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rh negative blood secrets

or by genetic engineering called arranged marriages? See the best of Sydney New Years Eve Fireworks, HUGE news for anti-vaccine and parental rights supporters, How Expressing Gratitude Rewires Your Brain for the Better, Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi, JUST NATURAL Hair Care: High Quality Shampoos for Hair Loss and Greying, Debbie Reynolds And Carrie Fishers Mother-Daughter Relationship, Finding the Blessed Isle: A Fairy Tale of the North, THE MORNING AFTER THE ZOOS Christmas PARTY. The American Red Cross define a blood type as rare when it occurs in fewer than 1 in 1,000 people. Rh incompatibility does not affect the pregnant women, but for the growing fetus, it can lead to complications, such as hemolytic anemia, heart failure, or intrauterine death. To Our Dearest Suzanna: HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! The ones who eat fish and vegetables are in the normal range. With a strong background in website development and marketing, combined with a shared ambition to seek the truth, our website was born. To keep this in perspective, only about 5% of all royalty have Rh-Factor negative bloodwhich means less than the general population. The babys red blood cells get destroyed faster than they can be replaced, which can cause mild to severe health conditions in the baby. Tooth Implants: Serious Reasons NOT To Have Them! Increased of psychic/intuitive abilities God created Flood to destroy these fallen angels and their offspring, but some of them survived and we can find them in the people today with RH negative factor blood type. The problem with the O RH-systems is this, the stomach has TOO MUCH acid in it for proper digestion so they had to resort to taking the trace mineral in THRU THE SKIN aka sitting in a bath tub full of minerals. Start Your Senior Yoga Journey: 5 Tips to Get You Going! Websites discussing the Rh-negative blood type have a general list of known associations: blue, green, or WebRhoGAM shots aren't necessary if the fetus has Rh-negative blood, but that usually isn't known until birth. It appears that the Basque Rh-neg factors come from ancient Berber sea farers as early as 8,000 BC! This study involved five million people, and 49 different types of diseases were analyzed. (9), When it comes to Multiple sclerosis, another autoimmune disorder, one study from 2019, demonstrated that people with B+ and A+ have bigger chances of developing it than the other blood types. blood indicates no protein connections exist to the Rhesus monkey, whereas RH positive blood does carry protein linked to the Rhesus monkey An extra rib or vertebra. An interesting fact about Rh-negative blood types suggests that people with these blood types may have more skin allergies. This is coded into the entire structure of the blood. All in all, 0 blood type is healthier, and people with this blood type have more chances to reach an old age compared to the other blood types, so is the strongest one. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Empathetic Illnesses Who knowsbut if European Royalty refuse to marry into the Rh Negative blood line it means one thingRh-Neg people are a competing royal line. As an example, look at the battery of your car. Galactic Explosion: New Insight Into the Cosmos, New Superacid Discovered: Special Catalyst, See Hidden Objects With Augmented Reality, Tiny New Climbing Robot Inspired by Inchworms, Dinosaur Claws Used for Digging and Display, Support from Others in Stressful Times Can Ease Impact of Genetic Depression Risk, Study Suggests, Gut Microbes Can Boost the Motivation to Exercise, This Groundbreaking Biomaterial Heals Tissues from the Inside out, Holding Information in Mind May Mean Storing It Among Synapses, Supplementation With Amino Acid Serine Eases Neuropathy in Diabetic Mice, Humans and Nature: The Distance Is Growing, Why Chocolate Feels So Good -- It Is All Down to Lubrication, Coffee With Milk May Have an Anti-Inflammatory Effect, Reducing Total Calories May Be More Effective for Weight Loss Than Intermittent Fasting, Tiny New Climbing Robot Was Inspired by Geckos and Inchworms, Custom, 3D-Printed Heart Replicas Look and Pump Just Like the Real Thing, First Transient Electronic Bandage Speeds Healing by 30%. On the other hand, what is unusual about people with RH negative blood type is that when a mother with Rh-negative factor carries a baby with Rh-positive factor may create a risk of hemolytic disease and destroy the babys red cells, which can be life-threatening and can lead to a miscarriage. It is not intended to provide medical or other professional advice. WebAs incredible as it may sound, the blood of an Rh negative pregnant woman can be completely incompatible with the blood of an Rh positive baby, or babies, that she is We can conclude that many conducted studies suggest and demonstrate different findings, and although most of the diseases are induced by genetics or the environment, some diseases are most common in some blood types, while less likely to develop in others. Other people who have a high incidence of RH negative blood type are people living in northern parts of Africa, more precisely in the Canary Islands and the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and many scientists believe that they, along with Basques, are descendants of Cro Magnons, the first modern humans that inhabited European continent. Simply put, their positive blood contains a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. Is hyper-creativity a symptom of Rh-Negative Blood? But it appears to allegedly be some type of a NANO-TECH Virus that affects those with RH NEGATIVE BLOOD and is said to be ALIEN in origin or MILITARY TECH virus/disease of some kind THEYVE introduced many years ago into the human population possibly VIA CHEM TRAILS or that CHEMTRAILS are somehow also an ACTIVATOR of it. A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. As the planet's population grows and numbers of those with the Rhesus Negative factor dwindles, Dr Michael Bailey (alias) has made it his mission to uncover the truth behind the origins of this blood, as well as the attributes and skills that the majority of Negatives possess, but don't fully understand. RH- people are characterized by higher IQs, sensitive vision, lower body temperatures, sensitivity to heat and sunlight, psychic power, ability to stop watches and electrical appliances and having extra vertebrae. (Video), Sufi Zikir, Sufi Dhikr (Halvet-i Uaki), Parvani the Peacock: Shree Skandas Mount, The Sacred & Gracious Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra | 1008 Times Nonstop Chanting, Powerful Mantra for Healing and Wellness in the Modern Era, The Day America Experienced a National Spiritual Awakening, Bhagawan Nityananda Ashram in Kanhangad, Kerala, India, The Force is explained in Star Wars (Video), Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram by Krishna Das, SitaRam SitaRam SitaRam Jaya SitaRam (Video Chant), The Elephants That Came To Dinner (Video), The Great Legacy of Moorish Culture on the Iberian Peninsula (Photos), Kundalini Awakening: The Sacred Spiritual Journey Guided By The Guru-Disciple Relationship, WEIGHTED BLANKETS: How they can promote sound sleep and help heal, Tour of Giverny with Claude Monets Home & Gardens, What Its Like To Be Electro Hypersensitive With Maria August (Video), Don Rickles Roasts Frank Sinatra in 1978 (Video), A Glowing Image of a Christ-like Figure Appears Off the Coast of Italy (PHOTO), Heres how they are stealthily doing the 5G roll-out, China Censors the Popular Yanxi Palace SeriesHeres why, Merry Christmas & Happy Year Year! "We enjoy solving old mysteries where others have failed, so we combined computer-based analyses with laboratory experiments," explains Martin L Olsson, professor at Lund University and medical consultant at the Nordic Reference Laboratory for Blood Group Analysis, who conducted the study. If they receive blood from someone with a positive RH blood group, it might cause an increased breakdown of the transfused blood and life-threatening side effects. Its in your genes because of this Draco influence. The Incredible Power of Human Kindness (Video), Boy in Taipei Plays Classical Gas by Mason Williams, LUNATION CYCLE ASTROLOGY: A Powerful Tool on the Healing Journey. Over the last hundred years, scientists have also discovered that the ABO blood group is just one of more than 20 human blood groups. They speak an ingenious language, Euskara, not spoken in the other parts of the continent, and with no relation to the other spoken European languages and even the whole world. Get the latest science news in your RSS reader with ScienceDaily's hourly updated newsfeeds, covering hundreds of topics: Keep up to date with the latest news from ScienceDaily via social networks: Tell us what you think of ScienceDaily -- we welcome both positive and negative comments. Every disease is nothing more than a reflection of the INNER terrain of the blood. Lets see some theories and find out how people with RH-negative blood types differ from other blood types and why they are so special and unique. The positive or negative sign next to the blood groups is known as the Rhesus (Rh) factor. The Rh factor is an inherited protein that can be found on the surface of the red blood cell. If your blood type is positive, then your blood cells have the Rh protein. If your blood type is negative, then your blood cells lack the Rh protein. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It appears that people with negative blood types are more at risk of developing mental health issues. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This was found in the same study as the one looking at mental health. (, They are unpredictable and they change opinions easily, Selfishness, lack of consideration for other people, Scientists Link Selfies To Narcissism, Addiction & Mental Illness. Artists? WebAssociations between Rh-Negative Blood Type and physical Traits. Increased sensitivity to heat & sunlight All other earthly primates have this RH factor. Their eyes are very small almost like slits. It is acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted with more exactitude than any other human or animal characteristic. Its curious that marriage can be a dynastic undertaking but it can also be a perverse form of bio-warfare or genetic warfare. In an earlier meme, i indicated that the highest concentration of Rh-Factor Negative was from Iraq. Here is something for all of you to think about: There is a race of people in a remote region of China that are only 3 4 feet tall and speak a language spoken only within that remote area. Ever since the blood type was discovered in 1962, no one has been able to explain why some people become Xga positive while others are Xga negative. Some who were O RH-negative have switched to A RH positive which is the TOTAL OPPOSITE to O RH-neg. October NEW MOON: Fierce Mars + Mercury Retro, Jupiter and Pluto Conjunction: A Powerful Awakening! When you measure the heart harmonics of people with O RH-neg blood, they are usually lower if they are smokers and heavy red meat eaters. ScienceDaily, 16 July 2018. Truth seekers Lord of the Strings, the God of Guitar, Jesus Christ Superstar, or All Three?! I am using the term God and human, to differentiate between the spiritual leaders of old who created modern humans, and humans of today. WebThe four major blood types are: Type A: These people have the A antigen. (, It is very important to know your blood type, as there is a chance that you might need to give or receive blood in your lifetime. How to properly offer BILVA leaves to Lord Shiva, How PEMFs Can Help Remediate Gallbladder Disorders, Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri (Video), Rare Photos of Bhagawan Nityananda (Video), Bhagwan Nityananda: A Photo Documentary as a Young Sadhu (Video), Stop Acting Out of Neediness & Desperation (Video), The Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of 21st December 2020 (Video). A study conducted in the US in 2015 found that men in particular often reported mental health disorders including panic, antisocial personality, and attention deficits. Only 18 % of Americans have a negative blood type. Shark from Jurassic Period Highly Evolved. Ever since the blood type was discovered in 1962, no one has been able to explain why some people become Xga positive while others are Xga negative. ! No shrink at $100 per hour is gonna fix that, ever. One of the alien theories is that they were created from crossbred between the Annunaki, believed to be extraterrestrials that established the Mesopotamian civilization with ordinary humans. August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse : Stay indoors! One of the rarest blood types in the world is Rh null, sometimes referred to as golden blood . If both parents are Rh-negative, the child will definitely also be Rh-negative. Will Future Computers Run On Human Brain Cells? Was it a disease of Spanish Royalty? Though a foreign antigen could cause the body to attack, there are no antigens present in type O blood, so there's nothing to attack. This is why Type O blood groups have so much trouble with indigestion. I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with this as a precaution so you can RECOGNIZE it when you hear about it or experience it because awareness is the first way to fight the scumbags that created this or apart of what seems to be nefarious however this entire issue and origin is still unknown as to whether its intended to have a positive or negative effect in the bigger picture. Rh blood bunch was found something like He applied cauterization procedure to as many as 50 different operations. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Autoimmune diseases develop when your immune system attacks some healthy body cells, and they can be genetically or environmentally induced. Content on this website is for information only. 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Oddly enough, RH negative blood can be utilized by any human being in need of a transfusion, but people with RH negative naturally coursing through their veins cannot make use of any other type of blood at all. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. Their body temperature is generally lower than average, they have red hair and green or blue eyes, and they are more sensitive to high temperatures. 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A third of all men and a tenth of all women lack the Xg protein that carries the mysterious blood type Xga on their red blood cells, i.e. If your blood type is negative, then your blood cells lack the Rh protein. People with Rh-negative blood types are ideal for donating platelets. As an inventor of many surgical instruments, Al-Zahravi is famous for developing instruments for internal examination of the ear, internal inspection of the urethra and for applying or removing foreign bodies from the throat. (1). Compare it to an alkaline battery in a flashlight. This is a type of blood which can be given to anyone, but, unfortunately, its in short supply. For all practical purposes the cultural group with the highest rates of Rh-negative blood are the Berbers of Morocco. HANUMAN GAYATRI MANTRA: The Most Powerful Mantra to Invoke the Presence of Lord Hanuman (Video). Moreover, a study concluded that this percentage is likely to fall even more because of low population growth in Europe, where it is more prevalent. Perhaps, many of the cave paintings may be attributed to strangers of great artistic ability that migrated into the area. One study found that having RH negative blood type can be beneficial when it comes to a parasite named toxoplasmosis, which may have serious side health effects if left untreated. This is a very new science and there are but a handful of people who are involved in this research. Its been claimed that this gives them stronger psychic and healing abilities and more compassion, a fun fact about Rh-negative blood. For while the protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of negative blood cannot which is quite interesting, and may be indicative of an alien origin, or more probable, from early genetic experimentation during previous advanced human civilization(s). 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