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jehovah shows loyal love to joseph

How can we imitate Jehovah in showing loyal love? How do Jehovahs loyal ones show that they delight in using the divine name? Her two sons got married, but sadly, they too died. See more of Weekly Watchtower Study Articles. It will be an all-out attempt on the part of Satan to break the integrity of Gods loyal ones. David wrote: Jehovah is giving support to all who are falling, and is raising up all who are bowed down.Psalm 145:14. We created it after a fight of 25 years. What do we learn from Ruths example? In social settings and at Christian meetings, what is a common theme of their discussions? (a)Today, what choice do loving brothers and sisters make? He may not always agree with the policies of that company. 8:3) How pleased Jehovah must be with such a loving spirit!Read Hebrews 13:16. ; 24:10) This is in line with the apostle Pauls admonition: Speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.1Thess. 7 Genesis 24:28-67 relates the rest of the story of Abrahams servant, mentioned in the preceding article. . Ruth had shown loyal love to Naomi, but now Ruth herself needed encouragement. How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? GOD is love. (1John 4:8) That heartwarming phrase proves that Jehovahs way of ruling is based on love. Some suffer from chronic illness or because of bereavement. (a)How does Psalm 145 help us to identify Jehovahs loyal ones? That Jehovahs loyalty is neither blind nor gullible. Then you will find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and man. A man of loyal love benefits himself. Whoever pursues righteousness and loyal love will find life.Prov. ; 24:10) This is in line with the apostle Pauls admonition: Speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.1Thess. (Ruth 1:6) Both daughters-in-law started out with her. The King Jesus Christ has the same loving interest in his loyal subjects.Psalm 72:12-14. For instance, we forge lasting friendships with others. 15. What must have been painful for Ruth? . In response, Ruth said to Boaz: You have comforted me and spoken reassuringly to your servant. (Ruth 2:12,13) The timely words of Boaz gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on. At one point his tumultuous reign was beset by intrigue, with members of his own nation plotting against him. 2:8) He moved Ruth to reach out and show loyal love to Naomi. This book, produced by the faithful and discreet slave and published by Jehovahs Witnesses, focuses on Jehovah Gods marvelous qualities, including those mentioned in Psalm 145. Just as Ruth stuck with Naomi, kindhearted brothers and sisters today willingly stick with those in the congregation who are despondent or depressed. 14. Jehovah thus stated: My word that goes out of my mouth . What questions will we consider in this article? 7:9. 16 Consider a striking example of spiritual food received in the right season. 24 What have we learned from the book of Ruth about loyal love? 20. More is involved than faithfulness. Soon the end will come for all opposers of Jehovahs Kingdom.Revelation 11:15,18. In the Bible, what motive stands out in the acts of loyal love shown among Gods people? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 41:1) Proverbs 19:17 states: The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, and He will repay him for what he does., Ruth clings to Naomi, her mother-in-law, while Orpah returns to Moab. To deepen our understanding of loyal love, let us see how it compares with loyalty, as that term is commonly used. He did not turn against his distraught servant. 136:1) In verses 2 to 26, we find the refrain "for his loyal love endures forever." 19. WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BOOK OF RUTH ABOUT SHOWING LOYAL LOVE? 7:7) Still, Naomi needed help in order to see that Jehovah was on her side. Indeed, we have good reasons for heeding Jehovahs reminder: Deal with one another in loyal love and mercy.Zech. . 18 Another example of timely, satisfying spiritual food is the book Draw Close to Jehovah, which was released at hundreds of Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers District Conventions held around the world in 2002/03. How painful that must have been for Ruth! Bethuel willingly cooperated with Abrahams servant, and so did Rebekah. Elders need to give timely and warm encouragement to those who extend loyal love to others. (a)How rare is loyalty among humans, and how is this indicated in the Bible? Indeed, God's loyal ones "make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glory of the splendor of his kingship." But we try not to take it personally. And everything he does will succeed. (Psalm 1:3) Imagine a luxuriant tree whose foliage never withers! 15. How does loving-kindness differ from human kindness? You Alone Are Loyal, Publication download options The most outstanding feature of that sign is the work Jesus foretold for all of Gods loyal ones when he said: This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:3-14) Because Gods loyal ones are zealously fulfilling that prophecy, over six million men, women, and children are now sharing in this grand, never-to-be-repeated work. The ACLU works through litigation and lobbying and has over 1,800,000 members as of July 2018, with an annual budget of over $300 million. Note how she expressed her feelings about God: The hand of Jehovah has turned against me. The Almighty has made life very bitter for me. She also said: It is Jehovah who opposed me and the Almighty who caused me calamity.Ruth 1:13, 20,21. By doing so, we have the wonderful prospect of being included among those who will exalt, bless, and praise Jehovah all day long and even forever. (Psalm 145:1,2) May we therefore keep ourselves in Gods love with everlasting life in view. (Jude20,21) As we continue to benefit from our heavenly Fathers marvelous qualities, including the great loving-kindness he displays toward those who love him, may our sentiments always be like those expressed by David in the final words of Psalm 145: The praise of Jehovah my mouth will speak; and let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite, even forever.. ( Jas. This fine book will surely play an important role in helping Gods loyal ones to draw even closer to him. For one thing, "a man of loving-kindness is dealing rewardingly with his own soul." ( Proverbs 11:17) How true! When Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, she stopped trying to convince her.Ruth 1:15-18. In such a case, Jehovah adheres to his own righteous standards and renders adverse judgment. (Job 1:1; Revelation 4:8) And what of Jesus Christ? (Isaiah 46:4) Hence, we can have confidence that we will benefit by following the clear moral direction found in Gods Word.Isaiah 48:17-19. How can it be said that Jehovah alone is loyal? ^ par. We can deepen our understanding of what loyal love is by examining how some of Gods servants in the past showed this quality. We can deepen our understanding of what loyal love is by examining how some of Gods servants in the past showed this quality. For example, those showing human kindness often do so without having a deep and personal involvement, or relationship, with the individuals they treat kindly. What recent example is there of spiritual food that is both timely and richly satisfying? Because loyalty is an expression of lovesomething that inanimate things cannot display. Significantly, each verse of this psalm is punctuated with the phrase: His loyal love endures forever. This psalm is included in the Questions for Meditation on page289. And to produce an heir, Naomi needed Ruths assistance. Ruth had gone out of her way to help Naomi. As the Ancient of Days, he has been displaying loyalty longer than any creature, earthly or heavenly. They felt a moral responsibility to display this quality toward those with whom they had a relationship, even as King David later felt obliged to manifest it with regard to Mephibosheth. 14 Loyal love goes beyond what is expected. Obadiah1-4, 10-16 How did Jehovahs loyalty to his people move him to punish the Edomites for their disloyal conduct? Ruth, however, went beyond that. What happened? 10 Of course, some human rulers are sincerely concerned about the welfare of their subjects. 9 Jehovah is loyal in all that he does. (Psalm 145:17) In what way? Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. great in loving-kindness [or, loyal love].Psalm 145:8. Psalm 136 provides an answer. This was done to make known the riches of his glory on vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory. (Romans 9:22,23) These vessels of mercy are rightly disposed ones who are anointed by holy spirit to be joint heirs with Christ in his Kingdom. 9. 4. What lesson does this account contain? (1Samuel 18:3; 20:15,42) Similarly today, Gods servants show human kindness to mankind in general. Whatever trial befalls them, however, Jehovah is always ready to give comfort and spiritual strength to each one of them. His Word says that the righteous one will be like a tree planted by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. Because of a famine in Israel, Naomi, her husband, and two sons moved to Moab. 9. Today, as in the past, many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to show loyal love for fellow believers, even to those whom they do not know personally. How can we imitate the examples of Boaz and Ruth in showing loyal love to others? You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing. (Psalm 145:15,16) Even in times of calamity, Jehovah can maneuver matters so that his loyal ones get bread for the day.Luke 11:3; 12:29,30. 24. Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. And I must lie with my fathers, and you must carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their grave. (Genesis 47:29,30) Joseph promised to comply with this request, and shortly thereafter Jacob died. Jehovah is guarding all those loving him, but all the wicked ones he will annihilate.Psalm 145:18-20. * Still, loyal love will move us to do our best to stick with her. Thus, we can say that Jehovah's loyal love directly benefits his servants and that is why we are sure that he will never abandon us. What was the result? 15-16. Jehovah thus fulfilled his promise that Davids kingship would be firmly established to time indefinite.2Samuel 7:12,13; Luke 1:32,33. In this article, we will discuss how Jehovah shows loyal love to humans. Questions and Answers on Facebook How can Christian elders today imitate Boaz? He may not always agree with the policies of that company. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. JEHOVAH IS "ABUNDANT IN LOYAL LOVE" 3. (Ruth 1:3-5; 2:1) Those blows caused Naomi to sink deeper and deeper into despair. At that crucial time now so near, Jehovah will listen only to those who call upon him in trueness. He certainly will not listen to hypocrites. (1John 2:1,2; 3:6) It is the course of wisdom to bear in mind that Jehovah will continue to show loving-kindness, or loyal love, toward us only if we remain faithful to him.2Samuel 22:26. Like the first-century Macedonians, they do more than what is expected. How does Psalm 145 help to identify Gods loyal ones? 5:1) Therefore, we desire to develop warm feelingsa deep and enduring attachmentfor our spiritual brothers and sisters.Read Mark 10:29,30. Gods loyal servants share the sentiments of David, who sang: About the glory of your [Jehovahs] kingship they will talk, and about your mightiness they will speak.Psalm 145:11. He longs to see these departed faithful ones again, and the Bible confirms that his purpose is to reward them with a resurrection. Your kind attention to one of Jehovahs precious sheep does not go unnoticed by our God. This may be the result of such factors as loneliness, discouragement, feelings of unworthiness, disappointment in others, serious illness, or the death of a loved one. 17 What do we learn from this? PRIVACY SETTINGS,,, Share (a)What shocking lack of appreciation did the Israelites display, yet how did Jehovah show compassion toward them? First, showing loyal love makes us precious in Gods eyes. Who would be in a better position to make sure that his wish would be carried out than his influential son, Joseph? 4 As we learned in the preceding article, Jehovah reserves his loyal lovehis enduring feelings of loving attachmentfor those who love him and serve him. But Ruth stuck with her. (Ruth 1:7-14) By choosing to return, Orpah was following Naomis instructions, doing what was expected. . This important aspect of loyal love is mentioned 26 times in Psalm 136. Jehovah God. 20. Who are the vessels of mercy, and how does Jehovah show loyalty to them? 7:9. Finally, the servant said: If you are actually exercising loving-kindness and trustworthiness toward my master, tell me; but if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.Ge 24 Verse49. Jehovah demonstrates loyal love to his faithful servants. They express loving-kindness toward Christs sheep because they ought to and want to do this. 22-23. The supreme name of God is YHWH (also known as Yahweh or Jehovah). How did Ruth differ from Orpah, and why was Ruths decision an act of loyal love? But we try not to take it personally. Indeed, they kept ridiculing the messengers of the true God, and they despised his words and mocked his prophets. With what result? He was a 1958 graduate of Andover Central School. 7 The difference between loyalty as discussed in paragraph6 and loyal love is a persons motive. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. It must have been very comforting to Abrahams servant to hear Laban and Bethuel say: From Jehovah this thing has issued. (Ge 24 Verse50) They recognized Jehovahs hand in matters and unhesitatingly accepted his decision. Draw Close to Jehovah, Appreciate Jehovahs Qualities to the Full. 8 We can learn much about loyal love by considering some passages from the Bible book of Ruth. How can we imitate the examples of Boaz and Ruth in showing loyal love to others? Anna, aged 82 and plagued by arthritis, speaks for many others when she says: Being driven to all meetings is a blessing from Jehovah. 21. 7 The difference between loyalty as discussed in paragraph6 and loyal love is a persons motive. (2Samuel 16:23) But, in time, this trusted confidant turned traitor and joined in an organized rebellion against David. That scheming opportunist kept stealing the hearts of the men of Israel, setting himself up as a rival king. (Ruth 1:14; 2:11) Even that act was surpassed by the last instance of loving-kindnessRuths willingness to marry Boaz. | Yes, Jehovah displays loyalty to his faithful servants by hearing their cries for help and by taking action at the appointed time. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on? WHAT BENEFITS COME TO THOSE WHO SHOW LOYAL LOVE. 23. He reveals his personal name, which appears more times in the Bible than any other name. We can imagine that all three rejoiced over that wonderful outcome. (b)In what way will Jehovah demonstrate his loyalty to those of his servants who have been persecuted to the point of death? ; 21:21. While the nations were in the thick of battle during World WarII, Jehovahs people were helped to focus on something far more important than their own salvation. Despite all of this, Naomi said: Jehovah made me return empty-handed. With those words, Naomi did not even acknowledge the support of Ruth, who was standing next to her. First, showing loyal love makes us precious in God's eyes. Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. The word loyalty may refer to what kind of relationship? 7-8. 6. 21 Now more than ever before is the time for those who fear Jehovah to call upon him in trueness. His loyal ones delight to use his name in their prayers and in the comments they make at their meetings. They love their brothers and sisters, and they are eager to do whatever they can to help them. Who deserves the credit for all of this? How can we apply these lessons in our congregation?b. Because of Jehovahs loyalty, all his faithful servants have a reliable hope for the future. Years after Jonathans death, David still continued to show loyal love to Jonathans son Mephibosheth.1Sam. What good reasons do we have to show loyal love to one another? Because of a famine in Israel, Naomi, her husband, and two sons moved to Moab. What activity helps us to identify Gods loyal ones? Like the first-century Macedonians, they do more than what is expected. He does not keep them anxiously awaiting something that he does not intend to bring about. Draw Close to Jehovah, Audio download options . (John 3:16) Soon, however, Jehovah will sweep away the incorrigibly wicked so that humans who love him can enjoy everlasting life in a righteous new world.Psalm 37:9-11,29; 2Peter 3:13. What will help us to stick with someone who is distressed? (Gal. Helping the brothers is a great source of joy and satisfaction to me! Caring elders everywhere wholeheartedly agree. 18. PRIVACY POLICY After meeting Rebekah, he was invited into the home of her father, Bethuel. How does loving-kindness differ from human kindness? 15 We can learn a number of fine lessons by examining how Ruth helped Naomi. (Please, do not bury me in Egypt.) THE WATCHTOWERSTUDY EDITION November2021, The WatchtowerStudy Edition| November2021. (Job 14:14,15) Jehovah does not forget his loyal servants simply because they are no longer alive. WE HAVE good reasons to show loyal love to one another. 16 Be persistent. 16,17. Why can it be said that King David was no stranger to disloyalty? 8. 5 You will surely agree that the better we understand the meaning of loyal love, the better we will be able to show it to our fellow worshippers. Just as Ruth stuck with Naomi, kindhearted brothers and sisters today willingly stick with those in the congregation who are despondent or depressed. To whom should we extend it? What crucial time draws near, and how can we deal with it? (Prov. Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. By means of the ransomthe greatest demonstration of Jehovahs loyalty. Examining Jehovah Gods example will help us to display those qualities. When Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, Naomi at first objected. 4,5. Carry on with one another loving-kindness.ZECHARIAH 7:9. (Ps. This is the personal name of God in the Hebrew Bible and is found nearly 7000 times within its pages. Absaloms revolt gained so much momentum that King David was forced to flee for his life.2Samuel 15:1-6, 12-17. I was, faith. Similarly today, loving-kindness should especially be shown to those in need. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society produces religious literature primarily for use by Jehovah's Witnesses.The organization's international writing, artwork, translation, and printery workforce are all baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Ruth tells Naomi: Where you go I will go (See paragraph13), 13. (Mark 10:29,30). 10. Jehovah helped them to understand that the primary issue, involving the whole universe, relates to Jehovahs rightful sovereignty. This important aspect of loyal love is mentioned 26 times in Psalm 136. NIV Numbers 14:1 That night all the people of the community raised their voices and wept aloud. 10. In fact, the best way to learn just what loyalty entails is to examine how Jehovah displays this grand facet of his love. 5 Does Jehovah take note when his loyal ones praise him? 22. It is believed to come from the verb meaning "to be" or "to exist" and is likely the oldest Divine Name in human history. How can Christian elders today imitate Boaz? Let us consider a few. Why do we want to keep on showing loyal love to our fellow believers? He has been with me this whole time! (Read Psalm 136:23,26.) 19. 2 Moreover, the Scriptures tell us: He that is pursuing righteousness and loving-kindness will find life. (Proverbs 21:21) Yes, our pursuing loving-kindness will endear us to God and will put us in line for future blessings, including life everlasting. Why do we want to keep on showing loyal love to our fellow believers? What grand future awaits all of Gods loyal ones? 12. 1,2. So, too, if we take genuine delight in Gods Word, our lives will be long, peaceful, and fruitful. They make personal sacrifices, giving even beyond their means in order to help their less fortunate brothers. But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. He does not love the company, but he is happy to have a job that provides a paycheck. 17 Bethuel, Joseph, and Ruth showed loving-kindness willingly; they were moved to do so from within. The apostle Paul acknowledged this and expressed his appreciation when . 20 Throughout history, Jehovah has shown remarkable loyalty toward faithful humans. 16 Of course, as a nation the Israelites failed to demonstrate appreciation for Jehovahs loyal love, for after their deliverance they continued to sin against [Jehovah] by rebelling against the Most High. (Psalm 78:17) Over the centuries, they rebelled again and again, leaving Jehovah and turning to false gods and pagan practices that brought nothing but defilement. (a)What examples are there of spiritual food that came in the right season? The marriage took place, and when Ruth later gave birth, the women of Bethlehem cried out: A son has been born to Naomi. (Ruth 4:14,17) Ruth truly was an excellent woman, who thus was rewarded by Jehovah with the wonderful privilege of becoming an ancestress of Jesus Christ.Ruth 2:12; 3:11; 4:18-22; Matthew 1:1, 5,6. Show BROKEN CATHOLIC - Raw Christian Truth , Ep Do THIS to Feel the Love and LOYALTY OF JESUS Now - Feb 25, 2023 . And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. (Malachi 3:16) It pleases Jehovah very much when his loyal ones speak well of him, and he remembers them. For example, the psalmist called the moon a faithful witness in the skies because of its regular nightly appearance. ) even that act was surpassed by the last instance of loving-kindnessRuths willingness to Boaz... 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