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mister maker around the world sohu

Mister_Maker_Around_the_World_S01E19 ; . Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 10. Mister Maker releases brand new videos every week, where he shows you how to make all sorts of things on your own, or with your parent/guardian. Watch Mister Maker on Prime Video: Mister Maker - Manualidades fciles para nios: Mister Maker em Portugus Brasil: For more Make ideas and step by step instructions, go to For all the latest Mister Maker news, follow him on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! #FullEpisode #HowToMake Liv liv . In South America, we get busy with bright scraps of paper; in Australia we find out if a card tube creature can be made in under a minute; and in the UK the Mini Makers help create a mountain of yummy cakes. Every episode has the following sequence: At the start of every show, Mister Maker uses various objects to make a Makermobile. Negro, silencioso, tranquilo, hermoso - lams hermoso color negro que haba visto - no haba nada ms que yo, o mi alma - Yo era como unastronaute sin cuerpo en un universo sin estrellas. Yo estaba all, que eranno - que slo puede saberlo de Dios - los chicos estn en lo cierto, ya partir de ahora soy un mormn. PRINCIPAL LIBRO DE MORMON ************************* PORTUGESE: Meu nome Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Bem-vindo minha pgina!Eu sou sueco, eu sou nascido em Gotemburgo, na costaoeste da Sucia no ano de 1958.Mas eu vivo na Dinamarca - Eu me mudei da Sucia para aDinamarca ano de 1987.Eu tambm viveu metade de um ano em Marrocos, um ano emeio na Espanha, metade de um ano em Portugal, um ano naNoruega, um ms na Arglia, um ms na Itlia e assim pordiante.E tambm tenho sido um vagabundo internacional h algunsanos - Estive em 66 pases e mais de duas mil cidades evilas - hitchhiking de cidade em cidade, de pas parapas.Se voc rolar para baixo voc pode ver meu cv - paraencontrar um emprego - ano 2012 escrito quando eu moravaem Portugal, primeiro em portugus - ento em Ingls -mais um monte de lincs para os meus outros sites -uma lista de onde eu estive - e um livro de histriasobre a minha vida em sueco.Se voc clic em servios que voc tem meu livro dehistria em Ingls - clic em SOBRE EUA e voc encontraruma lista mais completa de onde eu estive - e clic emcontato e voc encontrar meu endereo.Paz e horrores em 2015:Era uma vez eu morava em um vale de lgrimas chamado Dinamarca.O inverno foi to frio que voc imediatamente congelou at a morte se abriu a porta para a rua, e no vero estava to molhada que at mesmo um polvo poderia sobreviver meio segundo em uma floresta dinamarquesa sem se afogar.Alcoholic O peido ecoou entre as paredes das casas, ces raivosos vomitou histericamente nas caladas eo fedor de milhes de exploraes suincolas fez que nem mesmo as moscas no conseguia respirar.E como que eu chegar l?Por que eu ficar l?Depende, claro, que a Sucia era mil vezes pior!E agora - quando eu cansei de Escandinvia - assim, Portugal sofreu uma imigrantes de longa barbudos de Gelo Norte Inferno.Portugal mil vezes melhor.Portugal tem muitas florestas virgens ponto, lagos com muitos peixes, florestas e da natureza, com cegonhas, andorinhas e pica-paus - coisas que se extinguiram na Escandinvia h meio sculo.O tempo como na Califrnia, ea comida to barato que quase livre - embora, na verdade, tem um gosto bom.Natureza e os preos dos alimentos que - assim-assim sobre - como na Sucia h 50 anos - antes que a indstria da floresta e do mau grande inflacionria troll veio e destruiu tudo.Eu mordo me preso aqui em Portugal - pobre Portugal sofreu uma imigrantes de longa barbudos pas pobre nunca se livrar de com novamente! 12. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, This page was last edited on 8 December 2022, at 21:51. HELP! ;- ************************* r 2012 Jeg var dde otte minutter - indtil en sygeplejerske, Fatima Nunes, Ermidas Sado, Portugal, reddede mitliv. Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 9. Thanks for a quick and painless transaction. I used a Canon mirror reflex camera and a Codachrome 25 ASA film, and the camera had to stand open and collect light four long hours - now a days you can take a photo like this with a digital camera and an exposure time less than one second. In Australia, we find out whether he can make a funny fur monster in under a minute; in the UK a Mini Maker gets in an arty twirl with paper, glue and a pen; and in South Africa discover how to make a colourful helicopter with recycled packaging and paper. WE ARE SURVILLEING YOU - FROM DUSK TO DAWN, FROM DAWN TO DUSK - IN TODAYS WORLD YOU CAN HIDE NOTHING FROM NOBODY! GO OUT AND CUT YOUR GRASS FIELD, LAZY BASTARD!! [2] Three spin-offs followed: Mister Maker Around the World, Mister Maker's Arty Party, and Mister . Despus de que muri en la ambulancia corazn muerto, no ECG, EEG no, no lo hice respiracin,temporalmente muerte cerebral 8 min me despert en otro lugar. Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure meeting Mini Makers all around the world. In Australia, we find out whether he can make a funny fu. View basket for details. Schwarz, still, friedlich, schn - dieschnsten schwarzen Farbe, die ich gesehen hatte - es gab nichts als mich oder meine Seele - ich war wie einAstronaut ohne Krper in einem Universum ohne Sterne. In Australia, find out how to make a beaky bird in under a minute; in the UK discover how to create an amazing art box to keep your pens and pencils safe; and in Hong Kong a Mini Maker has fun with some lovely colourful letters. In South Africa, we find out if he can make a frightening finger pen in under a minute; the Mini Makers build a super snowy scene in the UK; and in Australia, look out for an underwater arty idea. onload="DrawImagethis,320,210;" //div/a/li/ul/div/divdiv class="clear"/div/div/divdiv class="index_middle_bg"div class="index_middle"div class="index_video fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_video_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"?/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con"p?/pa href="/about/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/div/divdiv class="index_news fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_news_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con"ula href=""li1/li/aa href=""li2/li/aa href=""li3/li/a/ula href="/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/div/divdiv class="index_video fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_video_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con"ula href="/ac/212.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/211.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/209.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/208.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/207.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/206.html"li?../li/a/ula href="/ac/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/div/divdiv class="index_cases fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_cases_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_cases_con"br /?br /15061083718br /15061083718br /Q Q?25074858br /?nbsp; 225321br /?nbsp; ww.jslqsj.combr /?nbsp; 19?/diva href="/contact/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/divdiv class="clear"/div/div/divdiv class="clear"/divdiv class="index_customer_bg"div class="index_customer"div class="index_customer_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold;"?/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_customer_con"div class="rollBox"div class="Cont c_scroll"div class="ScrCont"div class="pic"a href="/buy/60.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012907.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/59.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012850.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/58.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012833.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/57.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012814.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/56.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012754.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/55.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012726.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/54.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012659.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/53.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012640.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/52.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012622.jpg" alt="" //a/divdiv class="pic"a href="/buy/51.html"img src="/webeditor/upload/productxp/20180327012603.jpg" alt="? Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 1. When I went to the Apple Store and asked for an iPhone 7 with internet, facebook and camera the Apple dealer said: -No, sorry - the iPhone 7 is not invented yet - we only sell apples today - but please do take a queue number, and sit down and wait until year 2016! Produzido pela BBC de Londres e exibido pelo Discovery Kids no Brasil, o programa veio para o Rio de Janeiro gravar um episdio mais que especial. KLICK ON LINC AND SCROLL AROUND,-6.765025,3a,75y,184h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sMebXiUc7jhO-IItKgvIUyA!2e0 IF IT DOES NOT WORK TAPE THIS IN TO YOUR BROWSER,-6.765025,3a,75y,184h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sMebXiUc7jhO-IItKgvIUyA!2e0 Avenida Sa Carneiro 244, at the 16:th floor - on top of the highest building - on top of the highest mountain - in Braganka, the highest place in Portugal - this is not heaven, this is HIGHER that heaven - WOW - i can see half of Spain - i feel like Neil Armstrong - if this is not paradise on earth, nothing is! WOW - that's exactly the type I had straight outside my window when i lived in Santiago - the Small Red Hat Woodpecker, rather common around Santiago. Mister Maker Around the World: Episode 6, 7. Esse lugar no estava no meu crebro - meu crebro estava morto, e um monte de forte energia eltrica a partir de resduoso motor de arranque lareira estava calando pelo meu crebro morto por 8 minutos - o suficiente para fazer uma memriaperda, ele me levou mais de um ano para se recuperar. Mister Maker packs his Marvellous Maker Case and heads off for another adventure around the world. - 2012 8 - Ermidas . ;- r 2012 jeg var dde tte minutter - helt til en sykepleier, Fatima Nunes, Ermidas Sado, Portugal, lagret minliv. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch 'the mister maker kids' build an extraordinary ice lolly. Mister Maker. ?? After they make it, Mister Maker tells us, "it's brilliant being out and about in the Makermobile; there's always so much to see and do." trn iPhone, iPad, v iPod touch ca bn. Mister Maker makes slot aeroplanes in under a minute, transforms tin foil and tissue into a funny fridge magnet and shows how to print a perfect picture with a polystyrene plate. La fortune du jeune joueur de Leicester est estime 20 milliards de dollars, bien plus que Ronaldo ou Beckham. - ! Mister Maker packs his Marvellous Maker Case and heads off for another arty globe-trotting adventure. Men jeg hadde fortsatt all min intelligens og altminner fra mitt liv - hele mitt liv var som en film p min indre visjon, jeg hadde god tid -disse 8 minutter p den andre siden var som minst 12 timer - alt jeg kunne gjre var vise minminner, tenke, skjnner Etter, jeg nsket at jeg kunne fortelle verden hva som var der borte - meningen ville tro meg uansett, det ville ikke vre bruk for ringe CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times ogThe Voice of America og fortelle - de ville bare le. Necesita precios y una lista de productos en este sitio web? All of our paper waste is recycled and turned into corrugated cardboard. 3 / 26 In Brazil, a mini maker helps Mister Maker create a multicoloured masterpiece. (R) 15:30. Mister Maker packs his Marvellous Maker Case and heads off for another adventure around the world. I am swedish, born in Gothenburg year 1958, but I live in Denmark - at least most of the time. Join a globetrotting Mister Maker as he travels the world and meets lots of Mini Makers along the way. After I died in the ambulance heart dead, no EKG, no EEG, did not breath, temporarily brain dead 8 min I woke up at another place. So - I decided to call the sweet little woodpecker Hitchkock - have a look - here comes Mister Hitchkock again - isn't he sweet? Je sais ce qui est de l'autre ct. Manage Settings Mister_Maker_Comes_To_Town_S01E01. YA znayu, chto na drugoy storone. I said I could tell all ateists - and religions - that they are wrong. Find out how to make a Jungle Jeep in South Africa; In the UK see if some hilarious headband ears can be made in under a minute; and in Brazil a Mini Maker helps create a fabulous feathered-friend. Try again. thank you for fast delivery. Just have a look - this is me OZ1MAN to the right the strongest european on the twenty meter band - to the left you see my secretary . And with a very large home made power amplifier, I will be at least 100 or 1000 times larger, stronger and louder! //divdiv class="index_product_con_con fl"p?/p/divdiv class="clear"/div/li/aa href="/cp/gssdsjxl/" title=""lidiv class="index_product_con_img fl"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180328094613.jpg" alt="" //divdiv class="index_product_con_con fl"p/p/divdiv class="clear"/div/li/aa href="/cp/gbdjxl/" title=""lidiv class="index_product_con_img fl"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180328094410.jpg" alt="" //divdiv class="index_product_con_con fl"p/p/divdiv class="clear"/div/li/aa href="/cp/qzxpxl/" title=""lidiv class="index_product_con_img fl"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180328094554.jpg" alt="" //divdiv class="index_product_con_con fl"p/p/divdiv class="clear"/div/li/aa href="/cp/dzjgxl/" title=""lidiv class="index_product_con_img fl"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180403033826.jpg" alt="" //divdiv class="index_product_con_con fl"p/p/divdiv class="clear"/div/li/adiv class="clear"/div/ul/div/div/divdiv class="clear"/divdiv class="index_middle_bg" style="display:none"div class="index_middle"div class="index_cases fl" style="width:33%"div class="index_cases_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spanspan style="font-size:16px;color:rgb119,119,119;margin-left:12px;"GuangLiVideo/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_video_con"div class="index_news_con"ula href="/ac/212.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/211.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/209.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/208.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/207.html"li/li/aa href="/ac/206.html"li?../li/a/ula href="/ac/"div class="index_news_more"/div/a/div/div/divdiv class="index_news fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_news_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"?/spanspan style="font-size:16px;color:rgb119,119,119;margin-left:12px;"GuangLiProfile/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con" style="height:210px; text-indent:2em;"a href="/about/" style="float:right;"/a/div/divdiv class="index_news fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_news_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"?/spanspan style="font-size:16px;color:rgb119,119,119;margin-left:12px;"GuangLiProfile/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_news_con" style="height:210px; text-indent:2em;"a href="/about/" style="float:right;"/a/div/divdiv class="index_video fl" style="width:25%"div class="index_video_title"span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; font-family:; color:#c42122;"/spanspan style="font-size:16px;color:rgb119,119,119;margin-left:12px;"Recommendedproducts/spandiv class="clear"/div/divdiv class="index_video_con"ul class="slides"lia href="/cp/275.html"div style="width:320px; height:210px;text-align:center;"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180327044354.jpg" alt="" onload="DrawImagethis,320,210;" //div/a/lilia href="/cp/480.html"div style="width:320px; height:210px;text-align:center;"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180328014707.jpg" alt="" onload="DrawImagethis,320,210;" //div/a/lilia href="/cp/540.html"div style="width:320px; height:210px;text-align:center;"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180329095936.jpg" alt="" onload="DrawImagethis,320,210;" //div/a/lilia href="/cp/557.html"div style="width:320px; height:210px;text-align:center;"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180329101259.jpg" alt="" onload="DrawImagethis,320,210;" //div/a/lilia href="/cp/571.html"div style="width:320px; height:210px;text-align:center;"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180329102459.jpg" alt="" onload="DrawImagethis,320,210;" //div/a/lilia href="/cp/587.html"div style="width:320px; height:210px;text-align:center;"img src="/webeditor/upload/product/20180329104911.jpg" alt="? At CONTACT US you find my address in Portugal, and some photos. Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure meeting lots of friends all around the world. ;- Ao 2012 yo tena 8 muerto minutos - hasta que una enfermera, Ftima Nunes, Ermidas Sado, Portugal, me salvvida. Ich sagte, ich knnte alle ateists sagen - und Religionen -, dasssie sind falsch. Series 1, Episode 1 - Full Episode Subscribe to Mister Maker: Follow me on TikTok: Mister Maker's Fun Makes! In the middle of making it, he wonders why not make a (insert thing related to what the Mini Makers are making here). - , , , , - , - , - , , " ", , NOVOMIX, - - , | , - . Hemos recibido su solicitud de actualizacin del sitio. No ya vse yeshche byli moy intellekt i vsevospominaniya iz moyey zhizni - ya vsyu zhizn' byl, kak v kino na moyem vnutrennem videnii, u menya bylo mnogo vremeni -eti 8 minut na drugoy storone bylo kak minimum 12 chasov - vse, chto ya mog sdelat', eto posmotret' moivospominaniya, dumat', ponimat', Posle, ya khotela ya mog skazat' miru, chto byl tam, - nonikto ne poverit mne vse ravno, eto ne bylo by nikakogo smysla zvonit' CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times iGolos Ameriki i Thell - oni prosto smeyutsya. Eto mesto ne bylo v moyem mozgu - moy mozg byl mertv, i mnogo sil'nykh elektroenergii otkhodov otOchag starter shokiruyet cherez moy mertvyy mozg v techeniye 8 minut - dostatochno, chtoby sdelat' pamyat'poterya, on vzyal menya za god na vosstanovleniye. Android liv - android , android, . , , - - . Mister Maker packs his Marvellous Maker Case and heads-off for another adventure around the world. He packs up his 'Travelling Make Case' with everything he might need and sets off on his travels to have a go at art and get making. All of the above content is unlocked and ready to use in the standard app, but if you want more the Around The World pack is available to purchase separately. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Tocky then appears on the Makervideophone for Minute Make Time, and Mister Maker goes to a place where he can make something in a minuteusually completing it just before the timer stops. That was Scary Movies, Hitchkock and panic - I almost shit in my pants! Join Mister Maker, Scrappz and Tocky for another adventure meeting Mini Makers all around the world. Tre r senere finner jeg nyaktig samme sted - i Mormons bok! Next christmas coming soon! ;- Jahr 2012 Ich war tot 8 Minuten - bis eine Krankenschwester, Fatima Nunes, Ermidas Sado, Portugal, rettete mirLeben. - - . MAIN ************************* SWEDISH: Mitt namn r Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Vlkommen till min hemsida!Jag r svensk, jag r fdd i Gteborg p vstkusten iSverige r 1958.Men jag bodde i ett par decennier i Danmark - Jag flyttade frn Sverige tillDanmark r 1987.Jag har ocks bott ett halvr i Marocko, en och en halvr i Spanien, ett halvr i Portugal, ett r i Norge, enmnad i Algeriet, en mnad i Italien och s vidare.Och jag har ocks varit en internationell vagabond underngra r - jag har varit 66 lnder och mer n 2000 stderoch byar - lifta frn stad till stad, frn land tillland.Om du blddrar ner kan du se mitt CV - fr att hitta ettjobb - skriftlig r 2012 nr jag bodde i Portugal, frsti portugisiska - sedan i engelska - plus en hel del lincstill mina andra hemsidor -en lista ver var jag har varit - och en historia bok ommitt liv i svenska.Om du CLIC p tjnster du har min historia bok pengelska - CLIC p OM OSS och du hittar en mer komplettlista ver var jag har varit - och CLIC p kontakt och duhittar min adress.Fredens och fasornas r 2015:En gng i tiden s bodde jag i en jmmerdal som hette Danmark.Vintern var s kall att man genast frs ihjl om man ppnade drren ut till gatan, och sommaren var s vt att inte ens en blckfisk kunde verleva en halv sekund i en dansk skog utan att drunkna.Alkoholisternas brakskitar ekade mellan husvggarna, rabiessmittade hundar spydde hysteriskt p trottoarerna och stanken frn millioner av grisfarmar gjorde att inte ens flugorna kunde andas.Och hur hamnade jag dr?Varfr ville jag bo dr?Det beror naturligtvis p att Sverige var tusen gnger vrre!Och nu - nr jag har trttnat p Skandinavien - s har Portugal drabbats av en lngskggig invandrare frn Norra Ishelvetet.Portugal r tusen gnger bttre.Portugal har massor av klockren urskog, sjar med massor av fisk, skogar och natur med stork, svalor och hackspettar - snt som blev utrotat i Skandinavien fr ett halvsekel sedan.Vdret r som i Californien, och maten r s billig att den nstan r gratis - trots att den rent faktiskt smakar gott.Naturen och matpriserna r ju - sisdr ungefr - som i Sverige fr 50 r sedan - innan skogsindustrin och Stora Stygga Infaltionstrollet kom och frstrde alltihop.Jag biter mig fast hr i Portugal - stackars Portugal har drabbats av en lngskggig invandrare som det stackars landet aldrig kommer till att slippa av med igen! Again - five minutes later - again, the ghost knocked on my door. Subscribe to Mister Maker:'s the Shapes and they are dancing all over the world! Mais je avais encore tout mon intelligence et toutesouvenirs de ma vie - toute ma vie tait comme un film sur ma vision intrieure, je ai eu beaucoup de temps -ces huit minutes de l'autre ct tait comme au moins 12 heures - tout ce que je pouvais faire tait de regarder monsouvenirs, pensent, se rendent compte Aprs, je aurais voulu dire au monde ce qui tait l-bas - maispersonne ne me croit de toute faon, il serait inutile de tlphoner CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times etLa Voix de l'Amrique et Thell - ils seraient juste pour rire. Ich dort war, waren sienicht - sie knnen nur wissen, dass es von Gott - die Jungs sind richtig, und ab jetzt bin ich ein Mormone. MAIN BUCH MORMON ************************* FRENCH: Mon nom est Lars Lennart Fjeldstrom.Bienvenue sur mon site!Je suis sudois, je suis ne Gteborg sur la cte ouestde l 'anne 1958 en Sude.Mais je vis au Danemark - je suis pass de la Sude l'anne au Danemark 1987.J'ai aussi vcu une demi-anne au Maroc, un an et demi enEspagne, une demi-anne au Portugal, en Norvge un an, unmois en Algrie, un mois en Italie et ainsi de suite.Et j'ai aussi t un vagabond internationale depuisquelques annes - j'ai t dans 66 pays et plus de deuxmille villes et villages - auto-stop de ville en ville,de pays en pays.Si vous faites dfiler vers le bas vous pouvez voir moncv - pour trouver un emploi - anne 2012, lorsque j'aicrit vcu au Portugal, d'abord en portugais - puis enanglais - ainsi que beaucoup d'lincs mes autres sites -une liste des endroits o j'ai t - et un livred'histoire sur ma vie en sudois.Si vous cliquez sur SERVICES vous avez mon livred'histoire en anglais - cliquez sur QUI SOMMES-NOUS etvous trouverez une liste plus complte de l'endroit oj'ai t - et cliquez sur CONTACT et vous trouverez monadresse.Paix et horreurs en 2015:Il tait une fois je ai vcu dans une valle de larmes nomm Danemark.L'hiver a t si froid que vous immdiatement gel mort si l'on a ouvert la porte la rue, et l't tait tellement humide que mme un poulpe pourrait survivre une demi-seconde dans une fort danoise sans se noyer.Alcooliques Le fart cho entre les murs des maisons, des chiens enrags vomissaient hystriquement sur les trottoirs et la puanteur de millions de fermes porcines ont fait que mme les mouches ne pouvaient pas respirer.Et comment ai-je y arriver?Pourquoi ai-je y rester?Cela dpend, bien sr, que la Sude tait mille fois pire!Et maintenant - quand je suis fatigu de la Scandinavie - donc, le Portugal a subi une immigrants de longue barbus du Nord de glace enfer.Le Portugal est mille fois mieux.Portugal a beaucoup de place forts vierges, des lacs avec beaucoup de poissons, des forts et de la nature avec les cigognes, les hirondelles et les pics - des choses qui ont disparu en Scandinavie il ya un demi-sicle.Le temps est comme en Californie, et la nourriture est vraiment pas cher qu'il est presque gratuite - mme si elle a un got vraiment bon.Nature et prix des denres alimentaires est que - tant bien que mal propos - comme en Sude il ya 50 ans - avant que l'industrie forestire et le grand mchant troll-inflationniste est venu et a tout dtruit.Je mords-moi coinc ici au Portugal - mauvaise Portugal a subi une immigrants de longue barbus pays pauvre ne jamais se dbarrasser de avec encore! 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