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ren zhengfei leadership style

This will change the architecture proposed by John Von Neumann. I'm a puppet leader,' founder Ren Zhengfei says This is the fifth in an eight-part series looking at how Huawei has found itself at the epicentre of the US-China tech war Ren Zhengfei has. Back home in Shenzhen, Zhengfei told everyone that the passion that he felt for that lab was equal to love. Mr. Ren: Huawei is based in China. We have limited resources and technologies. His management of the company is heavily influenced by the childhood hardship he endured during the Cultural Revolution and the military values instilled in him during his 6 years in the PLA. For the rest, let the organization keep doing what it does well. Small projects like this ignited my passion for scientific research. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Leadership Style Assignment : Ren Zhengfei. Arjun Kharpal: Do you feel that your military-style speeches empower the employees here? Executives may want to develop these OQ competencies on the way up the ladder and theyll certainly need them if they are to succeed at the most senior levels. Unlike many Chinese companies that set up many businesses but most cannot be called successful, US companies know how to narrow their focus and then charge forward. He has maintained the company as private and his management style has been extremely Mr. Ren: Collaboration and shared success. How can I live a life like that? Thirdly, its his sense of management that helps him to become an excellent leader. I majored in architecture back in school, but I studied electronics technology myself. So I don't think there will be a significant impact on Huawei's business. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, we spoke about Apple and Steve Jobs. Meng is now in a similar situation. October 01, 2018, Source: Arjun Kharpal: You were in the People's Liberation Army. I was naive and took it for granted that I could earn money playing with this huge industry. Ren possess, the characteristics of Controlling leader who makes all important decisions (, ). Western companies are no different. Minimum time is spent in making decisions as chain of command is emphasized. So this won't impact us too much. Any one of these things could help them conquer the world. That's why I said he is a great president. If we get caught in the middle, we will be crushed like a watermelon when these two powers clash. Below is the transcript of a CNBC Exclusive interview with Ren Zhengfei, Huawei Founder and CEO. Or do you feel sometimes they are intimidated by that style of leadership? The US hasn't been scared of anyone or anything though. Huawei responded to customers 24/7. He is the author of the book Pro-active Leadership: How to overcome procrastination and be a bold decision-maker. Once an order is in effect, it must be executed regardless of the conditions or the obstacles the employees meet when tackling these problems. This switch was used by hotels and small organizations. But if you were in the room with the US President, what would be your message to him? This case focuses on the distinctive "paternalistic" leadership and management style of Ren Zhengfei, founder of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Huawei") and considers whether he needed to adapt his style in light of new challenges at the company. Steve Jobs is known more internationally. The factory's equipment was from France, and at the time, it was some of the world's most advanced equipment with a high level of automated controls. Networks belong to our customers, not us. Collective decision-making ensured that Huawei made fewer mistakes and absorbed collective wisdom, but it also caused rigidity. Recommended Lists: Scorpio Entrepreneurs We are also collaborating with many vendors in the storage domain, trying to do better, because in edge computing, we will see either CPUs embedded into storage devices or the other way around. Essential in his idea to compete, however, is that it should be done with respect for its opponents. It is a well-known fact that Zhengfei truly lives this purpose and pursues it with unlimited energy, making Huawei his natural born mission. Therefore, we will count on the law to address these issues. In the third phase, after 2007, the strategy was to simplify management and be creative with top talents to turn Huawei into an efficient and creative creator of customers dreams. He has a saying that is often quoted: thinking ability is the most important thing. 500000 employees in military field. As mentioned earlier, the first two decades of Huaweis existence were dominated by the force of attack in order to survive and gradually become a better service provider. At the same time, the company acknowledged the contributions of dedicated employees by remunerating them generously. Huawei has indeed invested considerably in creating a learning driven culture where the power of the mind is visible. He lives with his daughter Cathy Meng who is also the CFO of Huawei. Arjun Kharpal: I want to switch topic a little bit to talk about your daughter, Meng Wanzhou. In our early days, we relied on only two multi-meters and one oscilloscope to develop the product. However, most of us didn't really understand how important this decision made by the CPC's Central Committee was. It emphasized clear-cut goals, hard-and-fast rules, employee dedication and absolute obedience. Where does this idea of competing in a cooperative way come from? Arjun Kharpal: You mentioned in our conversation that people ask you about your vision for 20 to 30 years, but you don't even know what's going to happen in the next two to three years. This way, we will be able to make world-leading products. Along the way he introduced one important innovation: the Clubcard, the UKs first supermarket loyalty card, which allowed Tesco to leapfrog Sainsburys into the number-one retail spot. I would like to express my own opinions instead of as a Huawei representative. When I look back on how Huawei developed in the telecom market, we actually made some missteps. Got a confidential news tip? is the preeminent financial news source on the web, featuring an unprecedented amount of video, real-time market analysis, web-exclusive live video and analytical financial tools. More and more companies are harnessing new technologies more quickly. Indeed, as the Chinese say: Every generation produces its own great character (Jiang shan dai you ren cai chu) and each exerts impact for hundreds of years (Ge ling feng sao shu bai nian). Second, we strive to become the world's best in edge computing. In particular, we will build the simplest networks, ensure cyber security, and protect user privacy. Does China feel under pressure from President Trump's tactics in the negotiations? With Huawei becoming the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, Ren zhengfei has already become a paradigm for businessmen to study and learn from. The US doesn't need to conquer the world through violence. Zhengfei is a big fan of the practice of story telling and makes extensive use of it as a vehicle to deliver his ideas to employees in a passionate manner. Use the strengths of your organization to achieve your goals. His company reflects these traits. We always focus all of our energy on this same single point. Of course, large equipment still relies on an architecture of no other elements but computing, storing and connecting, so we will also work hard to contribute to a cloud world. Ren zhengfei led his group to study and bring in the management system of IBM company. Since China has become the second largest economy in the world, this relationship has taken new forms in the shape of several business initiatives. Ren has adopted the controlling only style which has made him successful leader. A common theme in everything that Ren Zhengfei as a leader undertakes is the ability to reflect, think and act. Arjun Kharpal: And part of that R&D budget has gone into 5G, into chips, you've got your own 5G chip. So he and his managers smashed the defective appliances. To rebel from the top, leaders must strike a difficult balance. But there are critics who point to certain national intelligence laws in China that compel Chinese companies to help the government with national intelligence work if they're asked. Are you starting to think about how your own intellectual property like chips could be used and sold to third parties like Apple? Zhengfei has a strong interest and passion for learning about historic events. Second, develop an organizational persona. Part of making the dreams of customers to come alive is the idea that providing the best service possible is crucial to the success of the company. If a single backdoor was found in even one of the countries where we operate, our sales would shrink in all of them. The secret is to take advantage of opportunities to do something symbolic in a surprising, high-impact way that will capture the attention (and, hopefully, the hearts and minds) of the organizations members. But unfortuetely he fails to, achieve military rank, due to which he was not allowed to join communist party of China for, continuing his career in Military field as, Ren Zhengfei family belongs to social background and, Ren Zhengfei was accountable for many, technological achievements. Ren Zhengfei leads Huawei Technologies, one of the world's largest manufacturer of telecommunication hardware and mobile phones. The contrasts were stark. Now we talk a lot about genetic modification, or gene editing. We will not be affected by increased tariffs, either. Directive Style. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Mark your calendar for these stimulating events and prepare to be inspired. Arjun Kharpal: Mr. Ren, you've said in the past that the US government hasn't seen Huawei's technology and source code. In a newly published speech originally given in June 2020, Ren called for decentralised . Arjun Kharpal: You mentioned you abide by the local laws here in China. While pursuing this vision, he continuously has proven his ability to design strategies that enabled him to adapt his vision to the challenges that the company faces. Rein was retired from the army, reason for his retirement was a large labor, reduction which has directly affected approx. They replied that they could not make it smaller. Huawei was founded by Ren Zhengfei when he was in the mid-age crisis. Mr. Ren: I think Mr. Jobs was a great man. Do you see that Huawei is a pawn in the broader US-China trade war that's going on at the moment? Would you invite Donald Trump and his administration to your campus here in Shenzhen to let them see the technology that you have, to put their fears at rest? Mr. Ren: I think the biggest technological advances will be seen in AI experimentation and applications. Many Chinese believe the blueprint for Huawei's success was created by its founder and long-time CEO, Ren Zhengfei. .. . .. .. Ren Zhengfei is successful Chinese businessman. CEO's are the driving force behind any for-profit organisation. Mr. Ren: First, Mr. Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made a statement at the Munich Security Conference that the Chinese government always requires Chinese firms to abide by international rules and laws and regulations of the country where they operate, and that China has no law requiring companies to install backdoors or collect foreign intelligence. Ren Zhengfei (Mr Ren): When I had just started Huawei, we still did not understand China's reform and opening-up policy. He is the founder as well as founder of, Huawei Technologies Co.Ltd. For example, in the desert and rural areas in China, rats were a plague for the telecom connections to customers. 2023 CNBC LLC. It often makes sense to adopt a stealth strategy rather than a formally declared one and to bring people along gradually, as it starts to prove itself. But there are still more than 180,000 employees working at Huawei. And he initiated an annual conference whose panels combined executives and faculty members. Our subsidiaries in other countries also have this relationship with local governments. In Europe, we will face some difficulties in the short term, but there will be no impact on our business. In the next two or three decades, technology will advance even faster. Where was I supposed to go from there? Arjun Kharpal: But some of the major figures in the technological world have warned about the dangers of artificial intelligence. We are actually learning from US companies. Register as a Premium Educator at, plan a course, and save your students up to 50% with your academic discount. Effective moments of theater have three important characteristics. With AI, workers will be ten times more efficient, so the US will be a major technological powerhouse with an output equal to that of 3 billion people. This is surprising because Huawei has been very active in 2014 and 2015 in securing many partnerships with European firms, ranging from a focus on cloud storage and cell phone applications in security areas. The interview was first broadcast on CNBC's Squawk Box Asia on 15 April 2019 and the full interview will air as a special episode of CNBC Conversation on Friday, 19 April at 9am (SG/HK). This selective messaging was not popular, but it was highly effective. Instead, we will use it to fund universities and scientists for their research and explorations into the future. If you'd like to share this PDF, you can purchase copyright permissions by increasing the quantity. Combining storage and computing will enable devices to run faster. Most of us also didn't understand that move. Even with those qualities, many leaders fail at the top job often because they dont know how to get the organization to do what they want. Obviously this has required a strict control of information, which attaches a flavor of secrecy and even mystery to the behavior of Mr. Ren Zhengfei. Zhengfei made this very clear when he said: I do not know anything about technology, but I can bring people together to work for the collective. He is praised for his desire to hire better people in the areas he is weak in, with the ultimate goal to improve the quality of Huawei products and services. Arjun Kharpal: You said you've not had any communication with Donald Trump. What did you learn at the time that helped you start Huawei and guide your philosophy? What did she speak about? The US government must present evidence to substantiate their charges against Huawei as this lawsuit proceeds. Its CEO, Ren Zhengfei, has long identified grey management as a principle of his leadership and employed it to provide his firm with a clear direction. The TV channel is available in more than 415 million homes worldwide. The cost of using a warship is high. If the US thinks we can be used as a pawn, I'd say they probably have the wrong person. Arjun Kharpal: You mentioned the Ericsson CEO at the time said it was a bold move to jump into this space. Create a free website or blog at First, embrace bureaucracy rather than rail against it. They don't need a warship to conquer the world. By studying law on my own, I realized that only a focused approach to scientific research could lead to new products. Decisions were taken much slower than in the first more chaotic years of the company and fear existed that the bravery and courage underlying the companys striving for innovation would disappear. Dong Mingzhu, Chinas most successful businesswoman and the head of Gree Electric, has a persona that says, Where Sister Dong walks, no grass grows meaning she is really, really tough. This focus on unlimited delivery of services helped Huawei to gain the reputation that they sincerely cared about the needs of their customers, and as a result gave them a competitive advantage. In many ways the second skill is the more difficult one to develop; most top managers are competitive, and their natural reaction to a challenge is to take it head-on. They have great technologies, skilled labor, and economic strength. For example, in the early years of Huawei (Phase 1), he regularly told stories to employees that he believed that in 20 years Huawei would have 1/3 of the market share in the world, despite the fact that at that time Huawei only employed about 200 employees. Ren innovation skills and technical knowledge. At that time, Ren zhengfei often told all kinds of stories to encourage its employees to imagine the splendid future and try to cast them into reality with their own hands. AI will benefit our society. The collaboration between these two countries would create two "trains" that can tow the global economy out of trouble. Second, Huawei is being stuck in an extremely difficult situation the US is launching intense attacks against us. We will not distribute any extra profit to our employees. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. The first phase ran from 1987 to 1997 and can be characterised as the years of chaos, in which Huawei, in the words of Zhengfei: was trying to survive the entrepreneurial stage. He brought in editors from the target journals to help train the faculty on how to write more effectively for them. In 1963, he studied at the Chongqing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture. In the words of Zhengfei: Chaos was removed and structure entered Huawei. Figure 1: The Leadership Lessons of Ren Zhengfei 1. In phase 2, running from 1997 to 2007, Huawei became more structured by hiring IBM to implement management structures as these were completely lacking at that time. He made this persuasively clear by literally saying that it is necessary To cut off your feet to wear the shoe (xue zue shi lu). That's how we started out. Never does he try to overly advertise his own company or fabricate some news items just for attracting eyes. Today, Huawei has developed a decision-making system with limited democracy and appropriate centralisation. In the early years of Huawei, this toughness was symbolised by his focus on fighting and surviving as a primary strategy for his people. He is the first president of a democracy to reduce taxes significantly within such a short period of time. The engineering troop I was in was among one of the first troops to be disbanded. The Laissez-Fair Leadership Style 1085 Words | 5 Pages They are engaging elements of transformational leadership in which leaders get great illustrations who increased in value, respected, replicated and trusted by subordinates ; . Huawei was not mentioned in any of the negotiation meeting minutes published by the US and China. After getting the retirement from the army, Ren then worked with, ). In the fiscal year of 2014 Huawei reached an all-time high sales revenue of CNY288.197 billion (US$46.515 billion) and CNY27.866 billion (US$4.49 billion) in net profit. If a technology is 20,000 kilometers away, we can invest a little more, like an apple. Is only slower computing good for us? 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