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my muslim boyfriend broke up with me

Period. You give yourself the space and time you need to heal from your breakup and allow your ex the chance to do the same. Dont let yourself be lured into checking his social media accounts or sending him frequent emails or texts remember the no contact rule. You are precious and created by God. Write in a journal, talk to your friends, and start dating when you feel that youre ready to put yourself out there. This page contains affiliate links. This happened to me as well. Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Dahlia Qadri, Intern, Hijab and International ". My uncle thinks his son is homosexual and wants us to beat the gay out of him. Islam has a pretty demeaning view of women. Should I stay married, divorce, or marry a second wife? When you were in a relationship, it was easy to put your friends on the back burner. If your boyfriend left you, then he might not be ready to get back together with you yet. The details of our relationship can be seen below. If youre constantly trying to get him to take you back, hell think youre desperate and it will turn him off even more. If you have tried talking to your boyfriend and he doesnt want to try to fix things, theres not much more that you can do at this point. have faith in Him . Did your boyfriend act secretive or unhappy? Use the rest to learn new things, meet new people, start a new hobby, change something about your appearance, and improve yourself in all sorts of ways. So, even if your boyfriend left you out of nowhere from your perspective, he probably spent a while thinking about leaving you, and there surely will have been some clues. Because once you paint a new picture of what your life together could be like, you could end up creating the relationship youve always dreamt of. Without God allowing us to drink a drop from the Boundless Ocean of Knowledge, we would have been completely lost. You can ask him. You deserve to know why you got dumped to be able to find closure and heal. Doing so will help you get your ex back. In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation. They usually want someone from their culture (experienced this sadly). But, your ex will see this desperation and it will probably push them further away from you. NOW FROM THE FOLLOWING PLS LEARN THE PRAYER AND HAVE PATIENCE-NO WORRY IF YOU LOOSE THE SELFISH BOY FRIEND ATLEAST YOU HAVE FOUND THE ALMIGHTY IN THE PROCESS- We use to cry for each other when either of us had any problem . My advise to you is to let him go. But even if you werent, you probably noticed that there was something wrong. This can create problems in your life and your relationships. I dont know he came back to me the other day saying he is finalizing his divorce and he wants us to be together but I dont believe in anything i am honest but he probably misses the sex but i am not more his sex doll that is how i feel now after 1 year with him. Put forth your effort and ask them to do the same. Perhaps you were fighting a lot. They dated and eventually married. WhenI started this relationship,I was innocent and was not knowing about this great sin. You need to stop assuming everyone is having sex!!! But when you break up, your friends will be there for you. He was born and raised in Canada and Id consider him to be very westernized, he drinks parties, dates all that stuff. Sorry to hear this happened. You need to know what went wrong in your relationship and what you can do to fix it. Staff Photo Gallery. If Allah does not will for the two to be together in this life then it doesn't matter how much the two love each other. Even if abrupt, a breakup is still a breakup. I pray to God to give me the strength to change for my own benefit, thanks for reading me. My brother is gay. The No contact rule gives them the space they need to get over the breakup. So that's why I decided to brokeup with without telling him . who know a center to learn it in bittsburgh ? I think the best thing to do is to approach him (at a time when you two arent fighting) and tell him that when he threatens to break up with you, it hurts you. You need to be supportive of your exs new relationship. Its true. Let us see the benefits and virtues of reciting this simple beautiful supplication insha Allah. Istighfar opens the door of mercy. If he feels like youre not interested in him anymore and are moving on with your life if he feels like he cant have you hell want you even more. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you deal with a breakup thats come out of nowhere. And thats probably a good thing when you think about it. It isn't your fault. (Al-Ikhlas 112:1-4) Keep in mind that you are going to love again, and you are going to have a happy relationship. If you want him back, then you need him to remember the good times you shared. Maybe he thought he could tolerate some things that were there from the start, but he later came to the conclusion that theyre deal breakers for him. If you havent heard of Relationship Hero before, its a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. We sit on the same highschool. When you feel like crying, cry, but try to do something positive even with those negative feelings. But first, lets find out why he broke up with you in the first place. Speaking of commitment, have you discussed where your relationship is going? This will help you mourn and it will help him come to terms with his decision. But, its really hard to figure out what went wrong if youre still in touch with your ex. Dude is an amazing guy. Give him time to think about the relationship and his decision to break up with you. Dont get back together with him just because you feel lonely or because youre afraid of losing him forever, but because you truly want to be with him. I don't know what happened. There's no need for the two of you to rush into a big wedding, living together, setting up a home, etc. Do you have different values? If you make snide remarks or say anything negative about her, youll only drive him further away. When your ex broke up with you, you were probably angry with him. This article is here to help you achieve that. And I read that Allah may give you somthing better than that, but I don't want anything better than him. Istighfar is also gateway of productivity. Im sorry maam. This is very important and you need to listen to this: Go no contact. In addition, maybe youre not the only girlfriend that hes walked out on when things got serious. The No contact rule is a period of time usually one month during which you abstain from all contact with your ex and their friends and family. At the end, If you see the overall picture, allowing sex without marriage will lead to feel you like you are cheated and you are less precious and easily available . So, instead of cheating on you, he ended the relationship so that he would be free to date other people. They granted an immediate divorce and full legal permanent custody of her children. It's sad to think how long you can be ", "It's been a great article. Enter Paradise Laughing? Your ex will be able to sense your confidence and will be drawn to you even more. I'm so tired. I know it hurts, but it would probably hurt more later. Even though you and your boyfriend might get back together, you might not, and its best to accept the current reality. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 3. He sent her to take classes on how to be a good Muslim wife. He needs to marry you, that is the only problem. Sometimes, there simply comes a time to leave a relationship even though theres no specific reason for doing so. We were in agood relationship, but he suddenly wanted tobreak up with me. I never did anything wrong I was a good man. Its important that you show him youre moving on with your life and that he is not the center of it any longer. Give him a time period in which he cannot contact you. Yes, there is a possibility that your boyfriend will change his mind, but thats unlikely to happen quickly, and you need time to figure out what you want too. Perhaps he thought that he could grow to love you or didnt even think about it at all. But you are spot on about the control thing. Even if youre sure that you want your ex back, dont bring up their new relationship and trash talk about their new partner. What did your boyfriend tell you regarding the breakup? I'm still getting over it and he now is ignoring me. Why am I so confident that they can help you? Did you mention commitment? Now, you dont want to be too obvious. Even though I think a lot of people imagined it would happen this way Im still sorry it happened. When you were in a relationship, it was easy to blame your breakup on external factors. One of the best ways to get your ex-boyfriend back is to show him what hes missing out on. But you don't know Na what will happen so its better to ask ALLAH for help and leave the rest. So, dont hold onto the hope that you will get him back. When you keep in touch with them after a breakup, you could be pushing them further away from you and make them feel even more confused and unsure about their decision to break up. Im not muslim but I know a fair few now. A. AquaBabyMama. Well you did a great thing by breaking up with him. This is an Islamic advice website where people ask questions about marriage and family issues, and we respond. Im sorry you are hurting right now. He never tried for nude photos or sexting etc. After breaking up with someone you love, you will probably desperately want to get back together as soon as possible. As the Bible tells us: Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Remember that God wants us to act in a way that is Now that youve mentioned commitment, he started thinking about what that means, and to him, it might seem like he will lose his freedom. Assalaamu alaikum In the end, you cant rely on him to give you closure. You've been fooled and it sucks, but that is the case. I have only myself to blame for my bad decisions I know When we met, we had both come out of a relationship not long ago so I can't say I'm that surprised it's ended, but what I am surprised by is how cold and heartless he is treating me and move on so quickly to his ex who strokes his ego or tells him what he wants to hear to keep him. Please dont judge my lesbian relationship. You need to be sure of what you want and be able to clearly communicate that to your ex. This will only make him resent you and he may become less likely to get back together with you later on. You need to play it cool. Why do you say he did the right thing to end the relationship? A TikToker revealed the most savage way to break up with a boyfriend: Post it on BeReal. I'm sorry. he may not be ready to get back together. You also get a chance to focus on yourself and learn what you need to do to get your life back on track. Are my stepsisters feelings and actions justified? It's not your job to fix him. Do something cathartic. We cried on the phone as he told me that his parents and family would never accept me and that he wanted to be with me Breakups can be ugly, confusing, and downright devastating. What bothers me is that I feel that I have broken his heart which was never my intention. Its a technique that requires you to cut off all communication with your ex for a specific period of time. 1ST KNOW ALLAH THEN PROCEED FOR FORGIVENESS- Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me coldly like as if I never existed and like he never even had feelings for me. When he sees that you have your life together and that hes no longer the center of it, hell want to get back with you even more. I have a similar problem the only thing I converted for her. By doing this, youll be able to understand your exs side of the story and how to win him back. Be glad you discovered the walking red flag he was before you got even more involved, and don't try to rationalize why he is so cold now because the truth is, he was likely that cold from the beginning and his "sweet" personality toward you was a performative act all along. Since then, he broke up with me, starting seeing his ex girlfriend, and is now treating me coldly like as if I never existed and like he never even Your boyfriend might not want to tell you why hes breaking up with you because the reason is another woman. A modern agnostic woman older than the man and a devoted muslim family is Some spiritual differences are just not so easily reconciled. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, you need to let him take his time to heal and figure out what he wants in life. Because, it is this knowledge that enables us to know our Lord and worship Him in the manner He should be worshipped. He just threw you away so easily like that. Also, his videos often show the typical questions that non-Muslims have regarding Islam--so hopefully you will be able to find the answer to your queries. Giphy. I don't want the relationship back. They dont have to be interested in someone else or be bothered by something you do. Many time i tried to brokeup with them but my heart get melt after talking with him when he say's you are hurting me. A woman I grew up with fell in love in college with a non-practicing Muslim. When you reconnect with your friends, they can help you get your life back on track. My boyfriend and I were in a relationship for almost 2 and a half years. So I went to the hospital for decreased fetal movement and spotting BESEEGING ALLAH-WITH CONSTANT ZIKR[MEANING PRAISING HIM] so pls contact me at my phone number. Although deep down I still wish hed become an atheist one day. You can also find many videos on how to pray to Allah to make it easy to understand the entire procedure. speaking to someone via, discussed where your relationship is going, chat online to one of the experts from Relationship Hero, 11 Tips To Move On From A Relationship Without Closure, 15 Sad Signs Your Partner Wants To Break Up With You, 14 Fundamental Reasons Why Relationships Fail: Common Causes Of Breakups, How Long Does It Take To Get Over A Breakup? If your ex-boyfriend is still in love with you, these tips will help him see that being with you is the best decision hell ever make. Search Internet for ESL and city where you live. Well think of it this way. I don't understand how he could just turn into the cold, indifferent person that he now is towards me. For me, grieving has always been about watching a lot of movies and reading a lot of books. God bless you Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If this is the case, dont assume that he never loved you to begin with. Copyright A Conscious Rethink. But when it happens seemingly out of nowhere and you dont even know the reason why your boyfriend left you, its brutal. Dont forget that it takes two to make a relationship work, so unless he ended things because of something about you that you can easily fix, youre not going to fix your relationship without him. Shes a foodie who loves to cook. Our story is complicated from the beginning like any good love story. This is especially true if you have been having problems in your relationship, even if those problems seem minor to you. Is there really a future for the two of you? If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Go out with your friends, go to parties, focus on your career and make new friends. Theyll provide you with the support and insight you need to either get your ex back or move past your breakup and meet someone new. Breaking up with him was the hardest and most painful. In his excellent short video, James Bauer gives you a step-by-step method for women who want to change the way their ex feels about them. To walk among the What is Khalwa? Whenever you are in distress start reciting it and Insha Allah it will take you out of your anxiety and will put you in a peaceful situation and will give you happiness. Prayers that he overcomes this malicious behavior, of course but you miss, to me it sounds like you need to clear off from him 100%. Its not against my religion! I won't give him another chance. no. , Trust me.there are many Catholic guys that I wouldn't want a relationship with either. Well, after recently experiencing a rough patch in my own relationship, I reached out to them for help. When you feel that sadness within you, when you are disturbed and frustrated, when anxiety surrounds you, say Astaghfirullah Most cities have low-cost adult education schools. Doing so will only make him think youre desperate and clingy and hell resent you for it. You can heal from this breakup and focus on yourself, so start by finding space to do that without interruptions. Before you get sad, think about his reason for a second. He begets not, and neither is He begotten; and there is nothing that could be compared with Him. The right person for you wont leave you; theyll stick around for good. I know the breakup and his sociopathic attitude afterward are obviously painful for you right now, but focus on working through your feelings and getting over it all so that you can be prepared for what (and/or who) is next in your life without this bogging you down. I know how it hurts. You know what? He probably has a good reason to think that you cant grow old together, so put your feelings aside and look at your relationship realistically. How can I be a better Muslim? If you want to get back together but this time in a happier, more committed relationship, its simple: To do this, you only need to change the emotions he associates with you and makes him picture what a brand new relationship with you would look like. I don't think your ex-boyfriend is deserving of your love and effort-- he's thrown you away once, and chances are he will do this again if you give him another chance. It sounds to me like your boyfriend has come to a crossroads. But God is All Merciful. Thats not correct, I was in love with a Christian girl and Im allowed to marry her! One of my cousin is having contact with him through a messanger, canI ask him or tell him anything through my cousin? I quote; You need a man who wants to marry you. I love him, too. Her and even her mum would ring him constantly begging him to come back lol. Also to find out if he's the one pray istikhara and ask Allh for his guidance and he will show you if he is meant to be. A. AquaBabyMama. We have talked about the future before and have always worked things out but suddenly he doesnt think it will work anymore. Thank you lovely. Its also known as the Silent treatment or Cold turkey method. Im gonna meet up with my boyfriend. The only way to get past this and move on is by healing. If your ex-boyfriend broke up with you, you need to let him take his time to heal and figure out what he wants in life. This same thing happened with me because I realized this is haram You want to show him that youve changed and youre a better person. If you dont..,they reel you back in by apologizing false promises and the entire thing starts over. Its okay to feel sad about the breakup, but you have the power to cheer yourself up and not let it get to you. This is really very disappointing. Am I too young to marry her? Maybe he still likes you, or maybe he stopped loving you; the point is that he doesnt want to stay in the relationship, whether it has a future or not. It hurts not knowing why and keep asking ur self cuz it hurts more makes you think you were not good enough. If he has a lot of other problems in his life, even a minor problem with you could be too much. My boyfriend of almost 2 years just broke up with me out of no where, he said something about we can never be anything more than we are right now because he is Muslim and I am not. When I was in a haram relationship I used to pray and ask Allh to guide him. d232, it's very possible that your guess is right- that your boyfriend began feeling guilty about his relationship with you and decided to break up to correct himself. These ones hurt a lot because you invested so much. Maybe your relationship hit more than a few bumps in the road before it ended. At this point I don't think he is a bad person. If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not. [Abu Dawud]. Nothing that you did has caused him to leave; he just wants to be with someone else. I make dua and that's all you can. Doing something creative will feel good anyway, so dont hesitate to turn your feelings into a poem, a song, a painting, or any other work of art. His feelings for you changed, and they can change again, but right now, you need to respect his decision. Of course sins have consequences but you must repent to god both of you was in wrong may god bring you back onto the correct path. After a breakup, it can be hard to know what steps to take to get back the person you loved. I don't know if this will make you feel better but if he is from Middle East sharing the same religion isn't enough to get married. Maybe he went with the flow to see where it took the relationship. Think about your relationship. Istighfar opens the door of sustenance. WebIf youve Googled He broke up with me and I dont even know why, youre not alone. I don't mind if you pray that:) But a guy who loves me unconditionally..does such a man exist?? Writing down why you shouldnt want to be with him again can help you during those moments when you desperately want to call him. Even know the reason why your boyfriend left you, he ended the?. Been completely lost come to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you during those moments you..., they can help you get your life back on track would probably hurt more later control. Or sending him frequent emails or texts remember the good times you shared sorry it.! Born and raised in Canada and Id consider him to leave ; he just wants marry! Person that he could just turn into the cold, indifferent person that he is a Bad person few. 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