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after the united states entered world war ii

We are going to win the war and we are going to win the peace that follows. . B. WACs coordinated recruiting efforts for all of the armed services. We expect to eliminate the danger from Japan, but it would serve us ill if we accomplished that and found that the rest of the world was dominated by Hitler and Mussolini. (This happened just as the systematic, mass murder of the Jews began with the German invasion of the Soviet Union.) A. C. through the American Lend-Lease Act D. American women and minorities found new opportunities. The roots of World War II, which eventually pitted Germany, Japan, and Italy (the Axis) against the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union (the Allies), lay in the militaristic ideologies and expansionist policies of Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan. D) 290,000 people. National Expansion and Reform, 1815 - 1880, Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945. purchasing government war bonds. C) They felt it would divert too many resources away from their military operations elsewhere. What factors after 1939 led to US involvement in World War II? c.) Choose the statement that best reflects the experiences of African Americans after the United States entered World War II. What were some similarities between racism in Nazi Germany and in the United States, 1920s-1940s? c) it maintained control of the Philippines. Alan Lomax was serving as folklore consultant for the project when he sent the December 8, 1941 telegram, asking fieldworkers to collect "man-on-the-street" reactions. Dec. 11. He believed a joint offensive with the Soviets through Eastern Europe would be far more effective. Five million women entered the workforce between 1940-1945. Choose the statement that describes an effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It would be difficult to make them surrender. What is the World War II? Civil rights march on Wash[ington], D.C. / [WKL]. founded the United Service Organizations. America Declares War on Germany. Before the Holocaust, approximately how much of Europe's Jewish population lived in Poland? Planning for the post-World War II world began before the United States even entered the conflict. C. General Montgomery had misgivings about being allied with the Soviets. The act was meant to solve the midnight races problem and establish a more permanent immigration law. C. the military did not expand quickly until after the creation of the draft. C) The Nazis' anti-Semitic propaganda campaign was popular in America. Without any significant factual evidence, the government perceived Japanese Americans as being a threat to national security. As a result, the quota for the British Isles rose from 34,007 to 65,721, while the quota for Germany fell significantly, from 51,227 to 25,957. Diego Rivera. B. less denouncement a.) The 1953 Refugee Relief Act defined refugee (someone in a non-Communist country fleeing persecution), escapee (someone fleeing communism), and expellee" (an ethnic German forced out of Eastern Europe). A. defectors from the Soviet Union. The United Nations Refugee Protocol of 1967 established the current international norms for defining and dealing with refugees, and 146 countries, including the United States, have signed this protocol. went through a period of economic instability. "Despite government defense contracts, corporate profits remained stagnant through the 1940s." It would allow the Allies to gain control of the precious oil fields in the Middle East. Three years after the end of the war, there were still a substantial number of displaced persons in Europe. D. D) World War II and the Korean Conflict, "The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members." issued Executive Order 8802. C) was a government agency that worked with the Red Cross to rescue Jews in Eastern Europe. A. World War II started on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion of Poland. Goebbels wrote: On the basis of the Tripartite Pact we will probably not [be able to avoid] a declaration of war on the United States. The 1941 recordings were made as a part of the the Library of Congress' Radio Research Project. On December 8, Joseph Goebbels described Adolf Hitler as exceptionally happy when he learned the news. C. A portion of this project aimed to create documentary recordings of Americans from around the country who described their lives, sang their songs, and told the stories of their own regions. A. a group of volunteer fighter pilots who fought the Japanese in the Pacific. The United States did not sign the 1951 Refugee Convention, but did sign the 1967 United Nations Refugee Protocol, which removed those geographical and time limitations. Approximately 80,000 Jewish DPs entered the United States between 1948 and 1952 under the Displaced Persons Act. When World War II ended, the United States was in better economic condition than any other country in the world. The Tuskegee Airmen were c.) A. his decisive victory at the Battle of Guadalcanal. Not all Americans participated equally in these expanding life opportunities and in the growing economic prosperity. After the Day of Infamy: "Man-on-the-Street" Interviews Following the Attack on Pearl Harbor presents approximately twelve hours of opinions recorded in the days and months following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, from more than two hundred individuals in cities and towns across the United States. Before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, however, Americans were seriously divided over what the role of the United States in the war should be, or if it should even have a role at all. Did not destroy all aircraft carriers/ did not declare war In the Soviet Union, a "cult of personality" developed around Stalin. From our 21st-century point of view, it is hard to imagine World War II without the United States as a major participant. What was the Double Victory? d.) a.) After the united states entered world war ii. A.It stated the United States would only accept an unconditional surrender of Germany. A. Unit 3 Challenge Questions/ The United States, Sophia U.S. History 2 Unit 4 Milestone Study, U.S. History II - UNIT 4 - CHALLEN, Vulnerability Scans, Security and Controls, U.S. History II - FINAL MILESTONE, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Donald Kagan, Frank M. Turner, Steven Ozment. C. legal Place the events related to World War II in the correct sequence, following the signing of a mutual defense treaty by Japan and Germany. Which area on the map received the MOST aid from the U.S. prior to 1942? B) head of the United Nations Security Council a.) concur\hspace{1cm}_______ing \hspace{1cm}______ed \hspace{1cm}______ent\hspace{1cm}______ence, Identify the following term or individual and explain their significance. Underline each predicate adjective or compound predicate adjective in the following sentences. C. . The principal belligerents were the Axis powersGermany, Italy, and Japanand the AlliesFrance, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China. Article 19 explains that people in all countries should be able to One day after the attack, Congress officially declared war on Japan and entered World War 2 on the side of the Allied powers. Many of the scientists who developed the first atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project were D) the beginning of World War II. d.) b.) A. to rescue U.S. prisoners of war who were being held captive there While the United States had remained neutral in the war, it responded to Japans aggression in Asia with economic sanctions that caused severe shortages of natural resources that the Japanese needed for their war effort. President Truman feared a second Japanese attack on American soil. African American workers were paid the same wages as whites. D. The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. "Although our wages were far lower, we earned more money than we ever had before in the workplace. In particular, World War II led many women to take jobs in defense plants and factories around the country. A) She refuses to imagine the alternative. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 2 Visual evidence of the Holocaust, shown in popular magazines, newspapers and movie theater newsreels, did not change Americans minds towards immigration or refugees. cooperating in trials to bring former Nazis to justice Why were Hiroshima and Nagasaki chosen as the targets for nuclear attacks? The United States Enters World War II. Yet the United States would not enter the war until it was attacked directly. On December 11, 1941, Germany responded by declaring war on the United States, bringing American military forces into the European and Pacific conflicts on a global scale. D. By June 1948 Truman had pushed for some sort of legislation on behalf of displaced persons for at least eighteen months. "I thought the government should have adopted deficit spending during the war instead of focusing on keeping a balanced budget." Wallace would later become a crucial part of the US Navy, and serve as a Corpsman in the Pacific Theater. "My factory converted its production lines to produce bombers, and we hired more workers. D. promote the spread of democracy all over the world. American military officials knew that many Japanese soldiers would rather die than surrender. Our headquarters are located at: 89 South Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02111. C) U.S. entry into World War II. A. the Atlantic Charter In what periods was the Mississippi River a national boundary, and why was control of the river important for the United States? b.) classified them as enemy combatants. D. Japanese Americans recruited from internment camps in the Southwest, Which promise made at the Yalta Conference did Stalin ultimately renege on? Almost every country in the world participated in World War II.Most were neutral at the beginning, but only a relatively few nations remained neutral to the end. We are now to a certain extent protected on our flanks. Savage fighting and heavy American casualties occurred in the battles on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. C. the brutal nature of the war in the Pacific. They feature a wide diversity of opinion concerning the war and other social and political issues of the day, such as racial prejudice and labor disputes. World War II changed both the type of work women did and the volume at which they did it. The Corps offered scholarships for tuition and fees, stipends, and uniforms to women ages 17-35 who went . A. through the sale of government issued war bonds And what we all have learned is this: There is no such thing as security for any Nationor any individualin a world ruled by the principles of gangsterism. "We were forced by the government to move from California because they feared we might be capable of sabotage or espionage." (Later on, they would see them as a potential national security risk.) work on the development of an atomic bomb. How was the federal government able to borrow money from U.S. citizens? A) the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Bataan Death March foreshadowed C. They underestimated Japan's ability to project military force in the Pacific. the Japanese were not expecting a U.S. offensive there. While overall immigration into the United States did not increase, between 35,00040,000 DPs, most of whom were Jewish, entered the United States between December 22, 1945, and July 1, 1948, under provisions of the Truman Directive. C. Native Americans recruited from nearby reservations in New Mexico. C) victory over Germany and Japan d.) The _____ was a turning point in the war between the United States and Japan and first demonstrated the success of the island-hopping strategy. The relationship between the Allies was complicated by A) the war in Europe was over. He died of a brain hemorrhage on April 12,1945. The War against Poland: Speed and Brutality, The Jewish Ghettos: Separated from the World. C.It endorsed national self-determination for the post-war world. "My father got hired at Henry Ford's plant building B-24 bombers, and he managed to save enough money to buy a family car. "When the Japanese attacked, most factories were already set up to produce for the war effort." a.) C) almost one third B) join political organizations. ffidavits, attesting to their identities and good conduct, from several responsible disinterested persons, in addition to financial affidavits. Throughout the 1930s, most Americans opposed changing or adjusting the Johnson-Reed Act, fearing that immigrants, including those fleeing persecution, would compete for scarce jobs and burden public services in the midst of the Great Depression. A. Japanese attacks on U.S. ships trading with China. Following World War I, the United States hoped to avoid further entanglement with European politics that had drawn us into war. Nazi Germany declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941. C. generate support for the war effort and boost morale through the media. C. committed suicide in his bunker. c.) B. This request resulted in approximately four and one half hours of recordings that were used to create a fifteen-minute radio program for the Mutual Broadcasting System. Positive What was the primary goal of the U.S. strategy of "island hopping" in the Pacific? After World War II and the Holocaust, the United States and the international community recognized that refugees and displaced persons merited special consideration and should be dealt with separately from immigrants, who are moving to a new country to seek a better life. By capturing nearby islands, the U.S. could install military bases to keep Japan in check. Which series of events is arranged in the correct chronological order? The Second World War pitted two alliances against each other, the Axis powers and the Allied powers; the Soviet Union served 34 million men and women, Germany 18 million, the U.S 16 million, Japan 9 million, and Great Britain 6 million. In his address to the Reichstag, Hitler said: If it is the will of Providence that the German people not be spared this struggle, then I will be grateful to Providence for having appointed me leader in a historic contest, which for the next five hundred or one thousand years, will decisively affect not only German history but also the history of Europe, and indeed all of mankind. How did WACs contribute to the American war effort? For each word at the left, complete the four derivatives indicated. What did the Nazi-Soviet pact accomplish for Germany? B. the economy failed to improve. Example directobject\underline{\color{#c34632}{direct~ object}}directobject 1. Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Question 9. d.) C) mobilization brought economic benefits to the United States. d.) B. D) all of the Allies suffered economically due to the war. When Hitler stationed troops in the Rhineland in 1936, it was a direct violation of. A. Since 1980, the United States has had a defined procedure for carrying out the countrys agreed-upon duties under the protocol. After the United States entered World War II, immigrants from which of the following countries became eligible for U.S. citizenship? "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. What ultimately prevented the Nazis from conquering Great Britain in 1940? D. the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor. What was the importance of the Lend-Lease Act? A. D. The population stayed roughly the same as auto factories were converted to produce munitions. D. It gave Germany a pledge of military support from the Soviet Union. Industry stopped . World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939-45. The gap in the labor force created by departing soldiers meant opportunities for women. "Corporations and business owners used the assembly line to tackle production on a massive scale. In Article 2, Principle 1, what does sovereign mean? laborers migrated from Mexico to work in factories in the North. "Dear Mr. President," Nashville, Tennessee, January or February "Dear Mr. President," New York, New York, January or February Letter from Alan Lomax to Wilhelmina Waters, April 3, 1942. C. More expansion C. Public opinion was more in line with Congress than Truman: an April 1948 poll showed that 53% of Americans disapproved of the plan to allow 200,000 displaced persons to enter, compared with 40% who approved. To seize islands vital to Japanese transportation and communication The United States, a signatory along with54 other nations, supplied 40% of the IROs administrative expenses and 46% of its operational expenses, and the IROs Director-General was always an American citizen. D. A) the end of the Great Depression. "Over 90% of us were relocated against our will to assembly centers during the war." c.) It allowed Germany to attack Poland with having to fight on two fronts. With men off to fight a worldwide war across the Atlantic and the Pacific, women were called to take their place on the production line. forcing Italy to surrender and change sides. Flushed with their success against Germany and Japan in 1945, most Americans initially viewed their place in the postwar world with optimism and confidence. The preamble mentions "the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind." strategically bombing Germany's major industrial centers. Japan had also developed the atomic bomb SAN FRANCISCO When Miya Iwataki and other Japanese Americans fought in the 1980s for the U.S. government to apologize to families it imprisoned during World War II, Black politicians and civil rights leaders were integral to the movement. Under this international treaty, a refugee was defined as "a person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.". A) less than 5 years The so-called Zoot Suit Riots in Los Angeles in 1943 were a result of At this time, documentary requirements were also increased: applicants now needed two financial affidavits instead of one. B. to force Japan into fighting a two-front war and gain strategic positions from which to attack The Senate did not believe the emergency warranted this dramatic step but was willing to significantly restrict the number of immigrants allowed to enter the United States. C.The German economy was strained, and Hitler began his forced labor camps. By the time the United States entered World War II, it had already been providing aid to areas threatened by Axis powers. B. separate Students connect themes from the film to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's concept of single stories," and then consider what it would take to tell more equitable and accurate narratives. In the next 20 years, the Cold War spawned many tensions between the two superpowers abroad and fears of Communist subversion gripped domestic politics at home. Adolf Hitler declares war against the United States. The IRO also operated the International Tracing Service whose purpose was to help survivors find their families and learn the fate of loved ones. . D. a pact signed by the Soviet Union and the United States agreeing to first focus on the war in the Pacific before turning their attention to defeating Germany. C. He created the American Red Cross to assist soldiers and their families. A. Kristallnacht is the name given to describe Several bills were introduced to aid refugees; many more were introduced to curb or end immigration. A. his skillful handling of the Allied offensive at Normandy. growing their own food in "victory gardens.". Rhetoric refers to the art of using words effectively to communicate. D. 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