jordan hayes obituary

times union archives obituaries

Sirs. F. of A., are U1MIWIUU, invited to attend funeral services at hit late residence, 204 Jack-eon st., on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 2 P. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. ine iu fwaiM. a hugs Christmas tree, a live Santa Claus, and a pretty cretonne bag for each child, which will be filled with a toy, an apple an orange, a box of crackers and other wholesome sweets. Most older obituaries will include some pieces of family information. In our hearts your memory lingers. of genealogical research. They are as yet simply resting in reservoir-like infolding of the body's exterior. Brooklyn Soon Bigger Than Manhattan, Sayt Dlemer. ' But whats the P. O. pald ln by B0Vera' of Prominent ELKS Brothers: You are re- Parishioners, among them William quested to attend the funeral Harman and Albert Board man. Florida Times-Union obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Jacksonville, Florida. Many Ala E. D. Church to Pay for New Playground for Children of Parish. WIRDLR In loving memory of our devoted son, FREDERICK, who mot with a sudden death, Fep. Do you want to learn even more about unlocking your history? AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT FOR EVERYBODY Armour's Grape Juice Star Ham and Bacon faj&d Pork and Beans Canned Meats Mince Meat "Simon Pure" Leaf Lard Armour's Extract of Beef Armour's Soaps and Toilet Preparations Lighthouse Cleanser, Etc. Karen A. Jackson (Ford) February 22, 2023 After a short battle with cancer, Karen went home to our Lord Jesus on February 22, 2023. beloved husband of Sophia Petrlng Den- ner, ln his 6Sth year. WR .1 wife of the late Felix Doll Sur- ived bv ftve aona and one daugh-( rer Funeral from her residence 8 4 T fc&rh st BrooKhn on W ednes-da Feb IT. 1M Bnahwfc-k. 10HN W. R0EJWME1.E. 148 Lafayette are Le Koy Thornton, 27 ..Oiieena Clara Hoooer. Armour's Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Cheese will be attractively set forth. Rii hmond Hill, died Sundav She leaves her mother, Carolyns two btothars, Fied C and 1,ohIs f and a alslei, Emma Launt The funeial set vires will be held from the late homa at 2 P M tomorrow and Interment will ba tn Mount Olivet Cemeteiy under tha direction of George Sieboid, IN MEM0R1AM TOY Tn fond and loving mmorv of our dearly beloved mother. at 9 30 A. M , at St. Patrick's i R C Church. She is survived by one daugh ter, Jennie, with whom she lived, j Funeral services were held at her latei homo this afternoon, the Rev. Once In the treee, he knew no Horih could catch him Bui he could not deseu Jana. ELLEN TOY, who departed this life Feb. 18. He was a member of St. Peter's R. C. Church, Hicks and Warren streets, where a mass of requiem will be celebrated Monday, at 10 A. M., with interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. THE REYNOLDS-WALLACE WEDDINQ. James, and a daughter, Nellie Aspeil. In sreneral the entertainment will follow the lines of that of last year, and will be a series of dances In which two hundred members of tho younger set Will participate. Monday. Mrs. Josephine Stalker. 11.. 1578 Da Kalb va Meyer Cogln, 27 Manhattan tena Rarran. Mr. ; Crowell, of St Mary's Episcopal parish, ofQciating. Obituaries oab Tomlinson 414 hom JSM Tro r ., yaatardej. But the captain did not knon. and the effectiveness of our and in need of warmth and an abundance of food. Readers can find. TARZAN AT THE EARTHS CORE -By Edgar Rice Burroughs Captain Zuppner swung tha noae of the giant dirigible to port and aha aalled out over the plain of PellOcldar. uroni U mil Goldberg, 23.U&T Parkway WL CLEAN and RENOVATE RUGS and CARPETS DELlTrRIKS) AVrWTTErle; IS YORK. Age 74. Warsaw BZA Gives OK To Lake City Gymnastics' Variance For Landscaping. April 11, 12 and 13. He Is survived by his Mrs. Caroline Colberg. Feb 15 M RI j M , mother of Neil Fuel v and wife i of the late lamer Fuei. daughter of Mrs. John Fletcher Eggert, of 54 St. John's piece, to Allen Wilson Hexamer, son of Dr. Carl I. Hexamer, or mannattan. Muriel Wiggin, Miss Beatrice Beck and Miss France Field. u ii ' h il it il I ' i i I i on n pleas tl t c (tip s. v n wti L s n ft r his re-liteinent rnliouifiK (u m 1 ha m unit ip i s'j i, , u t r . 2 of this item click here.. To view a digital version of Vol. ,sf--v --- The Social Side of Brooklyn Reynolds-Wallace Wedding This Evening Holiday Dances for the Younger Set -Engagements Announced Club Notes. George II. Amltyvllle, Dec. 16. Some editions of Thursday's Times Union were missing some of the obituaries. CARROLL On Friday, Deo. Nations never begin a war if they know they have no chance to win. THOMAS, at his residence, 624 McDonough st . Include Boolean operators and proximity search techniques. Mrs. Mary Taylor, widow of John Wesley Taylor, a former resident of the Eastern District, died yesterday of sciiit..nM on f nday, eo. Visit our Support Center information about local people. and Sarah Hopper Cole, fehe leaves her husband, two nieces and a nephew. 1 ('urley and Mia. His funeral was nem ' iper In 1900 he bought out the con- .1 IH. UViiilUULiiaii. ii inuig r yy t itiu w iui mjw ajnc v l wit (fco Augustus Block Company, ft lit feci, iiiWOKL V. 31ay b reached by cvli Hnd Kurffc. MRS. BATTERMAN LONG ILL, DEAD Funeral Services for Widow of Dry Goods Merchant Wfll be Held To-Morrow. Bha wu born in flwltaarland an eamatte tMa country In har early youth on aaftled in Fiatbush, ha Uavaa har buaband, Richard; thro daughter, Anna Sophia, and Ruth, and two aona, Waitar and Arthur.- Tha fu nard! Mr. Croquet leaves his wife, Mary E. Basley; three daughters, Mrs. Mabel O. Juby, Mrs. Bessie J. Keesler and Mrs. Mildred Foster, of Forest Park, and two grandchildren. 1st-Generation Grace Student Honored For 'Realizing The Dream'. No. Among the guests were Mrs. Harold E. Watson, Mrs. A. Clarke Bedford, Mrs. Alfred Atkins, Mrs. Charles D. Brewer, Mrs. Carl F. Bornmann, Mr. Arthur Dwlght Pink-ham and Mrs. Harry R. Tompkins. 'Surviving Mrs. Batterman are her son, Henry L. Batterman. Funeral Wednesday. Brooklyn. 1932 MADGF, beloved daughter of ItuoKn Kes sel and sister of Louis F Fted r Kessel and Mts Emma l.aunt Funeral services at her home 97-24 1 1 2th si Richmond Hill, AA ednesdav. Many old Florida Times-Union obits used initials instead of full names. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. - Miss Madeleine Elizabeth' Wild was the guest of honor at the luncheon which Mrs. Crafts gate Thursday at Sherry s. Among the guests wore Mrs. Frank Griswold Wild, Mrs. Meyer, Miss Norma Werner, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Miss Anita Deraismes, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Mies Harriet Ward, Miss Mildred Belcher, Miss Margaret Pray, Miss Charlotte Schmidt and Miss Mary Rasch. Miss Madelaine Lynch, Miss . SCHENECTADY A memorial service will be held Saturday for Samantha Humphrey, the 14-year-old girl whose body was discovered in the Mohawk River last week. v ho died Ian I nt her horn. k, left an estate described as "more than fio,, 000. Matv and Anna Funeial will be held Wednesday, Feh 17 with requiem mass at St. loliu the Baptist Church, Willoughby ave. Interment at St John's Cemeteiy under direction of Batttato & Catalano, of 282 Evergreen ave. SVPPLR On Sundav, Feh 14. The brief ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. at the Daly Funeral Home on McClellan St., according to her obituary. beloved wife of Andiew , Kiefer. "She is also survived by her adored cats, and Zoey and Bruno, loving and loyal mutts blessedly unable to understand their loss of a best friend. 10 A. M KKSSEL-On Feb. 14. for no enemv would dare attack. 7fi Vtrhols sve . Tho spacious rooms were well filled with members and their guests when the regent, Misa Susan M. Van Andan, called the meeting to order. Lndwlg Helnen, 26 78 Dwutht at Anna Schuster, 28 ..75 Dwtgbt at Louie -ueer, 24 ..1T2 Pergen at rauliht Peots. Contains a complete index of all persons whose obituaries appeared in the Times-Union, Warsaw, Ind. Mrs. Mary A. Hayes, 76, wife of Joseph Hayes, of 921 Lorlmer street, n resident or ureenpoint for sixty years and a member of the Kent Street Reformed Church, died Thursday night of apoplexy, j Funeral services this evening will be conducted by the Rev. The St. Clairs, brother and sister. The food tube extending through and provided with its two openings is what we might rail a recessed passage from which we may absorb foods, provided they are suitably subdivided and prepared chemically. So, how do you look up local death notices and sift through hundreds of years worth of history? Services i Tuesdav Feb IS at 8 P M Fu-, netal tednesda 10 3o M Interment Keigreens Cemeteiy bOl.T. with a re -otiiem mass at Our Iadv of Good Counsel Church. DIED. With the Florida Times-Union obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Florida, it's important to know how to perform a Florida Times-Union obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. Mrs. Angelina Carrai, a native of Rutlno, Italy, and the wife of Flmone Carrai, and mother of Henry. a brother, Charles Speight, Cutter, a retired dry goods merchant, ami: uncle, Georgo Speight, ' an narian. The same thing is true of the multitudes of digestive and lubricating glands of the intestine, although they are still but extensions of the external covering of the body, or of the food tube lining. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Florida Times-Union obituary search. Rhe waa born In the Twelfth Ward In this borough, and waa tba widow of Richard Cronin. SATURDAY, ry PWOOK! Walter B. Bentley. of Assistant District Attorney Rtch-aervues look piara at 2 Sir today in therd H. Brown BROOKLYN TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE 948 Amityville Woman, 58, Prominent in Flower Circles Burial in Brooklyn. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. Mannis, and two daughters, Nellis, and Lillian Fierafein. . Family members would have published death notices in the Florida Times-Union to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. They describe the person, their life, and who they are. It was the circle's eighty-fifth regular session. 94T. . I Mined. But whats the I believe, that germs gain en-trance to the blood stream very . Mrs. Ktiilly Eliza St urges. Special arrangements are being made for the occasion. Robert names La Forge. Interesting Demonstrations of Armour's Specialties EDVV. Mrs. Elira Yolk. In other words, we may think of the lining of the stomach and the intentine as continuous with the covering of the bodv a surface. We want you to see for yourself that Armour products deserve your confidence and trust. Her death was due to a general j breakdown which set in a year ago. DEATH NOTICES CASK On F.b. Mrs. Emily Eliza Rturges, noo Cole, K9, wife of George W. Sturges, of 577 Jefferson avenue, died Thursday of pneumonia. lie Is survived, by hln wife, Kato Fagnon La Forse, two sons, Albion Noble and Robert Barnes La Forge; two grandchildren and two brothers, John La Forgo, of Richmond Borough, and Sidney La Forge, of Brooklyn. Interment will bo made in Cypress Hills Cemetery tomorrow. Waiter Condlt For more than fiO years she waa a member of tha Christian Church of the Evangel, Greenpoint. Mrs Margaret Haoren. He leaves his wife, Ellen O'Con-noll Malone; a daughter, Mao Agned, and three sons, Thomas, Patrick and Martin. Miss Mary Brennuu. R. A Watson, her pastor. GI.KNDAI.K. Knickerbocker ave and Wekrfield at , where a requiem maae will be offeied at 9 A. M Interment will he in St John a Cemetery, under the direction of William H. Murray. Church Home, MARY TAY-Iln her eighty -second year. beloved brother of Elizabeth Harson Funeral Thursday, from his residence, 38 Troutman st. Requiem mass at St. John the Baptist Church, 10 A M. SCHOl.g On Monday. JEREMIAH JOSEPH KENNEDY died yesteiday in his home. you Ilka, Advertisement. She had an at- i tack of acute Bright's disease several ! Bhe leaves a daughter, Mrs. Joseph Rowits, and two ststera, Mary Ryan and Margaret Champ The funeral will be at 8:30 A. M. tomorrow, from rhe late home, thence to Bt. Districts ran out, used remote school Tuesday, A year later, pandemic-fueled nursing home standards not enforced, beginning an intense missing person's investigation. (Every Timfle Gone! Tel. Mr. Croquet ontererl tlio emoloy of the butter and day of pneumonia, after Rn Illness of,,s house of L. I. Nor could he ever gel close enough to her lo whisper his plans So In alienee they rode along, the ape-man hoping the chance would come when he could take the Red Flower in his mighty nuns and leap to .safety. Seaman and Company, of 148 Reade street, Manhattan, and a life-long resident of Brooklyn, iied yesterday, of heart dls McKEON A mass of requiem britedhforTLI)ZABETHb A. Mel ; JAMES CREELMAN'S SISTER DEAD KEON on Monday morning, Deo. Dec .17'. 30 died Mondav m itia home, 70S Eighth ave. I. KH.IAHI.H htFICIkHT COMPLETE lirn AUTO FUNERAL JLOU GEORGE BAQUE Ket. C RI.GY On Fab 1ft. All you have to do to get started is enter the last name of a chosen relative and press the Search button. sit n clear, amooth and velvety again aa nature intended it to be. Instead of taking tonics, or trvlng to patch tip a poor digestion, they are attack Ing thp rfll cause of thn ailnient clogged liver nnd disordered bowels. "Hello Ritz" for Holidays. Miss Bulkley, who Is a niece of Mr. Frederick W. Moss, formerly of the Heights, was assisted In receiving by Miss Helen James, Miss Mary Colt, Miss Polly Damrosch, Miss Mar garet Whiting,. About trolley). With the Times Union obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in New York, it's important to know how to perform a Times Union obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. &.t nastor. . . TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. Interment will br io Calvary Cemetery. I fair and it Is thought that she over mt tavArl h.r clrpnpth In h nr nftrirt it ThTCjr- ttr- She learned the weaving trade as into vikji viawu ii.uluuui vi (3 disease at the residence of her son-in- law at 171 Decatur street. Wfr triilitu nIi fflaipaitOlali MMa a m Resmol rurr -enry- t, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. He waa 66 years old. As family members typically wrote these, they tend to be relatively accurate. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. In our coolers we will show you the finest cuts of fresh meats; each carcass bears the label of a U. S. Government Inspector. jr., of Brooklyn, will act as train bearers. IN MEMORIAM. Trace your family history with the GenealogyBank database to begin growing your family tree. She was LOR, in her 82d year. Her Brother-in-Arms Mattox Akira Humphrey will carry that flame for us as we fade.". fall bsn.flt - vt your Fjn by I byih tktm at- 'mlirS lo 1NOW. The revuo will be a combination of a musical comedy, fashion and beauty show. 1, 2023. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Florida Times-Union obituary search. MISS BULKLEY'S DEBUT. Feh. and a brother William. Only relatives and a jew intimate friends will witness the ceremony, but a thousand Invitations have been issued for the reception following. .VTj DAILY TIrVf F7S DECEMBER 16. 011 iweirtu bto ,npcr rinancr, t. lews 1'rosneet pi Julia Levy, 24.. 877 Vandcrbllt v Cbarlo Sears, 23 hr McDonsal at Besnle Olldernleeve, S3 SSI Sarenth as John Marroue, 31 741 Park arc Brlgida Mnnnone, 33. Ur. Pioapecr me, Ridgewood nhere a eiul-m mm will he offeied at i 9 .18 A M Ihternient will ha in Calvary Camter under the direction of William . Ha was born In Manhattan, 8ft years ago, and lived all hfa Ufa In Brooklyn. Oonrt Anna Flloaa. mo ui-'i luomucia Herman Ooldbare, 23. 76 Nichols ave, Brook- I 1 n. Wednesday evening, Feb 17 at 9 Interment Evergreens Cem- t eteiv. Thus we must sdepend on other agencies for our protection, such as the germ dissolving ferments of the blood stream, called the bacterio-lyeins,' and other similar substances. hand, are formalized reports of someones death in the local news. Valley Stream, Feb. 1. Columbia Ileicrhts. Mr. Taylor in his early life was well-to-do. On Monday, December 18, 1916, the new Williamsburgh branch of Armour and Company will open to the public. tho Rev. thence to St. Martin of Toura R C Church. PKOB.VI F DAXORhS MMUrM'.FI iFpI 8 Fatale, mote than X,000 ihI. is bequeathed Sl.iUMt and a grand piano. Return to today's obituary notices for Albany Times Union Search Obituaries & Guest Books You are searching Powered by Helpful Services Send Flowers & Gifts Choose a trusted. St. Cecilia Lots Sell Fast. How to Search Florida Times-Union Obituary Archives. 383 New York ave. ia on filq for probate in Sutrogate9 Court today. 16. I'lioiif Ubiiu .11111 - - tAiain H- Sallnmnn. Obituaries describe the person, who they are, and what they did in their lives. voted. kataie. Age 74. - .- Tlldf MERRY VVrUKL NEXT APRIL. then, we understand to consist Of the parts which lie between, as it were, the outer covering. All druggist, 15c, 800 and 60c. He is a wholesale butcher of Manhattan and has been a resident of Brooklyn for fifteen years Mrs. Sturges was born in New York City and was the daughter of Charles It. Kat what. May her soul reat in peace THOMAS A. TOT AND BERNARD J. Try searching for their husbands name. Know them by their olive color. Include Boolean operators and proximity search techniques. The Ritz will celebrate New Year on Monday, January 1. moore, pastor or thelMi-0 "o who . George H. Rowe, jr., contributed piano solos after the repast. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. Information regarding access and use for institutions is available by contacting NewsBank at 800-762-8182 or email Learn how and why Armour products have won the highest place in the confidence of American housewives. a daughter, Minnie Dies, of 7f7 Km pi re Md. I) ALTON-On Feb 15 IOHN F, at his i evidence. She did it by dally cleansing with Reeinol Soap and regular application ot healing Retinol Ointment. Herdt for many years bad been connected with the shoe bueinaea. Miss Mary E. McLaughlin and Miss Kate Rooney, and two nephews, Peter and Thomas Rooney. To leave a condolence, visit: He was a veteran member of tha Twenty-third Regiment, having served for nearly, twenty years aa a member of Company A and a drummer In tho Field Music staff. j Don't miss this exposition of fine, pure foods. 8HKRAN On Saturday, Feh 13 MARY, of 892 Greene ave, Brooklyn, in her 83d veat Bhe was the widow of the late Bernard Sheian and beloved mother of hrank. l)r Reynolds will havo as best man his brother, David Raymond Reynolds, and in attendance as- ushers will be John X. Tilden, of Garrison-on-Hud-sun; Samuel D. . The ballroom of the. 82M Day Kldra. Rowe, Jr., George Sleigh, of Jersey ,Clty; George Tlbbals and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Rowe. , Mrs. Batterman was born in New" York City, tho daughter of the lato John and Mary Louisa,: Speight Cutter. Lots 10 feet long and 3 feet wide, ln the playground, may be purchased by 1 inose interested in the physical better- Funeial services will be held at hi!ment r 11,6 "kiddies" at J3 each, in late home, 388 Stuyvesant ave., lnreB payments 01 one dollar a montn Brooklyn, on Sunday, at IP, M. j lf desired, in this way tho required amount is expected to bo realized. Search Florida Times-Union Archives more options Browse the archive by date This online archive is for access and use only by individuals for personal use. . of Manhattan; a daughter, Mrs. C. Walter Nichols, of Manhattan; five grandchildren. He leaves his Wife, Margaret: a daughter, Mildred Marv. It , i-l.- "e givn at the Academy of Music. We want to greet you and show you what we are doing to protect the quality, purity and cleanliness o your food products vital factors in the life and -:' health of yourself and family. Warsaw Obituaries Hannah L. Rose PENDING Hannah L. Rose, 17, Warsaw, died Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023, at Riley Children's Hospital, Indianapolis. Ph.ap. I 1 her: octoge- OBITUARY. The terms of purchase are liberal, but Mon slgnor McGolrlck expocts to have the land paid for ln one year. 22, IJ. If you must uoss a field infested with poisonous snakes, do you protect ourself b wearing boots almost heavy enough to prevent the penetration of their fangs? Batterrnan died four years ago. 28. There will be a Mince Meat exhibit of vital interest. Add Photos 1 Memory Renee Pearlman Pearlman, Renee ALBANY - Renee Pearlman passed away peacefully in the morning of February 27, 2023, at the age. CHARLES EETCHAM dlad Saturday at tha ag of 81. 21 S72 Hart at There. The funeral was held this afternoon from the parlors of Under taker Hugh C. Mott, 809 Union street. Huntington Inter- ment St. Johns Cemeteij, Brooklyn NETHING On Feb 15 1932 sud denly. Or twenty? Memorable Obituaries From the Times Archives 2016-05-31T22:55:04-04:00 May 31, 2016 10:55 PM ET This summer, we invite you to join us as we exhume obituaries from our archives, some dating to the . Mrs. Mary A. Hayes. AN ENJOYABLE FUNCTION. more than ft. (0 peisonal in lo ph Davoteq a(n, 1021 42(1 st , $l,FiiX) and one fourth tesldueji William I., Maraatet end Anna fc.. Da -voien, children, aame sddteaa, one fourth leatdue each, gi andf hi Idi en, email bequests. Sheriff Announces New Employees, Promotions. h son. Miss Mary J. Brennan, 42, daughter of Laurence Brennan, of 966 Manhattan avenue, died Thursday, of nervous trouble. Tha funeral waa at ! This afternoon will be marked by the Christmas-party for the little vie tlms of infantile paralysis which is to be given at the Polhemus Clinic, and vbich was made possible by the bridge given on December 4, ln which Mrs. .Ic.-.u Kenry Thompson, of Flatbush, was the leading spirit. ports from Michael Fogarty, the treaa-CIIARLES EMIL KURZ, beloved 1 urer, show the success of the plan, brother of Caroline Colberg (nee ' Kurz), aged 38 years. ihe church has already purchased a block -200 by 400 feet, bounded by Jack son and Withers streets and Debevolse and Morgan avenues for their accom I modation. will be held to-morrow, at 2 P. SL, with i th Eastern District since early ln NEW FUNERAL CHURCH inn nev, r.. ivi. 6 of this item click here.. She leaves her son, Samuol, and two grandchildren. Her brother, Carman Frost, waa hurled Hitndnv from tba Schultz home. MISS EQGERT ENGAGED. Tho property is valued at .' Leo II Birling will nfftroate at a requiem maae Interment will ha in Holy Cross Csmaterj under the direction of John T. Kenny. Naturally, under the conditions of our modern civilization we do keep down the numbers of those which find rest on our skin surfaces, but the hidden recesses of the bowel tract afford a splendid residence amazing that we do not hsAe entrance afforded oftener. She was born In New York City, of Scotch parentage, the daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Luke (jnris REYNOLDS, Exalted Ruler. who died Feh. 21 . A miniature Christmas tree and a 'artre birthday cake decorated In red, vi.lte and blue, as this was the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the chapter, formed part of the decorations. Fink, who is the author of "several short sketches, collaborated in the ritlng ofw "Hello Ritz." h es tll tk plat at 2 P M tomoriow lnti ment will h in litheran Cemeterv undei the dilution of Vtrhnlaa RIrsIum h . Miss Ruth Hoagland, soprano, accompanied by Warren Howard Geheken at tho piano, gave several songs in a delightful manner with a purity of tone and clearness of enunciation, which addod to the. . Samantha was spotted on surveillance cameras near the edge of the Mohawk River in Riverside Park shortly before midnight on Nov. 25, and there is no video evidence the teenager then left the park. at her i late residence 367 Sumpter si I Funeral from het home theme to Our Iad of I.ouirie R (' Church 1 where a solemn mass of requiem, will be offered at 9 A M Thursday Interment Holy Cross Ceme-t erv KLI7ARKTH F. DAHLfNGKR died In hei home, 1207 Hammock at . j dollars' worth of bogs for the recent Notlco of funeral hereafter. Of 7f7 Km pi re Md Batterman are her son, Samuol, and the effectiveness of and. P.M. at the Daly funeral Home on McClellan St., according to obituary! Of Neil Fuel v and wife i of the late lamer Fuei and what they did their... 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