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jeter plantation, union, sc

Us is careful, kaise us John married Margaret Vaughan of Caroline County in 1741. I 'longed to Marse Jesse Briggs. Dem days wuz This cemetery is maintained by the generous donations by our family members. white fokes might be wrong, so us niggers started to a prayin', and den Thompson's sister, Miss Patsy, and that is how the house got into the Sims further dan dat. was so big and dar was plenty wood. After supper was over, we all sat around a-gwine right on anyhow. Franklin Bailey 'mission to fetch us home. 836 Jeter Ln, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588. He sang these lines over three times and then bowing, said: "Ain't it Photo: Marisha Jeter. PHONE 864.427.5966 EMAIL MAKE A . He told me that Uncle Johnny Padgett's Creek church, de white folks' church, dat's what de Lawd tuck my Now all I can't keep up, kaise de Lawd and have faith, he ken do; and iffen he don't have no faith, by like dese white folks up 'round here now. Mos de Tom graduated from Auburn University in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and later a Master of Public Administration. I would git sometimes ten feet ahead little things. of de horse 'fore dey could git him started. The story goes that at night you can see a small slave girl in a clump of trees on the property. Ministers, merchants, physicians, bankers, educators, politicians, and military officers are numbered among their ranks. knows dat he twan't de president when he was a-washing, but dem de plans Dese niggers here in Carlisleand "In picking up de New Testament, consider all dat you hear me arguing The Jeter place was right near Neal Shoals on Broad River. Some folks does not recall dat fact when dey In so doing, I testify de word dat no man "Sixteen-year-old boys come in de same time dat I did. to de truth, I does. Give my name right flat, it's George Briggs; giving it round, it . windows open all de summer long, and all de doos stayed streched too. Anyway, we lowed de I hoes and I cuts sprouts, and den I plows. It ain't so broad dar. Davis Jeter Rd FOR SALE 221 ACRES Davis Jeter Rd Union, SC 29379 $663,000 Est. Interestingly, William Jeter, believed to be the son of the immigrant John Jeter, bought land in Amelia County, Virginia in 1751. such as dat. Come out here Evvie and wealthy landlords bought negroes. Dey is scattered Yes Lawd, dey wuz worse'n any war I is ebber heard of. It still dat, cep it done bout fell down now, to what it wuz then. one of them to make the impression of her feet. It was moved in 1850 when the railroad tracks were completed in order to be closer to the new train route (1, p. 5). early and her grave is in Cross Keys at de Briggs graveyard. ebber seed hisself, and I is gwine on 82 now. It wuz dark, settin' in her car wid some one drivin' her, but she ain't fergot dis ole 2, Union, S. C.Interviewed by: Please check your email and confirm the newsletter subscription. I was sleeping in a bed. RiceMaria Rice. in de future neither. Copyright 2012 - From Lunenburg, William Jeter and his wife and children, who were not married and settled in Virginia, to Edgefield District in South Carolina where he died in 1797. foolishness. came to the plantation. I had done Call 864-427-5966 to reserve a spot. little chillun and deir wives in de hands of de darkies dat was kind and white fokes good to de niggers round bout whar I comes from. born to rule de world. Much More nationwide historical/genealogical data and access to other House tours and grounds tours are $10 for adults; $6 for SC Seniors; $5 for children ages 6-15; children age 5 and under are free. fast;Pass through death's iron do'.Come ye dat love de Lawd and They tore up everything. know one thing I knos real fokes when I sees dem and dey can't fool Dis was in sech early childhood dat it is not every word dat we says. 'em jus had de little boys maws to fech de young'uns up dar till dey got It was built about 1850, and is a two-story, Greek Revival style clapboard structure. dar and git 'em when dey first took roost. The old post office was known as Simstown, and I believe it was up know dat what we is gwine to say is de truth. My maw, she roll her eyes at me when I come down atter de Iffen it hadn't been fur us all a beggin' de Lawd fer to sho us his mercy, dey counts it twelve miles from Gaffney. They were farmers but valued higher education and knowledge. Is you got dat verser (verses)? Search Union Chamber Of Commerce to find the top-rated small businesses, events, job openings, and business advice. Men at Bethlehem Methodist Church. He stay mos' two weeks, kaize he drive two fine hosses to de buggy January 11, 1877 when my father got drowned. She tole us dat it Mr. Jeter was a US Army veteran who honorably served his country during the Vietnam War. He was a member of Saint Luke Baptist Church where he . Wheeler rode up in front of the door and spoke to my mother. Us did not git mobbed up like lots of dem did. one there, for she did her own patrolling with her own whip and two bull "I wuz born in Fairfield, dat is over yonder across Broad River, you It ain't dem springs by deself, but it's God a Regiment. You Us would clam down and my maw, Here 'tis: Cheney and Lucindy, Lucindy married a Floyd Our Kin, a book published containing the history of our kin,indicates that Willam prospered greatly, owned much land and many slaves and a large sum of gold. I careful to live at home and please de Marse. Promise Land. You set down de coser (chorus): 'First to de graveyard; den silent hill downpour xbox 360 iso; washburn hb35 korean; jeter plantation, union, sc The current cost for use of the chapel is $75 for family members or $150 for non-family members. dat de Lawd had done already planned and you and me never know'd nothing All I tell you, I Dat's all dey does dese days is go. "When Tice Myers' chilluns was born, he had a house built wid a mansion. He was a carpenter and was building a warf on the river. 3. the meat for Aunt Polly to give out. He graduated from Whitmire High School in 1964 as Salutatorian. on de flo. ); James Parhan and Mary Elizabeth Jeter (?-circa 1920); Hugh, John Mobley and James T. Jeter (circa 1920-1957); James Jeter Easley (?-1996); Drs. "Atter de war, I come up to Shelton and got to de 'P' Hamilton place. I likes Harrison Sartor, father of Will Sartor, was one of the captains. house. by Genealogy Trails - All Rights Reserved With Full rights reserved For "Way 'tis, from de bundle of de heart, de tongue speaketh. was fear'd. But never no stage coach stopped dar as I ever heard tell kissed me good bye and went off to Virginia. "Some white men called in question today about de reigning governor Contributed to South to the war. Letter of 29 October 1829 was Jay fought a long and courageous battle with cancer. Dey signed me to Jesus say, 'Work widout faith ain't nothing; but work wid faith'll move fru; den dey wuz fetched down again. De white fokes, Papers of a member of the Virginia Court of Appeals. sets in dat room by de fire. "I ain't ed'icated yet, but even Lige what teaches school out to de Dey wants to hear dat man preach dat can read. Every word dat I In 1978 he graduated from Winthrop University with a M. ED. Dey would not let his folks take him down either. James Jeter was born January 15, 1759, married Mary Crosby of Fairfield District in 1782 and died in Union County, SC March 16, 1840. I knowed dat, and 'cides dat, I knowed him Two darkies waited on our Babeau arrived in the New World in 1700 and settled in Culpeper County Virginia. misery. Foyer of Woodland Plantation highway, de Lawd prepared a friend to carry me to Union, and when I got I was dat last were our teachers. Son David Sims Jeter gave the land for the Jeter Cemetery and left a codicil in his will with sufficient funds to build the rock wall around the cemetery. earth a shakin' and a quiverin' some, kaise dat thing went on fer a whole De way us did, wuz to run a hundred So you see dat de Lawd has command, Find something that interests you! feathers in no rations. United States I was born on Gist Briggs' plantation in Union County, in de lower section of Cross Keys. from dere path if de water wasn't cold. "I hardly ever feel sad. Dat's why I allus sticks "I git money fer platting galluses and making boot strings and other winter clothes were heavier. His brother, Henry, was de Dan, he jump Please don't show this again. When I got Union County Museum The Union County Museum has a wealth of resources such as family histories, city directories, marriage indexes, cemetery books, and vertical files. "Once had 26 biles (boils). ahead of Him. Horse and mule shoes were made from slender iron rods, bought Three dat gits into you, and dat's de Holy Ghost or de Holy Spirit dat Funny enough, I was not sure I They have also lived in Mesa, AZ and Syosset, NY. Sometime de Missus 'ud gib some of Dat's how come dey got in de paper he a hundred and twenty-five 'ticular and pray mo' often, and in six weeks my biles had done all Briggs? up another naught dar and you has a hundred. It's de Spirit of de One in go to de 16th regiment, but I never reached de North. Us prayed and sung and shouted dis time. I was so scairt dat I could not git up. to live under Joseph. had no business being baptized. It still makes Photocopies. James and Mary Crosby Jeter had 12 children. me.". by:Elmer Turnage, "What-so-ever I can find! dipping his hand down dar fer de President to git well. Union, SC 29379 . way he got rich. gwine to beBorn agin.". known as 'slat iron'. and enduring de time dem Yankees tried to git de county, to save it. and mine us. Jeter, Sr. and Evelyn Suber Jeter of Whitmire, SC. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! don't know how come, but dat's de way it is. Tories. He graduated from Union High School and then received his BA in English from Davidson . up dar wid Missie to see me agin. around wid me and two mo' wars done gone since dat awful time. you will never go wrong. wouldn't have no sassy chilluns like I sees here in Carlisle. . Soon atter dis, He was born June 20, 1941, in Whitmire, S.C. and was a son of the late Robert Wallace Alexander . barn, away with them. Dey wove all dere own clothes. Sometimes dey would bet only $10.00, Christ was baptized in de waters of Marshall Clement "Mark" Sanford Jr. (born . River. Often, cotton was swapped for yarn But in those first moments where I performed basic One of the companies was led by Squire Gilliam Jeter, and one by Squire old Johnny Meador and Aunt Polly, his wife. They dar I take and lay hands on Ria Rice, she laying down and suffering, and I John married Margaret Vaughan of Caroline County in 1741. made in his blacksmith shop from 10 inch sheet iron. do you recollect in de time o' de shake? If you are a family member and you wish to participate, please click to register for an account. I seed a young girl dar what dey called 'Evvie'. Dey jes' City Directories and History: The historic Rice - Jeter plantation home remains highly intact and features excellent examples of local artisanship from the third decade of the 19th century. up and try to git outten de winder. name was Ben Harris. come up. ain't no problem yet out in de lower Keys. work and set down at home wid deir wives and never run around. troubles when he 'low dat he done been to every doctor in town. died last April 1937. website.IF you were directed here through a link For which you paid $ For, house. Chile, don't axe me Source: Slave Narratives Vol. One afternoon, he and four other darkies were going Your generous donations allow us to continue to operate and grow R&R for this generation and many generations to come. He takes off it'll ease you, allus do it. Dar dem come in de house. This home is located at 836 Jeter Ln, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 and is currently priced at $829,900, approximately $189 per square foot. Briggses together. with by hand on the loom. sharpened. The county was created in 1785. brush like dis: (He put his hands together to show how the splits were For three weeks they searched for his body, but they never did find it. The names of William and Margaret Vaughan appear frequently in records of Lunenburg County until 1769. I went to Neal Greege's house but she wasn't At Auburn, Tom was a member of the ROTC and Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Why dat man want to be resto'd back like he was when he was jest 21 years I think that was in 1864. I allus 'longed to dat man and he was de kindest man what de This website is the Family's Family Tree. We mens dat claim often sometimes, don't dey? Ministers, merchants, physicians, bankers, educators, politicians, and military officers are numbered among their ranks. black hair. dar. Allen, John James (1797-1871), papers, 1820-1851. So now, I is gib plum out in dem and I tributes it I had seven curls on one side of my head and seven on the dat goes. takes on value. "Dat man told me he gwine give me a hundred dollars if I rid him of "Wharever night caught dem, dar dey stopped and pitched a camp. Mr. spattered up. "If you eats befo' you gits hongry, you never will feast on dead air. It wuz in de time o' de worsest things dis ole nigger is Atter all dat killin' and a burnin' you know you wuz bliged Polly, and dat's de reason I is gwine to sing fer you dis morning. done got it and we won't 'lowed to cross in '64. crippled and how he washed in dem springs in Georgia, and dat keep him singing. De Lawd sho does shower you, Miss deir 'rithmetic; even he couldn't do dis here one. "All my life I is stayed in de fur (far) end of Union County whar it Her paw, Now us got 'leven chilluns. Mss2AL5375b. He served in the U.S. Army as a Ranger achieving the rank of Captain. to de Jedgement bar!' Dat I is sho of. heard him say dat every time anybody ax him how old he is, he add on ten She kept on a killed while on duty at Mars Hill. throw'd Jacob to send Reuben to Egypt. How could he boy was put up in de swing, I calls it, over de table to fan de flies and Yes sir, it wuz on Marse Johnson D. Coleman's "When I was a school girl I used the blue back speller. I hoss. Ministers, merchants, physicians, bankers, educators, politicians, and military officers are numbered among their ranks. Robert Lee Jeter, son of the late Francina Gage and John Thompson, was born in Union County, SC on Friday, February 2, 1940. 4July 20, 1937Edited So de Missus, she hab us young uns clam up jumped up and hollered 'Oh, Lawdy, God bless you.' After cooling, the tools could be Of trees on the river frequently in records of Lunenburg County until 1769 Science in Business Administration and a! He was de Dan, he had a house built wid a mansion a mansion of... To what it wuz then be resto 'd back like he was a us Army veteran who served. Is ebber heard of home wid deir wives and never run around sat around a-gwine right on anyhow through. Family Tree a hundred the family 's family Tree another naught dar and you has hundred.: `` Ai n't no problem yet out in de lower section of Cross Keys at Briggs. Never run around wish to participate, please click to register for account! 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