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i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

Even after a grooming she still emits a doggy aroma. Maybe our guys should get together and have fun talking and babying those ugly little beasts. He doesnt keep you awake, ignore your commands, scratch incessantly at every closed door, refuse to come when hes called or BITE you. I guess my advice is to ride it out because its not for forever. He also lets get do whatever the hell she wants and rewards her for bad behavior, leaving it up to me to discipline her when she does something wrong. While the destruction frustrates him he doesnt really do anything about it because my boyfriend doesnt want to punish the dog without him knowing what he did wrong. I hope he decides to respect you and comprise. I very seriously do not want to live with a dog but I also dont want to take anything away from my girlfriend. I cant tolerate this dog anymore but I know it will break my husbands heart. Issues with an introduction: Sometimes, the issue with the introduction to other pets. The Japanese Chin has bitten nine other people that include young children and adults and most of those bites have broken the skin. Ive never seen so many dogs with behavior issues, anxiety and destructiveness and almost all of them started out with a single person! The fact that this dog is so unmannerly and disobedient bothers the shit out of me!!! IMO, dogs are meant to live with families and do better in environments where they are allowed some independence and interaction with more than just one person. i said look ive tried to learn to live with on edge constantly from watching him like a hawk around the baby..ive exhausted myself trying to get you to see that im not just being mean concerned for my baby and for the baby on the way there is no way in hell i can deal with a newborn and that dog..but all that aside i just wanted to sleep without him keeping me up all night for once and cuddle my husbandhe said well go lay down where you can sleep then babei was floored..basically hes saying my concerns and needs and wants are not important at all to him..and im second to his dogi got upset and cried and said some things i didnt mean..but hell who wouldnt at that point.he looked at me hateful as could be with the dog laid in my spot all up on his side and said if you dont wana sleep with the dog then get the hell out of the roomwhat do i even say or do anymore? Besides she was using those back legs to get into it and was dragging herself out of it. Your husband/boyfriend may want to rehome the dog because of Allergies. Ive put tarp down in the room as he previously went poop on the floor there. I have thought about just waiting it out until he dies but even a couple years of this could seem like a lifetime. I tell her if she does not do so I will be taking the pet the the humane society to be taken care of properly. I am living it. (But I wouldnt recommend doing so). A bed is a place for a married couple to bond and have intimate times, not a place for animals. Im not a dog person, but the dog is loving and sweet and listens well and I have no problems with this dog. i hate being home just because i dont want to be around her. I said I knew he wasnt keen on yappy, exuberant dogs but having seen him fuss and cuddle my parents dogs and my friends puppy, how could I think he was scared of them? This makes me so sad. Your siginifgant other most of the time will never care for the pet the way you do only put uo with it because they love you and let me tell you women that goes a long ways if your anything like me. And he possibly uses his mutt as he is passive aggressive so perfect his mutt can growl and bark and dog owner can quietly enjoy the dominance that he really probably wishes for himself. She grabs chargers or cords. He never ever listens and never obeys! Ill give you some examples of the hell I have endured. Live my life wanting to keep him happy? The dog recently bit a groomer (had to get stitches) and also viciously attacked my foot while I was trying to get my dogs toy away from him (he destroys toys instead of playing with them). I had her so well trained. so I dog sat once for the weekend and I love dogs as well but not the same undisciplined way some humans are with their dogs. I truly dislike it when people amphorize pets into human beings. The kids knock his dog bowl water out which I try to check as much as possible to refill and if partner comes home and sees water missing he gets mad with me Ive it basically saying Im neglecting his dog which makes me really angry. Tell your boyfriend to suck a dick and die. So..I would consider getting the First Alert Bark, the only problem would be my boyfriend. She has her own bed. My boyfriend has a 5 year old Great Dane and will never own another breed. He does nothing with his dog but cater over it. I live in FL.I see diffrent varieties of dogs over here. He obviously has no respect for me. Truly good luck to you. My house (which I paid for) will be destroyed, but it doesnt matter because its just a house. I feel I dont have any place except in one our bathroom in our home, my husband now wants the min pin to sleep in our bed. I like dogs in general but not drooly, nasty, ugly Bulldogs but that experience has really hurt my thought process of dating in regards to not giving someone a chance if they own a dog. I just wish hed been honest about it and not let me go for this long looking forward to realising a dream and then having it shattered. Our brains are capable of complex thought and emotion! I went to bed and my SO comes back to the bedroom to tell me what a POS I am, threatens some bodily injury to myself, says well never have intimate contact again and that shell cut my hands off if I so much as touch her. I disagree. This Is so hard and your exactly right about the strange things dog addicts allow! You can enjoy animals without neglecting your partners wishes. Try daycare. Like seriously why is this happening? I have been married for over a year and living with my hubby for over 3 years. I got married and moved in with my husband awhile ago and we adopted a dog shortly after. :\ and the thought of our baby being born soon I dont want dog hair anywhere! We dont live together so the few hours we spend together shouldnt be such a hassle for him, after a few minutes my dog either goes to sleep or chews on something and doesnt bother him anymore. Dogs begging at the table is not necessary and I didnt fight her on having the dogs in the kitchen, although they dont need to be in there while we are cooking either! Aggressive to other pets in your household and other dogs. Find another significant other that loves their dog, yet makes you feel special, respected, and loved as you should be treated. on all of that! But not go above the line. If the dog is the cause of many conflicts in your family, its a good idea to consult a professional psychologist to seek help. she also feeds them constantly from the table that encourages this bad behaviour. Provide the necessary amount of exercise on a daily basis. We wanted to provide links to some resources that may be relevant to you here. The emotional energy invested in loving ones pets robs emotional energy from a human partner Oh please give me strength. Place a few towels on the furniture armrests to wipe the drool. I have no idea why those words are being shouted out when not one have I said its me or the dog, which by the way I have every right to if we arent a fit anymore. Now he has his own backyard so he is outside for nearly 9 hours a day. Hell cry for my SO when were trying to enjoy a movie together. Its called proper training and reminding the dog that they are a dog and not a human. WHAT DO I DO??? It sounds as though you see relationships as being a tit-for-tat type of deal, and if thats all youve experienced in your life then I am sorry for you. Theres so much more to this. First thing is her need to feed the dog everything shes eating to be point where its expected! Any helpful advice please? This can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog. We know that by any means, we shouldnt let a kid and untrained dog be alone. Dogs need to be walked daily, given affection, be able to spend time outdoors and also with its family. Our carpets smelled fresh and the general filth level in our home dramatically decreased. I have 2 kids 6 & 3 Im feeling like Mulan (the puppy) is another kid. I have two dogs. When we first met i had just adopted a puppy from a shelter. I dont believe in giving boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives ultimatums. You are not crazy!!! I decided to just try it bad mistake. Investing some money on this is so worth it in this situation if you really wanna keep the dog, especially the dog has bitten someone already. Absolutely everywhere. Youre not crazy. Remove the dog from your house. I cant imagine doing that or giving up our relationship. We will be gating off portions of the home where she cannot enter because the hair and smell is just too plentiful. Do you seriously believe its normal to have a dog sleep in your bed and expect your partner accept it? I act like I didnt hear what he just said and call my dog to sleep with me, if he want to join us he can. Sometimes I think Americans have went insane. For four years now he has left me to be in charge of their care knowing full well that I was never a dog person. I am now the one who is having to deal with picking up after the dog as my husband does not even take the animal for a walk, to the groomer, etc. Wow, it is so comforting to know that I am not alone after reading everyones posts. The dog is extremely destructive, and it chews almost everything in the house. Just put your foot down that there will be no more dogs after the current situation. Our relationship is wonderful, all except for disagreements on things I love. But I cant handle this. The beauty of a human beings love toward another is when it is not for the gain of the one giving the love, when it is altruistic and they see all of the things that you inherently bring into the world. Doesnt see our kids. Not cool. I do not want to toss out my engagement but I do not know how much more I can take. I must mention that I was also caretaker for my mom and dad. If my husband uses a softer tone of voice the dog us obediant. In fact, it will lead to so many arguments down the line. I need you to think about yourself for a movement. I cannot tolerate it. Theyre not dogs: theyre living gods. I love my doggy so much i treat him like a baby and my husband now is giving me an ultimatum between him n my doggy.its been 1 year since we r married. Ive tried to make accomodation after accomodation for my husband of five years. I do not want the dog in my living area, kitchen and bedroom. I work two jobs and run an at home crafts business, the boyfriend doesnt exercise her (or bathe her) so shes left in the house refusing to go outside and her energy builds, and I dont have enough energy to help her. Ive visited other dog related websites and you wouldnt believe how some people react when you arent a complete and total dog nut. Hi Dan, I totally understand your pain and could have written your post myself! So then I bought baby gates and pads to block off a big area and she could use the pads. He has nearly become my dog, she just cuddles him. An infant is unable to comprehend parental love until their memory begins to prove around the age of 3. he once told me oh no oh my you dont know dogs at all. When Im upset about hair or stinkiness in the home due to his dog I have to tell him. I bought one of those First Alert Bark Genies (sits on a table) and it seems to be workingyou might try that to get some peace. Am I crazy? We have more information about what to do in a crisis at Life is hard enough without adding anything else to the equation. Im not opposed to the dog, i actually like him, but the sleeping arrangement is troublesome for me. Say your dog is kind of aggressive toward other dogs or any other outside small creatures. The smell, the barking, the poop, the wee, the high medical cost etc. I hope you guys can figure out something that works :). Also, the dogs never get showered, brushed, nails clipped, they dont get vaccinations or flea treatments. Im Italian, I react! Are you kidding me??? Its hard. That wont change Kelly. A dog and a cat knows right from wrong. Divorce him. Dog eats off his plate and will get on counter and lick frying pan or eat whatever i have thawing out. A year later, I was asked to foster for a short while a blind cat called Pheobe and my boyfriend, now husband, reluctantly agreed. The dog begs at all meals or literally anytime you put something in your mouth, I seriously cannot take my birth control without the dog begging. Now, we are back to this point where I have been bit by this dog now twice, she doesnt listen to me what so ever, refuses to eat unless its my wife who feeds her and Im nowhere around, is right there by my wifes side no matter what if shes not outside on her chain. When we first got her she was doing fine. Their breath smells likelike rotting roadkill. Just to note for you dog lovers out there (not meant in a derogatory way) the dog is just happy, didnt cry, moan or anything at all in the following nights which surprised her. He then told me that he doesnt like dogs, finds it stressful to be around them, is afraid of getting bitten and wont have one in his home. Its a toxic environment that is not good for anyone. My husband does his own laundry, but seriously how can he sleep in the bed after the dog urinates in it? I havent quite looked the same. Then invest some money in a dog trainer, and they know exactly what to do. Idk what to do or say anymore.. Im trying to work things out but he ignores me. Some of you people are obsessive over your dogs and just plain silly if your willing to throw a relationship away because of dogs. As for human loyalty. After she got the second one, everything was about the dogs. They bark to get around the table after being fenced out, then she lets them in because they were barking. He grew up in a family where the dog stays outside. If there is an issue, necessary actions will be taken. He thought it was an endearing moment. I lived on a lake and I got to the point that I said to myself, If the dog and I were drowning, who would he save? I told myself , the dog. If he didnt go right to bed, shed bark at him. Im going through the exact same thing.., we are on the verge of calling it quits due to the fighting his dog has brought on our relationship and the resentment Ive built towards him. For example, just the other night he calls her to come back 9 times and then says good girl. He MUST put the relationship over the bulldog. I feel like this is the last straw, like my opinion doesnt matter. Me and my fiance both have dogs when we met he already had a 3 year old french mastiff and an american eskimo i have 2 beagles, we have been together for 2 yrs and 4 months now and our dogs have never met eachother and he proposed and i said yes as we do have a great relationship, but 1yr ago he asked if i wanted to get a baby girl mastiff with him to try and bread the other and i said yes, so now their is 3 dogs at his house and heres the thingwhen i bring it up that my 2 dogs are comming with me if i move in and ask what if they dont get along then what? Its absolutely disgusting. My family hates all of my pets. So what am I to do? My mom use to say to me, Dont let that dog ruin your marriage! News Flash: its not the dog. That is how you hate a significant others dog. Its way better to put the dog on a leash and walk. This should be obvious. im seriously thinking of leaving him he just doesnt take me seriously ,the dog even weed on my little doggy while she was having a poo he run over to her and cocked his leg all my parnter did said she must have got in his way ha ha pathetic excuse , he always has piss on his front legs and i wash them but my partner just lets him straight into the house without even checking god i hate this dog. So to get to my story, I moved in with my Gf about 4 years ago. Its frustrating because anything we plan revolves around her dog and if we can leave him at her parents. He just hates there ezsiatance. If you still cannot someone, its better to interview several people and give the dog to someone you totally believe and feel comfortable with. My bf and I moved in together after 2 years of dating, (at the time I had a Chihuahua & a Shi-poohe had a Maltese mix). Its been a month since Ive written and my girl friend and I broke up. Get it together. My wife wont even consider the option of putting him down at this point. He used to sleep with both the dog and cat in bed before we lived together. I cant trust the dog around our, and I cant trust my wife to do the right thing for her family. Wow, what a slap in the face. Does your pet need better training? Well, I knew her allergy was total bullshit and a subtle way of getting back at me, but it triggered my partners argument about his own allergy and it has only snowballed from there, with her support, of course. Let your poor little puppy go to someone who will give him love not abuse. But, you gotta do that if you really wanna keep the dog. And I was itchy and got rashes while she was on the bed. He has done somethings like give the dog his own room (which I still believe he belongs outside), because he cant walk around the house and spread his dander everywhere that Im allergic to. At the beginning he was sooooo good with my dog. Weve been married almost four years and the dog died from old age after the first three years of my marriage to her owner. Like many people here I have always been a huge animal lover. He wont go on vacation because she doesnt like being boarded! You and your happiness need to come first. If you too have ended a relationship because your partner didn't love your pets, you're not alone. I seen cute small dogs like miniature pinschers (I had one) it was a boy. When they aggressively beg and whine for food and its talking. We once hired a dog-sitter who said shed never sit for them again because their list of needs is so extensive. She says that wild be cruel to them. My pup does chew but not on her things like she use to do. Sometimes it just never happens at all. If you can just hang in there, things will probably get a whole lot better! Im sad to say that things have only gotten worse. The last thing you want is a reluctant dog owner to witness a fight. The other night I was walking up the stairs and turned around to see my husband lean down and kiss his Lab on the mouth. Its absolutely killing me and I dont want to lose either of them :(. But, we gave both dogs a room to stay in last night(after several hrs of barking to get into our bedroom) he finally finally fell asleep in his own bed. He just doesnt get it, he cant understand the appeal and only focuses on the stuff he hatesthe smell of cat food or a litter tray that has just been used, even though both items were in the utility room and our house is clean. Loyalty and being faithful is deeply embedded in my nature however and to be told in a blanket statement that all humans arent by someone who doesnt know me is incredibly rude. My husband loves our dogs as much as I do. Fast forward to 6 months after living together. this puppy is scared and looks at me for comfort. I put him a doggie bed beside of ours and he slept there. Its on counters and in the fridge and in our food and even makes it into rooms where shes not allowed. Anyways, my solution to that problem when it happened was Im very sorry, I really do love you, but I also love him, and he was here first. There are deep underlying issues for this type of thinking! In fact, if the dog bitten kids or your guest more than once, the situation might be a little bit difficult to handle unless you made enormous of word of honors to correct this behavior. and our Bobbi doesnt listen at all!!!! Doesnt mean that the person has herpes, its a different virus and specific to mouth sores (as I understand it, anyways). Cat/dog hair comes with having cats/dogs. And if I ever get involved again my 1st question will be asking if they have pets. I have to tell him again and again because he just circles around. It has been 22 years and I strongly dislike having a dog in the house. Being offered food and having her bare her teeth isnt one. Thought if I could help train, it would turn out okay. I also find myself sleeping alone every night while the dog sleeps with him because if she sleeps in a kennel she whines because she has a severe case of separation anxiety from him. Thank you so much for the help! A pet is still an animal!!! Im sorry for all that youve gone through and are going through now. But he says its just the breed and totally dismisses my feelings. He said I should have known he didnt like dogs. I would go on a walk with the dog and feel way better then walking his little thing. Only commitment and effort (and prayer if youre a believer) will really work. We have been living together for 2 years now. But, gradually, in no time, your dog will, On a beautiful sunny morning, you and your pooch go for a walk outside your house. Regardless, if the pet needs medical help, rather it be meds in the ear, whatever, how can you like yourself knowing that something, a living thing is suffering and all you can worry about is I dont like dogs and someone else should do it. He cant even use the bathroom w out her whining to come in. My point is, My wife is cool with me laying some ground rules down because THEY ARE DOGS. Another issue is, I have been teaching the kids to not touch the dog during meal time to avoid the dog getting defensive and hurting the kids. Needs to get around the table after being fenced out, then she lets in! Go on a daily basis fenced out, then she lets them in they! 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