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dumb laws in virginia

Just so were clear, no, you can drive your car wherever you want, but you will be breaking laws that dont exist because of this. Any person who uses obscene, vulgar, profane, lewd, lascivious, or indecent language, or makes any suggestion or proposal of an obscene nature, or threatens any illegal or immoral act with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass any person, over any telephone or citizens band radio, in this Commonwealth, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Sorry. Most relevant here, it is illegal to hunt on Sundays in Virginia, unless youre hunting a raccoon. Even more shocking until an appellate court decision in 2005 Virginia had an anti-fornication law that made it a class 4 misdemeanor for an unmarried person to have "sexual intercourse with any other person.". New Hampshire Facts Economy. Of course, these early users didnt yet know about the dangers of radiation. WebStrange Law 1: Virginian motorists cannot drive if they are not wearing shoes. ), a cop came out to investigate, only to find Morris chilling in the drivers seat with crack cocaine in his lap and a digital scale on the seat next to him. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Its illegal to cuss about another person (Prince William County). The laws in California, which are pretty dumb, are a result of a case where a man filed a lawsuit stating that he had an accident in California. But in addition to prohibiting any unmarried person from having sex with any other person, Virginia has another law that makes it a misdemeanor to have sex with someone other than your spouse: Any person, being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any person not his or her spouse shall be guilty of adultery, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor. What Happens if I Accidentally Buy Stolen Goods in Virginia? This Virginia law prohibits saying nasty things over the phone, and it would appear to cover texts, too: 18.2-427. Whether you think the law is dumb or there are just dumb laws, you can't deny that legislation sometimes goes a bit too far. Strange law 2: Virginian motorists must honk their horns if they are attempting to pass another vehicle. It is illegal to use profanity on Atlantic Avenue or the boardwalk. While the laws are stupid, they do give some legal leeway for other reasons. The reason is that you can only legally drive a vehicle on your own street. Inventors began looking for practical uses for the x-ray in everyday life. These weird laws in Virginia arent the only strange things about the state. Strange Law 5: In Prince William County, Virginia, it is illegal for a motorist to park their vehicle on a set of railroad tracks. In almost every situation, crossing a highway in a golf cart or other utility vehicle is against the law. Don't you think? Remember, kids. Let us knowin the comments below. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. WebHere are the most ridiculous Virginia laws we could find: Children cannot go Trick-or-Treating on Halloween (any other time of the year is apparently acceptable). State Citizens must honk their horn while passing other cars. Undeterred Virginia held onto its crazy law and continued to prosecute people for violations. When Dominyk Antonio Alfonseca (shown above) posted his latest bank transaction to Instagram in May 2015, he had some sort of logic on his side, just not the kind that holds up in court. The Virginia Code has a chapter detailing certain crimes involving morals and decency.. These transmitters are light (less than 80 grams) and dont hinder the bird at all. Even with all this helpful information, sometimes you just need to talk. States fighting to hold on to slavery began tightening literacy laws in the early 1830s. Needless to say, his work uniform reading Cedar Woods Apartments with his name embroidered across the front was a bit of a giveaway. Is Breaking and Entering a Felony in Virginia? This helped the salesman tell if the shoe was a good fit. Do you know of any more weird laws that are still in existence? Strange Law 12: Virginian women are required by law to wear a corset after sunset if they are with a male chaperone. Its illegal and a game of chance to flip a coin in a restaurant to see who pays for the bill. But really, with cell phone plans these days, getting a phone isnt always easy. After putting 26 gallons of milk in his cart and sauntering out of the store, on 2 legs by this time (does that make it LESS weird? WebStrange laws. He added that he expects SB 349 to lead to legislation in the future that ''does directly what this bill does indirectly, achieving the ultimate goal'' of banning outright the ability of LGBT individuals to adopt. One of these inventions was an x-ray machine that let sellers view their customers feet while trying on different shoes. Do you know how hard it is to find a lawyer that you can trust? In Prince William County, the laws state you may not have a pet skunk. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Further, such a crime is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor, and you may have to pay civil damages to the owner of the device. Sometimes, these laws are there for a very specific purpose. Finally, when it arrived, he leapt out from behind the building, pointed a sawed-off shotgun at the uniformed driver and, with all the stealth of a ninja, stolea bag of mop heads. Share your thoughts with us! WebIn Virginia, it's illegal to "hunt or kill any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species" on Sundays. A federal judge ruled that the man hadnt actually done anything wrong. And no, I'm not talking about light bulbs. 15 Undeniable Reasons to Love shsu orglink, The Best Kept Secrets About real estate degree salary, A Productive Rant About oklahoma game warden salary, The 17 Most Misunderstood Facts About gennaro new phoenix police. But legal observers have come to this interpretation. Because dumb laws are plentiful in this little country of ours, it was difficult to choose just which laws to highlight. Violators of this law will be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. Or, maybe you know of some other fun facts about Virginia? Required fields are marked *. Everyones heard of people who receive life in prison as punishment for their crimes. Only in Virginia. Demanding that motorists carry an auto insurance coverage plan makes sense: if youre involved in an accident, the insurance policy will cover the cost of damages, even if you personally cant afford to. Even if you dont want to be an attorney yourself,, We all know that when you take a breath you have to inhale your next breath but there are many who arent so sure about, 2023 Paralegal Point. Strange law 2: Virginian motorists must honk their horns if they are attempting to pass another What are some other strange things about Virginia? One of the weirdest laws in California is that you cant take a car out of the state if you are only driving it in your own neighborhood. Have we left any stories off the list? I wonder how that conversation went, Uh, yes, hi. ''This has been clear since its inception,'' Ebbin said of the bill on the Senate floor. There are also a couple of Virginia cities with strange laws. Its illegal to imitate a police whistle. Strange Law 3: Police are not allowed to use speed radar detectors. Richmond's Style Weekly told the story of then-state Sen. Cuccinelli's support of this law: Sodomy may have been knocked off the books, but adultery remains, as former Luray Town Attorney John Bushey knows all too well. Bushey was 65 at the time of his conviction and 18 years into a marriage with Cindy Bushey, the town clerk. It is illegal for a woman to drive a car up Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag. ZIP Swearing at someone over the phone in virginia is punishable by a $100 fine. The laws in virginia are stupid, but they do give some legal leeway. Millcreek Canyon, Utah has made it unlawful to possess an unleashed dog on even-numbered days (8.04.170). But when they sit in their car on a Friday afternoon, repeatedly honking the horn while dishing up baggies of crack cocaine, you can assume theres not a whole lot going on at all. No forbidding people ( $0.99 ) View State Motorcycle laws from all 50 states using Bike Laws. Any person, not being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any other person, shall be guilty of fornication, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor. A person of color may not be oustide or within the city limits after 7 pm. Less than 30 days after being admitted to the bar, Jacob launched his own legal practice. WebPopular Stupid Laws in the past 30 Days Wife Beating Allowed on Sunday Its illegal to sell cornflakes on sunday Minors arent allowed to buy lighters, but buying rolling papers and tobacco is okay No doggie style allowed! no longer applicable (in regard to current culture or modern law). Its a fact of life. It is illegal to kick your wife out of bed. WebDumb Laws (List) Alabama: Anniston: You may not wear blue jeans down Noble Street. There is a state law prohibiting "corrupt practices of bribery by any person other than candidates. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Yes, this law is still enforced. Last spring, the Virginia House of Delegates finally passed a bill that eliminated Virginias Crimes Against Nature statute, which made oral sex (even between consenting married couples) a felony. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, (city, It is illegal for a person to ride on the handlebars of a bike. He equates adultery to perjury inasmuch as the occasional prosecution or two would get people thinking twice. Oh but wait! Strange Law 6: In Virginia Beach, Virginia, it is illegal to drive by the same area within 30 minutes of Atlantic Avenue. In most cases, yes. It is illegal to spit, loogie, puke or urinate on the streets. No skating down the sidewalk of Main Street in Victoria. Page County Circuit Court dropped the case after he agreed to 20 hours of community service, but the press howled that prosecuting one affair in a sea of adultery was unfair. Then theres Virginia Beach, where an intoxicated passenger can be charged with DUI. Youll have a good laugh at some of the following weird laws in Virginia. Lets just say its a good thing a lot of these arent strictly enforced. 2. Further, if you practice law with a falsified license, you may be in a whole other heap of trouble. WebThe Constitution of Virginia defines and limits the powers of state government and the basic rights of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 1. A Review of You May Not Tie An Alligator to a Fire Hydrant, Dumb Laws: Dumbest Laws Involving Animals, Strange Local Laws (FindLaw's Legally Weird). Those who live in Frederick could get fined $2,500. When Sullivan realized what was in the bag, he dropped it and fled the scene. There's some irony here: Multiple Virginia legislators thought it would be a grand idea to require women who wanted abortions to undergo involuntary vaginal probes. Possession in public or in a public place of any obscene item as defined in this article shall be deemed prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. Below, well outline the 9 sections weve found to be the most interesting. It is also unlawful to drive by the same place within 30 minutes on Atlantic Avenue. Raccoons can be hunted until 2:00 a.m.Strange Law 11: Virginians cannot spit on seagulls. Jacob is the Managing Partner of Tingen Law. Im talking about catastrophically bad but fortunately for us, hilariously funny levels. This law is not unique to Virginia, as many other states also recognize the danger this action poses to the public. When will lawyers, judges, and jurys learn that a supersized McDonald drink is not the same thing as an inter-continental ballistic missile. So, here you have it: dumb laws involving animals. The statute enumerating "obscene items" doesn't make clear that vibrators and their ilk are prohibited. WebThe law was passed in 1951 and seeks to reduce fire accidents caused by mishandling of flammable material by untrained personnel, and anyone violating this law is liable for a Surprisingly, the Virginia Code includes many sections which outline specific places that you should avoid trespassing on. This is one of those laws is such a weird concept, I do not believe there is a clear cut reason for it. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Yep, you read that right. Code 18.2-365 still provides that "any person, being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any person not his or her spouse shall be guilty of adultery, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor.". In July 2013, two men in Campbell County pulled off the perfect heist assuming they were aiming for a Stupid Criminals award. If the town has a population of less than 2,000, and there is a marked golf cart crossing, AND the speed limit is less than 25mph. In this article, well explore what this actually means in Virginia. That's right, we take our cured meats very seriously in Virginia. Not only was Morris watching a show about drug dealers on a small TV in the car, police also found heroin, measuring and distribution equipment and a stolen handgun. Theyre required to act lawyer-like when they escalate an unpaid account to try to get payment. You likely have a few times, at least when youve had to get a new auto insurance policy. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. The Washington Post reported in July 2013 that Travis Montgomery Snyder broke into a Fairfax County cell phone store, smashed a glass case and stole a number of iPhones. Here are just a few of the criminals in Virginia that will make you think twice about the current state of the human raceor at least give you a good laugh. Like all other state constitutions, it Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. Women must wear a corsette after sundown and be in the company of male chaperone. The one with the Salt Lake that can pretty much only sustain algae and brine shrimp? It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle. Strange Law 14: If a male fondles a womans bottom, he can be sent to jail for 60 days.Every town has its own unique traits and quirks; Virginia isnt any different. Were all guilty of this at one point or another. Despite the weird nature of these laws, you should remember that they are still crimes punishable by both fines and, in some cases, jail time. It is illegal to use the telephone to either sell things or raise funds. For the purposes of this section, "distribute" shall mean delivery in person, by mail, messenger or by any other means by which obscene items as defined in this article may pass from one person, firm or corporation to another. But what if you have to cross over a busy road to get your golf cart from place to place? Dumb Virginia Laws. Proving to be a good decision, Virginia is one of the nations top tobacco producers. ''In the all-out effort to stop LGBT people from adopting children, this bill not only limits the opportunities to children to find loving homes, it will actually endanger LGBT children, who make up a significant number of children in our foster care system.''. And though it wasn't discussed, perhaps the best one is a former Vermont law that made it illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole. If you are drunk and not driving your car, and the person who is driving the car is drunk as well, you may both receive DUI's. Only married couples or single persons are allowed to adopt under Virginia law. Under Virginia law, trespassing and breaking and entering are very different crimes with equally different penalties, ranging from a small fine to years in jail. Call us today to schedule an appointment or fill out a quick form to let us know youre ready to talk. "Frankly it wouldn't hurt to enforce them more." Schedule your consultation today and lets talk about what we can do for you! WebIn Hartford, it's illegal to collect "rags, paper, glass, old metal, junk, cinders or other waste matter in the city" without a license, according to Municode. Driving while not wearing shoes is prohibited. While preparing articles for our Knowledge Base, we often come across strange code sections that may require explaining. Please Police take 3 to 4 minutes to get here, I would appreciate if you Ring the alarm a minute after I am gone Make sure the money doesn't BLOW UP ON MY WAY OUT,-)" (news source:, photo source: youtube) The teller complied and Alfonseca was soon on his way with $150,000 in hand and a video of the whole event. In 2011, an 18-year old North Stafford man crawled into the local Walmart in full cow costume. While all the laws were written by the same person, there are some really weird ones that you need to know about. To give it back to the person who will keep it for you, they will have to give you the car keys. The Virginia Code includes several odd and interesting laws. But some dumb laws, like one in Virginia, take this one step further. Specifically, because the US Supreme Court mentioned "adults" prosecutors continued to charge consenting 17 year olds with felonies for having consensual oral sex. Were a Richmond, Virginia law firm with clients from around the world. reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Federal courts have scorned state sodomy laws for years. 21 Awesome Famous People You May Not Have Realized Are From Virginia, This Virginia Town Is One Of The Happiest Places In America, Visit The Friendliest Town In Virginia The Next Time You Need A Pick-Me-Up, Here Are 17 Crazy Street Names In Virginia That Will Leave You Baffled, 12 Fascinating Things You Probably Didnt Know About Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia, The Small Cafe, Red Truck Bakery In Virginia Has Pies Known Around The World, Experience A Strange Phenomenon On Gravity Hill In Virginia, This House In Virginia Made Entirely Of Tombstones Is Beyond Eerie. Web8. Since 1877 it had been a jail-able offense for unwed couples to live together. In other cases, they may simply be holdovers from previous decades. You are not allowed to us profanity on Atlantic Ave. or on the Boardwalk. Finally, in 2013 a federal appellate court directly held that the Crimes Against Nature law was unconstitutional. Oh, right, you thought we covered this in the section on fornication. WebHere's the law that prohibits unmarried persons from having sex. Dont flip a coin in a restaurant to see who pays! When he robbed a 7-11, he took every precaution, including wearing a ski mask and renting a car for his getaway. He later posted 2 videos of the interaction to Instagram, as well as a photo of his note (both shown above). Can you imagine how much nosier traffic would be if everyone honked the horn as they passed? A state with a really weird law was California. Any marriage entered into by persons of the same sex in another state or jurisdiction shall be void in all respects in Virginia and any contractual rights created by such marriage shall be void and unenforceable. Yeah, its illegal to call someone an asshole or a dickhead in Prince William Country, Virginia. WebDumb Virginia laws, clean, updated often, and filtered for the best quality. We provide transparent flat fees and flexible payment plans in most cases. This site is protected by Doing so is actually a Class 3 misdemeanor. Fornication. "Over any telephone" includes, for purposes of this section, any electronically transmitted communication producing a visual or electronic message that is received or transmitted by cellular telephone or other wireless telecommunications device. Supersized McMissile lands woman 2 years in jail, No riding on the handlebars of a bicycle in Virginia Beach. After hearing the repeated honking (why, Brian? Women cant drive cars..Unless Registering as a married couple at a hotel if not married = legal marriage You are not allowed to drive past the same location more than once in thirty minuteson Atlantic Avenue in Virginia Beach. According to a police spokesperson, He was seen hopping and jumping around with an explosion taking place inside his pants. (source: You have to wonder if only he had asked for his money politely and perhaps used a winkie-face emoticon, things might have turned out differently. Hmmthis one sounds just a bit on the outdated side. And, again, Virginia law defines marriage as being between a man and a woman: 20-45.2. Law requires all bathtubs to be kept out in the yards, not inside the houses. The same goes for taking a car to a rental car lot. When a man in Virginia Beach was charged with auto theft, he knew that his best hope for leniency was to follow the rules. Citizens WebStupid Laws in Virginia Virginia Virginia Swearing at someone over the phone in virginia is punishable by a $100 fine. Crime is never a good life choiceI think we can all agree on that. Similarly, people put transmitters on their pets or other animals to keep them inside electric fences or find them should they escape. Some enlightened courts elsewhere have concluded that the sale, distribution and use of sex toys are none of a legislature's business. Manners count. This is the Fairfax Police with a message for Travis Snyder. Guess shell be sticking to phone calls behind glass from now on. A person often a child would put their foot inside. It could have been ANY disgruntled user, desperate for an upgradeexcept for the part where Snyder left his old Samsung Galaxy behind in the smashed case. Here's a 2012 case in which the Virginia Supreme Court found that the law was properly applied against a man who said some pretty awful things over the phone to the woman he'd been having an affair with, after that woman said some unpleasant things to his wife, causing, as the court notes, "a great deal of animosity.". In West Virginia, it is a crime against the government to display or possess a red or black flag (West Virginia Code, Section 61-1.6). The lawsuit was filed in federal court in California, in which the man was suing the state for being an abusive and unconstitutional government. ", It is illegal to sell peanut brittle on Sundays. WebThe laws in California, which are pretty dumb, are a result of a case where a man filed a lawsuit stating that he had an accident in California. What are some other illegal things in Virginia? All rights reserved. He pursued an affair with another woman, but when the relationship went south, she called the cops. A number of books and websites purport to list dumb laws. It is illegal to flip a coin in a restaurant to see who pays for a coffee. A lifelong Virginia resident, Beth loves exploring different parts of the world and currently resides in Alexandria. Wed love to hear them! WebDriving in circles is against the law. And so they did what anybody who thought this whole plan was a good one to begin with would do, they abandoned the truck. Some lawmakers, though not all, characterized this bill as nothing more than the codification of the status quo, according to Metro Weekly: But out gay Sen. Adam Ebbin (D-Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax counties) told his colleagues that the bill was not about protecting religious views, but preventing LGBT individuals from adopting. 18.2-344. Keep in mind that Virginia's constitution specifically prohibits same-sex marriage. These small x-ray machines looked like wooden boxes with an opening for a foot. WebWEST VIRGINIA Dumb State Laws It is illegal to snooze on a train. As he reported to a local news station (before asking to give shout outs to Michelle Obama, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga), I videotaped it. The Virginia Code criminalizes the removal of such transmitting devices as a crime against property. It is illegal to kick your wife out of bed. Whats the Difference Between Trespassing and Breaking and Entering? Dumb Virginia laws and humor, relating to many aspects of the state, its weather, However, it is permissible to kill raccoons. Albany It is illegal to use the telephone to either sell things or raise funds Richmond You must buy a license for 93 cents to sell song books on the Steven Depolo/Flickr (Be honest: Have you ever caught a mouse without a hunting license?) (Belofsky) The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. She holds a degree in English Literature and one of her short stories has been featured in the Shenandoah Review. As strange as these dumb Virginia laws may sound they are not often enforced. Utah, as in that landlocked state with at least two states between it and the ocean? Just don't try that stuff in Cumberland. And if you swear at someone over the phone, Fill out the form below and well be in touch within 1 business day! Ok, it wasnt really a cow, rather a man dressed as a cowand crawling on all fours. Other interests include hiking, songwriting, and spending time in the mountains. Have you ever broken any of the laws listed above? Its illegal to tickle women. There are lots of fun facts about Virginia, including the fact that a fungus led to its foray into tobacco production. Also, don't swear, especially if you're drunk, in public. In Virginia, its illegal to tickle women. As with many of these laws, there are some exceptions: What this essentially means is that its perfectly legal to hunt on private property as long as you have the permission of the owner. Even more shocking until an appellate court decision in 2005 Virginia had an anti-fornication law that made it a class 4 misdemeanor for an As one final law worth looking over, it is technically illegal to use an x-ray machine or similar device for fitting shoes in Virginia. Contact us. Get more stories delivered right to your email. As he was on his way out the door, stolen loot in hand, he decided to stuff it down his pants instead. From protecting animals from injury to preventing health issues such as cancer, most laws in the Virginia Code have both a purpose and a history. I wouldnt be in school right now if it wasnt for Jacob and his team. Even more shocking until an appellate court Sodomy is illegal, in general, in Idaho, Utah, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Driving laws arent set at the federal level, theyre set at the state, meaning that youve had to have looked up Virginias driving laws to understand how much auto insurance in Virginia you need to satisfy the states insurance laws.Virginians are required to have bodily injury and property damage liability, along with uninsured and underinsured motorist protection. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. But mostly, they will have to endure the humiliation It is illegal to skate down the sidewalk of Main Street. Early on a Sunday morning, the men came crashing into Burley's Market Convenience store, tripping the alarm before stealing $1,500 in cigarettes and a case of beer-- all the while giving the surveillance cameras a good idea of their identity thanks to half-hearted disguises. Well, you guys treat people well. "I think [adultery laws] ought to stay on the books," Cuccinelli says. Are allowed to use speed radar detectors business day was on his way the. And jurys learn that a supersized McDonald drink is not the same thing as an inter-continental ballistic.! License, you thought we covered this in the bag, he was seen hopping jumping. You likely have a few times, at least when youve had to get payment kept out in the on. X-Ray machines looked like wooden boxes with an explosion taking place inside his pants instead jurys learn that supersized. 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