed his feelings and we started dating. Actually, that is the good part. So I think the counseling should be a good move provided the counselor doesnt just say mhm but actually has tools and opens you up to further thoughts. He ended up dumping the girl and texting me to meet up and talk. Any suggestions or ideas or advice is greatly appreciated. Heres the thing: You actually dont know who your husband IS and neither does he. Hi, i have a girlfriend that ive hurt for a year and a half. actually i never thought from his perspective.but now I AM REALLY SORRY and i regret and i have the feeling of guilt that i have hurt him so much dr. also this is not the first time i have hurt him. It makes it hard to work toward reconciliation when she gives me little but fleeting hope and she still talks to Mr. perfect over in India. He has been doing it ever since. What is going on?? He gets frustrated that I dont trust him but hes willing to do anything to get me to understand. The ladt time he was physically, it was bad but I said some EXTREMELY NASTY THINGS & I think that I could have done the same if I had been in his shoes. They'll never leave each other. You understand your opinions are important, and you have confidence in your ideas. But a crush on someone else doesnt help one bit. It outlined all of his feelings around the betrayal, even acknowledgement of his part in rejecting me. But ignoring what hed promised .. was the best he could offer. He was never physically unfaithful, not even emotionally he more so entertained the idea, which in my mind is just as bad because it could lead to anything. I have tried to be the strong person in our marriage, I finally had decided that his jealousy and distrust in me has come to an end. Hi Doctor! Over 3 years back we were fighting every day and things got really bad. I understand that. I didnt really know what to say at the time but said we can seek out help and offered the support which I always have. He asked for a break and then got back with his childs mother who he hasnt been with for 10 years. My ex-husband had severe PTSD from his abusive childhood and then our current wars. What can I do and can you tell me why you think she is trying this and always keeps on bringing up divorce when we have these fights. And now I now I want to hurry up and fix my prombles out with him. I feel even though I am her husband I am the other man in her relationship. 4. I feel like im missing out on my 20s, and the thought of spending my life with him terrifies me as much as the thought of him leaving. I want to be with him but hes not doing anything to gain his trust back. He lied about his true feelings up until we argued In July when I said it was over. So if a person has been drinking and certainly using drugs, it means they, too, have been hurt in some way. On the other hand, maybe there is really something wrong with the relationship and you just cant put your finger on it. Even after all the things he has said. If a man cant give you what you need and you have tried to explain it and are kind, fair, understanding, then you need to realize hes not the right one. Im interested: Whose idea was it in the first place to have the open relationship? I have been with my husband for over 12 years, 9 have been married. 2. She wants to go on date. Psychologically, it seems there was a disconnect right there. You can always email me directly to get details. Or if we should even have this time spent for ourselves in the first place. Now he doesnt speak to me and says its my fault because I put him in the box for few hours. Can I say something here? Just the other day she told me she hasnt been happy since then and wants to separate. I went home with someone for a one night stand. I was with someone for 7 years through out this relationship there was a current drug use addiction and I turned into someone I cant even comprehend today. When we would fight, it would be legitimate, and itd be resolved in a calm, kind hearted manner. Instead of going through his phone without permission (seriously??) Hi Raquel, Getting to the video is easy. Now my trust in him never recuperated so I checked his phone and found sext msgs to and from a coworker. Many years later our paths crossed again & our mutual friendship resumed. My head ( and my friend) tells me to move on, I deserve way better but my heart is not cooperating. I have been with my man for six years now and in those years there been lies,cheating, abuse and just disrespect. We havent talked since mid-January. who could see the greatness in me and learn to love me. My h has actually done a couple sweet things but I do not trust. Facebook, smart phone,kids,help others and work. My husband is a cheater after, I had twins it continue and I know that I care for him but down deep inside I hate him. Just sex out of frustration and anger and an addiction to the feeling of being desired. Feel so lost. I dont know if my feelings can ever come back for him. I eventually grew out of that, or so I thought. She agrees to speak nicer but wants nothing to do with my family and will not make any further efforts. Idk really know him. But now since the past 1 year I fell in love with him but he says he fell out of love for me and doesnt think we will ever work out. He said we need to start over because we have both become different people than we were. This means that it is the perfect opportunity for your date to see what kind of man you really are because if she sees that you can relax, then theres a good chance she will as well. Thanks!! We talked about and he just wasnt ready, I gave in, I had gotten a divorce from my husband if 13 years. He claims his phone gets slow when chats accumulate. He told me that he was not attracted to me, that he had pictured two younger girls wondering what they looked like naked. He claims until this day that she is just a friend who was there to visit his mother because she took care of her as child. I honestly am confused and hurt and dont know what to do anymore. I am concerned about his behavior when hes away. Meeting my husband had set me in motion into becoming a independent, healthy individual after 10 years of neglecting myself. I am 25 years old I was with my boyfriend for quite sometime we lived together. This is affection, as well as understanding, care, and empathy, etc. It isnt that your wife didnt care. Look how youre acting. recently i abused him and told him that it is over but in actual sense i still love the guy. Its way too confusing for him. We had been together 9 months and things werent always perfect but I was so in love with him. But before we started dating I was originally in a relationship with another man. I was fed up and outrightly told him their friendship was unnecessay and i was tired. At least you recognize your guilty. We went through some hard times in the relationship with his loss of jobs and he shut down and became lazy while I worked. The thought of not being with him hurts . please help me what to do ? When she tells me to leave her alone, does that mean she hates me and going to leave? And I forgot to mention his mother who is battling depression and drinking is also living in the home to try and work on getting better as well though it has not been working which is adding to his stress and his want to drink. I hate to keep saying therapy in this column but I guess thats why God created therapists. I am not desperate I I used to be) but I want my children to have a complete family and we operate well togetherand there is Love, lots of love from my side I married a wonderful man who would have given me the world but unfortunately as soon as we married and came back from our honeymoon it seemed like night and day. Im giving him another chance and the ball is in his court but its like hes not even trying to bite at the opportunity. always remember, for those out there who are in relationships that are struggling, or are working things out, make sure before you say something, you think before you speak, install a filter between your lips and your tongue so to speak, because if you choose to say something hurtful, you can never take it back and the damage caused by what you assume is just a simple word is far more destructive and painful long term. Should I just forgive and forget? I, too, had what I perceived to be a betrayal from my husband last July when I saw on his phone him becoming friends with a woman in Romania through Skype texting. I had stayed faithful since that mistake and did all I could to build trust and be as opened as possible. I cut off the other person before my wife learned about the situation because I had learned that I already had everything at home I could want. We began making love 3-4 times a week. Hello Dr. Deb 2. He will say he loves me and that my life is so normal and this is healthy but his friends tell me that he finds reasons to leave as I am not needy enough for him and that I may be almost a threat to him because it is easier to save this manipulative woman as she will kick him to the curb until her next drama. Good luck everyone out there!!! Right now she lives with her babyfather which I know there is 60% chance something is wrong there but Im not concerned much about that. We currently stay together and we been trying to work on it but HE talks to others girls or spend time with them while Im at work or at home alone, my man says I dont talk to him been saying it for the whole relationship. It works. Let me begin my saga: Within 6 years of marriage we left our families & home country & moved south. He accepted complete blame for his actions, begged for forgiveness, completely cut her off. Hi, Ps; he has said he wants a year apart. What do I do and how do I make her be in love with me again and be on the same page, not just me bleeding my heart out with nothing in return? But we still talk on and off and she still loves me but doesnt want to leave the guy shes with. The first time I found out he begged for me to take him back. I got a job, he got mad because he had to quit his. Sorry to hear this but I have been in your situation but my ex left willing when I told him to, (Thank God). If the person youre married to is not able to be intimate, its time for counseling, IMO. I dont know what to make of it. I feel nothing in his presence, I feel regret for letting 14 years of my life pass by while enduring someone who has no feelings. Good luck. I recently found out my boyfriend lost feelings for me over a lot of arguing. madly in love with this girl..i keep drawing pictures He would be the LAST person you would think. But he doesnt want to give me another chance. im loosing my best Friend, soulmate and the love of my life, my home, ive no Friends to speak of, no job? Hi #265 S She is at her mums at the moment and said we need space and will come back Tuesday to talk but the impression I get is that it is to sort out the practicalities of next steps not to work things through. What if its the total opposite though? I just dont know how to get there. I have been always telling her no when she wanted to do something with our two kids. But, she wont believe me now. If you truly love him amd want to keep your relationship, so you must act quickly! I just dont have it in me to cheat on him though because I cant bring myself to cause him that pain. My problem is that my bfriend can get very angry and says a lot of thinks that hurts and because he knows me it hurts bad. He has never lied to me and usually says what he means, but Im lost. I still cry from time to time over the pain he has caused and I know he feels awful about it. She left text message which i read hours later. In order to have a meaningful relationship with another person, you need to be able to be yourself. They never met each other in person, but met over a social media website. If hes not sure about her, he may abandon both of you anyway. Her and her bf have been together for 7 years now. Please see an MFT (Marriage & Family Therapist) who does more than just talk. Another idea among the 15 ideas for a perfect first date is to dress to impress THEN you can permit yourself to enjoy the excitement of falling in love. I dont know what to do? Id try to initiate the kind of convo they were having so hed leave her and talk dirty to me instead, but he wouldnt. Knowing the other person, genuinely knowing, is the cornerstone of intimacy. This person left me scared for her life in the person I turned out to be. I asked same question at this time if she moved on? To my horror I stumbled across hundreds of calls to 2 numbers belonging to our mutual female friend. when I told him we should plan our future he said nothing but What do you want me to tell you? (with many racy messages and pics, that linger in my mind) I still loved and missed her so much. E. It actually scares him because its so unlike him. Im lost and Im dying inside. We were planning to get married. All purchases are on my bill. where you getting the sweet stuff? I had been clean for over a decade. Be romantic, too. I just cant trust him fully I always feel hell do something to me again. Influenced mainly by a friend of his. Crossed again & our mutual friendship resumed just talk but its like hes not sure about her he... And a half is off for three weeks every six weeks, not just when you not! Unlike him so in love with him I got a chance to be to. & home country & moved south to bite at the opportunity but its like hes sure! 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