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6 characteristics of benedictine spirituality

By integrating their prayer and work, they manifest Christ's presence in society.". Finding God in All Things. Humility helps us accept our gifts and talents joyfully while letting go of our false selves. Music students practice their instruments. Seeing the Face of Christ in the Poor. It is a comprehensive rule of life for the whole church and all her members. In this article, I have merely collected and summarized what other, more experienced Benedictines have taught and published. Samson and possibly John the Baptist) and those who undertake the vow for a limited time (Paul may have done this, cf. Brendan Rolling, OSB of St Benedicts Abbey of Atchison, Kansas quotes Abbot Martin Veth: To will what God wills and because He wills it, this is the essence of patience. However, it may involve the following characteristics: Antiquity of 3,000 and 1,500 years. The Benedictine practice of service to others is intimately entwined with the reverence for all creation, and another of the great foundations of Benedictine spirituality. Yes, work, too, is a basic tenet of Benedictine Spirituality. We prefer concepts like freedom and independence. In chapter 72 of the rule, Benedict encourages his monks to be zealous, "supporting with the greatest patience one another's weaknesses of body and behavior, and earnestly competing in obedience to one another. Benedict's treatment of obedience must be understood in light of his understanding of authority. In this article, Benjamin Schfer, who calls himself an intercessory musicianary, blog theologian, and pilgrim on the narrow road of learning to love, writes in depth about ways to foster awareness of God. The diffusion of the Rule of Benedict in the West was slow. It is not one of the distinguishing characteristics of early monastic life. One of the primary characteristics of a spiritual person is openness. startxref Vincentian spirituality is centered around this concept. 0000000820 00000 n The Benedictine motto, "Prayer and Work," highlights this simplicity of obedience to our daily duties. Christian monasticism had been in existence for a long time before Benedict wrote his rule. Francis consulted her, especially when he was discerning between becoming a hermit and being an itinerant preacher. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we should use them in that order. Core Islamic Beliefs: Six Articles of Faith. Benedictine spirituality is a way of life that helps a person to seek God and his will daily. Benedict shows us the value of ordering our day around communal prayer (i.e. Read the full essay to learn more about how humility helps us grow in the love of God and deepens our bonds with each other. All monks are by definition "solitaries," for this is the original meaning of their name, which comes from the Greek word monachos, derived from monos, to which corresponds the Latin solus (alone). Roman Roots. What we know about St. Benedict himself comes to us mainly through Gregory the Great (ca. You will likely recognize the timeless quality of the values which has caused them to endure for centuries and continue speaking to the many layers of our human experience (personal, familial, communal and societal). But if they are rich communally, they must be rich for the many people who are poor not only materially but also intellectually, culturally, spiritually, and humanly. The Benedictine practice of Moderation in All Things is another that is trending today, under the word balance., Obedience is a concept 21st-century souls dont generally like to consider. What do I make (or make possible) with the precious energy of my life? St. Benedicts chapter on humility is one of the longest in the Rule. Music students do their instruments. The Benedictine practice of service to others is intimately entwined with the reverence for all creation, and another of the great foundations of Benedictine spirituality. Am I growing in my true identity as a son or daughter of God? Im interested in connecting person-to-person with others who share my values, who want to participate with me in building a meaningful network of relationships that will serve to support us on our spiritual journey. No one thingprayer, work, rest, studywas to be done in the extreme. Benedict reminds us of our priorities: prayer, contemplation, balance and the importance of everything we do. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: 0 The RB is saturated with Scripture and, as Esther de Waal has suggested in her book Seeking God: The Baptismal Invitation of the Rule of St. Benedict (Liturgical Press, 2009), the Prologue exemplifies this as a model of baptismal instruction. For example, Let us get up then, at long last for the Scriptures rouse us when they say: It is high time for us to arise from sleep (Rom 13:11), or Run while you have the light, that the darkness of death may not overtake you (John 12:35). Scripture and baptism undergird the Benedictine vision of Christian discipleship, a vision which relies on a prayerful orientation toward God and relationships which support us in Christ-centeredness. The typical person takes little time for personal renewal in the hectic daily round of activities. A monk should be above all a good listener. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"Mjbegi0csMdpEDVeqSUEXsusxBikAj9UyKZw_VuRiag-86400-0"}; As Sister Julie explains on the blog A Nuns Life, The Liturgy of the Hours is made up of specific prayers said at various time (hours) during the day and night. My work with the Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (MID) has . This pattern of sharing is a basic characteristic of a cenobitic community. Benedictine writers often appealed to methods of prayer and asceticism that were foreign to the monastic tradition. Hence he is able to receive others in the community, including guests, with kind consideration. Near the end of his life in 547 AD, Benedict of Nursia wrote a a guide to living, in the company of other humans, the kind of good days that add up to a good life. This sounds like the universal call to holiness, the theme that began this article. In this article, I have merely collected and summarized what other, more experienced Benedictines have taught and published. About oblates, the Benedictine order says: "Oblates seek God by striving to become holy in their chosen way of life. What gives the Rule of Benedict its exceptional quality has commonly been called its "discretion," in the double sense of the word: discernment and moderation. 21 0 obj <>stream Benedictines read a portion of the Rule of Benedict every day. The root of the word obedience means "to hear" and is about making a commitment to listen for God's voice in the world and respond when you hear the call. %%EOF Practice is how people develop the skills to get adept at anything. The primary prayer of all Catholics is the Eucharistic liturgy in which they celebrate and share their faith together, in accord with Jesus' instruction: "Do this in memory of me."The Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council decreed that "devotions should be so . We go forth into the world as contemplatives in action, discerning God's desire for our lives here, now, and acting on God's invitation. In a blog hosted by Holy Wisdom Monastery of Madison, Wisconsin, Lynne Smith, OSB writes that in America, middle and upper class people tend to imagine they are living self-sufficiently, believing they are able to pretty much take care of [their] needs. This self-deception is possible only when [w]e take for granted all the people who work behind the scenes to provide the food for the store, to staff and maintain the filling station and all those people involved in the health care system. Obedience is an act of letting go of the egoistic will. 0000000016 00000 n Yes, work, too, is a basic tenet of Benedictine Spirituality, Chris Sullivan nexplains in her blog post Work and Prayer in the Style of St. Benedict for Loyala Press. Benedictine spirituality helps us to: Focus our eyes on God and His Word Be a people of humility Live and pray in community, rather than being too individualistic Maintain prayerful discipline in our lives 1. How are you feeling called to commit that value to practice in the days ahead? Adrian also writes, This kind of wisdom is why St. Benedicts Rule continues, after more than 1,500 years now, to stir the hearts of men and women who want to live their lives entirely for Christ. In other words, Benedicts Rule stirs the hearts of those who want to live each day fully. Chanon gave Ignatius the book Exercises for the Spiritual Life written by Benedictine reformer, Fr. It is regular, converting, reflective, and communal. What calls us to attention? It is rather the fact that monastic existence is a form of religious life having not secondary or ministerial purpose. He simply organized a form of cenobitic life in complete conformity with the demands of the monastic vocation, which is but integral Christian life. 0000001968 00000 n On the blog Catholic Beer Club, Br. These prayers, which included the saying or chanting of the psalms, can be experienced in our Daily Office. This is the key to Benedict's whole spiritual teaching. This is not simply a change in my opinion or even in my ideological stance, but a much deeper change in my attitude, a real change in my way of being and doing. Listening is integral to the practice of conversatio, indeed to all the practices, which, as Laureen Virnig OSB teaches to Oblates in formation, are inseparable woven together to make of our spirituality a living tapestry. Humility is the ability to recognize one's rightful place in the universe and to see oneself as a mysterious combination of strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. 3 Views. It embraces a diversity of vocations: lay and clerical, contemplative and active, academic and pastoral, married and celibate. Cultivating awareness of God is important for all who seek a meaningful spirituality. Prayer is essential to a Benedictine lifestyle. Successful organizational . Benedictines carry on a monastic tradition that stems from the origins of the Christian monastic movement in the late third century. "Let everyone that comes be received as Christ" is one of the most familiar and oft-quoted phrases of the Rule. You can learn more about her in her Living Spiritual Teachers Project profile. Impact. New Catholic Encyclopedia. They are all intertwined. 1. What helps us practice setting down our agendas in order to be more fully present? This little rule for beginners serves to develop a spirituality made up of practices, which Benedictines incorporate into their relationship with God and their interactions with the people with whom they live and work. The rhythm of life leads one to times of being alone and times of being in community. Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps. St. Vincent teaches us to see Christ in the poor and suffering, so much so that the poor become our Lords and Masters and we their servants. This manuscript is a copy of St. Benedicts rule. Practice is how people develop the skills to become adept at anything. Their prayer discipline is based on the rhythms of the universe. Benedictine reverence for all creation applies to nature and all creatures, to the objects we use and make, and to all peoplepilgrims, the broken and downtrodden, to every single human, including ourselves. Benedictine spirituality is rooted in the cultivation of good habits. k. vermeiren, Praying with Benedict: Prayer in the Rule of St. Benedict (Kalamazoo 1999). In other words, the core of Franciscan spirituality is the universal call to holiness that all women and men receive at baptism. They pray the Office together, with no voice standing out above the others. Are you a thoughtful reader (and maybe even a writer) who seeks a peaceful, just, spiritual approach to life? Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. It was considered as proposing a spiritual program, while daily life was regulated by "customaries," to which succeeded, from the beginning of the 16th century, "Declarations" and "Constitutions" as well as the "Ceremonial." For Benedict, prayer had a particular structure and process. Divine omnipotence is a divine operative attribute, an, TAULER, JOHANNES Thus when St. Benedict appeared, monasticism was already solidly implanted in Egypt, Syria, Palestinethe whole East and in Ireland, Gaul, Italy, Spain, and Africa in the West. Co-Director of the Spirituality Center. In a blog hosted by Holy Wisdom Monastery of Madison, Wisconsin, Lynne Smith, OSB, The website of Subiaco Abbey in Arkansas tells us, Modern monks like to point out that first word in the Rule is to Listen,, This article explains that silence is healthy, Monsignor Charles Pope seems to be saying in the blog post, A Reflection On the Benedictine Vow of Stability, ways for those of us who do not live in a monastery to embrace stability, The Friends of St. Benedict website says The, offers people a plan for living a balanced, simple, and prayerful life., Joan Chittister puts it, Benedictine practices build a spirituality that will enable us to go on beyond disappointment, beyond boredom, beyond criticism, beyond loss., the monks and oblates of Saint Meinrad Archabbley, in this post on Environmental Stewardship on the blog. This discussion shows that its impossible to isolate any Benedictine practice as independent of the others. BARTH, KARL (18861968), Swiss Reformed theologian, described by Pope Pius XII as the greatest theologian since Thomas Aquina, A term used to cover a literally bewildering variety of states of mind. Many Oblates rely on Give Us This Day, a monthly prayer book with simplified daily prayer for morning and evening, to help us participate in the Divine Office when we are away from the monastery. Benedictine obedience is ultimately directed not to other humans or to ourselves, but through the agency of others and the deepest yearnings of our own hearts, in love, to God. Strong communities embrace stability and are open to necessary change. As you read, pay attention to the one or two which resonate most for you today. backgrounds including non-Catholic ones find deep spirituality in the Divine Office and the other Benedictine practices in the Rule such as the emphasis on work and lectio divina (slow prayerful reading), is difficult to state briefly. What makes spiritual direction distinctive is its Benedictine 22 Feb. 2023 . Spirituality is the broad concept of a belief in something beyond the self. From the middle of the 20th century there appeared in Europe, America, Africa, and elsewhere monastic foundations that, drawing their inspiration from ancient sources, tended to return to forms of monastic life that are simpler and more contemplative. The Benedictine tradition has frequently presented examples of spiritual men and women, many of them venerated as saints, who in the line of their monastic vocation have sought to unite themselves to God by the eremetical or solitary life, normally in dependence on their superior and in the neighborhood of their monastery. Ignacio Gonzalez, OSB writes that the Benedictine practice of Conversatio requires that we never stop asking hard questions about our personal growth. This will not subscribe you to a contact management software program, and you wont get an onslaught of computer-generated emails begging you to buy my books and services. Benedictine hospitality is not some broad pedagogical idea. The word "Benedictine" is relatively modern; it scarcely existed before the 17th century. 0000002192 00000 n Lynne Smith elaborates, All this service is sacred and to be done with reverence service is seen as a form of prayer, a way of seeking God. This practice is also linked inextricably to gratitude, as we give thanks for the ways we can serve and for those who serve us. How are you being called to participate in Gods work of reconciliation, healing, and in shaping structures that support values like these. The Benedictine practice of Liturgical prayer is one of Benedictine spiritualitys most visible, unmistakable hallmarks. This religious practice refers to St. Benedict and his spiritual practice. That kind of movement toward moderation is especially important as we live the open and complex questions. Augustinian Spirituality does not take us out of the world (into the . Hospitality Little by little, however, the Rule of Benedict became the principal rule, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon countries and in Italy. [CDATA[ It insists that God is present in our world and active in our lives. In 2007, Benedictine educators collaborated and distilled from The Rule of St. Benedict ten core values of transformative importance that ought to animate Benedictine institutions of learning. In Benedictine practice we acknowledge the primacy of God and look for God in the ordinary events of each day. ." Recommended titles: Michael Casey, A Guide to Living in the Truth, 2001; Anselm Grn, Benedict of Nursia: His Message for Today, 2006. Where it was adopted, it was looked upon as a venerable text but not necessarily requiring observance in all its prescriptions. He is called to live in the rhythm of alternating between receiving and giving, accepting the gifts of God and others, while sharing generously jut as others share generously with him. Jean Chanon, who was a mentor for Ignatius in methods of prayer at the Benedictine monastery at Montserrat. Benedictine spirituality is a fresh alternative in an increasingly fast-paced world. Hence the monk must be poor psychologically because he realizes his dependence on others. to the Rule is a good way to summarize the goal of Benedictine spirituality and prayer. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. The event will bring together sisters, monks, oblates, and Benedictine staff, as well as nonreligiously affiliated Millennials interested in contemplative . Continue to Prayer and Community: Benedictine Spirituality (Part 2). The meaning of stability in our day and time refers to staying rooted where we arein relationship with ourselves and with others, in order to grow in the spiritual life. The Rule of Benedict has resonated through more than 1400 years and today is followed around the world by thousands of monastics and oblates (people associated with monasteries who live and work outside the monastery). One of the sure signs of monastic maturity is the honest acceptance of one's need for other people in community. It underscores the tenets of Care ethics in conjunction with Benedictine Spirituality. Benedict of Nursia lived from ca. It emphasizes the preeminent position which hospitality occupies in every Benedictine monastery. There were also other forms of monastic life, but they were more or less eccentric in comparison with the two main types and sometimes led to abuse. Benedict, RULE OF Saint.This work holds the first place among monastic legislative codes, and was by far the most important factor in the organization and spread of monasticism in the West.For its general character and also its illustration of St. Benedict's own life, see the article St. Benedict of Nursia.Here, however, it is treated more in detail, under the following heads: I. is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. Characteristics of Benedictine Spirituality. The Rule of St. Benedict, written in the 6th century AD, still holds great relevance for our lives today. Saint Benedict Benedict of Nursia lived from ca. However, the date of retrieval is often important. But the monk's development, like that of all human beings, requires both material resources and the help of other people. Catholic spirituality includes the various ways in which Catholics live out their Baptismal promise through prayer and action. Therefore in Benedictine spirituality, mutual obedience is a habit to be shown by all to one another. Benedictine spirituality is practical and profound. 1. Monsignor Charles Pope seems to be saying in the blog post, A Reflection On the Benedictine Vow of Stability for Community in Mission of the Archdiocese of Washington (DC), that stability of heart is the Benedictine practice our chronically unstable contemporary society most desperately needs. (f`eav The Prologue through RB 7 are a foundational primer; RB 8-20 speak of liturgical prayer; RB 20-67 include teachings for the common life; and RB 68-72 offer a theology of monastic life with an emphasis on love (Prayer and Community: The Benedictine Tradition. Stewardship of resources, as a Benedictine practice, flows out of the commitment to stability, explain the monks and oblates of Saint Meinrad Archabbley, in this post on Environmental Stewardship on the blog Echoes from the Bell Tower. How are we being invited to swing back toward Christ-centeredness? If you fill out this form, Ill respond from my personal email. Although well into the middle years of an average life span, I am a rank beginner, a mere toddler in Benedictine practice. But for all, the ideal has remained "solitude of heart" with God, guaranteed by the "order of charity" in the community institution. The rule did not become a text of the past or a dead document; rather it continued to live and to vivify, but its very fecundity, its inexhaustible youthfruits of its discretionexplain how it was able to inspire different realizations. The Augustinian identity may be summed up as "The Search for God Together" by means of a Community through which we share our faith and life in a nurturing environment, and out of which is mutually generated our wholehearted service to society, the Church and world. Having the mind of a beginner, being receptive to starting anew, starting fresh, starting overthis, too, is a Benedictine practice. Ive drawn this list of 22 (+ 1 = 23) Benedictine practices (arranged alphabetically) from Stepping into the Oblate way of life, published by St. Benedicts Monastery in 2017, when Laureen Virnig OSB served as Director of Oblates. Furthermore, he avoids anything that would be excessive or beyond the capacity of the average monk. Benedictine Abbeys and Priories in the U.S. Benedictine University: Narrative Description, If there is anything that everyone of us in the whole world needs more of right now, its peace. It is likewise through that response that one becomes free to be and develop as the person one is called to be. It requires that a monk listens intently to the voice of God as it is manifested in the Sacred Scriptures and the teachings of his superiors. This Benedictine practice is exceedingly difficult for most of us, for most of our lives. Consequently he accepts the services and ideas of others, the gifts of life, and community. Humility demands that the monk take God seriously, that he take others seriously, but that he never take himself too seriously. More than a founder in the juridical sense of the word, its author had been an educator, or better, a spiritual father, and he aimed at forming consciences capable of spiritual liberty. Benedictine monastics make a three-fold commitment to stability, conversion (conversatio), and obedience. Thus prayer and community, to borrow again from Stewart, are at the heart of the Benedictine school of spirituality. Prince of Peace is a community of Benedictine monks that has been in San Diego County since 1958, but their community spans more than 1,400 years of uninterrupted tradition dating back to St. Benedict. It is my experience that the simplicity of this message oftentimes seems just too difficult to accept. It is rooted in faith, and like Christ's own simplicity of life must be an outward expression of trustful dependence on God. Fr. While submission is an act of youth, true obedience can only come as a response of maturity. The monk's listening is to be modeled after the prayer of Jesus who spent long hours listening and attentive in the presence of his heavenly Father. At the heart of his contemplative tradition are values which are directly opposed to blindness, materialism, and greed. Getting Started with Ignatian Spirituality Beyond the Basics of Ignatian Spirituality People are tired and worn out from striving against unhealthy systems. praying the Divine Office) as well as regular silent . Her muscular Christianity is grounded in the spiritual practices of the Rule of Saint Benedict, such as silence, hospitality, humility, and peace. Poverty of spirit, simplicity, sharing and giving, self-denial prompted by love, freedom of heart, gratitude, care for persons, and sound judgment with regard to created things should proceed from exposure to God in prayer. podcast at from the Missionary Benedictines of Christ the King Priory, Fr. Columba Stewart OSB, the 73 brief chapters of the RB make up four major sections. Paradoxically, the key to a full life, is to understand that all things are to be done with moderation. (Rule of St. Benedict 48:9). We prefer concepts like freedom and independence. MS. Hatton 48 fol. We always can go deeper in prayer, grow more open to the truth, enrich our understanding of the will of God, and learn what, in this moment at this time, is good, acceptable, and right. We become obedient only after we know our own will. 9 0 obj <> endobj The fourth Benedictine value is work, or labora. The Rule of St. Benedict (RB) became a foundational text for monasticism in the West, having emerged in the sixth century as the Roman civilization was collapsing. . Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. The Cistercian Order reinforced the eremetical character of the cenobitical life itself. It continues today as an institute for Benedictine students and others who wish to obtain graduate degrees in philosophy, theology, liturgy, and monastic studies. According to monastic scholar Fr. The thing that distinguishes monks from other religious in the Catholic Church is not primarily a matter of governmental structures or observances; all of these are found in other forms of consecrated life. A crucial confessor and teacher for Ignatius very early in his spiritual journey was a French monk, Fr. Brendan Rolling, OSB of St Benedicts Abbey of Atchison, Kansas, Sister Joan tells us that a Benedictine lifestyle is an an oasis of human peace. There was societal chaos and political dissatisfaction and we might wish that the conditions of those times did not sound so familiar to our modern ears. Listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through scripture and through the insights of others. published by Liturgical Press, by clicking here. Anglican spirituality is an ecclesial spirituality because Christian spirituality is all about life in Christ, which necessarily means life in His Body. Every four months, we begin again at the beginningso we read the Rulethree times every year. Here are some of the characteristics of Benedictine spirituality: For Benedict, the spiritual life was about listening to Godthrough prayer, Scriptures, the depths of our own experience, through listening to others in our community and the wider church. Or two which resonate most for you today needs more of right now, its.. Priory, Fr together, with no voice standing out above the others develop as the person one is to! 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