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pennies for pagan babies

They were no doubt common . Design by. Along the way, in all the villages we passed through, there were people who were full of joy to see young people. babies. Pagan Babies is classic crime fiction from the master of suspense, New York Times bestselling author Elmore Leonard. They felt the tuition they were paying was plenty. Really thought I was saving a baby!" They were called "pagan babies," certainly not the most sensitive appellation and one that would never be used today. I guess this went on everywhere. His parents cant now change the little pagans name , right ? Somewhere in the beachhead dump of stuff I call a filing system I have an adoption certificate which states that our class rescued some poor benighted child from the toils of Satan. Sold by themeekdontwantit | Ends on 2023-03-07 21:40:38. I dont think he really believed me. ETA, not such a dimly remembered memoir after all; google remembered it for me. I also attended CCS and talk about the pagan babies all the time and the Lenten booklets where you saved dimes. So, does anybody remember the plastic prizes (not for pagan baby collections). More and more babies are not getting baptized or raised in the faith. When Father Andrew Small, O.M.I., asked who remembered them at the inaugural World Mission Dinner May 2 at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan, a few hands went up, mostly belonging to people with gray hair. Another thing at every Catholic school in those days were collections to save pagan babiesunbaptized children not taught about God. We, the four oldest who got those tiny banks with a coin slot in the top, were convinced that our small amounts of money (most of which we found on the street while walking home from school, a lot of pennies) would buy us a Little Brown Pagan Baby that we would name Harry (I don't remember why) and that Jesus would love us for that purchase. Adopt A Pagan Baby - 1959. Remember JMJ ? The teacher had a stack of them . I did the saving bond thing , too . Years later Larry Bye , another boy in the class , told me that his middle name was Herman and that he had been embarrassed when Cary chose the name Herman for the pagan baby. Hooo, yes. You missed the naming and the fold-out box ! I still say none of that money ever got beyond the archdiocese downtown , certificate or no certificate . When we got five dollars the children would pick a name for the pagan baby, send the five dollars to the priest at the mission who would snatch the baby from an eternity of suffering and baptize it with the name we sent along. I know its not a politically correct term, but babies are not getting baptized or raised in the faith. Catholics practice infant baptism because we take care of our childrens basic needs and what is more important than filling them with the Holy Spirit? My mother was horrified. I also remember buying 10 cent stamps that went into a book. 0 coins. Then I could choose the bike I wanted . Theology should be at the heart of any Catholic university. The part of your story that really rang true was the fierce competition between either the girls & boys in the same classroom, or amongst each entire class in the same grade (e.g. Some conspiracy mongers doubted the existence of the pagan babies, even suggesting that the sisters were raiding the schoolchildrens piggybanks to fill their own coffers or the Churchs. I had several, actually all girls named Mary, of course." MJ, yes, the price was $5.00 and the money was kept in a cigar box, of all things! Save that document. The beanies covered our heads during morning Mass. What kind of horrid name is that for a babypagan or not?! The only money we collected in little paper boxes was for UNICEF and to be perfectly honest, Im not even entirely sure what UNICEF is. Five bucks sure went far in 1958! Pagan babies are certainly a uniquely Catholic childhood memory! A bulletin board held the certificates, pinned to the wall. I well remember my days as a grade schooler at St. Helenas School in Philly. In accepting his medallion, Cardinal McCarrick summed up the missionary spirit. Prizes were given if we were successful. Or for the poor, underprivileged kids in the USA? I keep asking her where MY money was! Whether or not they converted is one thing, giving up their cultural ties is quite another. 6:34, Col. 2:1112). I got JUG in high school - Jesuits a few times. Gina Cascone grew up in central New Jersey and is the author of Pagan Babies, Mother's Little Helper, and coauthor of twenty-six books for children. The certificates were white, thick,wrinkly paper with burnt orange and brown late 60s modern catholic designs. I do agree that the biggest thrill was the goal of the reward of getting to actually choose a name for an unknown child & therefore beat our class opponents! Jump forward to 1980 . I went to Marymount Jr. School (on Sunset) and we were all sent home to canvas the neighborhood in Brentwood for heavens sake, to sell pagan babies! the salesman said . BUY THIS BOOK Pagan Babies Elmore Leonard. As for the naming part, while it seemed charming at the time, if it really were true, how outrageous for us to name an African baby Mary Margaret or other Western name. But in 1969 the names we fourth graders favored were names like Ringo and Twiggy. Thanks for checking out my blog about my fathers WWII service on the PT boats. baptize it and give it the name we chose." Oh, my, what memories! I still suspect the money collected ( probably in actuality just chicken-feed ? ) Im thinking, maybe, that I qualify as a pagan baby. Coins. Other notable guests included Cardinal Sean P. OMalley of Boston; Bishop Bejoy N. DCruze of Sylhet, Bangladesh; actor Andy Garcia, who stars in the upcoming film For Greater Glory; and Noel Campbell, who rode Amtrak for three days from the Coeur DAlene Indian Reservation in northwest Idaho to attend the event. . in the classroom to see who had the most babies. She said she named them after me. Especially loud clunkers could turn heads and ignite giggles. is the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other NFL NBA Megan Anderson Atlanta Hawks Los Angeles Lakers Boston Celtics Arsenal F.C. James Dingwall picked that name and the girls immediately protested! The assembly was buzzing . My romantic notions of missionary work got a dose of reality that summer. Remember it like it was yesterday. Boys usually purchased boys, and girls purchased girls. It used to be a full acronym - United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund. When the class received the certificate the class just stoppedto think that our class really had another Pagan Baby! If you ever meet one, say hi from meus. Pictures of Cherub-faced Indian, African, and Asian babies graced small cardboard collection boxes given to each child. Never knew it meant Justice under God though . Thanks for commenting. And then I asked some of my school friends on Facebook if they remembered and none did. When you get to heaven have it in your pocket . When Oblate Father Andrew Small asked who remembered them at the inaugural World Mission Dinner in New York, a few hands went up, mostly belonging to people with gray hair. When the principal had signed on to a candy sale fundraising scheme because the promotion companys salesman gave him a stereo system as a gift to grease the wheels , the salesman spoke to the students for a few minutes at the morning assembly . Im assuming youre a good Catholic father and have a tons of kids. Ask for their blessings so that your home will remain safe and happy, or if you do not follow a particular deity, you can alternately ask the . Required fields are marked *. grade 6A, 6B, 6C,). I attended Dominican High School (1966 to 1970) and actually it was in those years that I started my wayward path. My grandmother gave me $5 to buy my PJ. David. But Father Small, national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States, wasnt apologizing for the old adoption program in which children in Catholic schools would save their pennies. Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? Sometimes, I was that girl. Im sure that Beverley Anne is fine and doing well . This reading is starting to stir up memories of holy water, chapel caps, rosaries that lit up a green color in the bed at night, memorizing the Catechism in case the Arch-Bishop asked me a question at our Confirmation, being chosen to carry up the gifts, and on and on. So then there was an ethical issue that , in some elementary way , even we students recognized . Campbell, now retired from the film industry where he worked as a technician, told CNY that hed been enrolled in the Holy Childhood Association since seventh grade and that he remembered adopting babies to get them baptized into the faith. I guess we survived . Your email address will not be published. Th. I may have turned into a pagan . I have no idea what spurred me on this morning to do a search for Pagan Babies maybe I was trying to recall my first exposure to racism. "We can smile at it now at perhaps how silly it was," Father Small said. class voted on names. Enjoyed reading all of your comments about Pagan Babies. When Father Andrew Small, O.M.I., asked who remembered them at the inaugural World Mission Dinner May 2 at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan, a few hands went up, mostly belonging to people with gray hair. The one boys name that sticks in my head is Zachary. We were wondering how much trouble Cary would get into . St. Paul noted that baptism replaces circumcision and circumcision was for infants. Great memories!!! A freshly sprung ex-con turned stand-up comic, Debbie needs some fast cash, too, to settle an old score. Christianity is significantly losing members. Gotta laugh about it now. And then the certificate was put up above the chalkboard. Im glad youu got a kick out of it . Steve Stahley. It didnt glow , but she was in a sort of a case shaped like a bullet with two doors that could close her in . ), and its name was even weirder - it was collect money to feed . NOT catholic, hallelujah. It took $10.00 to save a baby. Each classroom was given small cardboard collection boxes . That $5.00 bought you naming rights. Bonus question: Did children in Europe collect coins for the pagan babies? Each was presented with a medallion featuring a representation of the Papal Keys. Oh my, what a great story. I won one month & remember excitement at winning but total confusion & a sense of dread. We too raised $$ for pagan babies. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, who once said, My greatest love has always been the missions of the church, was very much a spiritual presence at the dinner, where his name was invoked several times. My mom was not into that kind of stuff. Usually an ice cream party, it seems. Fierce competition existed between some of the nuns as to whose class had the most pagan babies. Please log in to comment by clicking here, Darkness, Desolation Invite People to Draw Closer to God, Pope Says, El Arzobispo de San Juan Celebra la Misa de Nuestra Seora de la Divina Providencia, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions., What memories. Only we had to write JMJD, for Dominic, as ours were Dominican nuns. All for $5. Their Pagan Babies: "Lord have mercy! Ours always seemed to be colored brown . We'd all suggest names, and then vote for the one we liked best. Of course, the prizes helped. Remember what he said? Pagan ,pagan, pagan . Oh , well . By letting civility happen, we take better care not only of others and of the world itself, but of ourselves. It really didnt have anything to do with Jesus, per se. But I assured her that my Karen went straight to heavenMonsignor had said so and celebrated a Mass of the angels in white vestments rather than the usual funeral Mass in her honor. We gave our allowances to save those babies. 1961 66. we collected for pagan babies, but we never got to name them, and there was no box that folded out. I remember my Grandparents joking about it in the '70s. Posted Wed, May 23, 2012 at 9:53 am PT | Updated Fri, May 25, 2012 at 5:40 pm PT. The Holy Childhood Association got many of the basics right: it introduced me to global realities of poverty and need, to notions of privilege and responsibility. I feel the same way as you do. Not a word of a lie, early 70s, my sister had just gotten her photo of her wee black baby and was in my grannys house showing her it, one of my uncles looks at it, laughs, disappears upstairs and about half an hour later comes down with his scraps box, complete with several pictures of his black babies as collected when he was at school in the 50s, and there, in his pile, was the same baby (albeit in higher quality and printed on better paper). Someone nees to buy Charlie a shiny bike. Im still not so sure . You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. When did this extremely non-PC term stop being used? This made my day. I went to catholic school the same time you did. EDIT: On second thoughts, I think that was **not **an official school thing, but kids bringing in this charity appeal from their church thing. I cant remember now if they ever answered Charlies question . - Bob H. Thanks for a trip down memory lane and validating my recollection. When the late Sixties allowed for individuality in footwear, many a girl in funky, high-heeled shoes, broke the silence clunking through classrooms and down church aisles. Sure would love to hear from anyone that remembers. Starving kids in Africa or something. In A.D. 381, the early Church Fathers wrote in the Nicene Creed, "We believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.". Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, retired Archbishop of Washington; best-selling author Mary Higgins Clark; and television commentator Larry Kudlow were each named 2012 Pontifical Ambassadors for Mission. They wore full habits in the old style . - Sal S. Im late to this party, but want to add my two cents. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Even though I later went on to become a Catholic priest (and later resigned and married), my robust suspicion that Catholicism did not have all the answers began to take root way back in my young Catholic boyhood. Some had a lot more than others. Anybody have some spare change ? But Cary was caught . Pagan Babies | Commonweal Magazine Pagan Babies By Linda A. McMillin March 12, 2012 I am a Catholic of a certain age, a graduate of parochial school, and a former member of the Association of the Holy Childhood. Remember getting a whack across the face at your Confirmatin? Yeah! Stories ensued. Oh those Catholics had some great fund raising ideas. Im sure we had to change it to Richard, but in our hearts he was our little Ringo. Commonweal's latest, delivered twice weekly. Charlie waited for an adequate answer . But , heres the thing : When the class had five dollars then that class got to name a pagan baby . (CCC 1213). Maybe the kids of today are more savvy . We did that too. My vocation has been in education, and in the thirty-plus years since my summer in Mexico I have accompanied students on many short sojourns to the front lines in Tijuana, Nicaragua, El Salvador, East Los Angeles, New Orleans. My mother thought that those nuns were as close to God as we would ever get on earth. Mom went to catholic school in the midwest in the '60s, and I remember her mentioning Pagan babies in some context when I was a kid. How great ! At times, it seemed like the nuns in the Catholic School I was attending, would really pressure the students to contribute to the pagan babies. Congratulations for moving on and helping children in other countries. 1:16). Resurrection He didnt mention that 60% of the profits went to the promotion company . After about a year it didnt seem to grow as fast but I put it down to my own spending habits. But I was in the mist of all of the Catholic Truths and those truths just werent ringing true to me. Labeling any baby pagan, much less sweeping into this category all foreign children of color, makes me look back with embarrassment. Thanks for your input . Thanks for your comment . I remember the rice bowls but no actual rice. Yeah . now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. It cost $5.00. . This is such a funny story to me, I also went to Catholic School in the sixties and I remember raising money for the Pagan babies I dont remember what prizes do we got or anything but now my daughter who is 35 was talking about how Catholics or Pagan worshippers. Into that kind of stuff, to settle an old score paying was.... That baptism replaces circumcision and circumcision was for infants medallion, Cardinal McCarrick summed up the spirit... Dollars then that class got to name a pagan baby get to heaven have it in your.! Thing, giving up their cultural ties is quite another i know its not a politically correct,! Was in the '70s to each child the most pagan babies is classic crime fiction the! Of that money ever got beyond the archdiocese downtown, certificate or no certificate it... 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