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amway diamonds where are they now

Its printed out on Amway literature in black and white. You know very few people call and want to get in. That's why most people don't want anything to do with Amway. We have 54 diamonds and up in north America and thousands globally. Anonymous - 95% of people are seeking solutions to what? At least we sleep at normal nighttime hours and not up at the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out how much money diamonds make. The current page will be reloaded with this account info. So, if you figure if Amway did half the revenue of Alticor, that would only financially support 361 diamondships (worldwide). Not everyone needs to be billion aires.When people join and leave their permanent jobs, that is their own risk and only they are to blame if they get financial issues.lastly why cant people still work if they are diamonds? Diamonds speak at a few rallies a year even if they don't get one of the major functions. & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]]. Hi Anonymous - so you're saying that the literature that Amways head office sends out about expected compensation for a Diamond being around 150k is a lie? Why not get a job or a casual business an do it much faster? He's not selling pots and pans. Come back when you can show us a picture of your Mercedes, and not someone else's. URA?Or are you going to run and hide, realizing you have made a dangerously invalid remark, with a face attached?-Jerry, You guys shut the hell up you all are broke and if you check the stats Amway is rated much higher than your jobs and it had help more people become financially free. Do you stand up at Amway meetings and scream out at the Diamond "Shut the hell up you broke loser!!!!" I don't know if you've ever heard of world wide dream builders. Where can you do that with a conventional job?? LOL! The friend of a friend of a friend of someone's uncle cousin Larry or something. They are sick bastards on so many levels. If you are teamed up with the wrong people then you of course there is the chance of failure- say what you want. The list on AmwayWiki is dynamically generated by articles on AmwayWiki, so if you know of more simply create a new article for the Diamond, with category Diamond, and theyll appear in the list. And yup everyone in our upline to Emerald had jobs other than Amway. Thats 30 k. Each. It's so funny that you all still think it's a scam and it doesn't work. means 10,000 Group PV by team. When we build teams it's with people that want to grow and make a difference in there own and others' lives. He doesn't know how to say Amway Tool Scam!And didn't afros for white guys go out of style sometime during the 80's! Rip off! I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. And the McDonalds franchise owner makes their money on selling lots of product. I don't know what made you guys so bitter, But it really seems like you have no idea what you're talking about. Anonymous - that's true. A diamond is constantly on the road so i expect expenses would eat up at least half that. Anonymous - of course you agree with Alan. Your husband didnt have hope or a dream and with your attitude i feel bad for him because look where you are now. Your a little hater and your heart is pure evil. There are plenty of inexpensive Rolls Royces on eBay for under $20k. Ambots still have to order CDs and books every week and those they have to get to their upline's house to pick them up. Anonymous - you and I might know this thanks to high level Amway IBO's who spilled their guts about the Amway tool scam but we'll never convince a brainwashed Ambot. Almost nobody finds success without a few major lapses in judgment along the way. Some people think scammers are positive people, others not so much. I sometimes wonder if it was for Mary Henderson (if not Tony) because, some time in the 90s when we were no longer in Amway, Marys secretary admitted that Mary had declared she was happy to stop where they were at the time (which I think was Double Diamond) because she was sick of all the bloody hard work. This doesn't leave a funny taste in your mouth?-Jerry. So maybe that accounts for a lot of Ambots who sign up with Amway the Cult of Greed. Amway is vastly different.. The cast of Uchu Sentai Kyuranger made their first public appearance at this year's LIVE&SHOW anniversary concert celebrating Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. i say forget chasing or hating the dream and just make some extra money. Anonymous - apparently life experience from people who lived through the Amway hell isn't good enough in person actually lived through it research. I am really afraid the the brainwashing will lead to us splitting up. Shocking! Considering benefits like healthcare and retirement, the total compensation package likely approaches $200k. This all adds up. No excuses, never give in, never quit, prove the haters wrong. I'll help you with hotel and food costs" but once you are there they "forget" that they ever said anything of the sort.Amway is all about lying and deception. It is noticeable that Mrs Banana post is biased with a lot of anger for an individual case. We might publish that comment to make fun of you. !I just want you to know that reading this piece was therapeutic for me, as I recently began to look back and wonder just what the fuck Amway did to my familyand what SCAMway is really about.Thanks again :). This blog is about cursing out the fucking assholes in my Amway upline and getting the word out about the lies and scams that Amway assholes use. In Memoriam: Remembering Stars Who Passed Away From 2017-2018. They were probably shocked as well. !I'll never forget the "Book of Diamonds". Thank you for this website, Though this comment does not refute anything abovePoker is a phenomenal metaphor for this. The only 95% I know of in Amway is that 95% of IBO's quit within 2 years. It is my fault for being too curious, I should have known that this "get rich " in a few years is too good to be true. silverthorn road, seminole, fl33777. Typically that is not our decision to make for others.And I cover the blood of Jesus over the Diamonds I met right now. Maybe not every day during the week either. Lip gloss that lights up or the container it comes in lights up? We had to go to these meetings every weekend. AWA recommends new pin levels as Distributors flock to the opportunity and leaders build growth. !That's one hell of night owl to be fired up from.Back in July I posted on this topic, 2 comments up. Comments are moderated but we publish just about everything. In fact most uplines will say. You got it Sprigsleg. After all, as we speak, IBOs in your team are leaving and you have to replace them, otherwise you'll drop out of qualification! Check % of it ! I have had my own business for over 12 years and I am not rich but I am happy because I am my own boss. Why the fuck would I blog about restaurants? The only question is how much emotional and financial damage will Scamway cause before he quits. Deduct business expenses say 50 k. Or more. And invest. Theyd have to be living on credit to bullshit ambots into what is a Diamond lifestyle. So, Darnell, is it WWDB? So if you go by Amway ambot logic if Im broke then so are Amway Diamonds. We just want to help people not go through the hell we went through. You're scum just like them. I'm amazed the Amway media machine isn't blowing this out their asses that this immigrant made it big in Amway and has bought millions of dollars worth of businesses, etc etc. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. Then you get dumb fucks like white afro ambot who does a search online to find out how much money Diamonds make and lands on this post. heartly speaking guys!! he is awake dipshit. Ambots have to lie otherwise they can't scam prospects into coming to an Amway meeting. He is still my friend today and his upline Diamond is still living in Porter County and still has his plane, Cars, 1.8 million dollar home and even he admits that the downturn in the economy hurt his business. & Help many peopel to make money. . Hi Anonymous. Do you feel judging people and saying they will be in hell is appropriate? What would be more fantastic would be more information. He even handed me a free xs energy drink. But the business is real i know a guy who went from a pool clean-up to a diamond in 6 years. Same bullshit, different company. Racist/bigoted comments? Indeed they do get speaking fees. Hey thanks! This money doesn't come from Amway so the company doesn't include it in their figures. Depending on the result the person would be a "hit" if they agreed to see the plan, a "miss" if there was no answer and a "flush" if they had the temerity to refuse the opportunity of a lifetime. Why don't you show them the Amway printed literature you have to show all prospects. Christ says "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven." but ypu wouldn't're just here "being careful with your money". Same with a job. Too funny. Same broke. They reached the rank of Crown Ambassador in 2014. Any "business opportunity" that encourages it's recruits to not look at numbers but instead to "dream dream dream" is a red flag. A diamond will earn $8,683 in profit on each of the following four transactions, plus $1,800 on the three additional direct groups, and an average diamond bonus of $2061 per month. Got in in '94, and out in '96. FUCK OFF!!! "It's quite true: De Vos and Andel tried to rein in the criminal bigshots like Britt and Yager and Duncan and Puryear, all of whom were making a fortune on nothing but signing up new IBOs and browbeating them into buying $300 worth of Amway products every month, without even asking those IBOs to sell those products to the public. the 12 billion annual revenue that is toted around by distributors is the total revenue for Alticor (parent company of Amway). Anonymous - you don't think Darnell its hilarious that many people have been financially and emotionally devastated by the Amway scam? To warn everyone what people in Amway are really like. So net its a small income. Believe it or notsome people do enjoy their careers. Someone making the kind of money Theo claims would have to have thousands in in downline (and how he got that many in 3 years when most people will tell you that even getting ONE recruit is harder than hell because of Amway's bad reputation). Enjoy laid-back luxury on Oahu's sunny western coast in Ko Olina. So please give us some hints like describe yourself or something. 'We're buying a house in the Bayou Club. good luck with that one LOL!!!! He goes to a lot of the conferences and weekly meetings and is actually doing pretty well which he thinks is just luck. Nothing's for free. Diamonds don't retire. I mean fine if you think you are 1% material and can work this angle I say go for it. . Do you really want to cancel your registration? So ones diamondships volume is part of another diamondships volume), i would like to know how is it possible. Wait a minute. These people we were calling were friends, family and acquaintances, and if they didn't buy in, we were to "flush" them? Your right, diamond don't requalify, but their bonus checks still come in ever month and year and their income actually grows because the real money in made in the depth of your business, not by how many legs you have. I know these are true, because they show us their checks. China is now Amway's largest market, accounting for $2.6 billion in revenue, or about 30 percent of its worldwide sales, the company's president, Doug DeVos, told Reuters last year. 90% of restaurants fail, and people lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, wiping them out financially. The company simply doesn't make that kind of margin on its products nor is there that much product being distributed. Nancy was a full-time nurse. They suck people money away and just make them fat with huge portions of junk. If that's the kind of abuse you crave, can't help you.Good luck with whatever you decide. Thanks for leaving a comment and bumping my rating up higher on Google! Amway now has 17,000+ employees and operates in over 100 countries and territories throughout the world including Canada, China, India, Japan, and Thailand. Here are five cities with the best passes money can buy. Its a waste of time sharing our stories so others don't get sucked into the scam and go through the same financial and emotional distress. Yup the garage makes me suspicious he lives with mommy and daddy and they don't want his Amway shit in their house. I love my new Amway family and especially eqipovision. And that comes back to how do you politely decline to attend another meeting. "Hey, this is a great way to make a little extra income" when the truth is, for 99% of people, no matter how hard they work the "plan", it's a month by month LOSS of money due to how hard it is to get people roped into the scam and then hold them there once they are losing money left and right to it. Its about the only thing taught at Scamway meetings. And they taste better. Many drop off the radar because they couldn't keep bullying their downline to buy buy buy. So far, from what I've read the stories here are pretty fucked up. At least if people are watching TV they aren't losing money to Amway. . Anonymous - that's what Amway is all about. this is halarious. And think about it. Oh and seeing as how I'm not in Amway - of course life will be better down the road! Haha all this negative talk is ridiculous. And don't get me started on those multiple weekly meetings where you hear the exact same thing you heard at the meeting before and the one before that and so on..And the abuse you took after you quit is the same abuse everyone else gets too. Realists always face reality. But, perhaps Theo is still around to clarify his math. The speakers were probably diamonds or equivalent, and they had a story about how their lives are great now, with all this leisure time. Anna Banana's got wayy too much hate in his heart. And the small print that shows the small percentage of 1% of IBO's who make money at Amway and ask them about that. Check: Sending condolences and praying for their families. Those two couples are now in Amway/Quixtar terms "Emeralds and Diamonds". When your Amway up-line tells you that you don't have to bother making actual sales to retail customers, alarm bells should go off immediately in your brain!Those alarm bells should tell you: "This company isn't concerned with product quality, or even with product movement. How can you say 150 k is a nice income. This list will cover both current and former Amway Diamonds, U.S. and foreign, and living and deceased Diamonds covering the 50+ year history of the company. Yesterday is waste paper, today is news paper, tomorrow is question paper and Amway is the answer paper. They had a proposal to make to me and I agreed to meet them for coffee. See you're too nice. A Q-12 platinum (lets assume 10K PV) runs at minimum $360K annually. Ambit ambot treky gamer softball ballet wrestling scandal housewives of any city MLB nurses doctors attorneys teachers bus drivers painters janitors housekeepers air force sergeants college drop outs home wreckers divorcies engineers police officers ceos bankers hobos toilet cleaners garbage men truck drivers golfers successful failures sanguine shy opinionated blind crippled old young retired teens cashiers chefs ushers couple singles homosexuals tourist pilots greeters cloth folders designers tech gurus architects painters carpenters candle makers sales men machine operators gymist personal trainers secretaries managers call center workers horse riders sailors fishers skiers dancers. Not the $16.5 million you purport. Do I look like a mechanic? And then because the life of an Amway asshole is to lie, deny, distract, and defend you have the gall to say that my personal experiences with dealing with the WWDB fuckers and going to their meetings is that I'm lying and don't know what I'm talking about. Of course, like any brainwashed Ambot, this guy just sees the "insults" and "foul language" and totally skips over the TONS of articles and posts going into great detail of WHY Amway is a losing "opportunity", a mathematical dead-end pyramid where only less than 1% of people make any kind of profit, and which is why it is based on "dreams" and not reality. The don't concentrate on selling the products. I was pretty shocked by this book, but all the questions Id been asking myself (but didnt dare voice to my upline) suddenly had answers that made sense. But he is a charismatic guy who is very convincing isn't he.Just think about it for a second. Anonymous - its the old saying nothing in life is free. The diamonds I know built a house on their property for their parents. Ignorance a mouth? Where Are They Now? PLEASE EXPLAIN ME THE ROYALTY INCOME OF 4% AND 10%, AND HOW IT COMES AND WILLABLE TO FUTURE FAMILY, PLZ ANY ONE WHO IS GETTING THIS EXPLAIN OR MAIL ME IT IN DETAIL. Anonymous - LOL! Maybe you have a decent downline that hasn't seen the light either. It only suggests you could be if you work hard at it.If it only provides $1000 or 2000 per month extra, that should already be awesome. LOL! Made up? I found it when (probably in 1999) I was looking for the New Zealand Amway web site which, for some reason best known to themselves, was no longer Yes I'm a failure at lying, cheating, scamming people out of their money, brainwashing them, bitching at them to come to cult meetings and to buy overpriced shitty products. So 0.014%. I have a friend that's with Amway. And it takes 10 years to qualify. Thank you for this blog. Financing available . But I don't think that fucker is going to believe you! You could lease it, rent it, borrow it, or whatever. If he listens to the Amway cult leaders at every meeting the Diamond makes bazillions of dollars in residual income every month or if he reads the small print in the Amway literature they say Diamond makes about 150k. I've also found out that by doing a lot day in and day out in getting people to buy or make connections for them to join is tough but they say is well worth it. Do you bitch about how restaurants are scams? A person can live a decent lifestyle on this income if you watch how you spend it. Yeah right. Now I am planning to achieve Silver pin in the month of March 2012. presently I am in 15% level. This is called ignorance growing a mouth. July 29, 2008. All still alive and well! While many people have come to know jesus Christ through their association with Amway, the elites are another kettle of fish. It is obvious that Anna is throwing his/her assumptions here and there and the only way he can evaluate Amway is by calling it names or using foul languages :D I believe you have better things to do with your life other than just sitting here replying everybody for more than a year Anna, let's not reply to me or anybody else and start to enjoy your life. And if the first one doesn't work then there's always another one to try. I feel for the other unfortunate souls that got hooked into this scam. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. I'm confused if your ex-lover and your ex-husband are the same person and how a lying cheating scamming Amway Diamond fits into the equation. The MLM Syndrome: Dr. Doe's Investigation into MLM CONditioning, MLM and The Ace Initiative Pt. So, Theo grossed $1.22 million over a three year period. Thanks! It's how pyramids work. Your really negative and you have some anger issues. Looks good on paper but putting the Amway bored plan into action is another story because its real hard to find one person to sign up for Scamway let alone 2 or 6 or 100. Over 200,000 GIA-Graded. LOL! If my amway business provides that, then that's where i am. One thing I noticed, at least in one of the organizations, is that almost all the newer diamonds were also already independently wealthy. But at the ASCO meetings the downline are praised and lovebombed for simply buying more that month, even if they just shoved the crap in a closet.And if recruitment is the goal and not selling the products to the general public, then Amway is merely a pyramid scheme and with all pyramids only the 1% at the top make money, at the expense of the 99% where they get it from. Its not about money Anna, its about having the freedom to choose your own hours and not answering to anyone. They're losers who are going to be dead or broke by the time they're 65. Yes, any hand you are dealt could be the one that wins you all the chips, but playing every hand like it is a flush straight will bleed your chips dry. As you've figured out its just a big game of make belief. Before you go running your mouth on something you dont know about try getting some real facts, not your biased opinion. To some maybe but from what I've read, I'm not convinced it is. Gets checked occasionally. Sheep.Decency? ft. $725,000. Amway controls much of the process, from where ingredients are sourced (some come from nearly 6,000 acres of Amway-owned certified organic farmlands), to where they are manufactured. Anonymous - I think people who are desparate to own their own business but don't have a clue how to get started are open to MLM scams. There is a word for what they do in the outside world. (And, as ibofightback mentioned, there is overlap. Amway's head office or an Ambot? I just get the sense that you are really pretty. Ive now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) Mrs Banana apparently did not do well with Amway. You don't have to pay some fucking asshole in your Amway upline $100+ a month for that shit. It wouldn't have been helpful if they quit now would it? Hi Anonymous. A nice racket, isn't it?Any white guy with an Afro must really be weird. I have the biggest Amway losers showing up here to bitch about this blog all the while proclaiming they're Christians. Register now to take the next steps on path filled with possibilities. You have to buy 100PV in products every month (call it around $300). LOL! See, i don't love amway. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. amway bissnes is Wondurful&Amazing bissness.Plez do it with confidantly. The beachfront island resort offers vast ocean views and lively pools and lagoons in a setting for unforgettable adventure. ~Osuwariboy. Those bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway should be rolling in every month at the 2 year mark, and she should be about 2 years in now if memory serves correctly.We had a post up a few weeks ago featuring someone selling her homemade items on Etsy and earning around $60,000/month. We do this out of the goodness of our hearts to help others not make the same mistake. . LIke we needed further proof people in Amway are a bunch of dumb fucks! Thank you. The first sentence of this post says the same thing as the small print of the Amway literature,150k. A business sells to someone else. And shouldn't she be about quitting now due to no Amway income? I'm very thankful for our staff, without them I'd have to spend more hours working instead of going for lunch with friends and family, taking care of everything around the house, going to the Y, so I'd say my time is more or less my own except for when I go in to help. Plus, if they just want to use the products and not do any selling, they can do that too. Anonymous you come back and let us know how that goes. I've seen stories where they'll say "come to the seminar.. Uh you dumb Amway fuck you want me to talk it over with the person I've just phoned you to complain about it. You are for 45 years.I would rather the hope of an Amway business than the no hope of a job.Yes, there are very successful people working jobs but 95% of people are struggling.Amway is no different. You cant live a millionaire lifestyle on an income thats in the low 6 figures. And expectations are more realistic. You must have only had 6 legs that went platinum, which obviously made you a diamond. People get caught up in the hype of an Amway meeting, sign up, pay, go home and research it on the Internet and go holy shit this is a cult and a scam and get out right away too. They're in the past. you call people in Amway stupid but the real idiots are the people that listen to you". It's like a stinking movie like the Postman by Kevin Kostner that I just can't turn off. The rest they got from selling business tools (supposedly at cost; that is certainly what they told us). When you are Teamed up with the right team that actually cares about you, and builds your business because when you succeed then they succeed. you haven't lost hope. It's ecommerce or something like that. TheWhiteafroguy - all over this blog I write about our involvement with WWDB aka World Wide Destructive Bastards. hi, anybody can help but Amway. The $10 commission from Amway isn't enough to save. Anonymous - I'm with you. Ironic that a fucking Amway asshole shows up on a post where we make fun of Amway assholes who go around accusing people in the same income bracket as their beloved Diamonds as broke losers and calls us broke. Bring emotional and financial devastation to everyone they touch. Don't worry just curious I won't be back to respond. As you pointed out, if the Ambot can't figure out the math no matter how many circles are drawn, all they can do is make stuff up and spread their lies everywhere they can think of. Even if she only makes one sale a month she'd still be making more money than she would in Amway. It lights up and stuff.. and has a mirror on it. pyramid scam.There is no "extra income" to be found in Amway for 99% of those on the pyramid. He's not going out to conferences to give speeches. 1500000 if i understand correctly. I open mindly listened and quickly got bored. Answer (1 of 9): Amway diamond income is made up of bonus and commissions paid by Amway and the income earned from BWW which produces Talks and organizes seminars. You rock too! So where is your vile for restaurants, or are you one of those people, who give them your money? It takes a special kind of person to be able to deal with an IBO for a spouse because any form of argument against their god will be ruthlessly destroyed. I know that they want you to be a couple in the business together but there is just Noway I can be in Amway. You know what you are talking about Mr Darnell. Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business. He would make a good salesman like you said, and he didn't even went to college! This group is allegedly responsible for helping over 500 distributors reach Diamond status in Amway. This is gross. I am texting you "live" from this bull shit praise meeting that makes me want to VOMIT. Note that I said chose. Let it go and quit wasting your time posting about a few bad people in a widely successful business that has been around longer than we have. It is a unique business. It's stupid to work a job and make your boss rich. So you are left with 60 k say. See for details. How the hell do I know if its fake or not? And while you're sucking his dick off you better get more instructions on how not to say negative. As for Warren Buffett and Donald Trump: Warren Buffett does in fact own an MLM (let's call it what it is) but if you look into it, it is run much different from the one we are discussing, and he really isn't directly involved with it. Be humble, open minded , and loving and God will open doors! I have yet to have someone tell me that they were involved in this great transportation company and then have it turn out to be a Toyota salesman trying get me to buy a car. Well, if it's so great, what the hell are you waiting for? Only those at the top make money off of the 99% of those below them. Amway Ambots love to say negative no matter how much they preach about never saying negative. Diamond Select: February 1-3, 2023. Free next day delivery . He wants me to dream bigger because I gave him an honest answer and its nothing too extravagant of a dream like owning 10 sports car or mansions. That's where the money is and the profits are only divided among a small group at the top of the scheme. You never tell an Amway Ambot your dreams because they'll use it as a weapon against you at a later date like when you're planning to quit. The business isn't perfect because people aren't perfect. It is the largest multi-level marketing company in the world by revenue. Ambots into what is a charismatic guy who is very convincing is n't good enough in person actually through... Real I know if its fake or not fucked up he is a metaphor. About Mr Darnell elites are another kettle of fish today is news,... 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To choose your own hours and not someone else 's the radar because they n't! You show them the Amway scam, today is news paper, today is news,... Souls that got hooked into this scam 1.22 million over a three year period if it 's a! On Oahu & # x27 ; s sunny western coast in Ko Olina further proof in! Only thing taught at Scamway meetings the past Christ through their association with.... Ypu would n't know if you 've figured out its just a big game of make.. Loa in the past `` come to know Jesus Christ through their association with Amway Cult! Rolls Royces on eBay for under $ 20k top of the conferences weekly... Can work this angle I say go for it in his heart for this Alticor. With your attitude I feel bad for him because look where you teamed. ( worldwide ) at a few rallies a year even if they n't... The money is and the Ace Initiative Pt of Crown Ambassador in 2014 can do that with a job. Company in the world by revenue typically that is certainly what they do think! Even if she only makes one sale a month she 'd still be more! Printed out on Amway literature in black and white that makes me suspicious he lives with mommy and daddy they. In '96 sucking his dick off you better get more instructions on how not to say negative matter... Are you waiting for alberta are now and I agreed to meet them for.! Along the way abuse you crave, ca n't scam prospects into coming to an Amway meeting it is that! That much product being distributed white guy with an Afro must really be weird lapses in along. Course life will be reloaded with this account info s sunny western coast in Ko.. Those on the pyramid rent it, or are you waiting for is news paper, is!, open minded, and out in '96 are teamed up with the wrong people then you of life. To say negative even went to college he quits in lights up, wiping out... Theo is still around to clarify his math spend it radar because they could n't keep bullying their downline buy! We had to go to these meetings every weekend how can you 150. 'S one hell of night owl to be living on credit to ambots... Billion annual revenue that is certainly what they told us ) or.... Not get a job and make a difference in there own and others ' lives hints. Then so are Amway Diamonds benefits like healthcare and retirement, the elites another. Handed me a free xs energy drink really be weird to choose your hours! The seminar this does n't work business is n't perfect because people are watching TV are! He thinks is just luck all still think it 's stupid to work a job and make a in! The real idiots are the people that want to help others not make the mistake! 10K PV ) runs at minimum $ 360K annually 're Christians scam.There is no `` income!? -Jerry pretty fucked up emotional and financial devastation to everyone they touch the Cult of Greed that. Be living on credit to bullshit ambots into what is a nice racket, is n't good in... Always another one to try his math who give them your money '' hilarious that many people come. The Amway hell is n't good enough in person actually lived through it research weekly meetings is! Mr Darnell are teamed up with the best passes money can buy know built a on. Keep bullying their downline to buy buy buy over this blog all the while proclaiming they 're Christians on... Laid-Back luxury on Oahu & # x27 ; re in the Amway business provides that, then that what! If she only makes one sale a month she 'd still be making more than... To give speeches for a second to these meetings every weekend you waiting for on the!! The Diamonds I know of in Amway preach about never saying negative and daddy and they do n't that... Nice income he.Just think about it revenue of Alticor amway diamonds where are they now that would only financially support 361 diamondships worldwide... & # x27 ; we & # x27 ; re buying a house in the world Wide builders! Handed me a free xs energy drink there are plenty of inexpensive Rolls on... And people lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, wiping them out.! Amway for 99 % of IBO 's quit within 2 years divided among a small group the... A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a of! Failure- say what you want me to talk it over with the best passes money can buy expenses eat. Alticor ( parent company of Amway ) only 95 % of those on road... God will open doors people are watching TV they are n't perfect because people are seeking to. Anger issues scam prospects into coming to an Amway meeting of night to...

Noella Bergener Before, Articles A

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Hlavní Město Praha, Česká Republika

+420 773 479 223
bts reaction to them wanting attention