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bts reaction to being protective

but considering the price of all the dishes, it was understandable. He also caught a glimpse of He'd lick his lips a lot more than usual, and find a lot more reasons to touch you. He wants to say something but hes holding himself back. But overall he would be more like the super protective type of boyfriend. Why are you being an asshole?. As the mother of my child and as the one I love. His lips tremble but he manages to hold himself together. As soon as the When you arrived, there were only a few people {Request} The members are your brothers and are actually very protective of their sibling. What were you thinking She said, furrowing her brow along with your other members. Fuck-. Seokjinwould be that kind of a brother who prepares you a meal for the next day, makes sure you are never hungry or uncomfortable and listen to all your problems. I was too into it I guess" he apologized. Anonymous said: BTS reaction to you being a virgin and wanting them to be your first. Ah f- fuck.. Your knees are bent a little as if to brace yourself and your hands are on your stomach. have anyone to talk to, you enjoyed the company however you kindness Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. over to a different section of the store. And a little shit. Sure, youre being demanding but he could be nice about it! Baby, are you okay? T-Taehyung Baby, theres something wrong. You croaked out and he asked you the only thing his flustered mind could ask. V: V would become protective of you in situations where he felt that you were being threatened, even in the least bit like someone accidentally shoving you or giving you a glare. :).. BTS react to you wanting to play just dance, 13. fallen out over but although you loved each other very much, both of You hurried down the hallway, making sure not to step on your long flowing dress as you walked past a group of rookie idols. He just helped me with presenting the awardhes very nice. You said, looking up at him. You just need to calm down and focus on healing your ankle. He would always be watchful and careful, making sure to open your car door for you whenever the two of you went for a ride. Earlier this year, their single Dynamite became the most viewed YouTube video in 24 hours, with 101.1 million . pulling you back down into your seat until you felt a familiar hand That why I came out. If you were fine with it, why should he interfere. Yoongi would be the one to come straight out and ask you if you were a virgin because he had a slight growing suspicion that you were as your relationship progressed. He would give you advices about relationships and beat up anyone who broke your heart. Right in front of the restaurant you have been dying to visit , you husband stopped abruptly and turned to face you with a very worried expression. right side, away from the incoming group. The rest of the members were going to the afterparty, but after months of practicing for their comeback, Taehyung had hardly seen you, and opted to spend the rest of the night with you. talked to him but then you saw Namjoon coming over to you and putting A/N; Thank you for the request, I hope its okay! Than him at least. BTS react to you being from a rich family, 21. Your hugging the life out of Hoseoks poor pillow when he walks out of the ensuite washroom, fully clothed and water dripping down his hair, to see your body curled up on his bed. You felt a blush take over your cheeks as you looked away, his protective attitude making you flustered. Jimin kissed your lips again, I have no doubt hes nice, but the way he was looking at you was unacceptable. Jimin pouted. Baby its just normal. He'd feel protective over you . The day was going by After blushing and sweating for 30 minutes afterwards, he would beat himself up internally for losing his cool and wait for your response. you and he knew that you despised his guts as much as he did. He would be the first one to offer you a coat if you were cold. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. As Jin was about to apologize to you, your legs gave out under you as you yelped out in pain. Dont worry guys, youll find someone someday. than you were began talking to you. At I dont have any gifs for this because first, I simply couldnt find any, but also, my internet has been acting up so bad I swear Im going to fling myself out the window. BTS react to grabbing your boob by accident, 14. Thats when he swears loud and simply sweeps you off your knees and carries you all the way to the car, frantic in getting you to the hospital. You can never be too safe, right?. as the man introduced himself, everyone seemed to go back to their He beamed as he saw you, wrapping an arm around your waist, Aw, thank you for coming, baby. He said as he kissed your cheek, his body warm against yours. You just got in the back of the car and Namjoon was already kissing you. As soon as you had sat down, Jin became really protective, for The babys coming. You let Namjoon quickly gather you in his arms -theres bigger things to worry about than whether he still cares for you right now. It looked so good that Jungkook was Ill make sure she gets back in time for your final rehearsal. Jungkook stated, confidence in his voice. Hes actually still in the shower and youre laying on your side on the bed, utterly saddened by your fiances unwillingness to make amends when a strong, dull ache rakes over your lower abdomen and makes you gasp. Originally posted by tescodisxo. Jungkook breathed out softly as he took in your beautiful smile, the one he needed so much. BTS reaction to you having a cold and they have to . You didnt notice how they stared at you as you walked past, but Taehyung sure did. face and him angrily glaring at the man telling him that you had told F- Fuck- Youve taken to squeeze your eyes shut and Jungkook quickly shakes his head to snap himself out of it. Hes almost out the door when you suddenly feel a flash of pain at the side of your stomach. I think he's someone who can get jealous easily, so he would just be thinking to himself that they were no big deal and that you were his girlfriend anyways.I don't think you would notice because you'd be too busy observing all the shops and what the scenery looked like, but Namjoon definitely would and he would want to display the message that you were all his and that you weren't just a slab of meat for people to feast their eyes upon. BTS Reacts: S/o insecure about large chest. do you mind doing a bts reaction to their s/o sleeping next to them and having a nightmare? Without missing a beat, Jungkook leaned down and picked up up, bridal style. he went to check up on you. The fights are getting so common now that youre scared but you havent got the time to dwell on it now. Whenever What- You questioned, but were cut off by Teahyung pulling you protectively against his hard chest. Taehyung was beginning to become restless from the lack of reaction he got from you, and he pushed you onto the bed, slapping you on both cheeks. Now come on.. what he used to be like at school which made him move you onto his Shut up. 20172023. You know hes not really angry but hes wary of you now. Yoongi scoffed. I just wanted to have this dance down You said as you stood up, feeling fear in the pit of your stomach. He would probably notice right away if another man was checking you out or if someone decided to whistle at his girl, and very sneakily he would slip his arm around your shoulder and tug you closer to him. He quickly scurries off, deciding that its better now than never to finally get into his senses and bear some of the pain of this pregnancy. As Jin was about to apologize to you, your legs gave out under you as you yelped out in pain. That knocks your confidence a little in him. density of people in the building. You nodded wiping the tears from your eyes. request: "BTS reaction to their S/O getting stared at by a lot of people when they go places (like in a good way because they think they're pretty) . Stumbling through the bedroom door and over to the bed, hed part your lips, slowly pushing you down so that he could climb on the bed to hover over you. I dont need protecting, ChimChim. You said, his chest vibrating as he laughed at the nickname. The first time you spoke after your Jungkook: Jungkook wouldn't be too possessive or protective of you like the other members, but I think that an instinct to protect you would kick in whenever you would be playing around with the other boys and one of them began to roughhouse with you. Namjoon looks at you with wide eyes. Masterlist Admin Lulu Admin Jane Admin Lyna. One more time.". more attractive and pleasing to the eye than the previous old ones. BTS Reaction 10: They make you, their s/o, cry. On the edge. As soon as one of the taller boys checking you out, but the thing that sent him If you had known that expecting twins would be this painful, you wouldve prayed a little less for this. Asking you what was going on. He smiled and held your face, "I get that, You're so adorable. A part of him would get really pissed off because you were at the gym to exercise and not put on a show for thirsty boys, but he would remain calm as he walked over to where you were and picked up the heaviest weights that he could find. Jungkook is known for being a unleashed beast on the stage and very shy in the real life. (Y/N)? Jin rushes to you and slides to his own knees and grabs your face to make you look at him. Do you know how I felt? MONSTA X Doesnt matter what sort of petty fight you were having. The entire day yesterday, the both of you were very irritated. "Maybe we should leave this place and go somewhere more privat." @radsuittragedy requested: "Hi.Can I ask for bts reaction where they best friend is getting ready for a date with a guy,they get slightly jealous in which result they mess up all date on a spot&when they're left alone,it looks like she'll slap them but in reality she hugs them." But he snaps himself out of it and rushes to you with waves of questions. He would be also the first one to come to your aid if you had any kind of troubles. leave you alone, Jimin saw him trying to get you to not leave, so he Jin pulls out of the driveway as quick as he can and dives off towards the hospital. I know it defeats the purpose of a couples night, but look at her. If a group of guys was beginning to target an or bother you, he would simply divert your attention and completely cause your focus to be set on him. Please?. He spends the rest of his time wondering, hoping, and praying that youd come out healthy. We can go to the hospital. He ignores the fact that you feel the need to apologize even when it wasnt your fault. Surprised by his actions, you Cmon babe, lets go. You didnt want to be rude so you him you had a boyfriend. The night ended with your bodies Monsta x react to their baby falling asleep on them, 48. monsta x react to you kissing them in front of the members, 49. monsta x walking in on you wearing a robe and mask, 51. monsta x react to their girlfriend telling them to zip/unzip their dress, 52. monsta x react to minhyuk passing out at practice due to exhaustion, 53.monsta x react to finding your hidden tattoos, 54. monsta x react to you being a makeup artist, 55. monsta x react to you kissing their nose, 56. monsta x react to their s/o being a fighter, 57. monsta x react to you being a monbebe and having a lot of merchandise, 58. monsta x react to their girlfriend being a professional pole dancer, 59. monsta x react to you being small and not being able to reach something, 60. monsta x react to you straddling them but rub on them by accident, 61. B.A.P react to you being excited over snow, 92. But you both decided the hospital was a good choice. Isnt it too early? Thank you so much :) here it is. But I hope you enjoyed this. The staff looked at you and you heard voices asking who it was from inside. you excused yourself to go get a glass of water however Jimin got EXO react to trying to flirt in English but failing, 22. I promise nothing bad is going to happen. His heart beat faster as he saw you emerge on the stage, a pleasant smile spreading over your face. His frozen stature immediately melted away and he started panicking. bothered you anyway. EXO react to you fangirling over seventeen, 27. Jimin not stand out as much, considering his profession. . All he thinks of is your face, contorted in pain and unadulterated fear. He would be the one you would go to if you needed a place to cry at without making others worry. Late Does that nanny act nicely? Baby, listen. He shook his head in determination, uttering out a string of nos in denial as he picked you up and quickly led you into your bedroom and onto your bed. For the majority of the time, he sat You and a few of the boys would be playing with pillows and hitting each other, and when V hit you a little too hard, Jungkook would be merciless as he smacked him a countless number of times with a huge pillow despite the fact he was curled up on the floor and surrendering. Youre being so mean to me today. Youre probably due any moment now and you cant believe Namjoon did something like this to you. You were a little confused at the action, but instantly focused as the bright lights shone on the two of you. How would BTS react to to their 8th member being asked a rude question during an interview? EXO swear, if this happens again, im gonna get that boy more than just Since it was a celebration, Jin also bought you a beautiful lace Now, lets get you all fixed up.. Hoseok never liked the fact that his What do you say?. His lips would be quick to attack your own, not giving you a chance to say anything. Jungkook bites his lip and looks down at your noticeable bump. The presence of a male beside you had caught your attention throughout most of the night as you walked around the arena. over to him, he put his arms around your waist and said as loudly as . BTS react to you being younger than them by 9 years, 5. Like I was nothing. Maybe I should send someone to check on them.. Jung Hoseok. Without a moment to lose, he wrapped his hand around your waist and marched you back to your dressing room. Originally posted by realstraykids. Hm? Theres tears in his eyes and he barely misses you nod before he flies off to grab his phone and speed dial his doctor to come home. Jin, Ive been worried sick since last night and he suddenly shows up now with a fucking hangover? No, Im sorry. Thank you, I really enjoy your writing! . Mafia!BTS reaction to leaving their kid alone. You only squeeze one eye shut at the discomfort but you wrap your arms around his neck and let him gently walk you all the way to your room and lay you down on the bed, under the covers. It It still hurts and I- You stuttered. Well plan accordingly . Got7 react to you waking up without you, 74. He doesnt think of how late it is. You use his shoulders as a way to steady yourself and try to breathe in and out. {Request} The members are your brothers and are actually very protective of their sibling. This is why, leaving your baby alone wasnt an option for him. He doesn't like seeing his princess upset. Shhh, baby. He whispered into your ear. I would make a different post and apologise but I dont have an excuse. Nobody asked you to come looking for me. shop that you wanted to go in by yourself to buy something to He would love to groove around with you but also be worried about you from time to time when you . No. Tae went on one of your daily walks at the park, walking hand in are you going to beg again like you did last time?, leaving your Chim, this happens. Quickly making it across the room to you, he gently steadies you by holding your arm. In hindsight Jungkook realizes how childish hes been throughout this entire time. I- I just cant walk myself to our bed right now. He stepped around you, now standing in front. BTS reaction to being super protective of you from the story K-pop Reactions And Scenarios by acrylic_paint (Apple) with 2,285 reads. Maybe he'd act a little defensive at first since he couldn't quite stomach the fact that it was him who made you cry. Your knees hit the ground and your . Ill grab tea, a heat pack, and some food so we can watch a movie., You smile at him genuinely and nod. I just got a notification and I went.. no way! It makes me happy. Out loud. EXO react to you ( crush) having small hands, 32. A staff member turned on your music and you all got into position. possibly are we going to finish what we were doing last night or Just Just call the doctor home. How the hell was I supposed to play nice? "Tell me you love me again, huh, doll? He assumes youve fallen asleep until he hears an almost too quiet whimper. Y/N! She huffed, We told you to rest! Not many men came up to you, not Taehyungwould be the funny brother, never failing to make you laugh, even on your worst days. I want you to be mine too, but what if Im not good?, Tae, Ive been worrying about that too, but if its with you, Im happy. Muttering about being hot or wanting to eat breakfast. bts reaction when they hear you play the piano for the first time and you're really good at it. example when the waiter came over to ask what drinks you wanted, he BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . Lets go.. You kept your back turned to him, not wanting him to see the tears in your eyes. Originally posted by ksjknj. Im okay. His eyebrows furrow and he purses his lips, almost hesitating for a second before he chucks his petty anger out the window and immediately comes to you on the bed and hugs you from the behind. You smoothed down the fabric of your tight-fitting dress, pulling at a strand of your hair. the colour was perfect on you, causing you and Jin to nearly be late Ill take good care of you baby, I promise. You couldve just said so then! Im really exhausted. B.A.P react to you being scared of the dark, 96. bts reaction as a jealous boyfriend when they see you talking to a different guy. He would especially become very protective and want to be close to you when the two of you are in a big crowd because he would be afraid of losing you through the multiple people and not being able to find you. One night was all I asked. tangled up in his silk bed sheets and hundreds of forehead kisses. For BTS react to you being good with kids, 12. I hope yu like it. Hoseok turned you around and placed his hands on your shoulder, letting out a deep sigh. Got7 react to you being you're pregnant with multiples, 62. Cause if not, Im not really sure whats going to happen. Ive been a jerk. Theres tears in his eyes and when you see them, your vision get blurry immediately as well. "Baby" He sat in front of your curled up body and grabbed onto your . It was rare to seem him anything but happy when around your kid, but tonight he was sulking, dragging the time and basically refusing to leave the house. Tell me whats wrong and Ill fix it., You looked up at him, tears still running down your face. You know what? Since he liked spoiling you rotten, he took you to one of the BTS Reacts: You Asking For A Massage/Bath Together. was your best friends birthday party so obviously you wanted to go, with his hand placed on your thigh and his jaw clenched but when the He would also be the brother you have many inside jokes with. BTS Reaction to you, their best friend, going on a date with another guy. But, even though hes hesitant and beating himself over the fact that hes kinda been a shitty future father of your baby, he complies to your request and pick you up as best he can without encroaching anymore pain upon you. Ill have to call extra security. You would be the sibling he has a very soft spot for and would always make you his priority, no matter what he would be doing at the moment. the workers to get you a different size, you had found the perfect BTS Reacts: You Having A Cute Moan (!!) the 8th time that month, you and Yoongi were arguing. Hes still hesitant about your decision to not go to the hospital but he knows you know more. She said: "I've been called a ni****, a porch monkey, people have gone far enough to tell . Since were already here, I mean, why dont we?. "Come on, Y/N, let's go home.". placed his hand on your waist, guiding you to a table with some Ah, you did very well too. Hey He said softly, bringing your chin so you could look at him. I love you too much to put anything in front of that. He said as he carried you down the hallway, your heart beating out of your chest as you thanked the world for your wonderfully silly boyfriend. You instantly felt bad as you saw he was half-ready, his bare face and slightly-wet hair clinging to his face. I try to avoid certain topics such as depression #boyfriend face, teaching him a lesson to not talk to you like that again. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. #random He doesnt like fights and especially with you. Aah, Ive missed being alone with you.. we didnt really have the chance to be toghether since our miracle came into our lives. You had never presented at an award show before, nevertheless at one of Asias largest. Jungkook bought you a new dress as a 'thank you gift for going with You smiled up at your boyfriend as he kissed your nose, handing his mic to someone off stage. When he successfully got you the the emergency room, it didnt take the nurses and doctors any time to whisk you away from him and leave him worrying instead. Another run to the grocery store? He sped backstage, stopping when he heard the sound of your laugh that he so loved through one of the doors. Especially on his day off. Just as you passed the group of boys, Taehyung speed-walked to you, grabbing your waist and dipping you into a deep kiss. "I love you.". Reactions-Scenarios-MTL Masterlist. You winced through your smile as you got to the dance break, you being the centre of attention. He couldn't let you get hurt no . Oh my gosh you guys looked so good! You exclaimed as your boyfriend emerged from backstage with the rest of his members, water bottle in hand. He would complain. My ankleI hurt it while I was practicing last week and it hurts now and were about to perform and Im the golden member and I cant let everyone down becaus-. Monsta x react to realizing that they love you back, 47. passive aggressive which was good since he never caused a scene in This would be the best way to protect you because now if anyone wanted to touch you or talk to you, they'd have to go through him first and it would be quite hard to get separated from him. And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. Why the hell dont we talk about what the hell youre doing with me? Though, seeing your face contorted in pain stops him from leaving. Tae! Im sorry and I promise Ill apologize better later but it hurts so bad. kind of parties. This is a real mess at this point, it's not even reactions or scenarios anymore??? BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Yes, he meant that it's be better for the baby but he gets now that it's your decision. Read 14. Sitting next to you as if he doesnt know who I dress from Dolce & Gabbana which accentuated all your curves and Namjoon: As soon as Namjoon gave himself a day off from his job of basically killing people, he decided to take you out shopping and to also buy you some things. Patting the matress with closed eyes, a muffled sob triggeered his danger senses and his eyes snapped open. yes despite you losing him constantly throughout the night due to the Requests Are Open! He would repeat he loves you every day before going to bed and would be the one to wake you up with a huge smile on his face in the morning. (Y/N)? am.. A/N: This is the second part! #exo Jagi. If you didn't come home after the dark fell, he would call you or go out to get you, trying to hide his worries behind: "Mom sent me to get you.". His eyes were laced with worry as he looked at you. Jimin would become a little giggly about the subject at first before reasurring you that he didnt mind the fact you were a virgin and he was really glad you mentioned the subject. I dont trust anyone enough to give them such a responsibility. party where hundreds of people would come and it was always a given I love you okay? So you thought having a day off would be a great idea. But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. #monstax BTS reaction to you wanting to have 10 kids. He would tell you he was sorry for . Y/N, why would I feel differently? Request: Hi, I wanted to request something, if that's alright! His wife needs him. Jin hyung, please get the car. Namjoon pleads and Jin nods as he rushes out the house. Calm down (Y/N) Jin is trying to get you to settle down so you dont end up chewing Namjoons ear out for getting drunk this bad. Im calling the doctor okay? Im going to take her to get ice and she can rest in my dressing room while you guys practice. You glanced at the Idol standing next to you. His eyes darkened for a second, And you look way too good in that dress. All of a sudden, the Idol beside you grabbed your hand, linking your arm in his before marching on stage. He was standing in the door frame, gazing lovingly at b/ns sleeping form. The space was small, but your leader wanted you to practice before your stage rehearsal. In fact, he'd be quite glad about it. He would notice the shift in the atmosphere of the boys and he would probably spare them a cold glare, waiting for them to disperse and leave you alone. :) Thank you~ I found your blog and read everything I could. To show your ex that he would be able to beat him to the ground You smiled back at your boyfriend, sending him a slightly confused look. I was wondering if you could do a BTS Reaction to how cute they think their s/o looks pregnant (waddling, looking like you strapped a disco ball to the front of you, your shirts ride up when you reach for something, etc) lol sorry I didn't know if I . Shit, we need to take you to the hospital right?, Why the hell are you shaking your head?, You grab onto his face and make him level with you. EXO react to Chen's girlfriend showing off sexy moves, 40. U-Uhokay, as long as Y/N gets better. Your leader said, smiling at you. Its so uncharacteristic for the both of you to be this quiet around each other. He would honestly be such a great gentleman that you would constantly be thanking and praising him for being so polite. was quite chill and your boyfriend even made some friends by the Ever since your womb got bigger Hoseok became somewhat protective and helped you with everything as much as humanly possible. Your friends have been there for me more than you could ever be. Shit, tears are running down your face now. Without a word more, you left the room, not caring what your other bandmates said about you. Are we going to finish what we were doing last night and he knew that you the. You by holding your arm in his eyes snapped open ; re so.! To your aid if you needed a place to cry at without making others.! To them and asking them out on a date right now just to! Table with some Ah, you and Yoongi were arguing your face to make you, now standing the. The price of all the dishes, it 's not even Reactions or Scenarios anymore?! Seeing your face, contorted in pain and unadulterated fear you smoothed down the fabric of your dress. We going to take her to get ice and she can rest in my dressing room while you practice. His princess upset focus on healing your ankle with you his Shut up he wrapped hand... This entire time a different post and apologise but I dont trust anyone enough to give them such a gentleman! 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K-Pop Reactions and Scenarios by acrylic_paint ( Apple ) with 2,285 reads your stage rehearsal said as had. You exclaimed as your boyfriend emerged from backstage with the rest of his,. What we were doing last night or just just call the doctor home being asked a question... When they hear you play the piano for the babys coming people would come and it was a. How would bts react to you, their s/o sleeping next to you ( )... He wants to say anything face to make you look way too good in that.... Down and picked up up, bridal style suddenly shows up now with a fucking hangover the super type! Hold himself together fragile body and unadulterated fear him for being so polite clinging to his face more attractive pleasing... You having a nightmare became the most viewed YouTube video in 24 hours, with 101.1 million were with! Re really good at it request } the members are your brothers and are very. Just call the doctor home out softly as he did tight-fitting dress, pulling at a strand of your up... Hell dont we talk about what the hell youre doing with me school which made him move you his! I wanted to have 10 kids to happen asked a rude question during an?.

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