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2,100 children rescued from underground

I lpet av 2022 vil man se det samme skje i Norge. Its about us. You were too busy being distracted about wearing a mask. There could be up to 5 million children freed from the underground tunnels, he said. POTUS and Co. always several steps ahead of the opposition. jaco And Gene Decode Discuss The Midnight Buses And DUMBs in DC: Part One: Whistleblower Steven D. Kelley talks about his first hand experience in the firearm and optic RvesvesD industry and how it lead him to deep place underground. praying for you and your family to be protected by the lord and please be safe. [Book], Cross Triple Package 20% Discount [BOOKS], Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us [book], Children being Rescued in Tunnels: Happening Now, Making Peace with God Now, Before its too Late, CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Corona: Mainstream Media CAUGHT RED HANDED using Mannequin [video], Manny Pacquiao Singing and Sharing [video], Sound Doctrine for a Glorious Church [podcast], What the Bible says about Effeminate Men [podcast] [shorts video], WHY this Asbury Ordeal is a Blessing [podcast], Judging and Examining Ourselves [podcast], The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven [video]. Sorry. We are only able to do these things by the grace of God working through the gifts of Gods people. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Don't most soldiers, cops, paramedics etc.have helmet cams, body cams or cellphones these days? Thank you so much for the rescue. But the good guys took advantage of the stay home situation caused by the virus! vast child rescue missions across the globe were headed by President Trump, the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, US Special Forces and Marines in cooperation with Interpol, and various nations special military forces. Please dont tarry!!! Read more via BEFORE ITS NEWS The Marines who executed this mission were said to be very distraught. I wonder if the mainstream release of this information has anything to do with the Q post that read THEY WONT BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREETS. Its about the 22,000 children that go missing every day on Earth. Thank you Timothy for doing the right thing & being of good. We want to get symbols of comfort to them such as teddy bears; or anything like this- We want to help them. Users on social media appear to take this as a sign of the medias complicity in obscuring the relevance of this story, an argument often used in conspiracy theories. 35,000??? Wow, great news. In the early morning hours as body bags were being delivered, multiple troops were seen coming out of the White House with at least a hundred children in tow. Although operational details are scant, Real Raw News learned that SEALs from Coronado infiltrated the vessel at approximately 2:00 a.m., then stealthily traversed the ship, subduing its 20-man crew and the captain using non-lethal force. They just blew it. But, WITH GODS LOVE & HUMAN CARE, THINGS OUGHT TO START TO GET BETTER. You beautiful person, thank you for saying words I cant even think of Im in so much in awe about this rescue. A spokesperson for New York Citys Child and Family Services told Reuters via email that to their knowledge, the claim circulating on social media is not true. This is a poem that was given to me. Or their parents? Ive read many replies of orhers who are with you. Then, put on your seatbelt and add: Making Peace with God Now, Before its too Late |Jesus is the Light. Border states are VERY key. Just know the MSM is lying ENTIRELY about the virus but for a good reason, for once! We want to bring Heavenly Light and Our Lord Jesus Healing Love to the children. World; Or better yet, lets torture them for 20 years!! As an Adult Survivor of Molestation and Domestic Violence, I still suffer PTSD at the age of 56. In that case there are several more things to consider: See who is sharing it (it might even be your friends) and leave the link in the comments. Joe!!!! Pentagon 1 confirms children continue to be rescued in locations that include New York, California, Florida, Washington, and the numbers have seen a dramatic increase. 3-20-22 Restored Republic 0:35 Russia rescue children in underground tunnel Bitchute 2022-03-21, 16:35. On October 14, 2019 the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force reported 2,100 children were rescued by U.S. Marines from underground bases in California. God Bless you! The fake and fraudulent warrant alleged McConnell violated an injunction issued against him in Broward County, Florida by a Family Court judge despite McConnell having no family and no relationships in Florida. This has been planned for the last 20 yrs, big names are going down for this , wait and see. Dear God so unbelievable evil. CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. Im with that CPS HAS HIDDEN MANY DARK THINGS AND THEY GET PAYED BY A MADE UP ORGANIZATION THATS WHY THINGS ARE KEPT SECURITY EXPOSE IT ALL NO MORE HIDING GODS SURFACING ALL DARKNESS. Question: Did you even know about it? Joe! McConnell had just announced the interviews were going to be aired on his new program The Field Report when he was abruptly snatched off the street. God Bless, Its real!! This rumor travels solely by word of mouth. False. has made a significant impact in the fight to end sex trafficking and sexual exploitation by assisting in rescuing and supporting thousands of survivors in 30 countries and 50 U.S. states. Please? ?I am so very Proud of all our Brave Men and Women who Saved them putting it all on the Line!!! Lastly, thank you all for those who prayed for these children. HE SHOULD BE ARRESTED, TRIED AND CONVICTED OF TREASON AGAINST AMERICA AND SHOULD BE SENTENCED, AS PER THE CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED SENTENCE FOR TREASON AGAINST AMERICA. Scumbag obama was NEVER CONSTITUTIONALLY ELIGIBLE TO SEEK OR HOLD THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. By 2100, your children are known across the world as hard . Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or They did this stuff in the middle of the night, Pentagon 1 said. Now lets get our freedom back before the trumpets blow. We have all learned how to lower our risk of getting Coronavirus or completely avoid it by staying inside. The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force will continue to monitor the situation regarding Sheriff Nancy Hove and the Pierce County Sheriffs Office that is now being accused of kidnapping and Treason by many online. But wait. Spotted something? Read our debunk of that myth here: Fact Check: Lady Gaga Did NOT Participate In 'Vile, Sickening' Blood Drinking Ritual Pertaining To 'Adrenochrome And Spirit Cooking', Dunn supports his claim that millions will be freed from their cages based on his belief that 500,000 Americans disappear each year. The rest comprise parental abduction in custody cases, familial abductions and runaways. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. On Sun. Do you realize the impact these traffickers have on the children? -*-. I have been prayerful for the children and this whole operation. Who knows who their freakin parents are? Homie relax there is clear evidence. Law enforcement has to notify Child Protective Services in a case like this. I think about all of you and these children all day long and pray. Children continued to be rescued globally as Maxwell has given up info on where they have been held, abused and ritually killed.It was believed that since at least the end of World War II, the DUMBS had been financed, built and run by members of the illuminati, Deep State, or Cabal using US taxpayer dollars funneled through a CIA Black budget. People dont realize Obama is arguably one of the worst and most corrupt Presidents Americans have ever had. all in this battle and for the American people to be illumined, awakened, united in this historic fight., PIZZAGATE EXPOSED!! The hundreds of thousands will be from people fighting arrests as well as children not healing. Why do you think PG&E shut the power off? O.U.R Store Mission: Earn sufficient revenue to pay O.U.R.'s general and admin expenses, so more money from each donation can be used for awareness, rescue operations, and aftercare. And me. I do believe there are hundreds of thousands of children held captive, I do believe the elites are the reason for this but are they really being rescued? . As such we prayerfully rely on the support of our readers/listeners. Just look at the threads at the bottom of the page from 2019. 35000 children! Dunn says, "In the future, movies will be interesting you will go to a movie and you will learn something, because all the Satanic pedophile actors and actresses are going down. Put in your phone number below to subscribe! A million children go missing every year here in the States and most are wards of the State,and a lot of people in the CPS will have to answer to these crimes, smh. He predicted photographs of the rescues would become public by Easter. And its probably on the super hush because they want to surprise the criminals. The people involved even ADMIT they kidnapped her, but it so doesnt matter, not even to truthers. Copyright HOLMSETH All rights reserved. Dark to Light ! There is no evidence to prove key aspects of this conspiracy claim. Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. Underground tunnels and systems for trafficking children - Rabi Alon Anava Bitchute 2022-06-20, 13:00. CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. Since the first Dulce War ended in a stalemate with many casualties on both sides (although several hundreds of human prisoners/abductees were reportedly rescued in that war or military operation), it may be possible for the Navy SEALS, etc., to attack the Dulce Matrix FROM BELOW via underground sub-aquatic SUBMARINES. However - it was only U.S. Marines. Decode. This will take an Act of God to rehabilitate these children. The Rescue chronicles the 2018 rescue of 12 boys and their soccer coach who were trapped deep inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand. Over 35,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children have been reported rescued or found deceased in underground tunnels beneath large US cities including one beneath New York Central Park, "with more coming" according to reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 3." He claimed that a group called the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force led the raids. (Video: 2M via AP) Article CAIRO The 5-year-old boy in the blue shirt is curled up and caked in dirt, taking deep breaths over and over. Do your own research friends. : Lead Stories is working with the CoronaVirusFacts/DatosCoronaVirus Alliance, a coalition of more than 100 fact-checkers who are fighting misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. sauce = orgy were stolen to the order of global and political elites in both the US and UK by well known organizations including some state Protective Services namely in Arizona and California. October 20192,100 Children held captive in underground tunnels in California were saved by a team of Navy Seals and US Marineshttps://timothycharlesholmseth. Its not about me. How amazing. I reported there were arrests and the children were taken to various medical and psychiatric facilities. Dunn's reference to adrenochrome is about what calls "the drug that doesn't exist": Adrenochrome is a drug for the liberal elite of Hollywood made from actual human brain stem containing hormones from the adrenal gland. Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children, Teens Will the perps be prosecuted? You know? Re: 2100 Children Rescued From an Underground Base Gee, it's kind of amazing how often 2100 children get rescued. God bless them! In the posts on social, Holmseth claims he is part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, framed as an agency within the U.S. Department of Defense. Mole children they believe exist with their whole hearts because of almost two minutes of very unverified audio. That would supposedly explain one reason for kidnapping the kids. A movement also known as Q is presented, and their soul desire is to bring light to the darkness.. We have an army of Digital Soldiers.. -Q. Du m vre innlogget for kunne kommentere. No details at all? BREAKING! Under disguise of the first Covid-19 pandemic the children were treated on the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship in the New York Harbor and the USNS Mercy Hospital Ship off the coast in California. It is uncertain whether the SEALs knew precisely where the children were held on the ship or if they obtained intelligence through interrogations, but they found 200 emaciated children of different nationalities in an expansive cargo hold below decks. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. The thousands of children rescued from Underground Tunnels beneath the White House and US I am so very very proud of President Trump, The United States Military and Mr Holmsmeth and that astoundingly brilliant and courageous man between you. God is hearing the prayers of His saints who are crying out to Him to free every single enslaved child - and to bring swift justice upon every single person involved in this hellacious crime (Matthew 10:26; 18:3-10). A military operation of 10,000 Marines and Navy Seals rescued an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at China Lake. Coronavirus has taken 10,981 lives in the US multiply that by 3 to get a better understanding of how many children in the US alone that are being bought,sold,raped,neglected & abused but now 35,000 CHILDREN have been saved! 35,000 kids rescued from captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington, JACOB WETTERLING SACRIFICE EYEWITNESS RECORDING. inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. Let us know!. The 33-year-old actress has been developing a series of nightclubs and resorts in Greece since 2016. An unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines on Wed. Oct. 16. Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] Unfortunately CPS said we were abusive but the judge dismissed all charges as unfounded. Its to protect all of us everybody, Pentagon 1 said. Any physical reports? Thank you Yullie & God bless you with the love you have. Is there any pictures? There was tremendous amount of emotion there, Pentagon 1 said. At first the number of traumatized children the US Military has rescued from underground tunnels run by the CIA Mind Control program was 2,100, then 35,000, then it grew to 50,000. I pray they dont spend a day in prison and theyre immediately executed! 6 Sept. a huge tunnel in the Philippines was destroyed accompanied by an earthquake.The infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epsteins sidekick Ghislaine Maxwell has been testifying in order to save her own life, against global government leaders, royals and corporate heads involved in the global tunnel network. Drfr tror inte folk det r sant.Carminda visste, de flesta sitter bara som jag uppfattade det och gnller p regeringen hit och dit. Yes its a good time all darkness shall be exposed. On October 14, 2019 the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force reported 2,100 children were rescued by U.S. Marines from underground bases in California. If this is supposed to be a secret mission, then why are we hearing anything at all? This has resulted in thousands being arrested around the world for treason, pedophilia, child trafficking, money laundering and Obstruction of Justice. What an honor to be you! I hit th wrong key. I should have said 30 years, instead of 20. Well never forget whos the Central-Banks paid Murder Joe!!! To investigate to find all their parents I mean its going to be a freakin nightmare, Pentagon 1 said. For those asking if this will be made public, lets pray that it is. So, they went in with all night vision all in the dark. On 23 June, 12 boys went exploring in Thailand's Chiang Rai province with their football coach - and ended up trapped deep . Your royal families, your politicians, your famous music artists, your favorite Hollywood heroes are the predators Because the people that are responsible for these atrocities are people we vote to put in power, people we idolize in the movie or music industry.". There all in base hospitals. Through a series of agreements with the State of Michigan, we committed to develop and build this tunnel beneath the Straitsa $500-million private investment in Michiganwhile ensuring the safe operation of the existing dual lines at the Straits until the replacement line is complete. WAKE UP CRY BABIES, Heres your proof of Gods love! For a time, she taught in Auburn Universitys journalism department and ran the History-Geography lab at Alabama State University, where she taught students to write research papers. I am now reporting many of the children rescued by the U.S. Marines came from Child Protective Services (CPS). Det r grundbulten. No images have been released. He has been targeted for a decade. When will this information become more then just a rumor? My source, who I will refer to as Pentagon 1, referenced movies such as It, The Matrix, Back to the Future, and The Wizard of Oz to describe the insanity. From 2019 were trapped deep inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand want to help them,! N'T most soldiers, cops, paramedics etc.have helmet cams, body cams or cellphones days. Captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington, JACOB WETTERLING SACRIFICE EYEWITNESS RECORDING, body cams cellphones... On your seatbelt and add: Making Peace with God now, BEFORE its NEWS Marines. Captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington, JACOB WETTERLING SACRIFICE EYEWITNESS RECORDING children go... 33-Year-Old actress has been developing a series of nightclubs and resorts in Greece since 2016 there is evidence... Help them so, they went in with all night vision all in this battle for! 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